88 changed files with 1307 additions and 389 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* eslint-disable no-console */ |
const util = require('util') |
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec) |
const octokit = require('@octokit/rest')() |
const repo = { |
owner: 'LedgerHQ', |
repo: 'ledger-live-desktop', |
} |
async function getTag() { |
const { stdout } = await exec('git tag --points-at HEAD') |
const tag = stdout.replace('\n', '') |
if (!tag) { |
throw new Error(`Unable to get current tag. Is your HEAD on a tagged commit?`) |
} |
return tag |
} |
async function checkDraft(tag) { |
const { status, data } = await octokit.repos.getReleases(repo) |
if (status !== 200) { |
throw new Error(`Got HTTP status ${status} when trying to fetch releases list.`) |
} |
for (const release of data) { |
if (release.tag_name === tag) { |
if (release.draft) { |
return true |
} |
throw new Error(`A release tagged ${tag} exists but is not a draft.`) |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
async function createDraft(tag) { |
const params = { |
...repo, |
tag_name: tag, |
name: tag, |
draft: true, |
prerelease: true, |
} |
const { status } = await octokit.repos.createRelease(params) |
if (status !== 201) { |
throw new Error(`Got HTTP status ${status} when trying to create the release draft.`) |
} |
} |
async function main() { |
try { |
const token = process.env.GH_TOKEN |
const tag = await getTag() |
octokit.authenticate({ |
type: 'token', |
token, |
}) |
const existingDraft = await checkDraft(tag) |
if (!existingDraft) { |
console.log(`No draft exists for ${tag}, creating...`) |
createDraft(tag) |
} else { |
console.log(`A draft already exists for ${tag}, nothing to do.`) |
} |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e) |
process.exit(1) |
} |
} |
main() |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import { createCommand } from 'helpers/ipc' |
import { fromPromise } from 'rxjs/observable/fromPromise' |
import withLibcore from 'helpers/withLibcore' |
import { HardResetFail } from 'config/errors' |
const cmd = createCommand('libcoreHardReset', () => |
fromPromise( |
withLibcore(async core => { |
const result = await core.getPoolInstance().eraseDataSince(new Date(0)) |
if (result !== core.ERROR_CODE.FUTURE_WAS_SUCCESSFULL) { |
throw new HardResetFail(`Hard reset fail with ${result} (check core.ERROR_CODE)`) |
} |
}), |
), |
) |
export default cmd |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
// @flow
import { fromPromise } from 'rxjs/observable/fromPromise' |
import type { AccountRaw } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import { createCommand, Command } from 'helpers/ipc' |
import withLibcore from 'helpers/withLibcore' |
import { scanAccountsFromXPUB } from 'helpers/libcore' |
type Input = { |
currencyId: string, |
xpub: string, |
isSegwit: boolean, |
isUnsplit: boolean, |
} |
type Result = AccountRaw |
const cmd: Command<Input, Result> = createCommand( |
'libcoreScanFromXPUB', |
({ currencyId, xpub, isSegwit, isUnsplit }) => |
fromPromise( |
withLibcore(async core => |
scanAccountsFromXPUB({ core, currencyId, xpub, isSegwit, isUnsplit }), |
), |
), |
) |
export default cmd |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent, Fragment } from 'react' |
import invariant from 'invariant' |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import type { Currency, Account } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import { decodeAccount } from 'reducers/accounts' |
import { addAccount } from 'actions/accounts' |
import FormattedVal from 'components/base/FormattedVal' |
import Switch from 'components/base/Switch' |
import Spinner from 'components/base/Spinner' |
import Box, { Card } from 'components/base/Box' |
import TranslatedError from 'components/TranslatedError' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import Input from 'components/base/Input' |
import Label from 'components/base/Label' |
import SelectCurrency from 'components/SelectCurrency' |
import { CurrencyCircleIcon } from 'components/base/CurrencyBadge' |
import { idleCallback } from 'helpers/promise' |
import { splittedCurrencies } from 'config/cryptocurrencies' |
import scanFromXPUB from 'commands/libcoreScanFromXPUB' |
const mapDispatchToProps = { |
addAccount, |
} |
type Props = { |
addAccount: Account => void, |
} |
const INITIAL_STATE = { |
status: 'idle', |
currency: null, |
xpub: '', |
account: null, |
isSegwit: true, |
isUnsplit: false, |
error: null, |
} |
