@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import type { T } from 'types/common'
import type { AsyncState } from 'reducers/bridgeSync'
import { globalSyncStateSelector } from 'reducers/bridgeSync'
import { isUpToDateSelector } from 'reducers/accounts'
import { BridgeSyncConsumer } from 'bridge/BridgeSyncContext'
import CounterValues from 'helpers/countervalues'
@ -24,78 +25,45 @@ import ItemContainer from './ItemContainer'
const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector ( {
globalSyncState : globalSyncStateSelector ,
isUpToDate : isUpToDateSelector ,
} )
type Props = {
// FIXME: eslint should see that it is used in static method
isGlobalSyncStatePending : boolean , // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
error : ? Error ,
isPending : boolean ,
isError : boolean ,
isUpToDate : boolean ,
t : T ,
cvPoll : * ,
setSyncBehavior : * ,
type State = {
hasClicked : boolean ,
isGlobalSyncStatePending : boolean ,
isFirstSync : boolean ,
class ActivityIndicatorInner extends PureComponent < Props , State > {
state = {
hasClicked : false ,
isFirstSync : true ,
// FIXME: eslint should see that it is used in static method
isGlobalSyncStatePending : false , // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-state
static getDerivedStateFromProps ( nextProps : Props , prevState : State ) {
const nextState = {
... prevState ,
isGlobalSyncStatePending : nextProps . isGlobalSyncStatePending ,
if ( prevState . isGlobalSyncStatePending && ! nextProps . isGlobalSyncStatePending ) {
nextState . isFirstSync = false
nextState . hasClicked = false
return nextState
class ActivityIndicatorInner extends PureComponent < Props > {
onClick = ( ) => {
this . props . cvPoll ( )
this . props . setSyncBehavior ( { type : 'SYNC_ALL_ACCOUNTS' , priority : 5 } )
handleRefresh = ( ) => {
this . setState ( { hasClicked : true } )
this . onClick ( )
render ( ) {
const { isPending , isError , error , t } = this . props
const { hasClicked , isFirstSync } = this . state
const isDisabled = isError || ( isPending && ( isFirstSync || hasClicked ) )
const isRotating = isPending && ( hasClicked || isFirstSync )
const { isUpToDate , isPending , isError , error , t } = this . props
const isDisabled = isError || isPending
const isRotating = isPending
const content = (
< ItemContainer disabled = { isDisabled } onClick = { isDisabled ? undefined : this . handleRefresh } >
< ItemContainer disabled = { isDisabled } onClick = { isDisabled ? undefined : this . onClick } >
< Rotating
size = { 16 }
isRotating = { isRotating }
color = { isError ? 'alertRed' : isRotating ? 'grey' : 'positiveGreen'}
color = { isError ? 'alertRed' : isRotating ? 'grey' : isUpToDate ? 'positiveGreen' : 'grey' }
{ isError ? (
< IconExclamationCircle size = { 16 } / >
) : isRotating ? (
< IconLoader size = { 16 } / >
) : (
) : isUpToDate ? (
< IconCheckCircle size = { 16 } / >
) : (
< IconExclamationCircle size = { 16 } / >
) }
< / R o t a t i n g >
< Box
@ -115,19 +83,21 @@ class ActivityIndicatorInner extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
ml = { 2 }
cursor = "pointer"
style = { { textDecoration : 'underline' , pointerEvents : 'all' } }
onClick = { this . handleRefresh }
onClick = { this . onClick }
{ t ( 'app:common.sync.refresh' ) }
< / B o x >
< / F r a g m e n t >
) : (
) : isUpToDate ? (
t ( 'app:common.sync.upToDate' )
) : (
t ( 'app:common.sync.outdated' )
) }
< / B o x >
< / I t e m C o n t a i n e r >
if ( error ) {
if ( isError && error ) {
return (
< Tooltip
tooltipBg = "alertRed"
@ -146,7 +116,15 @@ class ActivityIndicatorInner extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
const ActivityIndicator = ( { globalSyncState , t } : { globalSyncState : AsyncState , t : T } ) => (
const ActivityIndicator = ( {
globalSyncState ,
t ,
isUpToDate ,
} : {
globalSyncState : AsyncState ,
t : T ,
isUpToDate : boolean ,
} ) => (
< BridgeSyncConsumer >
{ setSyncBehavior => (
< CounterValues . PollingConsumer >
@ -156,9 +134,9 @@ const ActivityIndicator = ({ globalSyncState, t }: { globalSyncState: AsyncState
return (
< ActivityIndicatorInner
t = { t }
isUpToDate = { isUpToDate }
isPending = { isPending }
isGlobalSyncStatePending = { globalSyncState . pending }
isError = { ! ! isError }
isError = { ! ! isError && ! isUpToDate } // we only show error if it's not up to date. this hide a bit error that happen from time to time
error = { isError ? globalSyncState . error : null }
cvPoll = { cvPolling . poll }
setSyncBehavior = { setSyncBehavior }