You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1078 lines
31 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-06 03:47+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-06 06:36+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Alex B <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: \n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;gettext;gettext_noop\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Romanian\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: iso-8859-2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ../../..\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:163
msgid "Bitcoin version"
msgstr "versiune Bitcoin"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:164
msgid "Usage:"
msgstr "Uz:"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:166
msgid "Send command to -server or bitcoind\n"
msgstr "Trimite comanda la bitcoin lansat cu -server sau bitcoind\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:167
msgid "List commands\n"
msgstr "Listeaza comenzi\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:168
msgid "Get help for a command\n"
msgstr "Ajutor pentru o comanda\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:169
msgid "Options:\n"
msgstr "Optiuni:\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:170
msgid "Specify configuration file (default: bitcoin.conf)\n"
msgstr "Specifica fisier de configuratie (predeterminat: bitcoin.conf)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:171
msgid "Specify pid file (default:\n"
msgstr "Specifica fisier pid (predeterminat:\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:172
msgid "Generate coins\n"
msgstr "Genereaza monede\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:173
msgid "Don't generate coins\n"
msgstr "Nu genera monede\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:174
msgid "Start minimized\n"
msgstr "Porneste minimizat\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:175
msgid "Specify data directory\n"
msgstr "Specifica directorul de date\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:176
msgid "Specify connection timeout (in milliseconds)\n"
msgstr "Specifica timpul maxim de conexiune (in milisecunde)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:177
msgid "Connect through socks4 proxy\n"
msgstr "Conecteaza prin proxy socks4\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:178
msgid "Allow DNS lookups for addnode and connect\n"
msgstr "Permite cautare DNS pentru addnode si connect\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:179
msgid "Add a node to connect to\n"
msgstr "Adauga un nod de conectare\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:180
msgid "Connect only to the specified node\n"
msgstr "Conecteaza numai la nodul specificat\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:181
msgid "Don't accept connections from outside\n"
msgstr "Nu accepta conexiuni din exterior\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:184
msgid "Don't attempt to use UPnP to map the listening port\n"
msgstr "Nu utiliza UPnP pentru deschiderea portul de ascultare\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:186
msgid "Attempt to use UPnP to map the listening port\n"
msgstr "Incearca sa utilizezi UPnP pentru deschiderea portului de ascultare.\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:189
msgid "Fee per KB to add to transactions you send\n"
msgstr "Comision per KB ce se adauga la tranzactiile transmise\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:191
msgid "Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands\n"
msgstr "Accepta comenzi de consola si JSON-RPC\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:194
msgid "Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands\n"
msgstr "Executa ca daemon si accepta comenzi\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:196
msgid "Use the test network\n"
msgstr "Utilizeaza reteaua de probe\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:197
msgid "Username for JSON-RPC connections\n"
msgstr "Utilizator pentru conexiuni JSON-RPC\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:198
msgid "Password for JSON-RPC connections\n"
msgstr "Parola pentru conexiuni JSON-RPC\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:199
msgid "Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 8332)\n"
msgstr "Asculta conexiuni JSON-RPC pe portul <puerto> (predeterminat: 8332)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:200
msgid "Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified IP address\n"
msgstr "Permite conexiuni JSON-RPC de la adresa IP specifica\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:201
msgid "Send commands to node running on <ip> (default:\n"
msgstr "Trimite comanda la nod existent la <ip> (predeterminat:\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:202
msgid "Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100)\n"
msgstr "Ajusteaza numarul de chei in rezerva (predeterminat: 100)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:203
msgid "Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions\n"
msgstr "Rescaneza lantul de blocuri in cautare de tranzacti lipsa din portofel\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:207
msgid ""
"SSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions)\n"
msgstr ""
"Optiuni SSL: (vezi la Wiki Bitcoin pentru instructiuni detaliate)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:208
msgid "Use OpenSSL (https) for JSON-RPC connections\n"
msgstr "Utilizeaza OpenSSL (https) pentru conexiunile JSON-RPC\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:209
msgid "Server certificate file (default: server.cert)\n"
msgstr "Arhiva certificat de server (predeterminat: server.cert)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:210
msgid "Server private key (default: server.pem)\n"
msgstr "Cheie privata de server (predeterminat: server.pem)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:211
msgid "Acceptable ciphers (default: TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!AH:!3DES:@STRENGTH)\n"
msgstr "Tipuri de cifrare acceptate (predeterminat: TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!AH:!3DES:@STRENGTH)\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:215
msgid "This help message\n"
msgstr "Acest mesaj de ajutor\n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:353
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Bitcoin is probably already running."
msgstr "Nu se poate obtine permis de lucru in directorul de date %s. E posibil ca Bitcoin sa fie deja in executie."
