13 changed files with 926 additions and 36 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import { colors as themeColors } from 'styles/theme' |
import { TooltipContainer } from 'components/base/Tooltip' |
import type { Item } from './types' |
/** |
* styled-components is not run on those components, because tooltip is |
* rendered as a string on d3 updates |
* |
* so, we use inline style. |
*/ |
const Arrow = () => ( |
<svg |
style={{ |
display: 'block', |
position: 'absolute', |
left: '50%', |
bottom: 0, |
marginBottom: -10, |
transform: 'translate(-50%, 0)', |
}} |
viewBox="0 0 14 6.2" |
width={16} |
height={16} |
> |
<path fill={themeColors.dark} d="m14 0-5.5 5.6c-0.8 0.8-2 0.8-2.8 0l-5.7-5.6" /> |
</svg> |
) |
export default ({ d }: { d: Item }) => ( |
<div style={{ position: 'relative' }}> |
<div |
style={{ |
position: 'absolute', |
bottom: '100%', |
left: 0, |
transform: `translate3d(-50%, 0, 0)`, |
whiteSpace: 'nowrap', |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
<TooltipContainer style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}> |
<div style={{ fontSize: 14 }}> |
<b>{Math.round(d.value)}</b> |
</div> |
{d.date} |
</TooltipContainer> |
<div style={{ background: 'red' }}> |
<Arrow /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import * as d3 from 'd3' |
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server' |
import type { Props } from '.' |
import type { CTX } from './types' |
import Tooltip from './Tooltip' |
export default function handleMouseEvents({ |
ctx, |
props, |
shouldTooltipUpdate, |
onTooltipUpdate, |
}: { |
ctx: CTX, |
props: Props, |
shouldTooltipUpdate: Function, |
onTooltipUpdate: Function, |
}) { |
const { MARGINS, HEIGHT, WIDTH, NODES, DATA, x, y } = ctx |
const { hideAxis } = props |
const bisectDate = d3.bisector(d => d.parsedDate).left |
const node = NODES.wrapper |
.append('rect') |
.attr('fill', 'none') |
.attr('pointer-events', 'all') |
.attr('class', 'overlay') |
.attr('width', WIDTH) |
.attr('height', HEIGHT) |
node |
.on('mousemove', mouseMove) |
.on('mouseenter', mouseEnter) |
.on('mouseout', mouseOut) |
function getStep() { |
const x0 = x.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0]) |
const i = bisectDate(DATA, x0, 1) |
const d0 = DATA[i - 1] |
const d1 = DATA[i] |
if (!d0 || !d1) { |
return null |
} |
return x0 - d0.parsedDate > d1.parsedDate - x0 ? d1 : d0 |
} |
function mouseEnter() { |
const d = getStep.call(this) |
if (!d) { |
return |
} |
NODES.tooltip |
.style('transition', '100ms cubic-bezier(.61,1,.53,1) opacity') |
.style('opacity', 1) |
.style('transform', `translate3d(${MARGINS.left + x(d.parsedDate)}px, ${y(d.value)}px, 0)`) |
NODES.focus.style('opacity', 1) |
if (!hideAxis) { |
NODES.xBar.style('opacity', 1) |
NODES.yBar.style('opacity', 1) |
} |
} |
function mouseOut() { |
NODES.tooltip.style('opacity', 0).style('transition', '100ms linear opacity') |
NODES.focus.style('opacity', 0) |
if (!hideAxis) { |
NODES.xBar.style('opacity', 0) |
NODES.yBar.style('opacity', 0) |
} |
} |
function mouseMove() { |
const d = getStep.call(this) |
if (!d) { |
return |
} |
if (!shouldTooltipUpdate(d)) { |
return |
} |
onTooltipUpdate(d) |
NODES.focus.attr('transform', `translate(${x(d.parsedDate)},${y(d.value)})`) |
NODES.tooltip |
.html(renderToString(<Tooltip d={d.ref} />)) |
.style('transform', `translate3d(${MARGINS.left + x(d.parsedDate)}px, ${y(d.value)}px, 0)`) |
if (!hideAxis) { |
NODES.xBar |
.attr('x1', x(d.parsedDate)) |
.attr('x2', x(d.parsedDate)) |
.attr('y1', HEIGHT) |
.attr('y2', y(d.value)) |
NODES.yBar |
.attr('x1', 0) |
.attr('x2', x(d.parsedDate)) |
.attr('y1', y(d.value)) |
.attr('y2', y(d.value)) |
} |
} |
return node |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
import c from 'color' |
export function enrichData(data, parseTime) { |
return data.map((d, i) => ({ |
...d, |
ref: d, |
index: i, |
parsedDate: parseTime(d.date), |
})) |
} |
export function generateColors(color) { |
const cColor = c(color) |
return { |
line: color, |
focus: color, |
gradientStart: cColor.fade(0.7), |
gradientStop: cColor.fade(1), |
focusBar: cColor.fade(0.5), |
} |
} |
export function generateMargins(hideAxis) { |
return { |
top: hideAxis ? 5 : 10, |
bottom: hideAxis ? 5 : 40, |
right: hideAxis ? 5 : 10, |
left: hideAxis ? 5 : 70, |
} |
} |
export function observeResize(node, cb) { |
const ro = new ResizeObserver(() => { |
if (!node) { |
return |
} |
const { width } = node.getBoundingClientRect() |
cb(width) |
}) |
ro.observe(node) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ |
// @flow
/** |
* Chart |
* ----- |
* |
* XX |
* XXXX |
* X XX X |
* XX X XX X |
* XX |
* XX |
* Usage: |
* |
* <Chart |
* data={data} |
* interactive // Handle mouse events, display tooltip etc.
