committed by
52 changed files with 1589 additions and 799 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import { translate } from 'react-i18next' |
import { getIconByCoinType } from '@ledgerhq/currencies/react' |
import { listCurrencies } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import noop from 'lodash/noop' |
import type { Currency } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
import Select from 'components/base/Select' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
const renderItem = a => { |
const { color, name, coinType } = a |
const Icon = getIconByCoinType(coinType) |
return ( |
<Box grow horizontal alignItems="center" flow={2}> |
{Icon && ( |
<Box style={{ width: 16, height: 16, color }}> |
<Icon size={16} /> |
</Box> |
)} |
<Box grow ff="Open Sans|SemiBold" color="dark" fontSize={4}> |
{name} |
</Box> |
</Box> |
) |
} |
const currencies = listCurrencies() |
type Props = { |
onChange: Function, |
value?: Currency, |
t: T, |
} |
const SelectCurrency = ({ onChange, value, t, ...props }: Props) => ( |
<Select |
{...props} |
value={value} |
renderSelected={renderItem} |
renderItem={renderItem} |
keyProp="coinType" |
items={currencies.sort((a, b) => ( < ? -1 : 1))} |
placeholder={t('common:selectCurrency')} |
fontSize={4} |
onChange={onChange} |
/> |
) |
SelectCurrency.defaultProps = { |
onChange: noop, |
value: undefined, |
} |
export default translate()(SelectCurrency) |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react' |
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions' |
import SelectCurrency from 'components/SelectCurrency' |
const stories = storiesOf('Components', module) |
class Wrapper extends Component<any, any> { |
state = { |
value: '', |
} |
handleChange = item => { |
this.setState({ value: item }) |
action('onChange')(item) |
} |
render() { |
const { render } = this.props |
const { value } = this.state |
return render({ onChange: this.handleChange, value }) |
} |
} |
stories.add('SelectCurrency', () => ( |
<Wrapper render={({ onChange, value }) => <SelectCurrency onChange={onChange} value={value} />} /> |
)) |
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import type { SettingsDisplay, T } from 'types/common' |
import Box, { Card } from 'components/base/Box' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import Label from 'components/base/Label' |
import Select from 'components/base/Select' |
type InputValue = SettingsDisplay |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
settings: SettingsDisplay, |
onSaveSettings: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
inputValue: InputValue, |
} |
class TabProfile extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
inputValue: { |
language: this.props.settings.language, |
}, |
} |
getDatas() { |
const { t } = this.props |
return { |
languages: [ |
{ |
key: 'en', |
name: t('language:en'), |
}, |
{ |
key: 'fr', |
name: t('language:fr'), |
}, |
], |
} |
} |
handleChangeInput = (key: $Keys<InputValue>) => (value: $Values<InputValue>) => |
this.setState(prev => ({ |
inputValue: { |
...prev.inputValue, |
[key]: value, |
}, |
})) |
handleSubmit = (e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { |
e.preventDefault() |
const { onSaveSettings } = this.props |
const { inputValue } = this.state |
onSaveSettings({ |
...inputValue, |
}) |
} |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
const { inputValue } = this.state |
const { languages } = this.getDatas() |
const currentLanguage = languages.find(l => l.key === inputValue.language) |
return ( |
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> |
<Card flow={3}> |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label>{t('settings:display.language')}</Label> |
<Select |
onChange={item => this.handleChangeInput('language')(item.key)} |
renderSelected={item => item &&} |
value={currentLanguage} |
items={languages} |
/> |
</Box> |
<Box horizontal justifyContent="flex-end"> |
<Button primary type="submit"> |
{t('common:save')} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
</Card> |
</form> |
) |
} |
} |
export default TabProfile |
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { getFiatUnit } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import type { SettingsMoney, T } from 'types/common' |