type State = { |
status: string, |
currency: ?Currency, |
xpub: string, |
account: ?Account, |
isSegwit: boolean, |
isUnsplit: boolean, |
error: ?Error, |
} |
class AccountImporter extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
onChangeCurrency = currency => { |
if (currency.family !== 'bitcoin') return |
this.setState({ |
currency, |
isSegwit: !!currency.supportsSegwit, |
isUnsplit: false, |
}) |
} |
onChangeXPUB = xpub => this.setState({ xpub }) |
onChangeSegwit = isSegwit => this.setState({ isSegwit }) |
onChangeUnsplit = isUnsplit => this.setState({ isUnsplit }) |
isValid = () => { |
const { currency, xpub } = this.state |
return !!currency && !!xpub |
} |
scan = async () => { |
if (!this.isValid()) return |
this.setState({ status: 'scanning' }) |
try { |
const { currency, xpub, isSegwit, isUnsplit } = this.state |
invariant(currency, 'no currency') |
const rawAccount = await scanFromXPUB |
.send({ |
currencyId: currency.id, |
xpub, |
isSegwit, |
isUnsplit, |
}) |
.toPromise() |
const account = decodeAccount(rawAccount) |
this.setState({ status: 'finish', account }) |
} catch (error) { |
this.setState({ status: 'error', error }) |
} |
} |
import = async () => { |
const { account } = this.state |
invariant(account, 'no account') |
await idleCallback() |
this.props.addAccount(account) |
this.reset() |
} |
reset = () => this.setState(INITIAL_STATE) |
render() { |
const { currency, xpub, isSegwit, isUnsplit, status, account, error } = this.state |
const supportsSplit = !!currency && !!splittedCurrencies[currency.id] |
return ( |
<Card title="Import from xpub" flow={3}> |
{status === 'idle' ? ( |
<Fragment> |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label>{'currency'}</Label> |
<SelectCurrency autoFocus value={currency} onChange={this.onChangeCurrency} /> |
</Box> |
{currency && (currency.supportsSegwit || supportsSplit) ? ( |
<Box horizontal justify="flex-end" align="center" flow={3}> |
{supportsSplit && ( |
<Box horizontal align="center" flow={1}> |
<Box ff="Museo Sans|Bold" fontSize={4}> |
{'unsplit'} |
</Box> |
<Switch isChecked={isUnsplit} onChange={this.onChangeUnsplit} /> |
</Box> |
)} |
{currency.supportsSegwit && ( |
<Box horizontal align="center" flow={1}> |
<Box ff="Museo Sans|Bold" fontSize={4}> |
{'segwit'} |
</Box> |
<Switch isChecked={isSegwit} onChange={this.onChangeSegwit} /> |
</Box> |
)} |
</Box> |
) : null} |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label>{'xpub'}</Label> |
<Input |
placeholder="xpub" |
value={xpub} |
onChange={this.onChangeXPUB} |
onEnter={this.scan} |
/> |
</Box> |
<Box align="flex-end"> |
<Button primary small disabled={!this.isValid()} onClick={this.scan}> |
{'scan'} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
</Fragment> |
) : status === 'scanning' ? ( |
<Box align="center" justify="center" p={5}> |
<Spinner size={16} /> |
</Box> |
) : status === 'finish' ? ( |
account ? ( |
<Box p={8} align="center" justify="center" flow={5} horizontal> |
<Box horizontal flow={4} color="graphite" align="center"> |
{currency && <CurrencyCircleIcon size={64} currency={currency} />} |
<Box> |
<Box ff="Museo Sans|Bold">{account.name}</Box> |
<FormattedVal |
fontSize={2} |
alwaysShowSign={false} |
color="graphite" |
unit={account.unit} |
showCode |
val={account.balance || 0} |
/> |
<Box fontSize={2}>{`${account.operations.length} operation(s)`}</Box> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
<Button outline small disabled={!account} onClick={this.import}> |
{'import'} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
) : ( |
<Box align="center" justify="center" p={5} flow={4}> |
<Box>{'No accounts found or wrong xpub'}</Box> |
<Button primary onClick={this.reset} small autoFocus> |
{'Reset'} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
) |
) : status === 'error' ? ( |
<Box align="center" justify="center" p={5} flow={4}> |
<Box> |
<TranslatedError error={error} /> |
</Box> |
<Button primary onClick={this.reset} small autoFocus> |
{'Reset'} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
) : null} |
</Card> |
) |
} |
} |
export default connect( |
null, |
mapDispatchToProps, |
)(AccountImporter) |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import AccountImporter from './AccountImporter' |
export default () => ( |
<Box flow={2}> |
<AccountImporter /> |
</Box> |
) |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
import libcoreHardReset from 'commands/libcoreHardReset' |
import { disable as disableDBMiddleware } from 'middlewares/db' |
