Loëck Vézien
7 years ago
31 changed files with 1093 additions and 591 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import { Trans, translate } from 'react-i18next' |
import { getCurrencyByCoinType } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import { getIconByCoinType } from '@ledgerhq/currencies/react' |
import type { T, Device, Devices } from 'types/common' |
import noop from 'lodash/noop' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import IconCheck from 'icons/Check' |
import IconExclamationCircle from 'icons/ExclamationCircle' |
import IconInfoCircle from 'icons/InfoCircle' |
import IconLoader from 'icons/Loader' |
import IconUsb from 'icons/Usb' |
import * as IconDevice from 'icons/device' |
const Step = styled(Box).attrs({ |
borderRadius: 1, |
justifyContent: 'center', |
fontSize: 4, |
})` |
border: 1px solid |
${p => |
p.validated |
? p.theme.colors.wallet |
: p.hasErrors ? p.theme.colors.alertRed : p.theme.colors.fog}; |
` |
const StepIcon = styled(Box).attrs({ |
alignItems: 'center', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
})` |
width: 64px; |
` |
const StepContent = styled(Box).attrs({ |
color: 'dark', |
horizontal: true, |
alignItems: 'center', |
})` |
height: 60px; |
line-height: 1.2; |
strong { |
font-weight: 600; |
} |
` |
const ListDevices = styled(Box).attrs({ |
p: 3, |
pt: 1, |
flow: 2, |
})`` |
const DeviceItem = styled(Box).attrs({ |
bg: 'lightGrey', |
borderRadius: 1, |
alignItems: 'center', |
color: 'dark', |
ff: 'Open Sans|SemiBold', |
fontSize: 4, |
horizontal: true, |
pr: 3, |
pl: 0, |
})` |
cursor: pointer; |
height: 54px; |
` |
const DeviceIcon = styled(Box).attrs({ |
alignItems: 'center', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
color: 'graphite', |
})` |
width: 55px; |
` |
const DeviceSelected = styled(Box).attrs({ |
alignItems: 'center', |
bg: p => (p.selected ? 'wallet' : 'white'), |
color: 'white', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
})` |
border-radius: 50%; |
border: 1px solid ${p => (p.selected ? p.theme.colors.wallet : p.theme.colors.fog)}; |
height: 18px; |
width: 18px; |
` |
const WrapperIconCurrency = styled(Box).attrs({ |
alignItems: 'center', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
})` |
border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.colors[p.color]}; |
border-radius: 8px; |
height: 24px; |
width: 24px; |
` |
const Info = styled(Box).attrs({ |
alignItems: 'center', |
color: p => (p.hasErrors ? 'alertRed' : 'grey'), |
flow: 2, |
fontSize: 3, |
horizontal: true, |
ml: 1, |
pt: 1, |
})` |
strong { |
font-weight: 600; |
} |
` |
const StepCheck = ({ checked, hasErrors }: { checked: boolean, hasErrors?: boolean }) => ( |
<Box pr={5}> |
{checked ? ( |
<Box color="wallet"> |
<IconCheck size={16} /> |
</Box> |
) : hasErrors ? ( |
<Box color="alertRed"> |
<IconExclamationCircle size={16} /> |
</Box> |
) : ( |
<IconLoader size={16} /> |
)} |
</Box> |
) |
StepCheck.defaultProps = { |
hasErrors: false, |
} |
type Props = { |
accountName: null | string, |
appOpened: null | 'success' | 'fail', |
coinType: number, |
devices: Devices, |
deviceSelected: Device | null, |
onChangeDevice: Function, |
t: T, |
} |
const emitChangeDevice = props => { |
const { onChangeDevice, deviceSelected, devices } = props |
if (deviceSelected === null && devices.length > 0) { |
onChangeDevice(devices[0]) |
} |
} |
class DeviceConnect extends PureComponent<Props> { |
static defaultProps = { |
accountName: null, |
appOpened: null, |
devices: [], |
deviceSelected: null, |
onChangeDevice: noop, |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
emitChangeDevice(this.props) |
} |
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { |
emitChangeDevice(nextProps) |
} |
getAppState() { |
const { appOpened } = this.props |
return { |
success: appOpened === 'success', |
fail: appOpened === 'fail', |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { deviceSelected, accountName, coinType, t, onChangeDevice, devices } = this.props |
const appState = this.getAppState() |
const hasDevice = devices.length > 0 |
const hasMultipleDevices = devices.length > 1 |
const { name: appName } = getCurrencyByCoinType(coinType) |
const IconCurrency = getIconByCoinType(coinType) |
