committed by
37 changed files with 861 additions and 322 deletions
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
const noop = () => {} |
module.exports = { |
init: noop, |
get: noop, |
set: noop, |
getIn: noop, |
setIn: noop, |
cleanCache: noop, |
resetAll: noop, |
} |
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import logger from 'logger' |
import Store from 'electron-store' |
import set from 'lodash/set' |
import get from 'lodash/get' |
import { decodeAccountsModel, encodeAccountsModel } from 'reducers/accounts' |
type DBKey = 'settings' | 'accounts' | 'countervalues' | 'user' | 'migrations' |
const encryptionKey = {} |
const store = key => |
new Store({ |
name: key, |
defaults: { |
data: null, |
}, |
encryptionKey: encryptionKey[key], |
}) |
export function setEncryptionKey(key: DBKey, value?: string) { |
encryptionKey[key] = value |
} |
const transforms = { |
get: { |
accounts: decodeAccountsModel, |
}, |
set: { |
accounts: encodeAccountsModel, |
}, |
} |
function middleware(type: 'get' | 'set', key: string, data: any) { |
const t = transforms[type][key] |
if (t) { |
data = t(data) |
} |
return data |
} |
export default { |
// If the db doesn't exists for that key, init it, with the default value provided
init: (key: DBKey, defaults: any) => { |
const db = store(key) |
const data = db.get('data') |
if (!data) { |
db.set('data', defaults) |
} |
}, |
// TODO flowtype this. we should be able to express all the possible entries and their expected type (with a union type)
get: (key: DBKey, defaults: any): any => { |
const db = store(key) |
const data = db.get('data', defaults) |
logger.onDB('read', key) |
return middleware('get', key, data) |
}, |
set: (key: DBKey, val: any) => { |
const db = store(key) |
val = middleware('set', key, val) |
logger.onDB('write', key) |
db.set('data', val) |
return val |
}, |
getIn: (key: DBKey, path: string, defaultValue: any) => { |
const db = store(key) |
let data = db.get('data') |
data = middleware('get', key, data) |
return get(data, path, defaultValue) |
}, |
setIn: (key: DBKey, path: string, val: any) => { |
const db = store(key) |
const data = db.get('data') |
val = middleware('set', key, val) |
set(data, path, val) |
db.set('data', data) |
return val |
}, |
cleanCache: () => { |
// Only remove cache store
const keys = ['countervalues'] |
keys.forEach(k => { |
const db = store(k) |
logger.onDB('clear', k) |
db.clear() |
}) |
}, |
resetAll: () => { |
const keys = ['settings', 'accounts', 'countervalues'] |
keys.forEach(k => { |
const db = store(k) |
logger.onDB('clear', k) |
db.clear() |
}) |
}, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ |
import os from 'os' |
import path from 'path' |
import fs from 'fs' |
import rimrafModule from 'rimraf' |
import db from 'helpers/db' |
import { promisify } from 'helpers/promise' |
const rimraf = promisify(rimrafModule) |
const fsReadFile = promisify(fs.readFile) |
const fsWriteFile = promisify(fs.writeFile) |
const fsMkdir = promisify(fs.mkdir) |
const accountsTransform = { |
get: accounts => => ({ ...account, balance: Number(account.balance) })), |
set: accounts => => ({ ...account, balance: account.balance.toString() })), |
} |
const fakeAccounts = [{ name: 'a', balance: 100 }, { name: 'b', balance: 200 }] |
async function createRandomTmpDir() { |
const p = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), `tmp-${Math.random()}`) |
await rimraf(p) |
await fsMkdir(p) |
return p |
} |
describe('db - without init', () => { |
test('throw if trying to get key while db not initiated', async () => { |
let err |
try { |
await db.getKey('app', 'accounts') |
} catch (e) { |
err = e |
} |
expect(err).toBeDefined() |
expect('NoDBPathGiven') |
}) |
test('handle the case where db file does not exists', async () => { |
let err |
try { |
const dbPath = await createRandomTmpDir() |
db.init(dbPath) |
const dbContent = await db.load('app') |