import db from 'helpers/db' |
import { delay } from 'helpers/promise' |
export default async function hardReset() { |
await libcoreHardReset.send() |
disableDBMiddleware() |
db.resetAll() |
await delay(500) |
window.location.href = '' |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
// @flow
import path from 'path' |
import rimraf from 'rimraf' |
import resolveUserDataDirectory from 'helpers/resolveUserDataDirectory' |
import { disable as disableDBMiddleware } from 'middlewares/db' |
import db from 'helpers/db' |
import { delay } from 'helpers/promise' |
function resetLibcoreDatabase() { |
const dbpath = path.resolve(resolveUserDataDirectory(), 'sqlite/') |
rimraf.sync(dbpath, { glob: false }) |
} |
function reload() { |
require('electron') |
.remote.getCurrentWindow() |
.webContents.reload() |
} |
export async function hardReset() { |
disableDBMiddleware() |
db.resetAll() |
await delay(500) |
resetLibcoreDatabase() |
reload() |
} |
export async function softReset({ cleanAccountsCache }: *) { |
cleanAccountsCache() |
await delay(500) |
await db.cleanCache() |
resetLibcoreDatabase() |
reload() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
# ledgerLive-QA |
Automated tests for Ledger Live Desktop application. |
Start Ledger Live Desktop application with accounts for the supported coin. Operations history removed from db. Then sync to retrieve account balance and transactions history. |
## Accounts setup and sync |
#### Launch test |
yarn test-sync |
#### Test description |
Clean Ledger Live Application settings directory. |
Copy app.json init file for testing in a new Ledger Live Application settings directory. |
Start Ledger Live Desktop app. |
Wait for sync OK. |
Compare new app.json with expected app.json file. |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
import { Application } from 'spectron' |
import { waitForDisappear, waitForExpectedText } from './helpers' |
const os = require('os') |
const appVersion = require('../package.json') |
let app |
const TIMEOUT = 50 * 1000 |
let app_path |
const platform = os.platform() |
if (platform === 'darwin') { |
app_path = `./dist/mac/Ledger Live.app/Contents/MacOS/Ledger Live` |
} else if (platform === 'win32') { |
app_path = `.\\dist\\win-unpacked\\Ledger Live.exe` |
} else { |
app_path = `./dist/ledger-live-desktop-${appVersion.version}-linux-x86_64.AppImage` |
} |
describe('Application launch', () => { |
beforeEach(async () => { |
app = new Application({ |
path: app_path, |
env: { |
}, |
}) |
await app.start() |
afterEach(async () => { |
if (app && app.isRunning()) { |
await app.stop() |
} |
test( |
'Start app, skip onboarding, check Empty State, check General Settings and verify Developer mode', |
async () => { |
const title = await app.client.getTitle() |
expect(title).toEqual('Ledger Live') |
await app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded() |
await waitForDisappear(app, '#preload') |
// Post Onboarding (Analytics)
const analytics_title = await waitForExpectedText( |
app, |
'[data-e2e=onboarding_title]', |
'Analytics and bug reports', |
) |
// Verify "Technical Data" + Link "Learn more"
const analytics_techData_title = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=analytics_techData]') |
expect(analytics_techData_title).toEqual('Technical data *') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=analytics_techData_Link]') |
await waitForExpectedText(app, '[data-e2e=modal_title]', 'Technical data') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=modal_buttonClose_techData]') |
analytics_title |
// Verify "Share analytics" + Link "Learn more"
const analytics_shareAnalytics_title = await app.client.getText( |
'[data-e2e=analytics_shareAnalytics]', |
) |
expect(analytics_shareAnalytics_title).toEqual('Share analytics') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=analytics_shareAnalytics_Link]') |
await waitForExpectedText(app, '[data-e2e=modal_title]', 'Share analytics') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=modal_buttonClose_shareAnalytics]') |
analytics_title |
// Verify "Report bugs"
const analytics_reportBugs_title = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=analytics_reportBugs]') |
expect(analytics_reportBugs_title).toEqual('Report bugs') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=continue_button]') |
// Finish Onboarding
await waitForExpectedText(app, '[data-e2e=finish_title]', 'Your device is ready!') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=continue_button]') |