* color="#5f8ced" // Main color for line, gradient, etc.
* height={300} // Fix height. Width is responsive to container.
* /> |
* |
* `data` looks like: |
* |
* [ |
* { date: '2018-01-01', value: 10 }, |
* { date: '2018-01-02', value: 25 }, |
* { date: '2018-01-03', value: 50 }, |
* ] |
* |
*/ |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import * as d3 from 'd3' |
import noop from 'lodash/noop' |
import refreshNodes from './refreshNodes' |
import refreshDraw from './refreshDraw' |
import handleMouseEvents from './handleMouseEvents' |
import { enrichData, generateColors, generateMargins, observeResize } from './helpers' |
import type { Data } from './types' |
export type Props = { |
data: Data, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
color?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
hideAxis?: boolean, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
interactive?: boolean, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
height: number, |
dateFormat?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
} |
class Chart extends PureComponent<Props> { |
static defaultProps = { |
color: '#000', |
hideAxis: false, |
interactive: true, |
height: 400, |
dateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
const { width } = this._ruler.getBoundingClientRect() |
this._width = width |
this.createChart() |
observeResize(this._ruler, width => { |
if (width !== this._width) { |
this._width = width |
this.refreshChart(this.props) |
} |
}) |
} |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { |
this.refreshChart(prevProps) |
} |
_ruler: any |
_node: any |
_width: number |
refreshChart: Function |
createChart() { |
const ctx = { |
NODES: {}, |
MARGINS: {}, |
COLORS: {}, |
DATA: [], |
WIDTH: 0, |
HEIGHT: 0, |
x: noop, |
y: noop, |
} |
let firstRender = true |
// Keep reference to mouse handler to allow destroy when refresh
let mouseHandler = null |
this.refreshChart = prevProps => { |
const { _node: node, props } = this |
const { data: raw, color, dateFormat, height, hideAxis, interactive } = props |
let { COLORS, MARGINS } = ctx |
const DATA = enrichData(raw, d3.timeParse(dateFormat)) |
ctx.DATA = DATA |
// Detect what needs to be updated
const INVALIDATED = { |
color: firstRender || (prevProps && color !== prevProps.color), |
margin: firstRender || (prevProps && hideAxis !== prevProps.hideAxis), |
} |
firstRender = false |
// Reset color if needed
if (INVALIDATED.color) { |
COLORS = generateColors(color) |
} |
// Reset margins if needed
if (INVALIDATED.margin) { |
MARGINS = generateMargins(hideAxis) |
} |
// Derived draw variables
const HEIGHT = Math.max(0, height - MARGINS.top - MARGINS.bottom) |
const WIDTH = Math.max(0, this._width - MARGINS.left - MARGINS.right) |
// Scales and areas
const x = d3.scaleTime().range([0, WIDTH]) |
const y = d3.scaleLinear().range([HEIGHT, 0]) |
x.domain(d3.extent(DATA, d => d.parsedDate)) |
y.domain([0, d3.max(DATA, d => d.value)]) |
ctx.x = x |
ctx.y = y |
// Reference to last tooltip, to prevent un-necessary re-render
let lastDisplayedTooltip = null |
// Add/remove nodes depending on props
refreshNodes({ ctx, node, props }) |
// Redraw
refreshDraw({ ctx, props }) |
// Mouse handler
mouseHandler && mouseHandler.remove() // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
if (interactive) { |
mouseHandler = handleMouseEvents({ |
ctx, |
props, |
shouldTooltipUpdate: d => d !== lastDisplayedTooltip, |
onTooltipUpdate: d => (lastDisplayedTooltip = d), |
}) |
} |
} |
this.refreshChart() |
} |
render() { |
const { height } = this.props |
return ( |
<div style={{ position: 'relative', height }} ref={n => (this._ruler = n)}> |
<div |
style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} |
ref={n => (this._node = n)} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