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:379
msgid "Error loading addr.dat \n"
msgstr "Eroare la incarcare addr.dat \n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:385
msgid "Error loading blkindex.dat \n"
msgstr "Eroare la incarcare blkindex.dat \n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:396
msgid "Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet corrupted \n"
msgstr "Eroare la incarcare wallet.dat \n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:398
msgid "Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet requires newer version of Bitcoin \n"
msgstr "Eroare la incarcare wallet.dat: E necesare o versiune mai noua de Bitcoin \n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:400
msgid "Error loading wallet.dat \n"
msgstr "Eroare la incarcare wallet.dat \n"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:489
msgid "Invalid -proxy address"
msgstr "Adresa -proxy invalida"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:514
msgid "Invalid amount for -paytxfee=<amount>"
msgstr "Cantitate invalida pentru -paytxfee=<amount>"
#: ../../../src/init.cpp:518
msgid "Warning: -paytxfee is set very high. This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction."
msgstr "Atentie: -paytxfee este prea mare. Acesta este comisionul platit la fiecare tranzactie."
#: ../../../src/main.cpp:1398
msgid "Warning: Disk space is low "
msgstr "Atentie: Spatiul pe hard disk este redus"
#: ../../../src/net.cpp:1610
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to bind to port %d on this computer. Bitcoin is probably already running."
msgstr "Nu e posibila ascultarea pe portul %d in acest calculator. Probabil clientul Bitcoin este deja in executie."
#: ../../../src/rpc.cpp:2005
#: ../../../src/rpc.cpp:2007
#, c-format
msgid "To use the %s option"
msgstr "Pentru a utiliza optiunea %s"
#: ../../../src/rpc.cpp:2009
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: %s, you must set rpcpassword=<password>\n"
"in the configuration file: %s\n"
"If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.\n"
msgstr ""
"Atentie: %s, trebuie sa specifici rpcpassword=<password>\n"
"in fisierul de configuratie: %s\n"
"Daca fisierul nu exista trebuie creat cu permisiuni de citire numai pentru autor.\n"
#: ../../../src/rpc.cpp:2185
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file:\n"
"If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions."
msgstr ""
"Trebuie sa specifici rpcpassword=<password> in fisierul de configuratie:\n"
"Daca fisierul nu exista trebuie creat cu permisiuni de citire numai pentru autor."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:217
#, c-format
msgid "This transaction is over the size limit. You can still send it for a fee of %s, which goes to the nodes that process your transaction and helps to support the network. Do you want to pay the fee?"
msgstr "Aceasta tranzactie trece peste limita de dimensiune. O poti trimite in continuare pentru %s, care taxa se imparte intre nodurile ce receptioneaza tranzactia si ajuta la mentinerea retelei. Continui tranzactia?"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:261
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1247
msgid "Enter the current passphrase to the wallet."
msgstr "Introduce parola actuala de portofel"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:262
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1183
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1200
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1248
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1272
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1292
msgid "Passphrase"
msgstr "Parola"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:268
msgid "Please supply the current wallet decryption passphrase."
msgstr "Introduce parola actuala para decriptarea portofelului."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:276
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1257
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1314
msgid "The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect."
msgstr "Parola introdusa pentru decriptarea portofelului nu este corecta."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:353
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stare"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:354
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:355
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descriere"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:356
msgid "Debit"
msgstr "Debit"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:357
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Credit"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:568
#, c-format
msgid "Open for %d blocks"
msgstr "Deschis pentru %d blocuri"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:570
#, c-format
msgid "Open until %s"
msgstr "Deschis pana la %s"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:576
#, c-format
msgid "%d/offline?"
msgstr "%d/desconectat?"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:578
#, c-format
msgid "%d/unconfirmed"
msgstr "%d/neconfirmat"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:580
#, c-format
msgid "%d confirmations"
msgstr "%d confirmari"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:665
msgid "Generated"
msgstr "Generat"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:673
#, c-format
msgid "Generated (%s matures in %d more blocks)"
msgstr "Generat (%s matureaza in %d blocuri)"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:677
msgid "Generated - Warning: This block was not received by any other nodes and will probably not be accepted!"