await waitForExpectedText(app, '[data-e2e=modal_title]', 'Trade safely') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=continue_button]') |
// Dashboard EmptyState
await waitForExpectedText( |
app, |
'[data-e2e=dashboard_empty_title]', |
'Add accounts to your portfolio', |
) |
const openManager_button = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=dashboard_empty_OpenManager]') |
expect(openManager_button).toEqual('Open Manager') |
const addAccount_button = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=dashboard_empty_AddAccounts]') |
expect(addAccount_button).toEqual('Add accounts') |
// Open Settings
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=setting_button]') |
await waitForExpectedText(app, '[data-e2e=settings_title]', 'Settings') |
// Verify settings General section
const settingsGeneral_title = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=settingsGeneral_title]') |
expect(settingsGeneral_title).toEqual('General') |
// Report bugs = OFF
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=reportBugs_button]') |
// Analytics = ON
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=shareAnalytics_button]') |
// DevMode = ON
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=devMode_button]') |
// Verify Dev mode
// Add New Account
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=menuAddAccount_button]') |
await waitForExpectedText(app, '[data-e2e=modal_title]', 'Add accounts') |
}, |
) |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
import { delay } from 'helpers/promise' |
// Wait for an element to be present then continue
export function waitForExpectedText(app, selector, expected, maxRetry = 5) { |
async function check() { |
if (!maxRetry) { |
throw new Error(`Cant find the element ${selector} in the page`) |
} |
try { |
const str = await app.client.getText(selector) |
if (str === expected) { |
return true |
} |
} catch (err) {} // eslint-disable-line
await delay(500) |
--maxRetry |
return check() |
} |
return check() |
} |
// Wait for an element to disappear then continue
export function waitForDisappear(app, selector, maxRetry = 5) { |
async function check() { |
if (!maxRetry) { |
throw new Error('Too many retries for waiting element to disappear') |
} |
try { |
await app.client.getText(selector) |
} catch (err) { |
if (err.message.startsWith('An element could not be located')) { |
return true |
} |
} |
await delay(500) |
--maxRetry |
return check() |
} |
return check() |
} |
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
const Application = require('spectron').Application |
let app |
const TIMEOUT = 50 * 1000 |
describe('Application launch', () => { |
beforeEach(async () => { |
app = new Application({ |
path: './dist/ledger-live-desktop-1.1.0-linux-x86_64.AppImage', |
env: { |
}, |
}) |
await app.start() |
afterEach(async () => { |
if (app && app.isRunning()) { |
await app.stop() |
} |
test( |
'Start app and set developper mode ', |
async () => { |
const title = await app.client.getTitle() |
expect(title).toEqual('Ledger Live') |
await app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded() |
await app.client.pause(2000) |
// Post Onboarding
const title_onboarding = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=onboarding_title]') |
expect(title_onboarding).toEqual('Analytics and bug reports') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=continue_button]') |
await app.client.pause(1000) |
const title_finish = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=finish_title]') |
expect(title_finish).toEqual('Your device is ready!') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=continue_button]') |
await app.client.pause(1000) |
const title_disclaimer = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=disclaimer_title]') |
expect(title_disclaimer).toEqual('Trade safely') |
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=continue_button]') |
await app.client.pause(1000) |
// Dashboard EmptyState
const title_dashboard_empty = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=dashboard_empty_title]') |
expect(title_dashboard_empty).toEqual('Add accounts to your portfolio') |
// Open Settings
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=setting_button]') |
await app.client.pause(1000) |
const title_settings = await app.client.getText('[data-e2e=settings_title]') |
expect(title_settings).toEqual('Settings') |
// DevMode ON
await app.client.click('[data-e2e=devMode_button]') |
