committed by
26 changed files with 687 additions and 97 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
// @flow
import * as React from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
const Container = styled(Box).attrs({ |
color: 'graphite', |
borderRadius: 1, |
px: 4, |
py: 3, |
horizontal: true, |
ff: 'Open Sans', |
fontSize: 4, |
flow: 4, |
})` |
border: solid 1px; |
border-color: ${p => p.theme.colors.fog}; |
align-items: center; |
` |
const svg = ( |
<svg width="36" height="43"> |
<g fill="none"> |
<path |
fill="#4B84FF" |
fillOpacity=".08" |
d="M18.177 2C18.06 24.126 18 37.184 18 41.174h.354C27.74 38.96 35 29.762 35 19.884V9.154L18.177 2z" |
/> |
<path |
stroke="#142533" |
strokeWidth="2" |
d="M18 2L1 9.153v10.73c0 9.88 7.158 19.077 16.821 21.29h.358C27.663 38.96 35 29.764 35 19.884V9.154L18 2z" |
/> |
<path |
fill="#4B84FF" |
d="M23.733 15.036c-.568 0-1.03.448-1.03 1.001l-.019 4.488s.002.313-.308.313c-.316 0-.307-.313-.307-.313v-6.474c0-.553-.456-.982-1.024-.982-.57 0-.974.43-.974.982v6.474s-.035.316-.34.316c-.303 0-.327-.316-.327-.316v-7.553c0-.552-.428-.972-.996-.972-.569 0-1 .42-1 .972v7.553s-.016.303-.344.303c-.321 0-.323-.303-.323-.303v-5.611c0-.553-.445-.9-1.013-.9-.57 0-.985.347-.985.9v8.2s-.056.365-.594-.237c-1.378-1.543-2.097-1.85-2.097-1.85s-1.31-.622-1.889.503c-.42.816.025.86.712 1.861.607.888 2.529 3.221 2.529 3.221s2.28 3.126 5.355 3.126c0 0 6.024.25 6.024-5.544l-.021-8.157c0-.553-.46-1.001-1.03-1.001" |
/> |
</g> |
</svg> |
) |
type Props = { |
children: React.Node, |
} |
export default (props: Props) => ( |
<Container> |
<Box mx={1}>{svg}</Box> |
<Box shrink>{props.children}</Box> |
</Container> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react' |
import { text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs' |
import WarnBox from 'components/WarnBox' |
const stories = storiesOf('Components', module) |
stories.add('WarnBox', () => ( |
<WarnBox> |
{text( |
'children', |
'Nulla ornare ligula nec velit fermentum accumsan. Mauris sagittis iaculis pretium. Maecenas tincidunt tortor ullamcorper neque scelerisque lacinia sit amet sit amet elit. Quisque vulputate at tellus ut fringilla. Sed varius neque accumsan nunc consequat semper. In interdum euismod velit, sed pulvinar justo finibus ac. Nullam euismod felis non pellentesque fermentum. Nullam sed libero eu ligula porta accumsan eget et neque. Sed varius lobortis vestibulum. Morbi efficitur leo at augue venenatis, vitae faucibus ante lobortis. Nunc tincidunt, sem eget ultricies convallis, dolor est gravida sem, non vestibulum urna lorem a justo. Quisque ultrices feugiat arcu, sit amet tristique tellus maximus in. Phasellus ultricies mattis erat vitae laoreet. Fusce ac dignissim dui. Etiam semper purus nisi, eu semper tortor mollis nec.', |
)} |
</WarnBox> |
)) |
@ -1,7 +1,54 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import WarnBox from 'components/WarnBox' |
import { multiline } from 'styles/helpers' |
import DeviceCheckAddress from 'components/DeviceCheckAddress' |
import DeviceConfirm from 'components/DeviceConfirm' |
import type { Account } from '@ledgerhq/wallet-common/lib/types' |
import type { Device, T } from 'types/common' |
const Container = styled(Box).attrs({ |
alignItems: 'center', |
fontSize: 4, |
pb: 4, |
})`` |
const Info = styled(Box).attrs({ |
ff: 'Open Sans|SemiBold', |
color: 'dark', |
mt: 6, |
mb: 4, |
px: 5, |
})` |
text-align: center; |
` |
function StepVerification() { |
return <div>step verification</div> |
type Props = { |
account: ?Account, |
device: ?Device, |
onValidate: Function, |
t: T, |
} |
export default StepVerification |