msgstr "Generat - Atentie: Acest block nu se a receptionat de la alte noduri si probabil nu va fi acceptat!"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:681
msgid "Generated (not accepted)"
msgstr "Generat (neaceptat)"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:691
msgid "From: "
msgstr "De: "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:715
msgid "Received with: "
msgstr "Receptionat cu: "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:760
msgid "Payment to yourself"
msgstr "Plata proprie"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:794
msgid "To: "
msgstr "Pentru: "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1109
msgid " Generating"
msgstr " Genereaza"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1111
msgid "(not connected)"
msgstr "(neconectat)"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1114
#, c-format
msgid " %d connections %d blocks %d transactions"
msgstr " %d conexiuni %d blocuri %d tranzactii"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1171
msgid "Wallet already encrypted."
msgstr "Portofel deja encriptat."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1182
msgid ""
"Enter the new passphrase to the wallet.\n"
"Please use a passphrase of 10 or more random characters, or eight or more words."
msgstr ""
"Introduce noua parola de portofel.\n"
"Te rugam sa utilizezi o parola de 10 sau mai multe caracter aleatoare sau minimum opt cuvinte."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1189
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1280
msgid "Error: The supplied passphrase was too short."
msgstr "Eroare: Parola introdusa este prea scurta."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1193
msgid ""
"WARNING: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS!\n"
"Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?"
msgstr ""
"ATENTIE: Daca encriptezi portofelul si uiti parola vei pierde TOATE MONEDELE!\n"
"Esti sigur ca vrei sa encriptezi portofelul?"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1199
msgid "Please re-enter your new wallet passphrase."
msgstr "Reintroduce noua parola de portofel."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1208
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1302
msgid "Error: the supplied passphrases didn't match."
msgstr "Eroare: parolele introduse nu sunt identice."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1218
msgid "Wallet encryption failed."
msgstr "Encriptare portofel esuata."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1225
msgid ""
"Wallet Encrypted.\n"
"Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Portofel encriptat.\n"
"Retine ca encriptarea portofelului nu iti poate proteja complet monedele daca pc-ul este infectat de malware."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1236
msgid "Wallet is unencrypted, please encrypt it first."
msgstr "Portofelul nu este encriptat, incearca sa-l encriptezi inainte."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1271
msgid "Enter the new passphrase for the wallet."
msgstr "Introduce noua parola de portofel."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1291
msgid "Re-enter the new passphrase for the wallet."
msgstr "Reintroduce noua parola de portofel."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1323
msgid "Wallet Passphrase Changed."
msgstr "Parola de portofel schimbata."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1379
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2821
msgid "New Receiving Address"
msgstr "Adresa Noua de Primire"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1380
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2822
msgid ""
"You should use a new address for each payment you receive.\n"
msgstr ""
"Cel mai indicat e sa utilizezi a adresa noua pentru fiecare plata primita.\n"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1464
msgid "<b>Status:</b> "
msgstr "<b>Stare:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1469
msgid ", has not been successfully broadcast yet"
msgstr ", inca nu a fost trimisa cu succes"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid ", broadcast through %d node"
msgstr ", emis prin nod %d"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1473
#, c-format
msgid ", broadcast through %d nodes"
msgstr ", emis prin noduri %d"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1477
msgid "<b>Date:</b> "
msgstr "<b>Data:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1485
msgid "<b>Source:</b> Generated<br>"
msgstr "<b>Sursa:</b> Generat<br>"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1491
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1508
msgid "<b>From:</b> "
msgstr "<b>De:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1508
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "necunoscut"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1509
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1533
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1592
msgid "<b>To:</b> "
msgstr "<b>Pentru:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1512
msgid " (yours, label: "
msgstr "(tau, eticheta: "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1514
msgid " (yours)"
msgstr "(tau)"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1551
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1563
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1609
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1626
msgid "<b>Credit:</b> "
msgstr "<b>Credit:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1553
#, c-format
msgid "(%s matures in %d more blocks)"
msgstr "(%s matureaza in %d blocuri)"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1555
msgid "(not accepted)"
msgstr "(neaceptat)"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1600
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1608
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1623
msgid "<b>Debit:</b> "
msgstr "<b>Debit:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1614
msgid "<b>Transaction fee:</b> "
msgstr "<b>Comision tranzactie:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1630
msgid "<b>Net amount:</b> "
msgstr "<b>Cantitate neta:</b> "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1637
msgid "Message:"
msgstr "Mesaj:"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1639
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Comentariu:"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1642
msgid "Generated coins must wait 120 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, it will change to \"not accepted\" and not be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours."