expect(dbContent).toEqual({}) |
await rimraf(dbPath) |
} catch (e) { |
err = e |
} |
expect(err).toBeUndefined() |
}) |
}) |
describe('db', () => { |
const dbPath = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'ledger-live-test-db') |
beforeEach(async () => { |
await rimraf(dbPath) |
await fsMkdir(dbPath) |
db.init(dbPath) |
}) |
test('set and get key', async () => { |
const a = await db.getKey('app', 'something') |
expect(a).toBeUndefined() |
await db.setKey('app', 'something', 'foo') |
const b = await db.getKey('app', 'something') |
expect(b).toBe('foo') |
}) |
test('set and get key, even if nested', async () => { |
await db.setKey('app', '', 'foo') |
const a = await db.getKey('app', '') |
expect(a).toBe('foo') |
}) |
test('get the whole namespace', async () => { |
await db.setKey('app', '', 'foo') |
const a = await db.getNamespace('app') |
expect(a).toEqual({ something: { is: { good: 'foo' } } }) |
}) |
test('set the whole namespace', async () => { |
await db.setNamespace('app', { foo: 'bar' }) |
const a = await db.getNamespace('app') |
expect(a).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }) |
}) |
test('handle default value if value not set', async () => { |
const a = await db.getKey('app', '', 57) |
expect(a).toBe(57) |
}) |
test('encrypt data to filesystem', async () => { |
const data = { this: 'is', sparta: true } |
let content |
let parsed |
// let's try without encrypting
await db.setKey('app', 'shouldBeEncrypted', data) |
const filePath = path.resolve(dbPath, 'app.json') |
content = await fsReadFile(filePath, 'utf-8') |
parsed = JSON.parse(content).data |
expect(parsed.shouldBeEncrypted).toEqual(data) |
// mark the field as encrypted
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'shouldBeEncrypted', 'passw0rd') |
// let's see if it worked
content = await fsReadFile(filePath, 'utf-8') |
parsed = JSON.parse(content).data |
const expected = '+UexwDUPgM8mYaandbTUzTMdmZDe+/yd77zOLCHcIWk=' |
expect(parsed.shouldBeEncrypted).toEqual(expected) |
}) |
test('retrieve encrypted data, after db load', async () => { |
const tmpDir = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'with-encrypted-field') |
await rimraf(tmpDir) |
await fsMkdir(tmpDir) |
const encryptedData = |
'{"data":{ "shouldBeEncrypted": "+UexwDUPgM8mYaandbTUzTMdmZDe+/yd77zOLCHcIWk=" }}' |
await fsWriteFile(path.resolve(tmpDir, 'app.json'), encryptedData) |
db.init(tmpDir) |
const encrypted = await db.getKey('app', 'shouldBeEncrypted') |
expect(encrypted).toBe('+UexwDUPgM8mYaandbTUzTMdmZDe+/yd77zOLCHcIWk=') |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'shouldBeEncrypted', 'passw0rd') |
const decoded = await db.getKey('app', 'shouldBeEncrypted') |
expect(decoded).toEqual({ this: 'is', sparta: true }) |
await rimraf(tmpDir) |
}) |
test('handle wrong encryption key', async () => { |
await db.setKey('app', 'foo', { some: 'data' }) |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'foo', 'passw0rd') |
db.init(dbPath) |
const d = await db.getKey('app', 'foo.some') |
expect(d).toBe(undefined) |
let err |
try { |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'foo', 'totally not the passw0rd') |
} catch (e) { |
err = e |
} |
expect(err).toBeDefined() |
expect('DBWrongPassword') |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'foo', 'passw0rd') |
const e = await db.getKey('app', 'foo.some') |
expect(e).toBe('data') |
}) |
test('detect if field is encrypted or not', async () => { |
let isDecrypted |
await db.setKey('app', 'encryptedField', { some: 'data' }) |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'encryptedField', 'passw0rd') |
db.init(dbPath) |
const k = await db.getKey('app', 'encryptedField') |
expect(k).toBe('HNEETQf+9An6saxmA/X8zg==') |
isDecrypted = await db.hasBeenDecrypted('app', 'encryptedField') |
expect(isDecrypted).toBe(false) |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'encryptedField', 'passw0rd') |