export default (props: Props) => ( |
<Container> |
<WarnBox>{multiline(props.t('send:steps.verification.warning'))}</WarnBox> |
<Info>{props.t('send:steps.verification.body')}</Info> |
{// TODO: Actually create a tx
// DeviceCheckAddress used as a placeholder in the meantime
props.account && |
props.device && ( |
<DeviceCheckAddress |
account={props.account} |
device={props.device} |
onCheck={props.onValidate} |
render={({ isVerified }) => <DeviceConfirm notValid={isVerified === false} />} |
/> |
)} |
</Container> |
) |
@ -1,7 +1,60 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
function StepConfirmation() { |
return <div>step confirmation</div> |
import IconCheckCircle from 'icons/CheckCircle' |
import IconExclamationCircleThin from 'icons/ExclamationCircleThin' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import { multiline } from 'styles/helpers' |
import { colors } from 'styles/theme' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
const Container = styled(Box).attrs({ |
alignItems: 'center', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
grow: true, |
color: 'dark', |
})` |
height: 220px; |
` |
const Title = styled(Box).attrs({ |
ff: 'Museo Sans', |
fontSize: 5, |
mt: 4, |
})` |
text-align: center; |
` |
const Text = styled(Box).attrs({ |
ff: 'Open Sans', |
fontSize: 4, |
mt: 2, |
})` |
text-align: center; |
` |
type Props = { |
txValidated: boolean, |
t: T, |
} |
function StepConfirmation(props: Props) { |
const { t, txValidated } = props |
const Icon = txValidated ? IconCheckCircle : IconExclamationCircleThin |
const iconColor = txValidated ? colors.positiveGreen : colors.alertRed |
const tPrefix = txValidated ? 'send:steps.confirmation.success' : 'send:steps.confirmation.error' |
return ( |
<Container> |
<span style={{ color: iconColor }}> |
<Icon size={43} /> |
</span> |
<Title>{t(`${tPrefix}.title`)}</Title> |
<Text>{multiline(t(`${tPrefix}.text`))}</Text> |
</Container> |
) |
} |
export default StepConfirmation |
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ |
[ |
{ "name": "Afghanistan", "key": "AF" }, |
{ "name": "Åland Islands", "key": "AX" }, |
{ "name": "Albania", "key": "AL" }, |
{ "name": "Algeria", "key": "DZ" }, |
{ "name": "American Samoa", "key": "AS" }, |
{ "name": "AndorrA", "key": "AD" }, |
{ "name": "Angola", "key": "AO" }, |
{ "name": "Anguilla", "key": "AI" }, |
{ "name": "Antarctica", "key": "AQ" }, |
{ "name": "Antigua and Barbuda", "key": "AG" }, |
{ "name": "Argentina", "key": "AR" }, |
{ "name": "Armenia", "key": "AM" }, |
{ "name": "Aruba", "key": "AW" }, |
{ "name": "Australia", "key": "AU" }, |
{ "name": "Austria", "key": "AT" }, |
{ "name": "Azerbaijan", "key": "AZ" }, |
{ "name": "Bahamas", "key": "BS" }, |
{ "name": "Bahrain", "key": "BH" }, |
{ "name": "Bangladesh", "key": "BD" }, |
{ "name": "Barbados", "key": "BB" }, |
{ "name": "Belarus", "key": "BY" }, |
{ "name": "Belgium", "key": "BE" }, |
{ "name": "Belize", "key": "BZ" }, |
{ "name": "Benin", "key": "BJ" }, |
{ "name": "Bermuda", "key": "BM" }, |
{ "name": "Bhutan", "key": "BT" }, |
{ "name": "Bolivia", "key": "BO" }, |
{ "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "key": "BA" }, |
{ "name": "Botswana", "key": "BW" }, |
{ "name": "Bouvet Island", "key": "BV" }, |
{ "name": "Brazil", "key": "BR" }, |
{ "name": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "key": "IO" }, |
{ "name": "Brunei Darussalam", "key": "BN" }, |
{ "name": "Bulgaria", "key": "BG" }, |
{ "name": "Burkina Faso", "key": "BF" }, |
{ "name": "Burundi", "key": "BI" }, |
{ "name": "Cambodia", "key": "KH" }, |
{ "name": "Cameroon", "key": "CM" }, |