msgstr "Monedele generate trebuie sa astepte 120 de blocuri inainte sa poata fi cheltuite. Cand ai generat acest block, s-a transmis in retea pentru a fi incul in lantul de blocuri. Daca nu este acceptat in lant, se va schimba in \"neaceptat\" si nu se va putea cheltui. Acest lucru se poate intampla rareori cand alt nod genereaza un bloc in acelasi moment cu al tau ."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1822
msgid "Cannot write autostart/bitcoin.desktop file"
msgstr "Nu se poate scrie in fisierul autostart/bitcoin.desktop"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1858
msgid "Main"
msgstr "Principal"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1868
msgid "&Start Bitcoin on window system startup"
msgstr "&Porneste Bitcoin odata cu sistemul"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:1875
msgid "&Minimize on close"
msgstr "&Minimizeaza la inchidere"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2017
#, c-format
msgid "version %s"
msgstr "versiune %s"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2140
msgid "Error in amount "
msgstr "Eroare in cantitate "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2140
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2145
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2150
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2203
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:61
msgid "Send Coins"
msgstr "Trimite Monede"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2145
msgid "Amount exceeds your balance "
msgstr "Cantitatea trece peste limita disponibila"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2150
msgid "Total exceeds your balance when the "
msgstr "Totalul trece peste limita cand"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2150
msgid " transaction fee is included "
msgstr "comisionul de tranzactie este inclus"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2177
msgid "Payment sent "
msgstr "Plata trimisa"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2177
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2187
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2337
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2502
#: ../../../src/wallet.cpp:1088
msgid "Sending..."
msgstr "Se trimite..."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2203
msgid "Invalid address "
msgstr "Adresa incorecta"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2258
#, c-format
msgid "Sending %s to %s"
msgstr "Se trimite %s la %s"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2331
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2364
msgstr "ANULAT"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2335
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Anulat"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2337
msgid "Transfer cancelled "
msgstr "Transfer anulat"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2390
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Eroare: "
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2404
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2473
#: ../../../src/wallet.cpp:1106
msgid "Insufficient funds"
msgstr "Fonduri insuficiente"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2409
msgid "Connecting..."
msgstr "Se conecteaza..."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2414
msgid "Unable to connect"
msgstr "Conectare imposibila"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2419
msgid "Requesting public key..."
msgstr "Se cere cheia publica..."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2431
msgid "Received public key..."
msgstr "Cheia publica primita..."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2445
msgid "Recipient is not accepting transactions sent by IP address"
msgstr "Destinatarul nu accepta tranzacti trimise la adresa IP"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2447
msgid "Transfer was not accepted"
msgstr "Transferul nu a fost acceptat"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2456
msgid "Invalid response received"
msgstr "Raspuns invalid receptionat"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2469
msgid "Creating transaction..."
msgstr "Se creeaza tranzactia..."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2492
#, c-format
msgid "This transaction requires a transaction fee of at least %s because of its amount, complexity, or use of recently received funds"
msgstr "Aceasta tranzactie necesita un comision de cel putin %s datorita cantitatii, complexitatii sau uzului de fonduri primite recent"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2494
msgid "Transaction creation failed"
msgstr "Crearea tranzactiei a esuat."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2504
msgid "Transaction aborted"
msgstr "Tranzactie anulata"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2512
msgid "Lost connection, transaction cancelled"
msgstr "Conexiune pierduta, tranzactie anulata"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2528
msgid "Sending payment..."
msgstr "Se trimite plata..."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2540
msgid "The transaction was rejected. This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here."
msgstr "Tranzactia a fost respinsa. Acest lucru se poate intampla daca vreuna din monede a fost cheltuita sau s-a folosit o copie de portofel (wallet.dat) si monedele a fost cheltuite in copie dar nu s-au marcat cheltuite aici."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2549
msgid "Waiting for confirmation..."
msgstr "Se asteapta confirmare..."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2566
msgid ""
"The payment was sent, but the recipient was unable to verify it.\n"
"The transaction is recorded and will credit to the recipient,\n"
"but the comment information will be blank."
msgstr ""
"Plata a fost trimisa dar destinatarul nu a putut sa o verifice.\n"
"Tranzactia a fost inregistrata si creditul trimis la desinatar,\n"
"dar informatia de comentarii va ramane in alb."
