2 changed files with 46 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
cd ~/scripts/ |
curdir=$(pwd) |
thisconf=$(<~/.komodo/komodo.conf) |
curluser=$(echo $thisconf | grep -Po "rpcuser=(\S*)" | sed 's/rpcuser=//') |
curlpass=$(echo $thisconf | grep -Po "rpcpassword=(\S*)" | sed 's/rpcpassword=//') |
curlport=7771 |
curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listunspent", "params": [0, 9999999]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/ | jq .result > $curdir/createrawtx.txt |
# we will send all spendable and generated coins |
transactions=$(cat $curdir/createrawtx.txt | jq '.[] | select (.spendable == true and .generated == true) | del (.generated, .address, .account, .scriptPubKey, .amount, .interest, .confirmations, .spendable)' | jq -r -s '. | tostring') |
balance=$(cat $curdir/createrawtx.txt | jq '.[] | select (.spendable == true and .generated == true) | .amount' | jq -s add) |
balance=$(echo "scale=8; $balance/1*1" | bc -l | sed 's/^\./0./') |
# Print Date and Time |
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" |
now=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T%z") |
printf "$now \n"; |
# Print balance. |
echo 'Balance: '$balance |
# Balance less than 11 abort, we want maximum rewards. |
if (( $(echo "$balance < 11" | bc -l) )); then |
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" |
echo " " |
exit |
fi |
# Set the send to address, and send all coinbase transactions |
addresses='{"RPx6hcNQkGSE3VLPupnQ45NNYR3NJbkbpk":'$balance'}' |
echo "{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\":\"curltest\", \"method\": \"createrawtransaction\", \"params\": [$transactions,$addresses] }" > $curdir/createrawtx.curl |
hex=$(curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary "@$curdir/createrawtx.curl" -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/ | jq -r .result) |
# setting of nLockTime |
nlocktime=$(printf "%08x" $(date +%s) | dd conv=swab 2> /dev/null | rev) |
hex=${hex::-8}$nlocktime |
signed=$(curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "signrawtransaction", "params": ["'$hex'"]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/ | jq -r .result.hex) |
#Broadcast the transaction |
txid=$(curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "sendrawtransaction", "params": ["'$signed'"]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/ | jq -r .result) |
echo $txid |
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" |
echo " " |
Reference in new issue