import Box, { Card } from 'components/base/Box' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import Label from 'components/base/Label' |
import Select from 'components/base/Select' |
const counterValues = ['USD', 'EUR', 'JPY', 'GBP'].sort().map(c => { |
const { name } = getFiatUnit(c) |
return { |
key: c, |
name, |
} |
}) |
type InputValue = SettingsMoney |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
settings: SettingsMoney, |
onSaveSettings: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
inputValue: InputValue, |
} |
class TabProfile extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
inputValue: { |
counterValue: this.props.settings.counterValue, |
}, |
} |
handleChangeInput = (key: $Keys<InputValue>) => (value: $Values<InputValue>) => |
this.setState(prev => ({ |
inputValue: { |
...prev.inputValue, |
[key]: value, |
}, |
})) |
handleSubmit = (e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { |
e.preventDefault() |
const { onSaveSettings } = this.props |
const { inputValue } = this.state |
onSaveSettings({ |
...inputValue, |
}) |
} |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
const { inputValue } = this.state |
const currentCounterValues = counterValues.find(l => l.key === inputValue.counterValue) |
return ( |
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> |
<Card flow={3}> |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label>{t('settings:display.counterValue')}</Label> |
<Select |
onChange={item => this.handleChangeInput('counterValue')(item.key)} |
renderSelected={item => item &&} |
value={currentCounterValues} |
items={counterValues} |
/> |
</Box> |
<Box horizontal justifyContent="flex-end"> |
<Button primary type="submit"> |
{t('common:save')} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
</Card> |
</form> |
) |
} |
} |
export default TabProfile |
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs' |
import { unlock } from 'reducers/application' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import InputPassword from 'components/base/InputPassword' |
import Label from 'components/base/Label' |
import { Modal, ModalContent, ModalBody, ModalTitle, ModalFooter } from 'components/base/Modal' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
const mapDispatchToProps = { |
unlock, |
} |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
onClose: Function, |
unlock: Function, |
isPasswordEnabled: boolean, |
currentPasswordHash: string, |
onChangePassword: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
currentPassword: string, |
newPassword: string, |
} |
const INITIAL_STATE = { |
currentPassword: '', |
newPassword: '', |
} |
class PasswordModal extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
handleSave = (e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { |
if (e) { |
e.preventDefault() |
} |
if (!this.isValid()) { |
return |
} |
const { currentPassword, newPassword } = this.state |
const { isPasswordEnabled, currentPasswordHash, onChangePassword } = this.props |
if (isPasswordEnabled) { |
if (!bcrypt.compareSync(currentPassword, currentPasswordHash)) { |
return |
} |
onChangePassword(newPassword) |
} else { |
onChangePassword(newPassword) |
} |
} |
handleInputChange = key => value => this.setState({ [key]: value }) |
handleReset = () => this.setState(INITIAL_STATE) |
isValid = () => { |
const { newPassword } = this.state |
return newPassword |
} |
render() { |
const { t, isPasswordEnabled, onClose, ...props } = this.props |
const { currentPassword, newPassword } = this.state |
const isValid = this.isValid() |
return ( |
<Modal |
{...props} |
onHide={this.handleReset} |
onClose={onClose} |
render={({ onClose }) => ( |
<form onSubmit={this.handleSave}> |
<ModalBody onClose={onClose}> |
<ModalTitle>{t('settings:profile.passwordModalTitle')}</ModalTitle> |
<ModalContent> |
<Box ff="Museo Sans|Regular" color="dark" textAlign="center" mb={2} mt={3}> |
{t('settings:profile.passwordModalSubtitle')} |
</Box> |
<Box ff="Open Sans" color="smoke" fontSize={4} textAlign="center" px={4}> |
{t('settings:profile.passwordModalDesc')} |
<Box px={7} mt={4} flow={3}> |
{isPasswordEnabled && ( |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label htmlFor="password"> |