{ "name": "Canada", "key": "CA" }, |
{ "name": "Cape Verde", "key": "CV" }, |
{ "name": "Cayman Islands", "key": "KY" }, |
{ "name": "Central African Republic", "key": "CF" }, |
{ "name": "Chad", "key": "TD" }, |
{ "name": "Chile", "key": "CL" }, |
{ "name": "China", "key": "CN" }, |
{ "name": "Christmas Island", "key": "CX" }, |
{ "name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "key": "CC" }, |
{ "name": "Colombia", "key": "CO" }, |
{ "name": "Comoros", "key": "KM" }, |
{ "name": "Congo", "key": "CG" }, |
{ "name": "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the", "key": "CD" }, |
{ "name": "Cook Islands", "key": "CK" }, |
{ "name": "Costa Rica", "key": "CR" }, |
{ "name": "Cote D'Ivoire", "key": "CI" }, |
{ "name": "Croatia", "key": "HR" }, |
{ "name": "Cuba", "key": "CU" }, |
{ "name": "Cyprus", "key": "CY" }, |
{ "name": "Czech Republic", "key": "CZ" }, |
{ "name": "Denmark", "key": "DK" }, |
{ "name": "Djibouti", "key": "DJ" }, |
{ "name": "Dominica", "key": "DM" }, |
{ "name": "Dominican Republic", "key": "DO" }, |
{ "name": "Ecuador", "key": "EC" }, |
{ "name": "Egypt", "key": "EG" }, |
{ "name": "El Salvador", "key": "SV" }, |
{ "name": "Equatorial Guinea", "key": "GQ" }, |
{ "name": "Eritrea", "key": "ER" }, |
{ "name": "Estonia", "key": "EE" }, |
{ "name": "Ethiopia", "key": "ET" }, |
{ "name": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "key": "FK" }, |
{ "name": "Faroe Islands", "key": "FO" }, |
{ "name": "Fiji", "key": "FJ" }, |
{ "name": "Finland", "key": "FI" }, |
{ "name": "France", "key": "FR" }, |
{ "name": "French Guiana", "key": "GF" }, |
{ "name": "French Polynesia", "key": "PF" }, |
{ "name": "French Southern Territories", "key": "TF" }, |
{ "name": "Gabon", "key": "GA" }, |
{ "name": "Gambia", "key": "GM" }, |
{ "name": "Georgia", "key": "GE" }, |
{ "name": "Germany", "key": "DE" }, |
{ "name": "Ghana", "key": "GH" }, |
{ "name": "Gibraltar", "key": "GI" }, |
{ "name": "Greece", "key": "GR" }, |
{ "name": "Greenland", "key": "GL" }, |
{ "name": "Grenada", "key": "GD" }, |
{ "name": "Guadeloupe", "key": "GP" }, |
{ "name": "Guam", "key": "GU" }, |
{ "name": "Guatemala", "key": "GT" }, |
{ "name": "Guernsey", "key": "GG" }, |
{ "name": "Guinea", "key": "GN" }, |
{ "name": "Guinea-Bissau", "key": "GW" }, |
{ "name": "Guyana", "key": "GY" }, |
{ "name": "Haiti", "key": "HT" }, |
{ "name": "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands", "key": "HM" }, |
{ "name": "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "key": "VA" }, |
{ "name": "Honduras", "key": "HN" }, |
{ "name": "Hong Kong", "key": "HK" }, |
{ "name": "Hungary", "key": "HU" }, |
{ "name": "Iceland", "key": "IS" }, |
{ "name": "India", "key": "IN" }, |
{ "name": "Indonesia", "key": "ID" }, |
{ "name": "Iran, Islamic Republic Of", "key": "IR" }, |
{ "name": "Iraq", "key": "IQ" }, |
{ "name": "Ireland", "key": "IE" }, |
{ "name": "Isle of Man", "key": "IM" }, |
{ "name": "Israel", "key": "IL" }, |
{ "name": "Italy", "key": "IT" }, |
{ "name": "Jamaica", "key": "JM" }, |
{ "name": "Japan", "key": "JP" }, |
{ "name": "Jersey", "key": "JE" }, |
{ "name": "Jordan", "key": "JO" }, |
{ "name": "Kazakhstan", "key": "KZ" }, |
{ "name": "Kenya", "key": "KE" }, |
{ "name": "Kiribati", "key": "KI" }, |
{ "name": "Korea, Democratic People'S Republic of", "key": "KP" }, |
{ "name": "Korea, Republic of", "key": "KR" }, |
{ "name": "Kuwait", "key": "KW" }, |
{ "name": "Kyrgyzstan", "key": "KG" }, |
{ "name": "Lao People'S Democratic Republic", "key": "LA" }, |
{ "name": "Latvia", "key": "LV" }, |
{ "name": "Lebanon", "key": "LB" }, |
