for:Address for account <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1>
messageIfUnverified:Please verify the address for optimal security.
messageIfAccepted:You can now use your {{currencyName}} address if it matches the one displayed on your Ledger device.
messageIfSkipped:Your receive address has not been confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify your {{currencyName}} address for optimal security.
messageIfUnverified:Verify the address on your device for optimal security. Press the right button to confirm.
messageIfAccepted:"{{currencyName}} address confirmed on your device. Carefully verify when you copy and paste it."
messageIfSkipped:'Your receive address has not been confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify your {{currencyName}} address for optimal security.'
noAccountToImport:Noexisting {{currencyName}} accounts to add
success:Account successfully added to your portfolio
success_plural:Accounts successfully added to your portfolio
successDescription:Your account have been created.
successDescription:Your account has been created.
successDescription_plural:Your accounts have been created.
title:Add a new account
noOperationOnLastAccount:'You have to receive crypto assets on <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1> before you can create a new account.'
noOperationOnLastAccount:"No transactions found on your last new account <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1>. You can add a new account after you've started transacting on that account."
noAccountToCreate:No<1><0>{{currencyName}}</0></1> account was found to create
somethingWentWrong:Something went wrong during synchronization, please try again.
@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ receive:
withoutDevice:Don't have your device?
action:Confirm address on device
text:To receive cryptoassets, confirm the address on your device. Click the button below to reveal your {{currencyName}} address.
action:Verify address on device
text:A {{currencyName}} receive address will be displayed on your device. Carefully verify that it matches the address on your computer.