{t('settings:profile.passwordModalPasswordInput')} |
</Label> |
<InputPassword |
type="password" |
placeholder={t('settings:profile.passwordModalPasswordInput')} |
autoFocus |
id="password" |
onChange={this.handleInputChange('currentPassword')} |
value={currentPassword} |
/> |
</Box> |
)} |
<Box flow={1}> |
{isPasswordEnabled && ( |
<Label htmlFor="newPassword"> |
{t('settings:profile.passwordModalNewPasswordInput')} |
</Label> |
)} |
<InputPassword |
placeholder={t('settings:profile.passwordModalNewPasswordInput')} |
id="newPassword" |
onChange={this.handleInputChange('newPassword')} |
value={newPassword} |
withStrength |
/> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
</ModalContent> |
<ModalFooter horizontal align="center" justify="flex-end" flow={2}> |
<Button onClick={onClose}>{t('common:cancel')}</Button> |
<Button primary onClick={this.handleSave} disabled={!isValid}> |
{t('settings:profile.passwordModalSave')} |
</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</ModalBody> |
</form> |
)} |
/> |
) |
} |
} |
export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(PasswordModal) |
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs' |
import get from 'lodash/get' |
import set from 'lodash/set' |
import { setEncryptionKey } from 'helpers/db' |
import type { SettingsProfile, T } from 'types/common' |
import { unlock } from 'reducers/application' |
import Box, { Card } from 'components/base/Box' |
import Input from 'components/base/Input' |
import CheckBox from 'components/base/CheckBox' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import Label from 'components/base/Label' |
type InputValue = SettingsProfile |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
settings: SettingsProfile, |
onSaveSettings: Function, |
unlock: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
inputValue: InputValue, |
} |
const mapDispatchToProps = { |
unlock, |
} |
class TabProfile extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
inputValue: { |
password: { |
...this.props.settings.password, |
value: undefined, |
}, |
}, |
} |
handleChangeInput = (key: string) => (value: $Values<InputValue>) => |
this.setState(prev => ({ |
inputValue: { |
...set(prev.inputValue, key, value), |
}, |
})) |
handleSubmit = (e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { |
e.preventDefault() |
const { onSaveSettings, unlock } = this.props |
const { inputValue } = this.state |
const settings = { |
...inputValue, |
password: { |
...inputValue.password, |
value: '', |
}, |
} |
const password = get(inputValue, 'password', {}) |
if (password.state === true && password.value.trim() !== '') { |
settings.password.value = bcrypt.hashSync(password.value, 8) |
setEncryptionKey('accounts', password.value) |
} else { |
setEncryptionKey('accounts', undefined) |
} |
unlock() |
onSaveSettings(settings) |
} |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
const { inputValue } = this.state |
const isPasswordChecked = get(inputValue, 'password.state', false) |
return ( |
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> |
<Card flow={3}> |
<label> |
<Box |
horizontal |
alignItems="center" |
flow={2} |
style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} |
onClick={() => this.handleChangeInput('password.state')(!isPasswordChecked)} |
> |
<CheckBox isChecked={isPasswordChecked} /> |
<div>{t('settings:profile.protectWithPassword')}</div> |
</Box> |
</label> |
{get(inputValue, 'password.state') === true && ( |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label>{t('settings:profile.password')}</Label> |
<Input |
value={get(inputValue, 'password.value', '')} |
onChange={this.handleChangeInput('password.value')} |
type="password" |
/> |
</Box> |
)} |
<Box horizontal justifyContent="flex-end"> |
<Button primary type="submit"> |
{t('common:save')} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
</Card> |
</form> |
) |
} |
} |
export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(TabProfile) |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import { rgba } from 'styles/helpers' |
import Box, { Card } from 'components/base/Box' |
export const SettingsSection = styled(Card).attrs({ p: 0 })`` |