{ "name": "Lesotho", "key": "LS" }, |
{ "name": "Liberia", "key": "LR" }, |
{ "name": "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "key": "LY" }, |
{ "name": "Liechtenstein", "key": "LI" }, |
{ "name": "Lithuania", "key": "LT" }, |
{ "name": "Luxembourg", "key": "LU" }, |
{ "name": "Macao", "key": "MO" }, |
{ "name": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of", "key": "MK" }, |
{ "name": "Madagascar", "key": "MG" }, |
{ "name": "Malawi", "key": "MW" }, |
{ "name": "Malaysia", "key": "MY" }, |
{ "name": "Maldives", "key": "MV" }, |
{ "name": "Mali", "key": "ML" }, |
{ "name": "Malta", "key": "MT" }, |
{ "name": "Marshall Islands", "key": "MH" }, |
{ "name": "Martinique", "key": "MQ" }, |
{ "name": "Mauritania", "key": "MR" }, |
{ "name": "Mauritius", "key": "MU" }, |
{ "name": "Mayotte", "key": "YT" }, |
{ "name": "Mexico", "key": "MX" }, |
{ "name": "Micronesia, Federated States of", "key": "FM" }, |
{ "name": "Moldova, Republic of", "key": "MD" }, |
{ "name": "Monaco", "key": "MC" }, |
{ "name": "Mongolia", "key": "MN" }, |
{ "name": "Montserrat", "key": "MS" }, |
{ "name": "Morocco", "key": "MA" }, |
{ "name": "Mozambique", "key": "MZ" }, |
{ "name": "Myanmar", "key": "MM" }, |
{ "name": "Namibia", "key": "NA" }, |
{ "name": "Nauru", "key": "NR" }, |
{ "name": "Nepal", "key": "NP" }, |
{ "name": "Netherlands", "key": "NL" }, |
{ "name": "Netherlands Antilles", "key": "AN" }, |
{ "name": "New Caledonia", "key": "NC" }, |
{ "name": "New Zealand", "key": "NZ" }, |
{ "name": "Nicaragua", "key": "NI" }, |
{ "name": "Niger", "key": "NE" }, |
{ "name": "Nigeria", "key": "NG" }, |
{ "name": "Niue", "key": "NU" }, |
{ "name": "Norfolk Island", "key": "NF" }, |
{ "name": "Northern Mariana Islands", "key": "MP" }, |
{ "name": "Norway", "key": "NO" }, |
{ "name": "Oman", "key": "OM" }, |
{ "name": "Pakistan", "key": "PK" }, |
{ "name": "Palau", "key": "PW" }, |
{ "name": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", "key": "PS" }, |
{ "name": "Panama", "key": "PA" }, |
{ "name": "Papua New Guinea", "key": "PG" }, |
{ "name": "Paraguay", "key": "PY" }, |
{ "name": "Peru", "key": "PE" }, |
{ "name": "Philippines", "key": "PH" }, |
{ "name": "Pitcairn", "key": "PN" }, |
{ "name": "Poland", "key": "PL" }, |
{ "name": "Portugal", "key": "PT" }, |
{ "name": "Puerto Rico", "key": "PR" }, |
{ "name": "Qatar", "key": "QA" }, |
{ "name": "Reunion", "key": "RE" }, |
{ "name": "Romania", "key": "RO" }, |
{ "name": "Russian Federation", "key": "RU" }, |
{ "name": "RWANDA", "key": "RW" }, |
{ "name": "Saint Helena", "key": "SH" }, |
{ "name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "key": "KN" }, |
{ "name": "Saint Lucia", "key": "LC" }, |
{ "name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "key": "PM" }, |
{ "name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "key": "VC" }, |
{ "name": "Samoa", "key": "WS" }, |
{ "name": "San Marino", "key": "SM" }, |
{ "name": "Sao Tome and Principe", "key": "ST" }, |
{ "name": "Saudi Arabia", "key": "SA" }, |
{ "name": "Senegal", "key": "SN" }, |
{ "name": "Serbia and Montenegro", "key": "CS" }, |
{ "name": "Seychelles", "key": "SC" }, |
{ "name": "Sierra Leone", "key": "SL" }, |
{ "name": "Singapore", "key": "SG" }, |
{ "name": "Slovakia", "key": "SK" }, |
{ "name": "Slovenia", "key": "SI" }, |
{ "name": "Solomon Islands", "key": "SB" }, |
{ "name": "Somalia", "key": "SO" }, |
{ "name": "South Africa", "key": "ZA" }, |
{ "name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "key": "GS" }, |
{ "name": "Spain", "key": "ES" }, |
{ "name": "Sri Lanka", "key": "LK" }, |
{ "name": "Sudan", "key": "SD" }, |