isDecrypted = await db.hasBeenDecrypted('app', 'encryptedField') |
expect(isDecrypted).toBe(true) |
const value = await db.getKey('app', 'encryptedField') |
expect(value).toEqual({ some: 'data' }) |
}) |
test('handle transformations', async () => { |
db.registerTransform('app', 'accounts', accountsTransform) |
await db.setKey('app', 'accounts', fakeAccounts) |
const filePath = path.resolve(dbPath, 'app.json') |
const fileContent = await fsReadFile(filePath, 'utf-8') |
// expect transform to have written strings
const expectedFile = |
'{"data":{"accounts":[{"name":"a","balance":"100"},{"name":"b","balance":"200"}]}}' |
expect(fileContent).toBe(expectedFile) |
db.init(dbPath) |
db.registerTransform('app', 'accounts', accountsTransform) |
// expect transform to have loaded numbers
const accounts = await db.getKey('app', 'accounts') |
expect(accounts).toEqual(fakeAccounts) |
}) |
test('can handle transform on an encrypted field', async () => { |
let accounts |
db.registerTransform('app', 'accounts', accountsTransform) |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'accounts', 'passw0rd') |
await db.setKey('app', 'accounts', fakeAccounts) |
accounts = await db.getKey('app', 'accounts') |
expect(accounts).toEqual(fakeAccounts) |
db.init(dbPath) |
db.registerTransform('app', 'accounts', accountsTransform) |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'accounts', 'passw0rd') |
accounts = await db.getKey('app', 'accounts') |
expect(accounts).toEqual(fakeAccounts) |
}) |
test('check if password is correct', async () => { |
let isEncryptionKeyCorrect |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'verySecureField', 'h0dl') |
await db.setKey('app', 'verySecureField', { much: { secure: { data: true } } }) |
const filePath = path.resolve(dbPath, 'app.json') |
const content = await fsReadFile(filePath, 'utf-8') |
const expected = |
'{"data":{"verySecureField":"i9SyvjaWm/UVpmuyeChmKjSuiWJuMxEJhhvUhvleRoe6gpAOgBWqREB+CRO6yxkD"}}' |
expect(content).toBe(expected) |
isEncryptionKeyCorrect = db.isEncryptionKeyCorrect('app', 'verySecureField', 'h0dl') |
expect(isEncryptionKeyCorrect).toBe(true) |
isEncryptionKeyCorrect = db.isEncryptionKeyCorrect('app', 'verySecureField', 'never-h0dl') |
expect(isEncryptionKeyCorrect).toBe(false) |
}) |
test('inform is a field has an encryption key', async () => { |
let hasEncryptionKey |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'verySecureField', 'h0dl') |
hasEncryptionKey = db.hasEncryptionKey('app', 'verySecureField') |
expect(hasEncryptionKey).toBe(true) |
hasEncryptionKey = db.hasEncryptionKey('app', 'veryInexistantField') |
expect(hasEncryptionKey).toBe(false) |
}) |
}) |
@ -1,3 +1,291 @@ |
const db = process.env.STORYBOOK_ENV ? require('./db-storybook') : require('./db') |
// @flow
module.exports = db |
import fs from 'fs' |
import path from 'path' |
import crypto from 'crypto' |
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep' |
import writeFileAtomicModule from 'write-file-atomic' |
import get from 'lodash/get' |
import set from 'lodash/set' |
import logger from 'logger' |
import { promisify } from 'helpers/promise' |
import { NoDBPathGiven, DBWrongPassword } from 'config/errors' |
type Transform = { |
get: any => any, |
set: any => any, |
} |
const fsReadFile = promisify(fs.readFile) |
const fsUnlink = promisify(fs.unlink) |
const writeFileAtomic = promisify(writeFileAtomicModule) |
const ALGORITHM = 'aes-256-cbc' |
let queue = Promise.resolve() |
let DBPath = null |
let memoryNamespaces = {} |
let encryptionKeys = {} |
let transforms = {} |
/** |
* Reset memory state, db path, encryption keys, transforms.. |
*/ |
function init(_DBPath: string) { |
DBPath = _DBPath |
memoryNamespaces = {} |
encryptionKeys = {} |
transforms = {} |
} |
/** |
* Register a transformation for a given namespace and keyPath |
* it will be used when reading/writing from/to file |
