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# (c) Decker, 2018 ;)
# Usage instruction:
# 1. Download it on your NN in any folder.
# 2. Edit rpc username and pass in script.
# 3. Let's explain we have 450 KMD on balance, including 0.0001 KMD utxos.
# 4. Run the script ... it locks all 0.0001 KMD utxos from sending and shows you locked utxos txid + vout num.
# 5. Send funds from NN via ~/komodo/src/komodo-cli sendtoaddress YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS 450 "" "" true
# 6. Now we need to unlock (!) 0.0001 KMD utxos, uncomment last line with curl command execution and launch it again. All your utxos will be unlocked.
# 7. Additionally check that you haven't locked utxos: ~/komodo/src/komodo-cli listlockunspent
# ...
# 777. Bingo! )
# @kolo You can call it "utxo protector", komodod will never "eat" your utxos during sendtoaddress if they are all locked.
##get the total of all the p2sh utxos
utxototal=$(awk "BEGIN { print $(komodo-cli listunspent | grep 0.00010000 | wc -l) *0.0001 }")
utxototal=$(awk "BEGIN { print $utxototal +0.001}")
# Lock
curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listunspent", "params": [0, 9999999]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/ | jq .result > $curdir/listunspent.txt
# set condition on amout on a next line
arg=$(cat $curdir/listunspent.txt | jq '.[] | select (.spendable == true and .amount == 0.0001) | del (.generated, .address, .account, .scriptPubKey, .amount, .interest, .confirmations, .spendable)' | jq -r -s '. | tostring')
echo "{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\":\"curltest\", \"method\": \"lockunspent\", \"params\": [false, $arg] }" > $curdir/listunspent.curl
# we are using curl here to avoid an error "Argument list too long" with long-long list of utxos need to be locked
# if we executing komodo-cli
curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary "@$curdir/listunspent.curl" -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/
# locked utxos list (and unlock if needed)
curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listlockunspent", "params": []}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/ | jq .result > $curdir/listlockunspent.txt
arg=$(cat $curdir/listlockunspent.txt | jq '.[]' | jq -r -s '. | tostring')
echo $arg | jq .
echo "{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\":\"curltest\", \"method\": \"lockunspent\", \"params\": [true, $arg] }" > $curdir/listlockunspent.curl
#Send all funds that are not locked to our self
date >> ~/resetKMD.log
komodo-cli sendtoaddress RSuXRScqHNbRFqjur2C3tf3oDoauBs2B1i $(awk "BEGIN { print $(komodo-cli getbalance) -$utxototal }") "" "" true >> ~/resetKMD.log
# unlock locked utxos
echo $utxototal
curl -s --user $curluser:$curlpass --data-binary "@$curdir/listlockunspent.curl" -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$curlport/