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# Based on:
# Qt qmake integration with Google Protocol Buffers compiler protoc
# To compile protocol buffers with qt qmake, specify PROTOS variable and
# include this file
# Example:
# PROTOS = a.proto b.proto
# include(protobuf.pri)
# Set PROTO_PATH if you need to set the protoc --proto_path search path
# Set PROTOC to the path to the protoc compiler if it is not in your $PATH
isEmpty(PROTOC):PROTOC = protoc
for(p, PROTO_PATH):PROTOPATHS += --proto_path=$${p} = protobuf header
protobuf_decl.input = PROTOS
protobuf_decl.output = $${PROTO_DIR}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.pb.h
protobuf_decl.commands = $${PROTOC} --cpp_out="$${PROTO_DIR}" $${PROTOPATHS} --proto_path=${QMAKE_FILE_IN_PATH} ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME}
protobuf_decl.variable_out = GENERATED_FILES
QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += protobuf_decl = protobuf implementation
protobuf_impl.input = PROTOS
protobuf_impl.output = $${PROTO_DIR}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}
protobuf_impl.depends = $${PROTO_DIR}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.pb.h
protobuf_impl.commands = $$escape_expand(\\n)
protobuf_impl.variable_out = GENERATED_SOURCES
QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += protobuf_impl