*/ |
function registerTransform(ns: string, keyPath: string, transform: Transform) { |
if (!transforms[ns]) transforms[ns] = {} |
transforms[ns][keyPath] = transform |
} |
/** |
* Load a namespace, using <file>.json |
*/ |
async function load(ns: string): Promise<mixed> { |
try { |
if (!DBPath) throw new NoDBPathGiven() |
const filePath = path.resolve(DBPath, `${ns}.json`) |
const fileContent = await fsReadFile(filePath) |
const { data } = JSON.parse(fileContent) |
memoryNamespaces[ns] = data |
// transform fields
for (const keyPath in transforms[ns]) { |
if (transforms[ns].hasOwnProperty(keyPath)) { |
const transform = transforms[ns][keyPath] |
const val = get(memoryNamespaces[ns], keyPath) |
// if value is string, it's encrypted, so we don't want to transform
if (typeof val === 'string') continue // eslint-disable-line no-continue
set(memoryNamespaces[ns], keyPath, transform.get(val)) |
} |
} |
} catch (err) { |
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { |
memoryNamespaces[ns] = {} |
await save(ns) |
} else { |
logger.error(err) |
throw err |
} |
} |
return memoryNamespaces[ns] |
} |
async function ensureNSLoaded(ns: string) { |
if (!memoryNamespaces[ns]) { |
await load(ns) |
} |
} |
/** |
* Register a keyPath in db that is encrypted |
* This will decrypt the keyPath at this moment, and will be used |
* in `save` to encrypt it back |
*/ |
async function setEncryptionKey(ns: string, keyPath: string, encryptionKey: string): Promise<any> { |
if (!encryptionKeys[ns]) encryptionKeys[ns] = {} |
encryptionKeys[ns][keyPath] = encryptionKey |
const val = await getKey(ns, keyPath, null) |
// no need to decode if already decoded
if (!val || typeof val !== 'string') { |
return save(ns) |
} |
try { |
const decipher = crypto.createDecipher(ALGORITHM, encryptionKey) |
const raw = decipher.update(val, 'base64', 'utf8') +'utf8') |
let decrypted = JSON.parse(raw) |
// handle the case when we just migrated from the previous storage
// which stored the data in binary with a `data` key
if (ns === 'app' && keyPath === 'accounts' && { |
decrypted = |
} |
// apply transform if needed
const transform = get(transforms, `${ns}.${keyPath}`) |
if (transform) { |
decrypted = transform.get(decrypted) |
} |
// only set decrypted data in memory
set(memoryNamespaces[ns], keyPath, decrypted) |
return save(ns) |
} catch (err) { |
throw new DBWrongPassword() |
} |
} |
async function removeEncryptionKey(ns: string, keyPath: string) { |
set(encryptionKeys, `${ns}.${keyPath}`, undefined) |
return save(ns) |
} |
/** |
* Set a key in the given namespace |
*/ |
async function setKey(ns: string, keyPath: string, value: any): Promise<any> { |
logger.onDB('write', `${ns}:${keyPath}`) |
await ensureNSLoaded(ns) |
set(memoryNamespaces[ns], keyPath, value) |
return save(ns) |
} |
/** |
* Get a key in the given namespace |
*/ |
async function getKey(ns: string, keyPath: string, defaultValue?: any): Promise<any> { |
logger.onDB('read', `${ns}:${keyPath}`) |
await ensureNSLoaded(ns) |
if (!keyPath) return memoryNamespaces[ns] || defaultValue |
return get(memoryNamespaces[ns], keyPath, defaultValue) |
} |
/** |
* Get whole namespace |
*/ |
async function getNamespace(ns: string, defaultValue?: any) { |
logger.onDB('read', ns) |
await ensureNSLoaded(ns) |
return memoryNamespaces[ns] || defaultValue |
} |
async function setNamespace(ns: string, value: any) { |
logger.onDB('write', ns) |
set(memoryNamespaces, ns, value) |
return save(ns) |
} |
/** |
* Check if a key has been decrypted |
* |
* /!\ it consider encrypted if it's string and can't JSON.parse, so |
* can brings false-positive if bad used |
*/ |
async function hasBeenDecrypted(ns: string, keyPath: string): Promise<boolean> { |
const v = await getKey(ns, keyPath) |
if (typeof v !== 'string') return true |
try { |
JSON.parse(v) |
return true |
} catch (err) { |
return false |
} |
} |