const SettingsSectionHeaderContainer = styled(Box).attrs({ |
p: 4, |
horizontal: true, |
align: 'center', |
})` |
border-bottom: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.colors.lightFog}; |
line-height: normal; |
` |
const RoundIconContainer = styled(Box).attrs({ |
align: 'center', |
justify: 'center', |
bg: p => rgba(p.theme.colors.wallet, 0.2), |
color: 'wallet', |
})` |
height: 30px; |
width: 30px; |
border-radius: 50%; |
` |
export const SettingsSectionBody = styled(Box)` |
> * + * { |
&:after { |
background: ${p => p.theme.colors.lightFog}; |
content: ''; |
display: block; |
height: 1px; |
left: ${p =>[4]}px; |
position: absolute; |
right: ${p =>[4]}px; |
top: 0; |
} |
} |
` |
export function SettingsSectionHeader({ |
title, |
desc, |
icon, |
renderRight, |
}: { |
title: string, |
desc: string, |
icon: any, |
renderRight?: any, |
}) { |
return ( |
<SettingsSectionHeaderContainer> |
<RoundIconContainer mr={3}>{icon}</RoundIconContainer> |
<Box grow> |
<Box ff="Museo Sans|Regular" color="dark"> |
{title} |
</Box> |
<Box ff="Open Sans" fontSize={3}> |
{desc} |
</Box> |
</Box> |
{renderRight && ( |
<Box alignItems="center" justifyContent="flex-end"> |
{renderRight} |
</Box> |
)} |
</SettingsSectionHeaderContainer> |
) |
} |
SettingsSectionHeader.defaultProps = { |
renderRight: undefined, |
} |
const SettingsSectionRowContainer = styled(Box).attrs({ |
p: 4, |
horizontal: true, |
align: 'center', |
relative: true, |
})` |
cursor: ${p => (p.onClick ? 'pointer' : '')}; |
` |
export function SettingsSectionRow({ |
title, |
desc, |
children, |
onClick, |
}: { |
title: string, |
desc: string, |
children?: any, |
onClick?: ?Function, |
}) { |
return ( |
<SettingsSectionRowContainer onClick={onClick}> |
<Box grow> |
<Box ff="Open Sans|SemiBold" color="dark" fontSize={4}> |
{title} |
</Box> |
<Box ff="Open Sans" fontSize={3} color="grey"> |
{desc} |
</Box> |
</Box> |
<Box>{children}</Box> |
</SettingsSectionRowContainer> |
) |
} |
SettingsSectionRow.defaultProps = { |
children: null, |
onClick: null, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { shell } from 'electron' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
import IconHelp from 'icons/Help' |
import IconChevronRight from 'icons/ChevronRight' |
import { |
SettingsSection as Section, |
SettingsSectionHeader as Header, |
SettingsSectionBody as Body, |
SettingsSectionRow as Row, |
} from '../SettingsSection' |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
} |
class SectionAbout extends PureComponent<Props> { |
handleOpenLink = (url: string) => () => shell.openExternal(url) |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
return ( |
<Section> |
<Header |
icon={<IconHelp size={16} />} |
title={t('settings:tabs.about')} |
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" |
/> |
<Body> |
<Row |
onClick={this.handleOpenLink('')} |
title={t('settings:about.faq')} |
desc={t('settings:about.faqDesc')} |
> |
<IconChevronRight size={16} /> |
</Row> |
<Row |
onClick={this.handleOpenLink('')} |
title={t('settings:about.contactUs')} |
desc={t('settings:about.contactUsDesc')} |
> |
<IconChevronRight size={16} /> |
</Row> |
<Row |
onClick={this.handleOpenLink('')} |
title={t('settings:about.terms')} |
desc={t('settings:about.termsDesc')} |
> |
<IconChevronRight size={16} /> |
</Row> |
</Body> |
</Section> |
) |
} |
} |
export default SectionAbout |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { listCurrencies } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import type { Currency } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
import SelectCurrency from 'components/SelectCurrency' |
import IconCurrencies from 'icons/Currencies' |
import { |
SettingsSection as Section, |
SettingsSectionHeader as Header, |
SettingsSectionBody as Body, |
SettingsSectionRow as Row, |
} from '../SettingsSection' |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
} |
type State = { |
currency: Currency, |
} |
class TabCurrencies extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
currency: listCurrencies()[0], |
} |
handleChangeCurrency = (currency: Currency) => this.setState({ currency }) |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
const { currency } = this.state |
