@ -1,10 +1,19 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' |
import { sendEvent } from 'renderer/events' |
import EthereumKind from 'components/FeesField/EthereumKind' |
import type { EditProps } from './types' |
import makeMockBridge from './makeMockBridge' |
import type { Account, Operation } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import { apiForCurrency } from 'api/Ethereum' |
import type { Tx } from 'api/Ethereum' |
import { makeBip44Path } from 'helpers/bip32path' |
import type { EditProps, WalletBridge } from './types' |
const EditFees = ({ account, onChange, value }: EditProps<*>) => ( |
// TODO in future it would be neat to support eip55
type Transaction = * |
const EditFees = ({ account, onChange, value }: EditProps<Transaction>) => ( |
<EthereumKind |
onChange={gasPrice => { |
onChange({ ...value, gasPrice }) |
@ -14,9 +23,285 @@ const EditFees = ({ account, onChange, value }: EditProps<*>) => ( |
/> |
) |
export default makeMockBridge({ |
extraInitialTransactionProps: () => ({ gasPrice: 0 }), |
const toAccountOperation = (account: Account) => (tx: Tx): Operation => { |
const sending = account.address.toLowerCase() === tx.from.toLowerCase() |
return { |
id: tx.hash, |
hash: tx.hash, |
address: sending ? tx.to : tx.from, |
amount: (sending ? -1 : 1) * tx.value, |
blockHeight: tx.block.height, |
blockHash: tx.block.hash, |
accountId: account.id, |
senders: [tx.from], |
recipients: [tx.to], |
date: new Date(tx.received_at), |
} |
} |
function isRecipientValid(currency, recipient) { |
return !!recipient.match(/^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) |
} |
function mergeOps(existing: Operation[], newFetched: Operation[]) { |
const ids = existing.map(o => o.id) |
const all = existing.concat(newFetched.filter(o => !ids.includes(o.id))) |
return all.sort((a, b) => a.date - b.date) |
} |
const paginateMoreTransactions = async ( |
account: Account, |
acc: Operation[], |
): Promise<Operation[]> => { |
const api = apiForCurrency(account.currency) |
const { txs } = await api.getTransactions( |
account.address, |
acc.length ? acc[acc.length - 1].blockHash : undefined, |
) |
if (txs.length === 0) return acc |
return mergeOps(acc, txs.map(toAccountOperation(account))) |
} |
function signTransactionOnDevice( |
a: Account, |
t: Transaction, |
deviceId: string, |
nonce: string, |
): Promise<string> { |
const transaction = { ...t, nonce } |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const unbind = () => { |
ipcRenderer.removeListener('msg', handleMsgEvent) |
} |
function handleMsgEvent(e, { data, type }) { |
if (type === 'devices.signTransaction.success') { |
unbind() |
resolve(data) |
} else if (type === 'devices.signTransaction.fail') { |
unbind() |
reject(new Error('failed to get address')) |
} |
} |
ipcRenderer.on('msg', handleMsgEvent) |
sendEvent('devices', 'signTransaction', { |
currencyId: a.currency.id, |
devicePath: deviceId, |
path: a.path, |
transaction, |
}) |
}) |
} |
const EthereumBridge: WalletBridge<Transaction> = { |
scanAccountsOnDevice(currency, deviceId, { next, complete, error }) { |
let finished = false |
const unbind = () => { |
finished = true |
ipcRenderer.removeListener('msg', handleMsgEvent) |
} |
const api = apiForCurrency(currency) |
// FIXME: THIS IS SPAghetti, we need to move to a more robust approach to get an observable with a sendEvent
// in future ideally what we want is:
// return mergeMap(addressesObservable, address => fetchAccount(address))
let index = 0 |
let balanceZerosCount = 0 |
function pollNextAddress() { |
sendEvent('devices', 'getAddress', { |
currencyId: currency.id, |
devicePath: deviceId, |
path: makeBip44Path({ |
currency, |
x: index, |
}), |
}) |
index++ |
} |
let currentBlockPromise |
function lazyCurrentBlock() { |
if (!currentBlockPromise) { |
currentBlockPromise = api.getCurrentBlock() |
} |
return currentBlockPromise |
} |
async function stepAddress({ address, path }) { |
try { |
const balance = await api.getAccountBalance(address) |
if (finished) return |
if (balance === 0) { |
if (balanceZerosCount === 0) { |
// first zero account will emit one account as opportunity to create a new account..
