#!/bin/bash #Config area komodo_data=~/.komodo #default would be ~/.komodo komodopath=komodo-cli #path to komodo-cli komododpath=komodod #path to komodod NNaddress=RSuXRScqHNbRFqjur2C3tf3oDoauBs2B1i #Your NN public key goes here source ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt #path to your pubkey.txt args="-connect=" #Any special args you pass komodod on start DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` #get todays date for your wallet.dat backup file currdir=$(echo $PWD) #get the working directory waitforconfirm () { sleep 30 confirmations=0 while [[ $confirmations -lt 1 ]]; do confirmations=$($komodopath gettransaction $1 | jq -r .confirmations) sleep 2 done } #stop the deamon $komodopath stop #wait for deamon to stop stopped=0 while [[ $stopped -eq 0 ]]; do sleep 5 pgrep -a komodod | grep "komodod -notary" outcome=$(echo $?) if [[ $outcome -ne 0 ]]; then stopped=1 fi sleep 10 done #move your old wallet, then return to our working directory cd $komodo_data mv wallet.dat wallet.bak$DATE cd $currdir #restart the komodo deamon, it will generate a new empty wallet.dat on start $komododpath -notary -pubkey=$pubkey $args & #wait for deamon to start started=0 while [[ $started -eq 0 ]]; do sleep 15 $komodopath getbalance outcome=$(echo $?) if [[ $outcome -eq 0 ]]; then started=1 fi done # Get the NN privkey from the other node NNprivkey=$(ssh node@ "bash -s" -- < ./dumpKMDprivkey $NNaddress) # import the private key of notary node without a rescan. $komodopath importprivkey $NNprivkey "" false # Execute the sendtoself script on the second node and return us the TXID TXID=$(ssh node@ "bash -s" -- < ./sendtoself $NNaddress) #Check for confirmation of received funds waitforconfirm $TXID #split funds acsplit KMD 100