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179 lines
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use crate::model::cfd::{calculate_buy_margin, Cfd, Order, OrderId};
use crate::model::{Leverage, Usd, WalletInfo};
use crate::routes::EmbeddedFileExt;
use crate::to_sse_event::{CfdAction, CfdsWithCurrentPrice, ToSseEvent};
use crate::{bitmex_price_feed, taker_cfd};
use bdk::bitcoin::Amount;
use rocket::http::{ContentType, Status};
use rocket::response::stream::EventStream;
use rocket::response::{status, Responder};
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use rocket::State;
use rust_embed::RustEmbed;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use tokio::select;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use xtra::Address;
pub async fn feed(
rx_cfds: &State<watch::Receiver<Vec<Cfd>>>,
rx_order: &State<watch::Receiver<Option<Order>>>,
rx_wallet: &State<watch::Receiver<WalletInfo>>,
rx_quote: &State<watch::Receiver<bitmex_price_feed::Quote>>,
) -> EventStream![] {
let mut rx_cfds = rx_cfds.inner().clone();
let mut rx_order = rx_order.inner().clone();
let mut rx_wallet = rx_wallet.inner().clone();
let mut rx_quote = rx_quote.inner().clone();
EventStream! {
let wallet_info = rx_wallet.borrow().clone();
yield wallet_info.to_sse_event();
let order = rx_order.borrow().clone();
yield order.to_sse_event();
let quote = rx_quote.borrow().clone();
yield quote.to_sse_event();
let cfds_with_price = CfdsWithCurrentPrice {
cfds: rx_cfds.borrow().clone(),
current_price: quote.for_maker(),
yield cfds_with_price.to_sse_event();
select! {
Ok(()) = rx_wallet.changed() => {
let wallet_info = rx_wallet.borrow().clone();
yield wallet_info.to_sse_event();
Ok(()) = rx_order.changed() => {
let order = rx_order.borrow().clone();
yield order.to_sse_event();
Ok(()) = rx_cfds.changed() => {
let cfds_with_price = CfdsWithCurrentPrice {
cfds: rx_cfds.borrow().clone(),
current_price: quote.for_maker(),
yield cfds_with_price.to_sse_event();
Ok(()) = rx_quote.changed() => {
let quote = rx_quote.borrow().clone();
yield quote.to_sse_event();
let cfds_with_price = CfdsWithCurrentPrice {
cfds: rx_cfds.borrow().clone(),
current_price: quote.for_maker(),
yield cfds_with_price.to_sse_event();
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CfdOrderRequest {
pub order_id: OrderId,
pub quantity: Usd,
#[rocket::post("/cfd/order", data = "<cfd_order_request>")]
pub async fn post_order_request(
cfd_order_request: Json<CfdOrderRequest>,
cfd_actor_inbox: &State<Address<taker_cfd::Actor>>,
) {
.do_send_async(taker_cfd::TakeOffer {
order_id: cfd_order_request.order_id,
quantity: cfd_order_request.quantity,
.expect("actor to always be available");
pub async fn post_cfd_action(
id: OrderId,
action: CfdAction,
cfd_actor_address: &State<Address<taker_cfd::Actor>>,
quote_updates: &State<watch::Receiver<bitmex_price_feed::Quote>>,
) -> Result<status::Accepted<()>, status::BadRequest<String>> {
match action {
CfdAction::Accept | CfdAction::Reject => {
return Err(status::BadRequest(None));
CfdAction::Commit => {
.do_send_async(taker_cfd::Commit { order_id: id })
.map_err(|e| status::BadRequest(Some(e.to_string())))?;
CfdAction::Settle => {
let current_price = quote_updates.borrow().for_taker();
.do_send_async(taker_cfd::ProposeSettlement {
order_id: id,
.expect("actor to always be available");
pub fn get_health_check() {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Deserialize)]
pub struct MarginRequest {
pub price: Usd,
pub quantity: Usd,
pub leverage: Leverage,
/// Represents the collateral that has to be put up
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize)]
pub struct MarginResponse {
#[serde(with = "::bdk::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_btc")]
pub margin: Amount,
// TODO: Consider moving this into wasm and load it into the UI instead of triggering this endpoint
// upon every quantity keystroke
#[rocket::post("/calculate/margin", data = "<margin_request>")]
pub fn margin_calc(
margin_request: Json<MarginRequest>,
) -> Result<status::Accepted<Json<MarginResponse>>, status::BadRequest<String>> {
let margin = calculate_buy_margin(
.map_err(|e| status::BadRequest(Some(e.to_string())))?;
Ok(status::Accepted(Some(Json(MarginResponse { margin }))))
#[folder = "../frontend/dist/maker"]
struct Asset;
pub fn dist<'r>(file: PathBuf) -> impl Responder<'r, 'static> {
let filename = format!("assets/{}", file.display().to_string());
#[rocket::get("/<_paths..>", format = "text/html")]
pub fn index<'r>(_paths: PathBuf) -> impl Responder<'r, 'static> {
let asset = Asset::get("index.html").ok_or(Status::NotFound)?;
Ok::<(ContentType, Cow<[u8]>), Status>((ContentType::HTML,