/** |
* Save given namespace to corresponding file, in atomic way |
*/ |
async function saveToDisk(ns: string) { |
if (!DBPath) throw new NoDBPathGiven() |
await ensureNSLoaded(ns) |
// cloning because we are mutating the obj
const clone = cloneDeep(memoryNamespaces[ns]) |
// transform fields
if (transforms[ns]) { |
for (const keyPath in transforms[ns]) { |
if (transforms[ns].hasOwnProperty(keyPath)) { |
const transform = transforms[ns][keyPath] |
const val = get(clone, keyPath) |
// we don't want to transform encrypted fields (that have not being decrypted yet)
if (!val || typeof val === 'string') continue // eslint-disable-line no-continue
set(clone, keyPath, transform.set(val)) |
} |
} |
} |
// encrypt fields
if (encryptionKeys[ns]) { |
for (const keyPath in encryptionKeys[ns]) { |
if (encryptionKeys[ns].hasOwnProperty(keyPath)) { |
const encryptionKey = encryptionKeys[ns][keyPath] |
if (!encryptionKey) continue // eslint-disable-line no-continue
const val = get(clone, keyPath) |
if (!val) continue // eslint-disable-line no-continue
const cipher = crypto.createCipher(ALGORITHM, encryptionKey) |
const encrypted = |
cipher.update(JSON.stringify(val), 'utf8', 'base64') +'base64') |
set(clone, keyPath, encrypted) |
} |
} |
} |
const fileContent = JSON.stringify({ data: clone }) |
await writeFileAtomic(path.resolve(DBPath, `${ns}.json`), fileContent) |
} |
function save(ns: string) { |
queue = queue.then(() => saveToDisk(ns)) |
return queue |
} |
async function cleanCache() { |
logger.onDB('clean cache') |
await setKey('app', 'countervalues', null) |
await save('app') |
} |
async function resetAll() { |
logger.onDB('reset all') |
if (!DBPath) throw new NoDBPathGiven() |
||| = null |
await fsUnlink(path.resolve(DBPath, 'app.json')) |
} |
function isEncryptionKeyCorrect(ns: string, keyPath: string, encryptionKey: string) { |
try { |
return encryptionKeys[ns][keyPath] === encryptionKey |
} catch (err) { |
return false |
} |
} |
function hasEncryptionKey(ns: string, keyPath: string) { |
try { |
return !!encryptionKeys[ns][keyPath] |
} catch (err) { |
return false |
} |
} |
function getDBPath() { |
if (!DBPath) throw new Error('Trying to get db path but it is not initialized') |
return DBPath |
} |
export default { |
init, |
load, |
registerTransform, |
setEncryptionKey, |
removeEncryptionKey, |
isEncryptionKeyCorrect, |
hasEncryptionKey, |
setKey, |
getKey, |
getNamespace, |
setNamespace, |
hasBeenDecrypted, |
save, |
cleanCache, |
resetAll, |
getDBPath, |
} |
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ |
const logger = process.env.STORYBOOK_ENV ? require('./logger-storybook') : require('./logger') |
const logger = |
process.env.STORYBOOK_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' |
? require('./logger-storybook') |
: require('./logger') |
module.exports = logger |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
// @flow
import fs from 'fs' |
import path from 'path' |
import { promisify } from 'helpers/promise' |
import db from 'helpers/db' |
import type { Migration } from './types' |
const fsReadfile = promisify(fs.readFile) |
const fsUnlink = promisify(fs.unlink) |
const migrations: Migration[] = [ |
{ |
doc: 'merging multiple db files into one app file', |
run: async () => { |
const dbPath = db.getDBPath() |
const legacyKeys = ['accounts', 'countervalues', 'settings', 'user'] |
const [accounts, countervalues, settings, user] = await Promise.all( |
||| => getLegacyData(path.join(dbPath, `${key}.json`))), |
) |
const appData = { user, settings, accounts, countervalues } |
await db.setNamespace('app', appData) |
const hasPassword = await db.getKey('app', 'settings.password.isEnabled', false) |
await db.setKey('app', 'settings.hasPassword', hasPassword) |
await db.setKey('app', 'settings.password', undefined) |
const windowParams = await db.getKey('app', 'settings.window') |
await db.setKey('app', 'settings.window', undefined) |
