Scripts I like to keep handy for running my node. Script Name | Function ----------- | -------- **acsplit** | Create UTXOs as needed although Iguana handles this as long as you didn't hit the base58 lottery **coinlist** | Handy way to keep coin list in one place for other scripts to use (thanks to a-team) **fail2banstatusall** | Get stats of fail2ban jails **freshubuntu** | Run this for initial setup of your server for basic security needs (generalized on purpose so it can be used on any server) **killthemall** | Hard kill komodo related processes **killthemsoftly** | Kill komodo processes nicely **kmdacfirewall** | UFW settings with commentary **networktweaksundo.txt** | Reference to my default Ubuntu 16.04 net config "just in case" **notary** | Start notary process **notarytest** | Start notary test process **rebuildkomodo** | Git pull and rebuild komodo on the current branch **start** | Start chipsd and komodod **startac** | Start assetchains **stats** | Fancy cli stats for notary nodes