@ -1,61 +1,113 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
#Seconds in display loop, change to false if you don't want it to loop |
sleepytime=600 |
#How many transactions back to scan for notarizations |
txscanamount=10000 |
#Don't change below unless you know |
IFS= |
source coinlist |
#Change to sleepytime=false if you don't want it to loop |
sleepytime=600 |
utxoamt=0.00010000 |
ntrzdamt=-0.00083600 |
btcntrzaddr=1P3rU1Nk1pmc2BiWC8dEy9bZa1ZbMp5jfg |
kmdntrzaddr=RXL3YXG2ceaB6C5hfJcN4fvmLH2C34knhA |
#How many transactions back to scan for notarizations |
txscanamount=77777 |
format="%-8s %7s %6s %7s %12s %8s %7s %7s\n" |
timeSince() |
{ |
local currentimestamp=$(date +%s) |
local timecompare=$1 |
format="%-8s %7s %6s %7s %12s\n" |
if [ ! -z $timecompare ] && [[ $timecompare != "null" ]] |
then |
local t=$((currentimestamp-timecompare)) |
local d=$((t/60/60/24)) |
local h=$((t/60/60%24)) |
local m=$((t/60%60)) |
local s=$((t%60)) |
if [[ $d > 0 ]]; then |
echo -n "${d}d" |
fi |
if [[ $h > 0 ]]; then |
echo -n "${h}h" |
fi |
if [[ $d = 0 && $m > 0 ]]; then |
echo -n "${m}m" |
fi |
if [[ $d = 0 && $h = 0 && $m = 0 ]]; then |
echo -n "${s}s" |
fi |
fi |
} |
outputstats () |
{ |
count=0 |
now=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T%z") |
printf "\n\n%-8s %7s %6s %7s %12s\n" "-ASSET-" "-NTRZd-" "-UTXO-" "-BLOX-" "-BALANCE-"; |
printf "%-8s %7s %6s %7s %12s\n" "BTC" \ |
printf "\n\n" |
printf "$format" "-ASSET-" "-NTRZd-" "-UTXO-" "-BLOX-" "-BALANCE-" "-LAST-" "-CNCT-"; |
btctxinfo=$(bitcoin-cli listtransactions "" $txscanamount) |
btclastntrztime=$(echo $btctxinfo | jq -r --arg address "$btcntrzaddr" '[.[] | select(.address==$address)] | last | "\(.time)"') |
printf "$format" "BTC" \ |
"$(bitcoin-cli listtransactions "" $txscanamount | grep $btcntrzaddr | wc -l)" \ |
"$(bitcoin-cli listunspent | grep $utxoamt | wc -l)" \ |
"$(bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo | awk ' /\"blocks\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(bitcoin-cli getbalance)" |
"$(bitcoin-cli getbalance)" \ |
"$(timeSince $btclastntrztime)" \ |
"$(bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo | awk ' /\"connections\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" |
kmdinfo=$(komodo-cli getinfo) |
kmdmininginfo=$(komodo-cli getmininginfo) |
kmdtxinfo=$(komodo-cli listtransactions "" $txscanamount) |
kmdlastntrztime=$(echo $kmdtxinfo | jq -r --arg address "$kmdntrzaddr" '[.[] | select(.address==$address)] | last | "\(.time)"') |
printf "$format" "KMD" \ |
"$(komodo-cli listtransactions "" $txscanamount | grep $kmdntrzaddr | wc -l)" \ |
"$(komodo-cli listunspent | grep $utxoamt | wc -l)" \ |
"$(echo $kmdinfo | awk ' /\"blocks\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(echo $kmdinfo | awk ' /\"balance\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(timeSince $kmdlastntrztime)" \ |
"$(echo $kmdinfo | awk ' /\"connections\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(echo $kmdtxinfo | grep '\"generated\": true,' | wc -l) mined" |
chipsinfo=$(chips-cli getinfo) |
chipstxinfo=$(chips-cli listtransactions "" $txscanamount) |
chipslastntrztime=$(echo $chipstxinfo | jq -r --arg address "$kmdntrzaddr" '[.[] | select(.address==$address)] | last | "\(.time)"') |
printf "$format" "CHIPS" \ |
"$(chips-cli listtransactions "" $txscanamount | grep $kmdntrzaddr | wc -l)" \ |
"$(chips-cli listunspent | grep $utxoamt | wc -l)" \ |
"$(echo $chipsinfo | awk ' /\"blocks\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(echo $chipsinfo | awk ' /\"balance\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(timeSince $chipslastntrztime)" \ |
"$(echo $chipsinfo | awk ' /\"connections\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" |
while [ "x${coinlist[count]}" != "x" ] |
while [[ $count -le ${#coinlist[@]} ]] |
do |
all=${coinlist[count]} |
name=${all%% *} |
#if [ "$name" != "" ] |
if [ "$name" != "" ] && [ "$name" != "VOTE2018" ] |
#ignoreacs=('VOTE2018' 'PRLPAY') |
ignoreacs=('VOTE2018') |
if [ "$name" != "" ] && [[ ! ${ignoreacs[*]} =~ $name ]] |
then |
info=$(komodo-cli -ac_name=$name getinfo) |
mininginfo=$(komodo-cli -ac_name=$name getmininginfo) |
txinfo=$(komodo-cli -ac_name=$name listtransactions "" $txscanamount) |
lastntrztime=$(echo $txinfo | jq -r --arg address "$kmdntrzaddr" '[.[] | select(.address==$address)] | last | "\(.time)"') |
printf "$format" "$name" \ |
"$(echo $txinfo | grep -- $kmdntrzaddr | wc -l)" \ |
"$(echo $txinfo | grep $kmdntrzaddr | wc -l)" \ |
"$(komodo-cli -ac_name=$name listunspent | grep $utxoamt | wc -l)" \ |
"$(echo $info | awk ' /\"blocks\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(echo $info | awk ' /\"balance\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" |
"$(echo $info | awk ' /\"balance\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" \ |
"$(timeSince $lastntrztime)" \ |
"$(echo $info | awk ' /\"connections\"/ {printf $2}' | sed 's/,//')" |
fi |
count=$(( $count +1 )) |
done |