return ( |
<Section> |
<Header |
icon={<IconCurrencies size={16} />} |
title={t('settings:tabs.currencies')} |
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" |
renderRight={ |
<SelectCurrency small value={currency} onChange={this.handleChangeCurrency} /> |
} |
/> |
<Body> |
<Row |
title={t('settings:currencies.confirmationsToSpend')} |
desc={t('settings:currencies.confirmationsToSpendDesc')} |
/> |
<Row |
title={t('settings:currencies.confirmationsNb')} |
desc={t('settings:currencies.confirmationsNbDesc')} |
/> |
<Row |
title={t('settings:currencies.transactionsFees')} |
desc={t('settings:currencies.transactionsFeesDesc')} |
/> |
<Row |
title={t('settings:currencies.explorer')} |
desc={t('settings:currencies.explorerDesc')} |
/> |
</Body> |
</Section> |
) |
} |
} |
export default TabCurrencies |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import moment from 'moment' |
import { listFiats } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import type { Settings, T } from 'types/common' |
import Select from 'components/base/Select' |
import IconDisplay from 'icons/Display' |
import { |
SettingsSection as Section, |
SettingsSectionHeader as Header, |
SettingsSectionBody as Body, |
SettingsSectionRow as Row, |
} from '../SettingsSection' |
const fiats = listFiats().map(fiat => ({ |
key: fiat.code, |
fiat, |
name: `${} - ${fiat.code}${fiat.symbol ? ` (${fiat.symbol})` : ''}`, |
})) |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
settings: Settings, |
saveSettings: Function, |
i18n: Object, |
} |
type State = { |
cachedLanguageKey: string, |
cachedCounterValue: ?Object, |
} |
class TabProfile extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
cachedLanguageKey: this.props.settings.language, |
cachedCounterValue: fiats.find(fiat => === this.props.settings.counterValue), |
} |
getDatas() { |
const { t } = this.props |
return { |
languages: [{ key: 'en', name: t('language:en') }, { key: 'fr', name: t('language:fr') }], |
} |
} |
handleChangeCounterValue = (item: Object) => { |
const { saveSettings } = this.props |
this.setState({ cachedCounterValue: }) |
window.requestIdleCallback(() => { |
saveSettings({ counterValue: }) |
}) |
} |
handleChangeLanguage = (languageKey: string) => { |
const { i18n, saveSettings } = this.props |
this.setState({ cachedLanguageKey: languageKey }) |
window.requestIdleCallback(() => { |
i18n.changeLanguage(languageKey) |
moment.locale(languageKey) |
saveSettings({ language: languageKey }) |
}) |
} |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
const { cachedLanguageKey, cachedCounterValue } = this.state |
const { languages } = this.getDatas() |
const currentLanguage = languages.find(l => l.key === cachedLanguageKey) |
return ( |
<Section> |
<Header |
icon={<IconDisplay size={16} />} |
title={t('settings:tabs.display')} |
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" |
/> |
<Body> |
<Row |
title={t('settings:display.counterValue')} |
desc={t('settings:display.counterValueDesc')} |
> |
<Select |
searchable |
fuseOptions={{ keys: ['name'] }} |
style={{ minWidth: 250 }} |
small |
onChange={item => this.handleChangeCounterValue(item)} |
itemToString={item => (item ? : '')} |
renderSelected={item => item &&} |
items={fiats} |
value={cachedCounterValue} |
/> |
</Row> |
<Row title={t('settings:display.language')} desc={t('settings:display.languageDesc')}> |
<Select |
style={{ minWidth: 130 }} |
small |
onChange={item => this.handleChangeLanguage(item.key)} |
renderSelected={item => item &&} |
value={currentLanguage} |
items={languages} |
/> |
</Row> |
<Row title={t('settings:display.region')} desc={t('settings:display.regionDesc')}> |
{'-'} |
</Row> |
<Row title={t('settings:display.stock')} desc={t('settings:display.stockDesc')}> |
{'-'} |
</Row> |
</Body> |
</Section> |
) |
} |
} |
export default TabProfile |
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import { remote } from 'electron' |
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs' |
import type { Settings, T } from 'types/common' |
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce' |
import { unlock } from 'reducers/application' |
import db, { setEncryptionKey } from 'helpers/db' |
import Input from 'components/base/Input' |