return ( |
<Box flow={4}> |
<Step validated={hasDevice}> |
<StepContent> |
<StepIcon> |
<IconUsb size={36} /> |
</StepIcon> |
<Box grow shrink> |
<Trans i18nKey="deviceConnect:step1.connect" parent="div"> |
Connect your <strong>Ledger device</strong> to your computer and enter your{' '} |
<strong>PIN code</strong> on your device |
</Trans> |
</Box> |
<StepCheck checked={hasDevice} /> |
</StepContent> |
{hasMultipleDevices && ( |
<ListDevices> |
<Box color="graphite" fontSize={3}> |
{t('deviceConnect:step1.choose', { devicesCount: devices.length })} |
</Box> |
<Box flow={2}> |
{devices.map((d, i) => { |
const Icon = IconDevice[d.product.replace(/\s/g, '')] |
return ( |
<DeviceItem |
key={i} // eslint-disable-line react/no-array-index-key
onClick={() => onChangeDevice(d)} |
> |
<DeviceIcon> |
<Icon size={28} /> |
</DeviceIcon> |
<Box grow noShrink> |
{`${d.manufacturer} ${d.product}`} |
</Box> |
<Box> |
<DeviceSelected selected={d === deviceSelected}> |
<IconCheck size={10} /> |
</DeviceSelected> |
</Box> |
</DeviceItem> |
) |
})} |
</Box> |
</ListDevices> |
)} |
</Step> |
<Step validated={appState.success} hasErrors={appState.fail}> |
<StepContent> |
<StepIcon> |
<WrapperIconCurrency> |
<IconCurrency size={12} /> |
</WrapperIconCurrency> |
</StepIcon> |
<Box grow shrink> |
<Trans i18nKey="deviceConnect:step2.open" parent="div"> |
{/* $FlowFixMe */} |
Open <strong>{{ appName }} App</strong> on your device |
</Trans> |
</Box> |
<StepCheck checked={appState.success} hasErrors={appState.fail} /> |
</StepContent> |
</Step> |
{accountName !== null && ( |
<Info hasErrors={appState.fail}> |
<Box> |
<IconInfoCircle size={12} /> |
</Box> |
<Box> |
<Trans i18nKey="deviceConnect:info" parent="div"> |
{/* $FlowFixMe */} |
You must use the device associated to the account <strong>{{ accountName }}</strong> |
</Trans> |
</Box> |
</Info> |
)} |
</Box> |
) |
} |
} |
export default translate()(DeviceConnect) |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react' |
import { select, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs' |
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions' |
import DeviceConnect from 'components/DeviceConnect' |
const stories = storiesOf('Components', module) |
const devices = [ |
{ |
manufacturer: 'Ledger', |
product: 'Nano S', |
vendorId: '1', |
productId: '11', |
path: '111', |
}, |
{ |
manufacturer: 'Ledger', |
product: 'Blue', |
vendorId: '2', |
productId: '22', |
path: '222', |
}, |
{ |
manufacturer: 'Ledger', |
product: 'Nano S', |
vendorId: '3', |
productId: '33', |
path: '333', |
}, |
] |
stories.add('DeviceConnect', () => ( |
<DeviceConnect |
accountName={text('accountName', 'Test Account')} |
coinType={select('coinType', [0, 1, 145, 156, 2, 3, 5], 0)} |
appOpened={select('appOpened', ['', 'success', 'fail'], '')} |
devices={devices.slice(0, select('devices', [0, 1, 2, 3], 0))} |
deviceSelected={devices[select('deviceSelected', ['', 0, 1, 2], '')] || null} |
onChangeDevice={action('onChangeDevice')} |
/> |
)) |
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
// @flow
import { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron' |
import type { Account } from '@ledgerhq/wallet-common/lib/types' |
import type { Device, Devices } from 'types/common' |
import { sendEvent } from 'renderer/events' |
import { getDevices } from 'reducers/devices' |
const mapStateToProps = state => ({ |
devices: getDevices(state), |
}) |
type DeviceStatus = |
| 'unconnected' |
| 'connected' |
| 'appOpened.success' |
| 'appOpened.fail' |
| 'appOpened.progress' |
type Props = { |
coinType: number, |
devices: Devices, |
deviceSelected: Device | null, |
account?: Account, |
onStatusChange?: DeviceStatus => void, |
render?: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
status: DeviceStatus, |
} |
class DeviceMonit extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
status: this.props.deviceSelected ? 'connected' : 'unconnected', |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
ipcRenderer.on('msg', this.handleMsgEvent) |
if (this.props.deviceSelected !== null) { |
this.checkAppOpened() |
} |
} |
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { |
const { status } = this.state |
const { deviceSelected, devices } = this.props |
const { devices: nextDevices, deviceSelected: nextDeviceSelected } = nextProps |
if (status === 'unconnected' && !deviceSelected && nextDeviceSelected) { |
this.handleStatusChange('connected') |
} |
if (status !== 'unconnected' && devices !== nextDevices) { |
const isConnected = nextDevices.find(d => d === nextDeviceSelected) |
if (!isConnected) { |
this.handleStatusChange('unconnected') |
clearTimeout(this._timeout) |
} |
} |
} |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { |
const { deviceSelected } = this.props |
const { deviceSelected: prevDeviceSelected } = prevProps |
if (prevDeviceSelected !== deviceSelected) { |
this.handleStatusChange('appOpened.progress') |
this._timeout = setTimeout(this.checkAppOpened, 250) |
} |
} |
componentWillUnmount() { |
ipcRenderer.removeListener('msg', this.handleMsgEvent) |
clearTimeout(this._timeout) |
} |
checkAppOpened = () => { |
const { deviceSelected, account, coinType } = this.props |
if (deviceSelected === null) { |
return |
} |
let options = null |
if (account && account.currency) { |
options = { |
accountPath: account.path, |
accountAddress: account.address, |
} |
} |
if (coinType) { |
options = { |
coinType, |
} |
} |
sendEvent('usb', 'wallet.checkIfAppOpened', { |
devicePath: deviceSelected.path, |
...options, |
}) |
} |
_timeout: any = null |
handleStatusChange = status => { |
const { onStatusChange } = this.props |
this.setState({ status }) |
onStatusChange && onStatusChange(status) |
} |
handleMsgEvent = (e, { type, data }) => { |
const { deviceSelected } = this.props |
if (deviceSelected === null) { |
return |
} |
if (type === 'wallet.checkIfAppOpened.success' && deviceSelected.path === data.devicePath) { |
clearTimeout(this._timeout) |
this.handleStatusChange('appOpened.success') |
} |
if (type === 'wallet.checkIfAppOpened.fail' && deviceSelected.path === data.devicePath) { |
this.handleStatusChange('appOpened.fail') |
this._timeout = setTimeout(this.checkAppOpened, 1e3) |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { status } = this.state |
const { devices, deviceSelected, render } = this.props |
if (render) { |
return render({ |
status, |
devices, |
deviceSelected: status === 'connected' ? deviceSelected : null, |
}) |
} |
return null |
} |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(DeviceMonit) |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import { listCurrencies } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import type { Currency } from '@ledgerhq/currencies/lib/types' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
import get from 'lodash/get' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Label from 'components/base/Label' |
import Select from 'components/base/Select' |
const currencies = listCurrencies().map(currency => ({ |
key: currency.coinType, |
name: currency.name, |
data: currency, |
})) |
type Props = { |
onChangeCurrency: Function, |
currency: Currency | null, |
t: T, |
} |
export default (props: Props) => ( |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label>{props.t('common:currency')}</Label> |
<Select |
placeholder={props.t('common:chooseWalletPlaceholder')} |
onChange={item => props.onChangeCurrency(item.data)} |
renderSelected={item => item.name} |
items={currencies} |
value={ |
props.currency ? currencies.find(c => c.key === get(props, 'currency.coinType')) : null |
} |
/> |
</Box> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import type { Currency } from '@ledgerhq/currencies/lib/types' |
import type { Device } from 'types/common' |
import DeviceConnect from 'components/DeviceConnect' |
import DeviceMonit from 'components/DeviceMonitNew' |
type Props = { |
currency: Currency | null, |
deviceSelected: Device | null, |
onChangeDevice: Function, |
onStatusChange: Function, |
} |
export default (props: Props) => ( |
<DeviceMonit |
coinType={props.currency && props.currency.coinType} |
deviceSelected={props.deviceSelected} |
onStatusChange={props.onStatusChange} |
render={({ status, devices, deviceSelected }) => ( |
<DeviceConnect |
coinType={props.currency && props.currency.coinType} |
appOpened={ |
status === 'appOpened.success' ? 'success' : status === 'appOpened.fail' ? 'fail' : null |
} |
devices={devices} |
deviceSelected={deviceSelected} |
onChangeDevice={props.onChangeDevice} |
/> |
)} |
/> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { Fragment } from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import { getDefaultUnitByCoinType } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import type { Currency } from '@ledgerhq/currencies/lib/types' |
import type { Account } from '@ledgerhq/wallet-common/lib/types' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import AccountCard from 'components/DashboardPage/AccountCard' |
const AccountsContainer = styled(Box).attrs({ |
horizontal: true, |
m: -2, |
})` |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
` |
const AccountItemWrapper = styled(Box).attrs({ |
p: 2, |
})` |
width: 50%; |
` |
const AccountItem = styled(AccountCard)` |
${p => p.selected && `box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px ${p.theme.colors.wallet};`}; |
` |
type Props = { |
accountsImport: Object, |
archivedAccounts: Account[], |
currency: Currency | null, |
importProgress: boolean, |
onSelectAccount?: Function, |
selectedAccounts?: Array<number>, |
} |
function StepImport(props: Props) { |
const hasAccountsImports = Object.keys(props.accountsImport).length > 0 |
const unit = props.currency !== null && getDefaultUnitByCoinType(props.currency.coinType) |
return ( |
<Box> |
{props.importProgress ? ( |
<Box alignItems="center">In progress...</Box> |
) : ( |
hasAccountsImports && <Box mb={-2}>Accounts</Box> |
)} |
{hasAccountsImports && ( |
<AccountsContainer pt={5}> |
{Object.keys(props.accountsImport).map(k => { |
const a = props.accountsImport[k] |
return ( |
<AccountItemWrapper key={a.id}> |
<AccountItem |
selected={props.selectedAccounts && props.selectedAccounts.includes(a.id)} |
onClick={props.onSelectAccount && props.onSelectAccount(a.id)} |
account={{ |
...a, |
coinType: props.currency && props.currency.coinType, |
name: `Account ${a.accountIndex}`, |
currency: props.currency, |
unit, |
}} |
counterValue="USD" |
daysCount={365} |
/> |
</AccountItemWrapper> |
) |
})} |
</AccountsContainer> |
)} |
{!props.importProgress && |
props.archivedAccounts.length > 0 && ( |
<Fragment> |
<Box pb={3}>Archived accounts</Box> |
<AccountsContainer> |
{props.archivedAccounts.map(a => ( |
<AccountItemWrapper key={a.id}> |
<AccountItem |
selected={props.selectedAccounts && props.selectedAccounts.includes(a.id)} |
onClick={props.onSelectAccount && props.onSelectAccount(a.id)} |
account={a} |
counterValue="USD" |
daysCount={365} |
/> |
</AccountItemWrapper> |
))} |
</AccountsContainer> |
</Fragment> |
)} |
</Box> |
) |
} |
StepImport.defaultProps = { |
onSelectAccount: undefined, |
selectedAccounts: [], |
} |
export default StepImport |
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import Input from 'components/base/Input' |
import Label from 'components/base/Label' |
type Props = { |
account: Object, |
onAddAccount: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
accountName: string, |
} |
class CreateAccount extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
accountName: '', |
} |
handleCreateAccount = (e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { |
e.preventDefault() |
const { accountName } = this.state |
const { onAddAccount, account } = this.props |
if (accountName.trim() === '') { |
return |
} |
onAddAccount({ |
...account, |
name: accountName, |
}) |
} |
handleChangeInput = (value: string) => |
this.setState({ |
accountName: value, |
}) |
render() { |
const { accountName } = this.state |
return ( |
<Box> |
<Box>Create Account</Box> |
<form onSubmit={this.handleCreateAccount}> |
<Box flow={3}> |
<Box flow={1}> |
<Label>Account name</Label> |
<Input value={accountName} onChange={this.handleChangeInput} /> |
</Box> |
<Box horizontal justifyContent="flex-end"> |
<Button primary type="submit"> |
Create |
</Button> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
</form> |
</Box> |
) |
} |
} |
export default CreateAccount |
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { translate } from 'react-i18next' |
import type { Account } from '@ledgerhq/wallet-common/lib/types' |
import type { T } from 'types/common' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import CheckBox from 'components/base/CheckBox' |
import FormattedVal from 'components/base/FormattedVal' |
import Input from 'components/base/Input' |
type Props = { |
t: T, |
accounts: Account[], |
onImportAccounts: Function, |
} |
type State = { |
accountsSelected: Array<string>, |
accountsName: Object, |
} |
class ImportAccounts extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
accountsSelected: [], |
accountsName: this.props.accounts.reduce((result, value, index) => { |
result[value.id] = { |
placeholder: this.props.t(`addAccount:import.placeholder`, { |
index: index + 1, |
}), |
} |
return result |
}, {}), |
} |
handleSelectAccount = (id: string, selected: boolean) => () => |
this.setState(prev => ({ |
accountsSelected: selected |
? prev.accountsSelected.filter(v => v !== id) |
: [...prev.accountsSelected, id], |
})) |
handleChangeInput = (id: string) => (value: string) => |
this.setState(prev => ({ |
accountsName: { |
...prev.accountsName, |
[id]: { |
...prev.accountsName[id], |
value, |
}, |
}, |
})) |
handleImportAccounts = (e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { |
e.preventDefault() |
const { accounts, onImportAccounts } = this.props |
const { accountsSelected, accountsName } = this.state |
const importAccounts = accountsSelected.map(id => ({ |
...accounts.find(a => a.id === id), |
name: accountsName[id].value || accountsName[id].placeholder, |
})) |
onImportAccounts(importAccounts) |
} |
render() { |
const { accounts } = this.props |
const { accountsSelected, accountsName } = this.state |
const canImportAccounts = accountsSelected.length > 0 |
return ( |
<Box> |
<Box>Import Accounts</Box> |
<form onSubmit={this.handleImportAccounts}> |
<Box flow={3}> |
{accounts.map(account => { |
const selected = accountsSelected.includes(account.id) |
const accountName = accountsName[account.id] |
return ( |
<Box key={account.id} horizontal flow={10}> |
<Box> |
<CheckBox |
isChecked={selected} |
onChange={this.handleSelectAccount(account.id, selected)} |
/> |
</Box> |
<Box grow> |
<Box> |
<Input |
type="text" |
disabled={!selected} |
placeholder={accountName.placeholder} |
value={accountName.value || ''} |
onChange={this.handleChangeInput(account.id)} |
/> |
</Box> |
<Box> |
Balance:{' '} |
<FormattedVal |
alwaysShowSign={false} |
color="dark" |
unit={account.unit} |
showCode |
val={account.balance} |
/> |
</Box> |
<Box>Operations: {account.operations.length}</Box> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
) |
})} |
<Box horizontal justifyContent="flex-end"> |
<Button primary disabled={!canImportAccounts} type="submit"> |
Import |
</Button> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
</form> |
</Box> |
) |
} |
} |
export default translate()(ImportAccounts) |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import type { Account } from '@ledgerhq/wallet-common/lib/types' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Button from 'components/base/Button' |
import Text from 'components/base/Text' |
const Container = styled(Box)` |
border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.colors.alertRed}; |
` |
type Props = { |
archivedAccounts: Account[], |
updateAccount: Function, |
} |
function RestoreAccounts(props: Props) { |
const { archivedAccounts, updateAccount } = props |
return ( |
<Container> |
<Text fontSize={3} fontWeight="bold"> |
{'Restore account'} |
</Text> |
{archivedAccounts.map(account => ( |
<Box key={account.id} horizontal flow={2} alignItems="center"> |
<Text>{account.name}</Text> |
<Button primary onClick={() => updateAccount({ ...account, archived: false })}> |
{'restore'} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
))} |
</Container> |
) |
} |
export default RestoreAccounts |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M8 .25C3.72009375.25.25 3.72134375.25 8c0 4.2811563 3.47009375 7.75 7.75 7.75 4.2799062 0 7.75-3.4688437 7.75-7.75C15.75 3.72134375 12.2799062.25 8 .25zm0 14c-3.454125 0-6.25-2.7947187-6.25-6.25 0-3.45296875 2.796-6.25 6.25-6.25 3.4528437 0 6.25 2.79596875 6.25 6.25 0 3.4540625-2.7947187 6.25-6.25 6.25zM9.3125 11c0 .7237187-.58878125 1.3125-1.3125 1.3125S6.6875 11.7237187 6.6875 11 7.27628125 9.6875 8 9.6875 9.3125 10.2762813 9.3125 11zM6.7696875 4.39371875l.2125 4.25C6.99215625 8.8433125 7.15690625 9 7.35671875 9h1.2865625c.1998125 0 .3645625-.1566875.37453125-.35628125l.2125-4.25C9.24103125 4.17953125 9.07025 4 8.85578125 4h-1.7115625c-.21446875 0-.38525.17953125-.37453125.39371875z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 36 36" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