const currentBlock = await lazyCurrentBlock() |
const accountId = `${currency.id}_${address}` |
const account: Account = { |
id: accountId, |
xpub: '', |
path, |
walletPath: String(index), |
name: 'New Account', |
isSegwit: false, |
address, |
addresses: [address], |
balance, |
blockHeight: currentBlock.height, |
archived: true, |
index, |
currency, |
operations: [], |
unit: currency.units[0], |
lastSyncDate: new Date(), |
} |
next(account) |
} |
balanceZerosCount++ |
// NB we currently stop earlier. in future we shouldn't stop here, just continue & user will stop at the end!
// NB (what's the max tho?)
unbind() |
complete() |
} else { |
const currentBlock = await lazyCurrentBlock() |
if (finished) return |
const { txs } = await api.getTransactions(address) |
if (finished) return |
const accountId = `${currency.id}_${address}` |
const account: Account = { |
id: accountId, |
xpub: '', |
path, |
walletPath: String(index), |
name: address.slice(32), |
isSegwit: false, |
address, |
addresses: [address], |
balance, |
blockHeight: currentBlock.height, |
archived: true, |
index, |
currency, |
operations: [], |
unit: currency.units[0], |
lastSyncDate: new Date(), |
} |
account.operations = txs.map(toAccountOperation(account)) |
next(account) |
pollNextAddress() |
} |
} catch (e) { |
error(e) |
} |
} |
function handleMsgEvent(e, { data, type }) { |
if (type === 'devices.getAddress.success') { |
stepAddress(data) |
} else if (type === 'devices.getAddress.fail') { |
error(new Error(data.message)) |
} |
} |
ipcRenderer.on('msg', handleMsgEvent) |
pollNextAddress() |
return { |
unsubscribe() { |
unbind() |
}, |
} |
}, |
synchronize({ address, blockHeight, currency }, { next, complete, error }) { |
let unsubscribed = false |
const api = apiForCurrency(currency) |
async function main() { |
try { |
const block = await api.getCurrentBlock() |
if (unsubscribed) return |
if (block.height === blockHeight) { |
complete() |
} else { |
const balance = await api.getAccountBalance(address) |
if (unsubscribed) return |
const { txs } = await api.getTransactions(address) |
if (unsubscribed) return |
next(a => { |
const currentOps = a.operations |
const newOps = txs.map(toAccountOperation(a)) |
if (newOps.length === 0 && currentOps.length === 0) return a |
if (currentOps[0].id === newOps[0].id) return a |
const operations = mergeOps(currentOps, newOps) |
return { |
...a, |
operations, |
balance, |
blockHeight: block.height, |
lastSyncDate: new Date(), |
} |
}) |
complete() |
} |
} catch (e) { |
error(e) |
} |
} |
main() |
return { |
unsubscribe() { |
unsubscribed = true |
}, |
} |
}, |
pullMoreOperations: async account => { |
const operations = await paginateMoreTransactions(account, account.operations) |
return a => ({ ...a, operations }) |
}, |
isRecipientValid: (currency, recipient) => Promise.resolve(isRecipientValid(currency, recipient)), |
createTransaction: () => ({ |
amount: 0, |
recipient: '', |
gasPrice: 0, |
}), |
editTransactionAmount: (account, t, amount) => ({ |
...t, |
amount, |
}), |
getTransactionAmount: (a, t) => t.amount, |
editTransactionRecipient: (account, t, recipient) => ({ |
...t, |
recipient, |
}), |
getTransactionRecipient: (a, t) => t.recipient, |
isValidTransaction: (a, t) => (t.amount > 0 && t.recipient && true) || false, |
// $FlowFixMe
EditFees, |
getTotalSpent: (a, t) => Promise.resolve(t.amount + t.gasPrice), |
getMaxAmount: (a, t) => Promise.resolve(a.balance - t.gasPrice), |
}) |
signAndBroadcast: async (a, t, deviceId) => { |
const api = apiForCurrency(a.currency) |
const nonce = await api.getAccountNonce(a.address) |
const transaction = await signTransactionOnDevice(a, t, deviceId, nonce) |
const result = await api.broadcastTransaction(transaction) |
return result |
}, |
} |
export default EthereumBridge |