import CheckBox from 'components/base/CheckBox' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import { ConfirmModal } from 'components/base/Modal' |
import IconUser from 'icons/User' |
import PasswordModal from '../PasswordModal' |
import { |
SettingsSection as Section, |
SettingsSectionHeader as Header, |
SettingsSectionBody as Body, |
SettingsSectionRow as Row, |
} from '../SettingsSection' |
const mapDispatchToProps = { |
unlock, |
} |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
settings: Settings, |
unlock: Function, |
saveSettings: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
isHardResetModalOpened: boolean, |
isPasswordModalOpened: boolean, |
username: string, |
} |
class TabProfile extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
username: this.props.settings.username, |
isHardResetModalOpened: false, |
isPasswordModalOpened: false, |
} |
setPassword = password => { |
const { saveSettings, unlock } = this.props |
window.requestIdleCallback(() => { |
setEncryptionKey('accounts', password) |
const hash = password ? bcrypt.hashSync(password, 8) : undefined |
saveSettings({ |
password: { |
isEnabled: hash !== undefined, |
value: hash, |
}, |
}) |
unlock() |
}) |
} |
debounceSaveUsername = debounce( |
v => this.props.saveSettings({ username: v.trim() || 'Anonymous' }), |
250, |
) |
handleChangeUsername = username => { |
this.setState({ username }) |
this.debounceSaveUsername(username) |
} |
handleOpenHardResetModal = () => this.setState({ isHardResetModalOpened: true }) |
handleCloseHardResetModal = () => this.setState({ isHardResetModalOpened: false }) |
handleOpenPasswordModal = () => this.setState({ isPasswordModalOpened: true }) |
handleClosePasswordModal = () => this.setState({ isPasswordModalOpened: false }) |
handleHardReset = () => { |
db.resetAll() |
||| |
||| |
} |
handleChangePasswordCheck = isChecked => { |
if (isChecked) { |
this.handleOpenPasswordModal() |
} else { |
this.setPassword(undefined) |
} |
} |
handleChangePassword = (password: ?string) => { |
if (password) { |
this.setPassword(password) |
this.handleClosePasswordModal() |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { t, settings } = this.props |
const { username, isHardResetModalOpened, isPasswordModalOpened } = this.state |
const isPasswordEnabled = settings.password.isEnabled === true |
return ( |
<Section> |
<Header |
icon={<IconUser size={16} />} |
title={t('settings:tabs.profile')} |
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" |
/> |
<Body> |
<Row title={t('settings:profile.username')} desc={t('settings:profile.usernameDesc')}> |
<Input |
small |
placeholder={t('settings:profile.username')} |
onChange={this.handleChangeUsername} |
value={username} |
/> |
</Row> |
<Row title={t('settings:profile.password')} desc={t('settings:profile.passwordDesc')}> |
<Box horizontal flow={2} align="center"> |
{isPasswordEnabled && ( |
<Button onClick={this.handleOpenPasswordModal}> |
{t('settings:profile.changePassword')} |
</Button> |
)} |
<CheckBox isChecked={isPasswordEnabled} onChange={this.handleChangePasswordCheck} /> |
</Box> |
</Row> |
<Row title={t('settings:profile.sync')} desc={t('settings:profile.syncDesc')}> |
<Button primary>{t('settings:profile.sync')}</Button> |
</Row> |
<Row title={t('settings:profile.export')} desc={t('settings:profile.exportDesc')}> |
<Button primary>{t('settings:profile.export')}</Button> |
</Row> |
<Row title={t('settings:profile.reset')} desc={t('settings:profile.resetDesc')}> |
<Button danger onClick={this.handleOpenHardResetModal}> |
{t('settings:profile.resetButton')} |
</Button> |
</Row> |
</Body> |
<ConfirmModal |
isDanger |
isOpened={isHardResetModalOpened} |
onClose={this.handleCloseHardResetModal} |
onReject={this.handleCloseHardResetModal} |
onConfirm={this.handleHardReset} |
title={t('settings:hardResetModal.title')} |
subTitle={t('settings:hardResetModal.subTitle')} |
desc={t('settings:hardResetModal.desc')} |
/> |
<PasswordModal |
t={t} |
isOpened={isPasswordModalOpened} |
onClose={this.handleClosePasswordModal} |
onChangePassword={this.handleChangePassword} |
isPasswordEnabled={isPasswordEnabled} |
currentPasswordHash={settings.password.value} |
/> |
</Section> |
) |
} |
} |