await db.setNamespace('windowParams', windowParams) |
await Promise.all( => fsUnlink(path.join(dbPath, `${key}.json`)))) |
}, |
}, |
] |
async function getLegacyData(filePath) { |
let finalData |
const fileContent = await fsReadfile(filePath, 'utf-8') |
try { |
const { data } = JSON.parse(fileContent) |
finalData = data |
} catch (err) { |
// we assume we are in that case because file is encrypted
if (err instanceof SyntaxError) { |
const buf = await fsReadfile(filePath) |
return buf.toString('base64') |
} |
throw err |
} |
return finalData |
} |
export default migrations |
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ |
import fs from 'fs' |
import os from 'os' |
import path from 'path' |
import { spawn } from 'child_process' |
import rimrafModule from 'rimraf' |
import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js' |
import { promisify } from 'helpers/promise' |
import { runMigrations } from 'migrations' |
import { decodeAccountsModel, encodeAccountsModel } from 'reducers/accounts' |
import db from 'helpers/db' |
const rimraf = promisify(rimrafModule) |
const fsReaddir = promisify(fs.readdir) |
const tmpDir = os.tmpdir() |
const accountsTransform = { |
get: decodeAccountsModel, |
set: encodeAccountsModel, |
} |
describe('migration 1', () => { |
describe('without encryption', () => { |
test('merging db files', async () => { |
const dir = await extractMock('userdata_v1.0.5_mock-01') |
let files |
db.init(dir) |
files = await fsReaddir(dir) |
expect(files).toEqual([ |
'accounts.json', |
'countervalues.json', |
'migrations.json', |
'settings.json', |
'user.json', |
]) |
await runMigrations() |
files = await fsReaddir(dir) |
expect(files).toEqual(['app.json', 'migrations.json', 'windowParams.json']) |
db.init(dir) |
db.registerTransform('app', 'accounts', accountsTransform) |
const accounts = await db.getKey('app', 'accounts') |
expect(accounts.length).toBe(3) |
expect(accounts[0].balance).toBeInstanceOf(BigNumber) |
const windowParams = await db.getNamespace('windowParams') |
expect(windowParams).toEqual({ |
MainWindow: { |
positions: { x: 37, y: 37 }, |
dimensions: { width: 1526, height: 826 }, |
}, |
}) |
}) |
}) |
describe('with encryption', () => { |
test('merging db files', async () => { |
const dir = await extractMock('userdata_v1.0.5_mock-02-encrypted-accounts') |
db.init(dir) |
db.registerTransform('app', 'accounts', accountsTransform) |
await runMigrations() |
await db.setEncryptionKey('app', 'accounts', 'passw0rd') |
const files = await fsReaddir(dir) |
expect(files).toEqual(['app.json', 'migrations.json', 'windowParams.json']) |
const accounts = await db.getKey('app', 'accounts') |
expect(accounts.length).toBe(6) |
expect(accounts[0].balance).toBeInstanceOf(BigNumber) |
}) |
test('migrate password setting', async () => { |
const dir = await extractMock('userdata_v1.0.5_mock-02-encrypted-accounts') |
db.init(dir) |
db.registerTransform('app', 'accounts', accountsTransform) |
await runMigrations() |
const legacyPasswordSettings = await db.getKey('app', 'settings.password') |
expect(legacyPasswordSettings).toBeUndefined() |
const hasPassword = await db.getKey('app', 'settings.hasPassword') |
expect(hasPassword).toBe(true) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
async function extractMock(mockName) { |
const destDirectory = path.resolve(tmpDir, mockName) |
const zipFilePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'mocks', `${mockName}.zip`) |
await rimraf(destDirectory) |
await extractZip(zipFilePath, destDirectory) |
return destDirectory |
} |
function extractZip(zipFilePath, destDirectory) { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const childProcess = spawn('unzip', [zipFilePath, '-d', destDirectory]) |
childProcess.on('close', resolve) |
childProcess.on('error', reject) |
}) |
} |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in new issue