@ -23,36 +23,81 @@ const OPS_LIMIT = 10000 |
type Props = { |
devicePath: string, |
currencyId: string, |
onAccountScanned: Function, |
} |
async function getOrCreateWallet(currencyId) { |
const core = require('ledger-core') |
try { |
const wallet = await core.getWallet(currencyId) |
return wallet |
} catch (err) { |
const currency = await core.getCurrency(currencyId) |
const wallet = await core.createWallet(currencyId, currency) |
return wallet |
} |
export default async function scanAccountsOnDevice(props: Props): AccountRaw[] { |
const { devicePath, currencyId, onAccountScanned } = props |
// instanciate app on device
const transport = await CommNodeHid.open(devicePath) |
const hwApp = new Btc(transport) |
// compute wallet identifier
const deviceIdentifiers = await hwApp.getWalletPublicKey(devicePath) |
const { publicKey } = deviceIdentifiers |
const WALLET_IDENTIFIER = `${publicKey}__${currencyId}` |
// retrieve or create the wallet
const wallet = await getOrCreateWallet(WALLET_IDENTIFIER, currencyId) |
const accountsCount = await wallet.getAccountCount() |
// recursively scan all accounts on device on the given app
// new accounts will be created in sqlite, existing ones will be updated
const accounts = await scanNextAccount({ |
wallet, |
hwApp, |
currencyId, |
accountsCount, |
accountIndex: 0, |
accounts: [], |
onAccountScanned, |
}) |
return accounts |
} |
async function scanNextAccount({ wallet, hwApp, accountIndex, accountsCount, accounts }) { |
async function scanNextAccount(props) { |
const { |
wallet, |
hwApp, |
currencyId, |
accountsCount, |
accountIndex, |
accounts, |
onAccountScanned, |
} = props |
// TODO: investigate why importing it on file scope causes trouble
const core = require('ledger-core') |
console.log(`>> Scanning account ${accountIndex}`) |
// create account only if account has not been scanned yet
// if it has already been created, we just need to get it, and sync it
const hasBeenScanned = accountIndex < accountsCount |
const account = hasBeenScanned |
const njsAccount = hasBeenScanned |
? await wallet.getAccount(accountIndex) |
: await core.createAccount(wallet, hwApp) |
await core.syncAccount(account) |
await core.syncAccount(njsAccount) |
const query = account.queryOperations() |
const query = njsAccount.queryOperations() |
const ops = await query.limit(OPS_LIMIT).execute() |
const account = await buildRawAccount({ |
njsAccount, |
accountIndex, |
wallet, |
currencyId, |
core, |
hwApp, |
}) |
// trigger event
onAccountScanned(account) |
accounts.push(account) |
// returns if the current index points on an account with no ops
@ -60,55 +105,27 @@ async function scanNextAccount({ wallet, hwApp, accountIndex, accountsCount, acc |
return accounts |
} |
return scanNextAccount({ |
wallet, |
hwApp, |
accountIndex: accountIndex + 1, |
accounts, |
accountsCount, |
}) |
return scanNextAccount({ ...props, accountIndex: accountIndex + 1 }) |
} |
export default async function scanAccountsOnDevice(props: Props): AccountRaw[] { |
async function getOrCreateWallet(WALLET_IDENTIFIER, currencyId) { |
// TODO: investigate why importing it on file scope causes trouble
const core = require('ledger-core') |
const { devicePath, currencyId } = props |
const wallet = await getOrCreateWallet(currencyId) |
const accountsCount = await wallet.getAccountCount() |
const transport = await CommNodeHid.open(devicePath) |
const hwApp = new Btc(transport) |
// retrieve native accounts
const njsAccounts = await scanNextAccount({ |
wallet, |
hwApp, |
accountsCount, |
accountIndex: 0, |
accounts: [], |
}) |
// create AccountRaw[], looping on every njsAccount and transform it to an AccountRaw
const rawAccounts = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < njsAccounts.length; i++) { |
const rawAccount = await buildRawAccount({ |
njsAccount: njsAccounts[i], |
accountIndex: i, |
wallet, |
currencyId, |
core, |
hwApp, |
}) |
rawAccounts.push(rawAccount) |
try { |
const wallet = await core.getWallet(WALLET_IDENTIFIER) |
return wallet |
} catch (err) { |
const currency = await core.getCurrency(currencyId) |
const wallet = await core.createWallet(WALLET_IDENTIFIER, currency) |
return wallet |
} |
return rawAccounts |
} |
async function buildRawAccount({ |
njsAccount, |
wallet, |
currencyId, |
core, |
// core,
hwApp, |
accountIndex, |
}: { |
@ -125,10 +142,17 @@ async function buildRawAccount({ |
const { derivations } = await wallet.getAccountCreationInfo(accountIndex) |
const [walletPath, accountPath] = derivations |
const { publicKey, chainCode, bitcoinAddress } = await hwApp.getWalletPublicKey(accountPath) |
const nativeDerivationPath = core.createDerivationPath(accountPath) |
const depth = nativeDerivationPath.getDepth() |
const childNum = nativeDerivationPath.getChildNum(accountIndex) |
const fingerprint = core.createBtcFingerprint(publicKey) |
// TODO: wtf is happening?
// const nativeDerivationPath = core.createDerivationPath(accountPath)
// const depth = nativeDerivationPath.getDepth()
const depth = 'depth' |
// const childNum = nativeDerivationPath.getChildNum(accountIndex)
const childNum = 'childNum' |
// const fingerprint = core.createBtcFingerprint(publicKey)
const fingerprint = 'fingerprint' |
const { bitcoinLikeNetworkParameters } = wallet.getCurrency() |
const network = Buffer.from(bitcoinLikeNetworkParameters.XPUBVersion).readUIntBE(0, 4) |
const xpub = createXPUB(depth, fingerprint, childNum, chainCode, publicKey, network) |
@ -137,7 +161,12 @@ async function buildRawAccount({ |
const { height: blockHeight } = await njsAccount.getLastBlock() |
// get a bunch of fresh addresses
const addresses = [] |
const rawAddresses = await njsAccount.getFreshPublicAddresses() |
// TODO: waiting for libcore
const addresses = rawAddresses.map((strAddr, i) => ({ |
str: strAddr, |
path: `${accountPath}/${i}'`, |
})) |
const rawAccount: AccountRaw = { |
id: xpub, |