export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(TabProfile) |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { translate } from 'react-i18next' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import { Modal, ModalContent, ModalBody, ModalTitle, ModalFooter } from './index' |
type Props = { |
isOpened: boolean, |
isDanger: boolean, |
title: string, |
subTitle: string, |
desc: string, |
confirmText: string, |
cancelText: string, |
onReject: Function, |
onConfirm: Function, |
t: T, |
} |
class ConfirmModal extends PureComponent<Props> { |
render() { |
const { |
isOpened, |
title, |
subTitle, |
desc, |
confirmText, |
cancelText, |
isDanger, |
onReject, |
onConfirm, |
t, |
...props |
} = this.props |
const realConfirmText = confirmText || t('common:confirm') |
const realCancelText = cancelText || t('common:cancel') |
return ( |
<Modal |
isOpened={isOpened} |
{...props} |
render={({ onClose }) => ( |
<ModalBody onClose={onClose}> |
<ModalTitle>{title}</ModalTitle> |
<ModalContent> |
{subTitle && ( |
<Box ff="Museo Sans|Regular" color="dark" textAlign="center" mb={2} mt={3}> |
{subTitle} |
</Box> |
)} |
<Box ff="Open Sans" color="smoke" fontSize={4} textAlign="center"> |
{desc} |
</Box> |
</ModalContent> |
<ModalFooter horizontal align="center" justify="flex-end" flow={2}> |
<Button onClick={onReject}>{realCancelText}</Button> |
<Button onClick={onConfirm} primary={!isDanger} danger={isDanger}> |
{realConfirmText} |
</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</ModalBody> |
)} |
/> |
) |
} |
} |
export default translate()(ConfirmModal) |
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { Fragment } from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import type { Element } from 'react' |
import Box, { Tabbable } from 'components/base/Box' |
const WrapperTab = styled(Box).attrs({ |
horizontal: true, |
})` |
border-bottom: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.colors.fog}; |
` |
const Tab = styled(Tabbable).attrs({ |
flex: 1, |
pb: 2, |
alignItems: 'center', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
fontSize: 3, |
})` |
border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; |
border-bottom-color: ${p => (p.isActive ? p.theme.colors.wallet : '')}; |
color: ${p => |
p.isActive |
? p.theme.colors.wallet |
: p.isDisabled |
? p.theme.colors.grey |
: p.theme.colors.graphite}; |
margin-bottom: -1px; |
outline: none; |
cursor: ${p => (p.isActive ? 'default' : p.isDisabled ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer')}; |
max-width: 200px; |
` |
type Item = { |
key: string | number, |
isDisabled?: boolean, |
title: string | Element<any>, |
render: () => Element<any>, |
} |
type Props = { |
items: Array<Item>, |
index: number, |
onTabClick: number => void, |
} |
const Tabs = ({ items, index, onTabClick }: Props) => ( |
<Fragment> |
<WrapperTab> |
{, i) => ( |
<Tab |
key={item.key} |
isDisabled={item.isDisabled} |
isActive={index === i} |
onClick={item.isDisabled ? void 0 : () => onTabClick(i)} |
> |
{item.title} |
</Tab> |
))} |
</WrapperTab> |
{items[index] && items[index].render()} |
</Fragment> |
) |
export default Tabs |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import { number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs' |
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions' |
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react' |
import Tabs from 'components/base/Tabs' |
const stories = storiesOf('Components/base', module) |
stories.add('Tabs', () => ( |
<Tabs |
index={number('index', 0, { |
min: 0, |
max: 1, |
})} |
onTabClick={action('onTabClick')} |
items={[ |
{ |
key: 'first', |
title: 'first tab', |
render: () => <div>{'first tab content'}</div>, |
}, |
{ |
key: 'second', |
title: 'second tab', |
render: () => <div>{'second tab content'}</div>, |
}, |
]} |
/> |
