On your local machine, assuming you have [created an SSH key pair](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-ssh-key-based-authentication-on-a-linux-server):
If it logs in without a password prompt, your key pair is installed and we can go ahead and disable password login (this disables root login by default because root has no key pair) and change the default SSH port. For our production Node, the SSH port will also be changed to a completely separate public internet IP address for security. You should do the same.
If you have a passphrase already create passphrase.txt with it. ** Make sure to place a space before the `echo` command so your passphrase is not saved in bash history.**
If you lose SSH session or want to logout and resume session later, you can use: `tmux attach `after you ssh back in to resume this screen. My actual tmux setup has the top right screen split into 3. But set it up however you like. Here are some links I found helpful:
>[Read The Tao of tmux | Leanpub](https://leanpub.com/the-tao-of-tmux/read)
Now we need to start all the coins and import our private keys. All the blockchains should be synced so this should not take long, provided your wallets are empty.
If you are importing a used passphrase and it has a balance, you need to either restore wallet.dat files here or importprivkey and then restart with a rescan.
>`./start.first `
Wait until komodod has finished loading blocks. On my node this takes about 5mins. Do this in another tmux terminal.
Wait until assetchains are all synced up. Could take about 15mins.
We are all finished installing and are now ready to start the node, up to you but I find each command in a new tmux terminal best so you can monitor the outputs.
>`./start `
Start assets mines 10% of assets randomly, mine assets mines them all. Use this option if you have a server from the future.
>`./startassets or ./mineassets`
Once everything is loaded and synced up we can launch iguana and start dpow
Congrats, you have installed your Notary Node and it should be running. Other things maybe to look at are setting up `ufw` for a software firewall to block all ports that are not being used. A sample script is included in the scripts folder from node operator *karasugoi*, called PORT_LIST.txt.
The wallet.txt file in the scripts folder is no longer required. You should write its contents down or encrypt it and keep a copy along with passphrase.txt somewhere very safe in case your node dies and you need to recover the funds in the address or migrate to a new server.
The passphrase.txt file is used by `wp_7776` to unlock the iguana wallet on node start-up. In the old guide, this passphrase was entered into the file directly, I just moved it to its own file. If anyone has a better or more secure way of doing this step please let me know. I am open to any collaboration to improve this document.
There is a stats script also in the scripts folder by webworker01. This document is a product of many people, I just put it all in one place. Vote wisely.