committed by
3 changed files with 346 additions and 5 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
type SVGProps = { |
style?: *, |
} |
const ConfirmSVG = ({ style }: SVGProps) => ( |
<svg style={style} width="374" height="42" viewBox="0 0 374 42"> |
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fill="#FFF" |
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rx="2" |
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<g strokeWidth="2"> |
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stroke="url(#c)" |
d="M10 53h.778L10 52.222V52l-.111.111L9.778 52v.222L9 53h.778v48H9l.778.778V102l.11-.111L10 102v-.222l.778-.778H10V53zm6.222 0H17l-.778-.778V52l-.11.111L16 52v.222l-.778.778H16v48h-.778l.778.778V102l.111-.111.111.111v-.222L17 101h-.778V53z" |
transform="matrix(0 -1 -1 0 102 34)" |
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stroke="#142533" |
d="M63 26H49.2a.2.2 0 0 1-.2-.2v-9.6c0-.11.09-.2.2-.2H63v10zM101 31.6a1.4 1.4 0 0 1-1.4 1.4H69.2a6.2 6.2 0 0 1-6.2-6.2V15.2A6.2 6.2 0 0 1 69.2 9h30.4a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 1.4 1.4v21.2z" |
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) |
const RejectedSVG = ({ style }: SVGProps) => ( |
<svg style={style} width="286" height="54" viewBox="0 0 286 54"> |
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id="a" |
d="M9.372 8l4.506-4.506a.416.416 0 0 0 0-.59l-.783-.782a.416.416 0 0 0-.589 0L8 6.628 3.494 2.122a.416.416 0 0 0-.59 0l-.782.783a.416.416 0 0 0 0 .589L6.628 8l-4.506 4.506a.416.416 0 0 0 0 .59l.783.782a.416.416 0 0 0 .589 0L8 9.372l4.506 4.506a.416.416 0 0 0 .59 0l.782-.783a.416.416 0 0 0 0-.589L9.372 8z" |
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id="e" |
d="M7.029 6l3.38-3.38a.312.312 0 0 0 0-.441l-.588-.587a.312.312 0 0 0-.441 0L6 4.972l-3.38-3.38a.312.312 0 0 0-.441 0l-.587.587a.312.312 0 0 0 0 .441L4.972 6l-3.38 3.38a.312.312 0 0 0 0 .441l.587.587c. 0L6 7.028l3.38 3.38c. 0l.587-.587a.312.312 0 0 0 0-.441L7.028 6z" |
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<g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"> |
<g transform="translate(0 12)"> |
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strokeWidth="2.394" |
rx="6.227" |
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fill="#FFF" |
stroke="#142533" |
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<rect |
width="65" |
height="29" |
x=".5" |
y=".5" |
fill="#FFF" |
fillOpacity=".8" |
stroke="#EA2E49" |
strokeOpacity=".2" |
rx="2" |
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<g transform="translate(25 7)"> |
<mask id="b" fill="#fff"> |
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<g fill="#EA2E49" mask="url(#b)"> |
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<path d="M0 0h11.5v11.5H0z" /> |
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</svg> |
) |
const ValidateSVG = ({ style }: SVGProps) => ( |
<svg style={style} width="374" height="87" viewBox="0 0 374 87"> |
<defs> |
<linearGradient id="a" x1="50%" x2="50%" y1="0%" y2="100%"> |
<stop offset="0%" stopColor="#4F87FF" stopOpacity="0" /> |
<stop offset="100%" stopColor="#4B84FF" /> |
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id="b" |
d="M13.62 2.608l-8.22 8.22-3.02-3.02a.375.375 0 0 0-.53 0l-.884.884a.375.375 0 0 0 0 .53l4.169 4.17a.375.375 0 0 0 .53 0l9.37-9.37a.375.375 0 0 0 0-.53l-.884-.884a.375.375 0 0 0-.53 0z" |
/> |
<linearGradient id="d" x1="50%" x2="50%" y1="98.633%" y2="0%"> |
<stop offset="0%" stopColor="#FFF" /> |
<stop offset="100%" stopColor="#142533" /> |
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<g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"> |
<g transform="translate(100 45)"> |
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width="271.606" |