{ "name": "Suriname", "key": "SR" }, |
{ "name": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "key": "SJ" }, |
{ "name": "Swaziland", "key": "SZ" }, |
{ "name": "Sweden", "key": "SE" }, |
{ "name": "Switzerland", "key": "CH" }, |
{ "name": "Syrian Arab Republic", "key": "SY" }, |
{ "name": "Taiwan, Province of China", "key": "TW" }, |
{ "name": "Tajikistan", "key": "TJ" }, |
{ "name": "Tanzania, United Republic of", "key": "TZ" }, |
{ "name": "Thailand", "key": "TH" }, |
{ "name": "Timor-Leste", "key": "TL" }, |
{ "name": "Togo", "key": "TG" }, |
{ "name": "Tokelau", "key": "TK" }, |
{ "name": "Tonga", "key": "TO" }, |
{ "name": "Trinidad and Tobago", "key": "TT" }, |
{ "name": "Tunisia", "key": "TN" }, |
{ "name": "Turkey", "key": "TR" }, |
{ "name": "Turkmenistan", "key": "TM" }, |
{ "name": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "key": "TC" }, |
{ "name": "Tuvalu", "key": "TV" }, |
{ "name": "Uganda", "key": "UG" }, |
{ "name": "Ukraine", "key": "UA" }, |
{ "name": "United Arab Emirates", "key": "AE" }, |
{ "name": "United Kingdom", "key": "GB" }, |
{ "name": "United States", "key": "US" }, |
{ "name": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "key": "UM" }, |
{ "name": "Uruguay", "key": "UY" }, |
{ "name": "Uzbekistan", "key": "UZ" }, |
{ "name": "Vanuatu", "key": "VU" }, |
{ "name": "Venezuela", "key": "VE" }, |
{ "name": "Viet Nam", "key": "VN" }, |
{ "name": "Virgin Islands, British", "key": "VG" }, |
{ "name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "key": "VI" }, |
{ "name": "Wallis and Futuna", "key": "WF" }, |
{ "name": "Western Sahara", "key": "EH" }, |
{ "name": "Yemen", "key": "YE" }, |
{ "name": "Zambia", "key": "ZM" }, |
{ "name": "Zimbabwe", "key": "ZW" } |
] |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M12 .375C5.58.375.375 5.58.375 12S5.58 23.625 12 23.625 23.625 18.42 23.625 12 18.42.375 12 .375zm0 21.75C6.438 22.125 1.875 17.622 1.875 12 1.875 6.438 6.378 1.875 12 1.875c5.562 0 10.125 4.503 10.125 10.125 0 5.562-4.503 10.125-10.125 10.125zm6.639-12.889l-8.46 8.392a.562.562 0 0 1-.796-.003l-4.025-4.058a.562.562 0 0 1 .003-.795l.4-.397a.562.562 0 0 1 .795.004l3.233 3.259 7.661-7.6a.562.562 0 0 1 .796.003l.396.4a.562.562 0 0 1-.003.795z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M12 1.875c5.56 0 10.125 4.504 10.125 10.125A10.122 10.122 0 0 1 12 22.125C6.41 22.125 1.875 17.599 1.875 12 1.875 6.412 6.403 1.875 12 1.875zm0-1.5C5.58.375.375 5.582.375 12 .375 18.422 5.58 23.625 12 23.625S23.625 18.422 23.625 12C23.625 5.582 18.42.375 12 .375zM11.461 6h1.078c.32 0 .575.266.562.586l-.329 7.875a.562.562 0 0 1-.562.539h-.42a.563.563 0 0 1-.563-.54L10.9 6.587A.563.563 0 0 1 11.461 6zM12 15.938a1.312 1.312 0 1 0 0 2.624 1.312 1.312 0 0 0 0-2.625z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
// @flow
/* this icon is a placeholder for now */ |
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg width={size} height={size} {...p}> |
<defs> |
<filter |
id="a" |
width="178.9%" |
height="178.9%" |
x="-39.4%" |
y="-37.2%" |
filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" |
> |
<feOffset dy="2" in="SourceAlpha" result="shadowOffsetOuter1" /> |
<feGaussianBlur in="shadowOffsetOuter1" result="shadowBlurOuter1" stdDeviation="11.5" /> |
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in="shadowBlurOuter1" |
result="shadowMatrixOuter1" |
values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0787760417 0" |
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<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" /> |
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