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152 lines
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- name: Configure a Buildbot worker for Zcash CI
hosts: zcash-ci-worker-unix
become: true
gather_facts: False
- vars/default.yml
- vars/buildbot.yml
- name: "buildbot_worker_admin"
prompt: "Admin details"
default: "Zcash <sysadmin@z.cash>"
- name: "buildbot_worker_name"
prompt: "Buildbot worker name (provided by ZECC)"
private: no
- name: "buildbot_worker_password"
prompt: "Buildbot worker password (provided by ZECC)"
- name: Install Python 2.7 for Ansible and Buildbot
raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || test -e /usr/bin/python2 || test -e /usr/bin/python2.7 || test -e /usr/local/bin/python2.7 || (test -e /usr/bin/apt && apt -qqy update && apt install -qqy python) || (test -e /usr/bin/dnf && dnf install -qqy python2) || (test -e /usr/sbin/pkg && pkg install -qqy python2)
register: output
- output.stdout != ""
- output.stdout != "\r\n"
- name: Check if Python is in the configured location
raw: test -e {{ ansible_python_interpreter }}
ignore_errors: true
register: python_check
when: ansible_python_interpreter is defined
- name: Fail if configured Python is unavailable
msg: "Python is not accessible at {{ ansible_python_interpreter }} on this host! Please set the inventory variable 'ansible_python_interpreter' to the location of the Python 2.7 binary."
when: ansible_python_interpreter is defined and python_check.rc == 1
- name: Check if Python is in the default location
raw: test -e /usr/bin/python
ignore_errors: true
register: python_check
when: ansible_python_interpreter is undefined
- name: Fail if default Python is unavailable
msg: Python is not accessible at /usr/bin/python on this host! Please set the inventory variable 'ansible_python_interpreter' to the location of the Python 2.7 binary.
when: ansible_python_interpreter is undefined and python_check.rc == 1
- name: Gathering Facts
- name: Fail if Python is the wrong version
msg: "The Python binary at {{ ansible_python.executable }} is version {{ ansible_python_version }}! Please set the inventory variable 'ansible_python_interpreter' to the location of the Python 2.7 binary."
when: ansible_python.version.major != 2 or ansible_python.version.minor != 7
- name: Get dependencies for distribution
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- files:
- "vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version }}.yml"
- "vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | int }}.yml"
- "vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml"
- "vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
skip: true
- name: Collate dependencies
package_deps: "{{ buildbot_deps + fetch_deps + conf_deps + build_deps + link_deps + dist_deps }}"
python_modules: "{{ buildbot_modules + rpc_test_modules }}"
- name: Update rolling release [Arch Linux]
update_cache: yes
upgrade: yes
when: ansible_distribution == 'Archlinux'
- name: Install required packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
with_items: "{{ package_deps }}"
- name: Install pip [CentOS]
include: tasks/install-pip.yml
when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
- name: Install required Python modules
name: "{{ item }}"
state: latest
with_items: "{{ python_modules }}"
notify: restart buildbot-worker
- name: Set up the Buildbot worker user
name: "{{ buildbot_worker_user }}"
comment: Buildbot worker
shell: /bin/bash
state: present
- name: Create Buildbot worker
command: >
buildbot-worker create-worker ~/{{ buildbot_worker_name }}
{{ buildbot_master_host }}:{{ buildbot_master_port }}
{{ buildbot_worker_name|quote }} {{ buildbot_worker_password|quote }}
creates: "~/{{ buildbot_worker_name }}/buildbot.tac"
become_user: "{{ buildbot_worker_user }}"
- name: Set admin details for Buildbot worker
content: "{{ buildbot_worker_admin }}"
dest: "~{{ buildbot_worker_user }}/{{ buildbot_worker_name }}/info/admin"
owner: "{{ buildbot_worker_user }}"
group: "{{ buildbot_worker_user }}"
mode: "0644"
- name: Set host details for Buildbot worker
src: "{{ buildbot_worker_host_template }}"
dest: "~{{ buildbot_worker_user }}/{{ buildbot_worker_name }}/info/host"
owner: "{{ buildbot_worker_user }}"
group: "{{ buildbot_worker_user }}"
mode: "0644"
- name: Copy Buildbot worker systemd service unit
src: templates/buildbot-worker.service.j2
dest: "/etc/systemd/system/buildbot-worker.service"
owner: root
group: root
mode: "0644"
notify: reload systemd
- name: Start Buildbot worker.
name: buildbot-worker
state: started
enabled: yes
- name: restart buildbot-worker
name: buildbot-worker
state: restarted
- name: reload systemd
command: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload