committed by
49 changed files with 666 additions and 761 deletions
@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ |
import { genStoreState } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/countervalues/mock' |
import { |
getCryptoCurrencyById, |
getFiatCurrencyByTicker, |
} from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/helpers/currencies' |
export default { |
counterValues: { |
BTC: { |
USD: { |
'2018-01-09': 0.00795978, |
'2018-03-29': 0.007106619999999999, |
'2018-03-30': 0.0068537599999999995, |
'2018-03-31': 0.00694377, |
'2018-04-01': 0.00683584, |
'2018-04-02': 0.007061689999999999, |
latest: 0.00706156, |
}, |
countervalues: genStoreState([ |
{ |
from: getCryptoCurrencyById('bitcoin'), |
to: getFiatCurrencyByTicker('USD'), |
exchange: 'KRAKEN', |
dateFrom: new Date(2015, 1, 1), |
dateTo: new Date(), |
rate: d => 0.007 + 0.003 * Math.max(0, (d / 1e12 + Math.sin(d / 1e9)) / 2), |
}, |
}, |
]), |
} |
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import type { Dispatch } from 'redux' |
import { fetchHistodayRates } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/api/countervalue' |
import type { CryptoCurrency, Currency } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import { counterValueCurrencySelector } from 'reducers/settings' |
import { currenciesSelector } from 'reducers/accounts' |
import db from 'helpers/db' |
import type { State } from 'reducers' |
export type InitCounterValues = () => { type: string, payload: Object } |
export const initCounterValues: InitCounterValues = () => ({ |
payload: db.get('counterValues'), |
}) |
export type UpdateCounterValues = Object => { type: string, payload: Object } |
export const updateCounterValues: UpdateCounterValues = payload => ({ |
payload, |
}) |
function cryptoCurrenciesToCurrencies(currencies: CryptoCurrency[]): Currency[] { |
// $FlowFixMe this function is just to fix flow types. array contravariant issue.
return currencies |
} |
export type FetchCounterValues = ( |
currencies?: Currency[], |
) => (Dispatch<*>, () => State) => Promise<any> |
export const fetchCounterValues: FetchCounterValues = currencies => async (dispatch, getState) => { |
const state = getState() |
const currency = counterValueCurrencySelector(state) |
if (!currency) return |
if (!currencies) { |
// TODO this should be default, there is no need to provide the currencies in parameter
currencies = cryptoCurrenciesToCurrencies(currenciesSelector(state)) |
} |
const counterValues = await fetchHistodayRates(currencies, currency) |
dispatch(updateCounterValues(counterValues)) |
} |
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
import render from '__mocks__/render' |
import CounterValue from '..' |
describe('components', () => { |
describe('CounterValue', () => { |
it('basic', () => { |
const state = { counterValues: { BTC: { USD: { latest: 10e2 } } } } |
const component = <CounterValue ticker="BTC" value={1} /> |
const tree = render(component, state) |
expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() |
}) |
it('specifying ticker different from default', () => { |
const state = { counterValues: { LOL: { USD: { latest: 5e2 } } } } |
const component = <CounterValue ticker="LOL" value={1} /> |
const tree = render(component, state) |
expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() |
}) |
it('using countervalue different from default', () => { |
const state = { |
counterValues: { BTC: { EUR: { latest: 42 } } }, |
settings: { |
counterValue: 'EUR', |
}, |
} |
const component = <CounterValue ticker="BTC" value={1} /> |
const tree = render(component, state) |
expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() |
}) |
it('without countervalues populated', () => { |
const state = { counterValues: {} } |
const component = <CounterValue ticker="BTC" value={1} /> |
const tree = render(component, state) |
expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() |
}) |
it('with time travel whith date in countervalues', () => { |
const state = { counterValues: { BTC: { USD: { '2018-01-01': 20e2 } } } } |
const date = new Date('2018-01-01') |
const component = <CounterValue ticker="BTC" value={1} date={date} /> |
const tree = render(component, state) |
expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() |
}) |
it('with time travel whith date not in countervalues', () => { |
const state = { counterValues: { BTC: { USD: { '2018-01-01': 20e2 } } } } |
const date = new Date('2018-01-02') |
const component = <CounterValue ticker="BTC" value={1} date={date} /> |
const tree = render(component, state) |
// TODO: actually it returns 0 when date is not in countervalues
// do we want to use closest past value instead?
expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() |
}) |
}) |
}) |
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, |
exports[`components CounterValue basic 1`] = ` |
<div |
className="k45ou1-0 iqaJGf e345n3-0 bJwMKx" |
color="#66be54" |
> |
+ USD 10.00 |
</div> |
`; |
exports[`components CounterValue specifying ticker different from default 1`] = ` |
<div |
className="k45ou1-0 iqaJGf e345n3-0 bJwMKx" |
color="#66be54" |
> |
+ USD 5.00 |
</div> |
`; |
exports[`components CounterValue using countervalue different from default 1`] = ` |
<div |
className="k45ou1-0 iqaJGf e345n3-0 huzgmt" |
color={undefined} |
> |
+ EUR 0.42 |
</div> |
`; |
exports[`components CounterValue with time travel whith date in countervalues 1`] = ` |
<div |
className="k45ou1-0 iqaJGf e345n3-0 bJwMKx" |
color="#66be54" |
> |
+ USD 20.00 |
</div> |
`; |
exports[`components CounterValue with time travel whith date not in countervalues 1`] = ` |
<div |
className="k45ou1-0 iqaJGf e345n3-0 bJwMKx" |
color="#66be54" |
> |
+ USD 0.00 |
</div> |
`; |
exports[`components CounterValue without countervalues populated 1`] = ` |
<div |
className="k45ou1-0 iqaJGf e345n3-0 bJwMKx" |
color="#66be54" |
> |
+ USD 0.00 |
</div> |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import FormattedVal from 'components/base/FormattedVal' |
class DeltaChange extends PureComponent<{ |
from: number, |
to: number, |
}> { |
render() { |
const { from, to, } = this.props |
const val = from ? Math.floor((to - from) / from * 100) : 0 |
// TODO in future, we also want to diverge rendering when the % is way too high (this can easily happen)
return <FormattedVal isPercent val={val} {} /> |
} |
} |
export default DeltaChange |
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ |
// @flow
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import type { Currency } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import type { Exchange } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/countervalues/types' |
import Select from 'components/base/Select' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Text from 'components/base/Text' |
import CounterValues from 'helpers/countervalues' |
const renderItem = ex => ( |
<Box grow horizontal alignItems="center" flow={2}> |
<Text ff="Open Sans|SemiBold" color="dark" fontSize={4}> |
{} |
</Text> |
</Box> |
) |
class ExchangeSelect extends Component< |
{ |
from: Currency, |
to: Currency, |
exchangeId: string, |
onChange: (?Exchange) => void, |
style?: *, |
}, |
{ |
prevFromTo: string, |
exchanges: ?(Exchange[]), |
error: ?Error, |
}, |
> { |
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: *, prevState: *) { |
const fromTo = `${nextProps.from.ticker}/${}` |
if (fromTo !== prevState.prevFromTo) { |
return { |
prevFromTo: fromTo, |
exchanges: null, |
} |
} |
return null |
} |
state = { |
prevFromTo: '', // eslint-disable-line
exchanges: null, |
error: null, |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
this._load() |
} |
componentDidUpdate() { |
if (this.state.exchanges === null) { |
this._load() |
} |
} |
componentWillUnmount() { |
this._unmounted = true |
} |
_unmounted = false |
_loadId = 0 |
async _load() { |
this._loadId++ |
if (this._unmounted) return |
this.setState({ exchanges: [] }) |
const { _loadId } = this |
const { from, to } = this.props |
try { |
const exchanges = await CounterValues.fetchExchangesForPair(from, to) |
if (!this._unmounted && this._loadId === _loadId) { |
this.setState({ exchanges }) |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error) |
if (!this._unmounted && this._loadId === _loadId) { |
this.setState({ error }) |
} |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { onChange, exchangeId, style } = this.props |
const { exchanges, error } = this.state |
return exchanges && exchanges.length > 0 ? ( |
<Select |
style={style} |
value={exchanges.find(e => === exchangeId)} |