await app.client.pause(500) |
}, |
) |
}) |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# get app version |
ledgerLiveVersion=$(grep version package.json | cut -d : -f 2 | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]*)".*/\1/g') |
# OS settings |
if [[ $(uname) == 'Darwin' ]]; then \ |
settingsPath=~/Library/Application\ Support/Ledger\ Live/ |
appPath="/Applications/Ledger Live.app/Contents/MacOS/Ledger Live" |
elif [[ $(uname) == 'Linux' ]]; then \ |
settingsPath="$HOME/.config/Ledger Live" |
appPath="$HOME/apps/ledger-live-desktop-$ledgerLiveVersion-linux-x86_64.AppImage" |
else \ |
settingsPath="%AppData\\Roaming\\Ledger Live" |
appPath="C:\\Program Files\\Ledger Live\\Ledger Live.exe" |
fi |
# clean Ledger Live Application settings directory |
rm -rf "$settingsPath" |
mkdir "$settingsPath" |
# Copy app.json init file for testing |
cp test-e2e/sync/data/empty-app.json "$settingsPath/app.json" |
# Start Ledger Live Desktop app |
"$appPath" & |
lastPid=$! |
# wait for sync |
electron ./test-e2e/sync/wait-sync.js |
returnCode=$? |
# kill Ledger Live Desktop process |
kill -9 $lastPid |
if [[ $returnCode = 0 ]]; then |
echo "[OK] Sync finished" |
else |
echo "[x] Sync failed" |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Copy app.json file to test folder |
cp "$settingsPath"/app.json test-e2e/sync/data/actual-app.json |
# compare new app.json with expected_app.json |
./node_modules/.bin/jest test-e2e/sync/sync-accounts.spec.js |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
const pick = require('lodash/pick') |
'archived', |
'freshAddress', |
'freshAddressPath', |
'id', |
'index', |
'isSegwit', |
'name', |
'path', |
'xpub', |
'operations', |
'currencyId', |
'unitMagnitude', |
'balance', |
] |
const OPS_FIELDS = ['id', 'hash', 'accountId', 'type', 'senders', 'recipients', 'value', 'fee'] |
const OP_SORT = (a, b) => { |
const aHash = getOpHash(a) |
const bHash = getOpHash(b) |
if (aHash < bHash) return -1 |
if (aHash > bHash) return 1 |
return 0 |
} |
const ACCOUNT_SORT = (a, b) => { |
const aHash = getAccountHash(a) |
const bHash = getAccountHash(b) |
if (aHash < bHash) return -1 |
if (aHash > bHash) return 1 |
return 0 |
} |
describe('sync accounts', () => { |
test('should give the same app.json', () => { |
const expected = getSanitized('./data/expected-app.json') |
const actual = getSanitized('./data/actual-app.json') |
expect(actual).toEqual(expected) |
}) |
}) |
function getSanitized(filePath) { |
const data = require(`${filePath}`) // eslint-disable-line import/no-dynamic-require
const accounts = data.data.accounts.map(a => a.data) |
accounts.sort(ACCOUNT_SORT) |
return accounts |
.map(a => pick(a, ACCOUNTS_FIELDS)) |
.map(a => { |
a.operations.sort(OP_SORT) |
return { |
...a, |
operations: a.operations.map(o => pick(o, OPS_FIELDS)), |
} |
}) |
} |
function getOpHash(op) { |
return `${op.accountId}--${op.hash}--${op.type}` |
} |
function getAccountHash(account) { |
return `${account.name}` |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
/* eslint-disable no-console */ |
const electron = require('electron') |
const fs = require('fs') |
const path = require('path') |
const moment = require('moment') |
const delay = ms => new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, ms)) |
const MIN_TIME_DIFF = 1 * 1000 * 90 // 1.5 minute
const PING_INTERVAL = 1 * 1000 // 1 seconds
async function waitForSync() { |
let MAX_RETRIES = 100 |
const userDataDirectory = electron.app.getPath('userData') |
const tmpAppJSONPath = path.resolve(userDataDirectory, 'app.json') |
const appJSONPath = tmpAppJSONPath.replace('/Electron/', '/Ledger Live/') |
function check() { |
const appJSONContent = fs.readFileSync(appJSONPath, 'utf-8') |
const appJSONParsed = JSON.parse(appJSONContent) |
const mapped = appJSONParsed.data.accounts.map(a => ({ |
name: a.data.name, |
lastSyncDate: a.data.lastSyncDate, |
})) |
const now = Date.now() |
const areAllSync = mapped.every(account => { |
const diff = now - new Date(account.lastSyncDate).getTime() |
if (diff <= MIN_TIME_DIFF) return true |
console.log(`[${account.name}] synced ${moment(account.lastSyncDate).fromNow()} (${moment(account.lastSyncDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')})`) |
return false |
}) |
return areAllSync |
} |
while (!check()) { |
if (!MAX_RETRIES) { |
console.log(`x Too much retries. Exitting.`) |
process.exit(1) |
} |
await delay(PING_INTERVAL) |
} |
process.exit(0) |
} |
waitForSync() |
Reference in new issue