height="39.606" |
x="1.197" |
y="1.197" |
fill="#6490F1" |
fillOpacity=".12" |
stroke="#142533" |
strokeWidth="2.394" |
rx="6.227" |
/> |
<path |
fill="#FFF" |
stroke="#142533" |
strokeWidth="2.394" |
d="M135 1.197c-10.937 0-19.803 8.866-19.803 19.803 0 10.937 8.866 19.803 19.803 19.803h135A2.803 2.803 0 0 0 272.803 38V4A2.803 2.803 0 0 0 270 1.197H135z" |
/> |
<circle cx="135" cy="21" r="10.5" stroke="#142533" strokeLinejoin="square" /> |
<circle cx="135" cy="21" r="11.5" stroke="#D8D8D8" /> |
<g> |
<circle cx="25" cy="21" r="10.5" stroke="#142533" strokeLinejoin="square" /> |
<circle cx="25" cy="21" r="11.5" stroke="#6490F1" strokeOpacity=".2" /> |
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<g transform="translate(120)"> |
<circle |
cx="5" |
cy="66" |
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stroke="#4B84FF" |
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strokeWidth=".531" |
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<circle cx="5" cy="66" r="2" fill="#4B84FF" stroke="#4B84FF" strokeWidth=".8" /> |
<path fill="url(#a)" fillRule="nonzero" d="M5.5 64h-1V0h1z" /> |
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<g transform="translate(230)"> |
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cx="5" |
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stroke="#6490F1" |
strokeOpacity=".2" |
rx="2" |
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<g transform="translate(25 7)"> |
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<use xlinkHref="#b" /> |
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<use fill="#142533" xlinkHref="#b" /> |
<g fill="#66BE54" mask="url(#c)"> |
<path d="M0 0h16v16H0z" /> |
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<g strokeWidth="2"> |
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stroke="url(#d)" |
d="M10 53h.778L10 52.222V52l-.111.111L9.778 52v.222L9 53h.778v48H9l.778.778V102l.11-.111L10 102v-.222l.778-.778H10V53zm6.222 0H17l-.778-.778V52l-.11.111L16 52v.222l-.778.778H16v48h-.778l.778.778V102l.111-.111.111.111v-.222L17 101h-.778V53z" |
transform="matrix(0 -1 -1 0 102 79)" |
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stroke="#142533" |
d="M63 71H49.2a.2.2 0 0 1-.2-.2v-9.6c0-.11.09-.2.2-.2H63v10zM101 76.6a1.4 1.4 0 0 1-1.4 1.4H69.2a6.2 6.2 0 0 1-6.2-6.2V60.2a6.2 6.2 0 0 1 6.2-6.2h30.4a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 1.4 1.4v21.2z" |
/> |
</g> |
</g> |
</svg> |
) |
const ErrorSVG = ({ style }: SVGProps) => ( |
<svg style={style} width="274" height="42" viewBox="0 0 274 42"> |
<g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"> |
<rect |
width="271.606" |
height="39.606" |
x="1.197" |
y="1.197" |
fill="#EA2E49" |
fillOpacity=".12" |
stroke="#142533" |
strokeWidth="2.394" |
rx="6.227" |
/> |
<path |
fill="#FFF" |
stroke="#142533" |
strokeWidth="2.394" |
d="M135 1.197c-10.937 0-19.803 8.866-19.803 19.803 0 10.937 8.866 19.803 19.803 19.803h135A2.803 2.803 0 0 0 272.803 38V4A2.803 2.803 0 0 0 270 1.197H135z" |
/> |
<circle cx="135" cy="21" r="10.5" stroke="#142533" strokeLinejoin="square" /> |
<circle cx="135" cy="21" r="11.5" stroke="#D8D8D8" /> |
<g> |
<circle cx="25" cy="21" r="10.5" stroke="#142533" strokeLinejoin="square" /> |
<circle cx="25" cy="21" r="11.5" stroke="#EA2E49" strokeOpacity=".2" /> |
</g> |
</g> |
</svg> |
) |
type Props = { |
error?: boolean, |
rejected?: boolean, |
validate?: boolean, |
style?: *, |
} |
const NanoXStates = ({ error = false, validate = false, rejected = false, style }: Props) => { |
const SVG = error ? ErrorSVG : rejected ? RejectedSVG : validate ? ValidateSVG : ConfirmSVG |
return ( |
<Box> |
<SVG style={[{ width: '100%', maxWidth: '100%' }, style]} /> |
</Box> |
) |
} |
export default NanoXStates |
Reference in new issue