title: Settings
display: Display
currencies: Currencies
profile: Profile
about: About
language: Interface language
languageDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
counterValue: Countervalue
counterValueDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
region: Region
regionDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
stock: Stock market indicators
stockDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
confirmationsToSpend: Confirmations to spend
confirmationsToSpendDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
confirmationsNb: Number of confirmations
confirmationsNbDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
transactionsFees: Transactions fees
transactionsFeesDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
explorer: Blockchain explorer
explorerDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
username: Username
usernameDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
password: Password
passwordDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
changePassword: Change password
passwordModalTitle: Password
passwordModalSubtitle: Set a password to lock your application
passwordModalDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non nibh diam.
passwordModalPasswordInput: Current password
passwordModalNewPasswordInput: New password
passwordModalRepeatPasswordInput: Repeat password
passwordModalSave: Save
disablePasswordModalTitle: Disable Password
disablePasswordModalDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non nibh diam.
disablePasswordModalInput: Current password
disablePasswordModalSave: Save
sync: Sync accounts
syncDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
export: Export logs
exportDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
softResetTitle: Clean application cache
softResetDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
softReset: Clean cache
hardResetTitle: Reset application
hardResetDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
hardReset: Hard reset
developerMode: Developer Mode
developerModeDesc: Enable visibility of developer apps & currencies like Bitcoin Testnet
analytics: Share analytics
analyticsDesc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data.
reportErrors: Sentry Logs
reportErrorsDesc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data.
faq: FAQ
faqDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
contactUs: Contact us
contactUsDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
terms: Terms and Privacy policy
termsDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
title: Hard reset
subTitle: Are you sure houston?
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
title: Clean application cache
subTitle: Are you sure houston?
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
title: Export Logs
desc: Export Logs
btn: Export Logs