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2575
msgid "Payment was sent, but an invalid response was received"
msgstr "Plata a fost trimisa dar s-a receptionat un raspuns incorect"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2581
msgid "Payment completed"
msgstr "Plata completa"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2623
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2769
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2809
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nume"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2624
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2769
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2809
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2626
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2781
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Eticheta"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2627
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:847
msgid "Bitcoin Address"
msgstr "Adresa Bitcoin"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2751
msgid "This is one of your own addresses for receiving payments and cannot be entered in the address book. "
msgstr "Aceasta este o adresa pentru primire de plati de aceea nu se poate introduce manual in agenda"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2769
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2775
msgid "Edit Address"
msgstr "Editeaza adresa"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2781
msgid "Edit Address Label"
msgstr "Editeaza eticheta de adresa"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2809
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2815
msgid "Add Address"
msgstr "Adauga adresa"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2902
msgid "Bitcoin"
msgstr "Bitcoin"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2904
msgid "Bitcoin - Generating"
msgstr "Bitcoin - Se genereaza"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2906
msgid "Bitcoin - (not connected)"
msgstr "Bitcoin - (neconectat)"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2985
msgid "&Open Bitcoin"
msgstr "&Deschide Bitcoin"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2986
msgid "&Send Bitcoins"
msgstr "&Trimite Bitcoin"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2987
msgid "O&ptions..."
msgstr "O&ptiuni"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:2990
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:25
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "I&esire"
#: ../../../src/ui.cpp:3216
msgid "Program has crashed and will terminate. "
msgstr "Programul a detectat o eroare si se va inchide."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:28
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Arhiva"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:32
msgid "&Your Receiving Addresses..."
msgstr "&Adresele de primire..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:35
msgid "&Encrypt Wallet..."
msgstr "&Encripteaza portofel..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:38
msgid "&Change Wallet Encryption Passphrase..."
msgstr "&Schimba parola de encriptare portofel..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:42
msgid "&Options..."
msgstr "&Optiuni..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:45
msgid "&Settings"
msgstr "&Cnfiguratie"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:49
msgid "&About..."
msgstr "&Despre..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:52
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Ajutor"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:62
msgid "Address Book"
msgstr "Agenda cu adrese"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:75
msgid "Your Bitcoin Address:"
msgstr "Adresa Ta Bitcoin:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:82
msgid " &New... "
msgstr " &Nou... "
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:85
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:790
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:893
msgid " &Copy to Clipboard "
msgstr " &Copiaza in Clipboard"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:99
msgid "Balance:"
msgstr "Balant:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:115
msgid " All"
msgstr "Tot"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:115
msgid " Sent"
msgstr "Trimis"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:115
msgid " Received"
msgstr "Primit"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:115
msgid " In Progress"
msgstr "In Curs"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:136
msgid "All Transactions"
msgstr "Toate Tranzactiile"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:147
msgid "Sent/Received"
msgstr "Trimis/Primit"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:158
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Trimis"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:169
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Primit"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:312
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:453
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:552
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:732
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:793
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:902
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:991
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:355
msgid "&Start Bitcoin on system startup"
msgstr "&Porneste Bitcoin odata cu sistemul"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:358
msgid "&Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar"
msgstr "&Minimizeaza in tray nu in bara de aplicatii"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:361
msgid "Map port using &UPnP"
msgstr "Reserva portul utilizand &UPnP"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:364
msgid "M&inimize to the tray on close"
msgstr "M&inimizeaza in tray la inchidere"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:370
msgid "&Connect through socks4 proxy (requires restart to apply): "
msgstr "&Conecteaza prin proxy socks4 (repornire apl. necesara): "
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:381
msgid "Proxy &IP:"
msgstr "&IP de proxy:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:389
msgid " &Port:"
msgstr " &Port:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:402
msgid "Optional transaction fee per KB that helps make sure your transactions are processed quickly. Most transactions are 1KB. Fee 0.01 recommended."
msgstr "Comision optional per KB ce asigura ca tranzactiile tale sunt procesate rapid. Majoritatea tranzactiilor sunt de 1KB. Se recomanda un comision de 0.01."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:409
msgid "Pay transaction fee:"
msgstr "Comision de tranzactie:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:430
msgid "// [don't translate] Test panel 2 for future expansion"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:434
msgid "// [don't translate] Let's not start multiple pages until the first page is filled up"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:456
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:678
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:737
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:796
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:905
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:994
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuleaza"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:459
msgid "&Apply"
msgstr "&Aplica"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:518
msgid "Bitcoin "
msgstr "Bitcoin "
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:524
msgid "version"
msgstr "versiune"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:535
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bitcoin Developers\n"
"This is experimental software.\n"
"Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file \n"
"license.txt or\n"
"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the \n"
"OpenSSL Toolkit ( and cryptographic software written by \n"
"Eric Young ( and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard."