renderSelected={renderItem} |
renderItem={renderItem} |
keyProp="id" |
items={exchanges} |
fontSize={4} |
onChange={onChange} |
/> |
) : error ? ( |
<Text ff="Open Sans|SemiBold" color="dark" fontSize={4}> |
Failed to load. |
</Text> |
) : ( |
<Text ff="Open Sans|SemiBold" color="dark" fontSize={4}> |
Loading... |
</Text> |
) |
} |
} |
export default ExchangeSelect |
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import moment from 'moment' |
import get from 'lodash/get' |
import type { Account } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import find from 'lodash/find' |
import first from 'lodash/first' |
import isUndefined from 'lodash/isUndefined' |
import last from 'lodash/last' |
type DateInterval = { |
start: string, |
end: string, |
} |
type BalanceHistoryDay = { |
date: string, |
balance: number, |
} |
type CalculateBalance = { |
accounts: Account[], |
counterValue: string, |
counterValues: Object, |
daysCount: number, |
} |
// Map the given date interval
// iteratee is given day, index, and currently constructed array
// (exactly like
function mapInterval(iv: DateInterval, cb: Function) { |
const res = [] |
let startDate = moment(iv.start) |
let i = 0 |
const endDate = moment(iv.end) |
res.push(cb(startDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), i, res)) |
while (!startDate.isSame(endDate, 'day')) { |
startDate = startDate.add(1, 'day') |
res.push(cb(startDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), ++i, res)) |
} |
return res |
} |
function getBalanceAtIntervalStart(account: Account, interval: DateInterval): number | null { |
const target = moment(interval.start) |
let res = 0 |
for (const i in account.balanceByDay) { |
if (account.balanceByDay.hasOwnProperty(i)) { |
const d = moment(i) |
if (!d.isBefore(target, 'day')) { |
break |
} |
res = account.balanceByDay[i] || 0 |
} |
} |
return res |
} |
export function getBalanceHistoryForAccount({ |
account, |
counterValue, |
counterValues, |
interval, |
}: { |
counterValue: string, |
account: Account, |
counterValues: Object, |
interval: DateInterval, |
}): Array<BalanceHistoryDay> { |
const todayDate = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') |
const { unit } = account |
const counterVals = get(counterValues, `${unit.code}.${counterValue}`) |
let lastBalance = getBalanceAtIntervalStart(account, interval) |
return mapInterval(interval, date => { |
let balance = 0 |
if (!counterVals) { |
return { balance, date } |
} |
const isToday = date === todayDate |
const counterVal = isToday |
? counterVals.latest || counterVals[date] || 0 |
: counterVals[date] || 0 |
// if we don't have data on account balance for that day,
// we take the prev day
if (isUndefined(account.balanceByDay[date])) { |
balance = lastBalance === null ? 0 : lastBalance * counterVal |
} else { |
const b = account.balanceByDay[date] |
lastBalance = b |
balance = b * counterVal |
} |
if (isNaN(balance)) { |
console.warn(`This should not happen. Cant calculate balance for ${date}`) // eslint-disable-line no-console
return { date, balance: 0 } |
} |
return { date, balance } |
}) |
} |
export function getBalanceHistoryForAccounts({ |
accounts, |
counterValue, |
counterValues, |
interval, |
}: { |
counterValue: string, |
accounts: Account[], |
counterValues: Object, |
interval: DateInterval, |
}): Array<BalanceHistoryDay> { |
// calculate balance history for each account on the given interval
const balances = => |
getBalanceHistoryForAccount({ |
counterValue, |
account, |
counterValues, |
interval, |
}), |
) |
// if more than one account, addition all balances, day by day
// and returns a big summed up array
return balances.length > 1 |
? balances[0].map((item, i) => { |
let b = item.balance |
for (let j = 1; j < balances.length; j++) { |
b += balances[j][i].balance |
} |
return { ...item, balance: b } |
}) |
: balances.length > 0 |
? balances[0] |
: [] |
} |