)) |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M8 5.581c-3.865 0-7-1.083-7-2.79C1 1.083 4.135 0 8 0s7 1.083 7 2.79c0 1.708-3.135 2.791-7 2.791zm-7-2.79c0-.309.241-.558.538-.558.298 0 .539.25.539.558v10.418c0 .28.516.704 1.517 1.05 1.142.396 2.714.625 4.406.625 1.692 0 3.264-.23 4.406-.625 1.001-.346 1.517-.77 1.517-1.05V2.791c0-.309.241-.558.539-.558.297 0 .538.25.538.558v10.418C15 14.921 11.88 16 8 16s-7-1.08-7-2.79V2.79zM13.923 8c0-.308.241-.558.539-.558.297 0 .538.25.538.558 0 1.711-3.12 2.79-7 2.79S1 9.712 1 8c0-.308.241-.558.538-.558.298 0 .539.25.539.558 0 .28.516.704 1.517 1.05 1.142.395 2.714.624 4.406.624 1.692 0 3.264-.229 4.406-.624 1.001-.346 1.517-.77 1.517-1.05zM8 4.465c1.682 0 3.254-.23 4.399-.625 1.004-.347 1.524-.772 1.524-1.05 0-.277-.52-.702-1.524-1.048-1.145-.396-2.717-.626-4.399-.626s-3.254.23-4.399.626c-1.004.346-1.524.771-1.524 1.049 0 .277.52.702 1.524 1.049 1.145.395 2.717.625 4.399.625z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" width={size} height={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M3.2 2.26c-.552 0-1 .471-1 1.051v6.547c0 .58.448 1.05 1 1.05h9.6c.552 0 1-.47 1-1.05V3.31c0-.58-.448-1.05-1-1.05H3.2zm5.4 9.909v1.57h1.96c.331 0 . 0 .349-.269.631-.6.631H5.44c-.331 0-.6-.282-.6-.63 0-.348.269-.63.6-.63H7.4v-1.571H3.2c-1.215 0-2.2-1.035-2.2-2.311V3.31C1 2.035 1.985 1 3.2 1h9.6C14.015 1 15 2.035 15 3.311v6.547c0 1.276-.985 2.311-2.2 2.311H8.6z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M3.3 4.007a6.167 6.167 0 1 0 .707-.707l2.135 2.135a3.167 3.167 0 1 1-.707.707L3.3 4.007zM8 15.167A7.167 7.167 0 1 1 8 .833a7.167 7.167 0 0 1 0 14.334zm0-5a2.167 2.167 0 1 0 0-4.334 2.167 2.167 0 0 0 0 4.334zm1.387-4.054c0-.128.048-.256.146-.353l2.353-2.354a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L10.24 6.467a.5.5 0 0 1-.707-.707l2.827-2.827a.5.5 0 0 1 .707.707L10.24 6.467a.5.5 0 0 1-.853-.354zm.146 4.127a.5.5 0 0 1 .707-.707l2.827 2.827a.5.5 0 1 1-.707.707L9.533 10.24zM3.64 13.067a.5.5 0 1 1-.707-.707L5.76 9.533a.5.5 0 1 1 .707.707L3.64 13.067z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -1 +1,2 @@ |
label: Current address |
labelFrom: Address from <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1> |
@ -1,16 +1,55 @@ |
title: Settings |
tabs: |
display: Display |
money: Money |
material: Material |
app: App (beta) |
tools: Tools |
blockchain: Blockchain |
currencies: Currencies |
profile: Profile |
about: About |
display: |
language: Language |
counterValue: Counter Value |
orderAccounts: Order accounts |
language: Interface language |
languageDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
counterValue: Countervalue |
counterValueDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
region: Region |
regionDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
stock: Stock market indicators |
stockDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
currencies: |
confirmationsToSpend: Confirmations to spend |
confirmationsToSpendDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
confirmationsNb: Number of confirmations |
confirmationsNbDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
transactionsFees: Transactions fees |
transactionsFeesDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
explorer: Blockchain explorer |
explorerDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
profile: |
protectWithPassword: Protect local data with a password |
username: Username |
usernameDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
password: Password |
passwordDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
changePassword: Change password |
passwordModalTitle: Password |
passwordModalSubtitle: Set a password to lock your application |
passwordModalDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non nibh diam. |
passwordModalPasswordInput: Current password |
passwordModalNewPasswordInput: New password |
passwordModalRepeatPasswordInput: Repeat password |
passwordModalSave: Save |
sync: Sync accounts |
syncDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
export: Export logs |
exportDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
reset: Reset application |
resetDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
resetButton: Hard reset |
about: |
faq: FAQ |
faqDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
contactUs: Contact us |
contactUsDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
terms: Terms and Privacy policy |
termsDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
hardResetModal: |
title: Hard reset |
subTitle: Are you sure houston? |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Reference in new issue