msgstr ""
"Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bitcoin Developers\n"
"Acesta este un program experimental.\n"
"Distribuit sub licenta MIT/X11, cauta fisierul adaugat de licenta \n"
"license.txt sau\n"
"Acest produs contine software creat deOpenSSL Project pentru uz in \n"
"OpenSSL Toolkit (, software cryptografic scris de \n"
"Eric Young ( si software UPnP scris de Thomas Bernard."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:591
msgid "Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)"
msgstr "Introduce o a adresa Bitcoin (exemplu: 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:605
msgid "Pay &To:"
msgstr "Plateste &la:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:620
msgid "&Paste"
msgstr "&Lipeste (paste)"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:623
msgid " Address &Book..."
msgstr "Agenda de &adrese..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:630
msgid "&Amount:"
msgstr "&Cantitate:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:640
msgid "T&ransfer:"
msgstr "T&ransfera:"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:646
msgid " Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:673
msgid "&Send"
msgstr "&Trimite"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:721
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Se conecteaza..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:771
msgid "These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. You may want to give a different one to each sender so you can keep track of who is paying you. The highlighted address is displayed in the main window."
msgstr "Acestea sunt adresele tale pentru primit plati. Poti sa folosesti o adresa diferita pentru fiecare persoana care iti trimite pentru a putea tine cont de unde vin platile. Adresa selectionata este afisata in fereastra principala."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:784
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:896
msgid "&Edit..."
msgstr "&Editeaza..."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:787
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:899
msgid " &New Address... "
msgstr " &Adresa noua... "
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:859
msgid "Sending"
msgstr "Se trimite"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:867
msgid "These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. You can give a different one to each sender to keep track of who is paying you. The highlighted address will be displayed in the main window."
msgstr "Acestea sunt adresele tale pentru primit plati. Poti sa folosesti o adresa diferita pentru fiecare persoana care iti trimite pentru a putea tine cont de unde vin platile. Adresa selectionata este afisata in fereastra principala."
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:880
msgid "Receiving"
msgstr "Se receptioneaza"
#: ../../../src/uibase.cpp:890
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "&Sterge"
#: ../../../src/util.cpp:870
msgid "Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct. If your clock is wrong Bitcoin will not work properly."
msgstr "Atentie: Regleaza corect hora si data calculatorului pentru ca Bitcoin sa functioneze corect."
#: ../../../src/util.cpp:904
msgid "beta"
msgstr "beta"
#: ../../../src/wallet.cpp:1073
msgid "Error: Wallet locked, unable to create transaction "
msgstr "Eroare: Portofel blocat, nu se poate crea tranzactia"
#: ../../../src/wallet.cpp:1081
#, c-format
msgid "Error: This transaction requires a transaction fee of at least %s because of its amount, complexity, or use of recently received funds "
msgstr "Eroare: Aceasta tranzactie necesita un comision de cel putin %s datorita cantitatii, complexitatii sau uzului de fonduri primite recent"
#: ../../../src/wallet.cpp:1083
msgid "Error: Transaction creation failed "
msgstr "Eroare: Crearea tranzactiei a esuat"
#: ../../../src/wallet.cpp:1092
msgid "Error: The transaction was rejected. This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here."
msgstr "Error: Tranzactia a fost respinsa. Acest lucru se poate intampla daca vreuna din monede a fost cheltuita sau s-a folosit o copie de portofel (wallet.dat) si monedele a fost cheltuite in copie dar nu s-au marcat cheltuite aici."
#: ../../../src/wallet.cpp:1104
msgid "Invalid amount"
msgstr "Cantitate incorecta"
#: ../../../src/uibase.h:151
msgid "Transaction Details"
msgstr "Detalii de Tranzactie"
#: ../../../src/uibase.h:203
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Optiuni"
#: ../../../src/uibase.h:232
msgid "About Bitcoin"
msgstr "Despre Bitcoin"
#: ../../../src/uibase.h:341
msgid "Your Bitcoin Addresses"
msgstr "Adresele Tale Bitcoin"
#~ msgid "Invalid bitcoin address"
#~ msgstr "Dirección Bitcoin inválida"