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</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 36 36" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<g fill="currentColor"> |
<path d="M13.62711864 10.13333333h8.77966106c.346348 0 .6271186-.2760911.6271186-.61666666v-7.4c0-.3405756-.2807706-.61666667-.6271186-.61666667h-8.77966106C13.28077058 1.5 13 1.77609107 13 2.11666667v7.4c0 .34057556.28077058.61666666.62711864.61666666zm.62711865-7.4H21.779661V8.9h-7.52542371V2.73333333z" /> |
<path d="M23.4922034 23.0333333H12.3050339l-.05079661-12.79999997H23.5423729l-.0501695 12.79999997zm1.3044068-.0666667V10.23333333C24.7966102 9.5517411 24.2355175 9 23.5423729 9H12.25423729C11.56159999 9 11 9.55185858 11 10.23333333V22.9666666c0 .7179702.58202986 1.3000001 1.30000007 1.3000001H23.4966101c.7179702 0 1.3000001-.5820299 1.3000001-1.3000001z" /> |
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</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 36 36" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M8.78055577 5C8.34946672 5 8 5.34946672 8 5.78055577V30.2194442C8 30.6505333 8.34946672 31 8.78055577 31H27.2194442C27.6505333 31 28 30.6505333 28 30.2194442V5.78055577C28 5.34946672 27.6505333 5 27.2194442 5H8.78055577zm0-2H27.2194442C28.7551028 3 30 4.24489722 30 5.78055577V30.2194442C30 31.7551028 28.7551028 33 27.2194442 33H8.78055577C7.24489722 33 6 31.7551028 6 30.2194442V5.78055577C6 4.24489722 7.24489722 3 8.78055577 3zm3.33166653 5h11.7755554C24.5020411 8 25 8.49795889 25 9.11222231V26.8877777C25 27.5020411 24.5020411 28 23.8877777 28H12.1122223C11.4979589 28 11 27.5020411 11 26.8877777V9.11222231C11 8.49795889 11.4979589 8 12.1122223 8zM12.5 9.5v17h11v-17h-11z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default ({ size, ...p }: { size: number }) => ( |
<svg viewBox="0 0 9 34" height={size} width={size} {...p}> |
<path |
fill="currentColor" |
d="M8 17.451c-.51562-.68629-1.2037-1.2356-2-1.5835V1.9995H2v13.868c-.79625.3479-1.4844.89718-2 1.5835V1.44C0 .64471.64471 0 1.44 0h5.12C7.35529 0 8 .64471 8 1.44v.75355h.40706c.32747 0 .59294.26547.59294.59294v1.0077c0 .32747-.26547.59294-.59294.59294H8v6.5806h.40706c.32747 0 .59294.26547.59294.59294v1.0077c0 .32747-.26547.59294-.59294.59294H8v4.2898zm-4 6.4844c-.55228 0-1-.44772-1-1s.44772-1 1-1 1 .44772 1 1-.44772 1-1 1zm-2 8.0645h4v-11.548c0-1.1046-.89543-2-2-2s-2 .89543-2 2v11.548zm2-15.548c2.2091 0 4 1.7909 4 4v12.363c0 .65494-.53094 1.1859-1.1859 1.1859H1.1859C.53096 34.0008 0 33.46986 0 32.8149v-12.363c0-2.2091 1.7909-4 4-4z" |
/> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
export Blue from './Blue' |
export NanoS from './NanoS' |
@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ |
title: Add account |
import: |
placeholder: 'Account {{index}}' |
steps: |
currency: |
title: Informations |
connectDevice: |
title: Connect Device |
importProgress: |
title: In Progress |
importAccounts: |
title: Import Accounts |
cta_0: Import Account |
cta_1: Import {{count}} Account |
cta_2: Import {{count}} Accounts |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
step1: |
connect: Connect your <0>Ledger device</0> to your computer and enter your <1>PIN code</1> on your device |
choose: We detected {{devicesCount}} devices connected, please select one: |
step2: |
open: Open <0>{{appName}}</0> App on your device |
info: You must use the device associated to the account <0>{{accountName}}</0> |
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@ |
const babelConfig = require('../babel.config') |
const { NODE_ENV } = process.env |
module.exports = [ |
{ |
test: /\.js$/, |
loader: 'babel-loader', |
options: { |
babelrc: false, |
cacheDirectory: NODE_ENV === 'development', |
...babelConfig(), |
}, |
exclude: /node_modules/, |
}, |
] |
Reference in new issue