export default Chart |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
// @flow
import * as d3 from 'd3' |
import { colors as themeColors } from 'styles/theme' |
import type { Props } from '.' |
import type { CTX } from './types' |
export default function refreshDraw({ ctx, props }: { ctx: CTX, props: Props }) { |
const { hideAxis, interactive } = props |
const area = d3 |
.area() |
.x(d => x(d.parsedDate)) |
.y0(HEIGHT) |
.y1(d => y(d.value)) |
const valueline = d3 |
.line() |
.x(d => x(d.parsedDate)) |
.y(d => y(d.value)) |
// Resize container
NODES.svg |
.attr('width', WIDTH + MARGINS.left + MARGINS.right) |
.attr('height', HEIGHT + MARGINS.top + MARGINS.bottom) |
// Resize wrapper & axis
NODES.wrapper.attr('transform', `translate(${MARGINS.left},${MARGINS.top})`) |
// Resize axis
if (!hideAxis) { |
NODES.axisBot.attr('transform', `translate(0,${HEIGHT + 10})`) |
} |
if (INVALIDATED.color) { |
if (interactive) { |
// Update focus bar colors
NODES.xBar.attr('stroke', COLORS.focusBar) |
NODES.yBar.attr('stroke', COLORS.focusBar) |
// Update dot color
NODES.focus.attr('fill', COLORS.focus) |
} |
// Update gradient color
NODES.gradientStart.attr('stop-color', COLORS.gradientStart) |
NODES.gradientStop.attr('stop-color', COLORS.gradientStop) |
// Update line color
NODES.line.attr('stroke', COLORS.line) |
} |
// Hide interactive things
if (interactive) { |
NODES.focus.style('opacity', 0) |
NODES.tooltip.style('opacity', 0) |
NODES.xBar.style('opacity', 0) |
NODES.yBar.style('opacity', 0) |
} |
// Draw axis
if (!hideAxis) { |
NODES.axisLeft.call(d3.axisLeft(y).ticks(3)) |
NODES.axisBot.call(d3.axisBottom(x).ticks(5)) |
stylizeAxis(NODES.axisLeft) |
stylizeAxis(NODES.axisBot) |
} |
// Draw ticks
if (!hideAxis) { |
const yTicks = d3 |
.axisLeft(y) |
.ticks(3) |
.tickSize(-WIDTH) |
.tickFormat('') |
NODES.yTicks.call(yTicks) |
NODES.yTicks.select('.domain').remove() |
NODES.yTicks |
.selectAll('.tick line') |
.attr('stroke', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)') |
.attr('stroke-dasharray', '5, 5') |
NODES.yTicks |
.selectAll('.tick:first-of-type line') |
.attr('stroke-width', '2px') |
.attr('stroke-dasharray', 'none') |
} |
// Draw line and gradient
NODES.fillArea.data([DATA]).attr('d', area) |
NODES.line.data([DATA]).attr('d', valueline) |
} |
function stylizeAxis(axis) { |
axis.selectAll('.tick line').attr('stroke', 'none') |
axis.selectAll('path').attr('stroke', 'none') |
axis |
.selectAll('text') |
.attr('stroke', themeColors.smoke) |
.style('font-size', '12px') |
.style('font-family', 'Open Sans') |
.style('font-weight', 300) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ |
// @flow
import * as d3 from 'd3' |
import d from 'debug' |
import type { Props } from '.' |
import type { CTX } from './types' |
const debug = d('Chart') |
export default function refreshNodes({ ctx, node, props }: { ctx: CTX, node: any, props: Props }) { |
const { NODES, COLORS } = ctx |
const { hideAxis, interactive } = props |
// Container
ensure({ NODES, key: 'svg' }, () => d3.select(node).append('svg')) |
ensure({ NODES, key: 'wrapper' }, () => NODES.svg.append('g')) |
ensure({ NODES, key: 'defs' }, () => NODES.wrapper.append('defs')) |
// Axis & ticks
ensure({ onlyIf: !hideAxis, NODES, key: 'axisBot' }, () => NODES.wrapper.append('g')) |
ensure({ onlyIf: !hideAxis, NODES, key: 'axisLeft' }, () => NODES.wrapper.append('g')) |
ensure({ onlyIf: !hideAxis, NODES, key: 'yTicks' }, () => NODES.wrapper.append('g')) |
// Focus bars
ensure({ onlyIf: interactive, NODES, key: 'xBar' }, () => |
NODES.wrapper |
.append('line') |
.attr('stroke', COLORS.focusBar) |
.attr('stroke-width', '1px') |
.attr('stroke-dasharray', '3, 2'), |
) |
ensure({ onlyIf: interactive, NODES, key: 'yBar' }, () => |
NODES.wrapper |
.append('line') |
.attr('stroke', COLORS.focusBar) |
.attr('stroke-width', '1px') |
.attr('stroke-dasharray', '3, 2'), |
) |
// Gradient
ensure({ NODES, key: 'gradient' }, () => |
NODES.defs |
.append('linearGradient') |
.attr('id', 'gradient') |
.attr('x1', '0%') |
.attr('x2', '0%') |
.attr('y1', '0%') |
.attr('y2', '100%'), |
) |
ensure({ NODES, key: 'gradientStart' }, () => |
NODES.gradient |
.append('stop') |
.attr('stop-color', COLORS.gradientStart) |
.attr('offset', '0'), |
) |
ensure({ NODES, key: 'gradientStop' }, () => |
NODES.gradient |
.append('stop') |
.attr('stop-color', COLORS.gradientStop) |
.attr('offset', '1'), |
) |
ensure({ NODES, key: 'fillArea' }, () => |
NODES.wrapper.append('path').attr('fill', 'url(#gradient)'), |
) |
// Line
ensure({ NODES, key: 'line' }, () => |
NODES.wrapper |
.append('path') |
.attr('fill', 'none') |
.attr('stroke', COLORS.line) |
.attr('stroke-width', '2px'), |
) |
// Tooltip & focus point
ensure({ onlyIf: interactive, NODES, key: 'tooltip' }, () => |
d3 |
.select(node) |
.append('div') |
.style('position', 'absolute') |
.style('top', '0') |
.style('left', '0') |
.style('pointer-events', 'none'), |
) |
ensure({ onlyIf: interactive, NODES, key: 'focus' }, () => |
NODES.wrapper |
.append('g') |
.append('circle') |
.attr('fill', COLORS.focus) |
.attr('r', 4), |
) |
} |
function ensure( |
{ onlyIf: condition = true, NODES, key }: { onlyIf?: boolean, NODES: Object, key: string }, |
create, |
) { |
if (!condition && NODES[key]) { |
remove(NODES, key) |
} |
if (condition && !NODES[key]) { |
append(NODES, key, create()) |
} |
} |
function remove(NODES, key) { |
debug(`Destroying ${key}`) |
NODES[key].remove() |
NODES[key] = null |
} |
function append(NODES, key, node) { |
debug(`Appending ${key}`) |
NODES[key] = node |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react' |
import Chance from 'chance' |
import moment from 'moment' |
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react' |
import { boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs' |
import { color } from '@storybook/addon-knobs/react' |
import Chart from 'components/base/NewChart' |
const stories = storiesOf('Components/Chart', module) |
const data = generateRandomData(365) |
type State = { |
start: number, |
stop: number, |
} |
class Wrapper extends Component<any, State> { |
state = { |
start: 0, |
stop: 365, |
} |
handleChange = key => e => this.setState({ [key]: Number(e.target.value) }) |
render() { |
const { start, stop } = this.state |
return ( |
<Fragment> |
<input type="range" value={start} onChange={this.handleChange('start')} min={0} max={365} /> |
<input |
type="range" |
value={stop} |
style={{ marginLeft: 10 }} |
onChange={this.handleChange('stop')} |
min={0} |
max={365} |
/> |
<Chart |
interactive={boolean('interactive', true)} |
hideAxis={boolean('hideAxis', false)} |
color={color('color', '#5f8ced')} |
data={data.slice(start, stop)} |
height={number('height', 300, { min: 100, max: 900 })} |
/> |
</Fragment> |
) |
} |
} |
stories.add('default', () => <Wrapper />) |
function generateRandomData(n) { |
const today = moment() |
const day = moment(today).subtract(n, 'days') |
const data = [] |
const chance = new Chance() |
while (!day.isSame(today)) { |
data.push({ |
date: day.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
value: chance.integer({ min: 0, max: 50e3 }), |
}) |
day.add(1, 'day') |
} |
return data |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
// @flow
export type Item = { |
date: string, |
value: number, |
} |
type EnrichedItem = { |
date: string, |
value: number, |
parsedDate: Date, |
ref: Item, |
} |
export type Data = Array<Item> |
export type EnrichedData = Array<EnrichedItem> |
export type CTX = { |
NODES: Object, |
MARGINS: Object, |
COLORS: Object, |
HEIGHT: number, |
WIDTH: number, |
DATA: EnrichedData, |
x: Function, |
y: Function, |
} |
Reference in new issue