export default function calculateBalance(props: CalculateBalance) { |
const interval = { |
start: moment() |
.subtract(props.daysCount, 'days') |
.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
end: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
} |
const allBalances = getBalanceHistoryForAccounts({ |
counterValue: props.counterValue, |
accounts: props.accounts, |
counterValues: props.counterValues, |
interval, |
}).map(e => ({ date:, value: e.balance })) |
const firstNonEmptyDay = find(allBalances, e => e.value) |
const refBalance = firstNonEmptyDay ? firstNonEmptyDay.value : 0 |
return { |
allBalances, |
totalBalance: last(allBalances).value, |
sinceBalance: first(allBalances).value, |
refBalance, |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
// @flow
import { createSelector } from 'reselect' |
import createCounterValues from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/countervalues' |
import { setExchangePairsAction } from 'actions/settings' |
import { currenciesSelector } from 'reducers/accounts' |
import { counterValueCurrencySelector, currencySettingsSelector } from 'reducers/settings' |
const pairsSelector = createSelector( |
currenciesSelector, |
counterValueCurrencySelector, |
state => state, |
(currencies, counterValueCurrency, state) => |
||| => ({ |
from: currency, |
to: counterValueCurrency, |
exchange: currencySettingsSelector(state, currency).exchange, |
})), |
) |
const addExtraPollingHooks = (schedulePoll, cancelPoll) => { |
// TODO hook to net info of Electron ? retrieving network should trigger a poll
// provide a basic mecanism to stop polling when you leave the tab
// & immediately poll when you come back.
function onWindowBlur() { |
cancelPoll() |
} |
function onWindowFocus() { |
schedulePoll(1000) |
} |
window.addEventListener('blur', onWindowBlur) |
window.addEventListener('focus', onWindowFocus) |
return () => { |
window.removeEventListener('blur', onWindowBlur) |
window.removeEventListener('focus', onWindowFocus) |
} |
} |
const CounterValues = createCounterValues({ |
getAPIBaseURL: () => '', |
storeSelector: state => state.countervalues, |
pairsSelector, |
setExchangePairsAction, |
addExtraPollingHooks, |
}) |
export default CounterValues |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import { fetchCurrentRates } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/api/countervalue' |
type SendFunction = (type: string, data: *) => void |
export default async (send: SendFunction, { counterValue, currencies }: Object) => { |
try { |
const data = await fetchCurrentRates(currencies, counterValue) |
send('counterValues.update', data) |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(err) // eslint-disable-line no-console
} |
} |
@ -1,41 +1,22 @@ |
// @flow
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions' |
import merge from 'lodash/merge' |
import get from 'lodash/get' |
import { |
makeCalculateCounterValue, |
makeReverseCounterValue, |
formatCounterValueDay, |
} from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/helpers/countervalue' |
import CounterValues from 'helpers/countervalues' |
import type { CalculateCounterValue } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import type { Currency } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import type { State } from 'reducers' |
export type CounterValuesState = {} |
const state: CounterValuesState = {} |
const handlers = { |
UPDATE_COUNTER_VALUES: (state, { payload: counterValues }) => merge({ ...state }, counterValues), |
} |
const getPairHistory = state => (coinTicker, fiat) => { |
const byDate = get(state, `counterValues.${coinTicker}.${fiat}`) |
return date => { |
if (!byDate) { |
return 0 |
} |
if (!date) { |
return byDate.latest || 0 |
} |
return byDate[formatCounterValueDay(date)] || 0 |
} |
} |
export const calculateCounterValueSelector = (state: State): CalculateCounterValue => |
makeCalculateCounterValue(getPairHistory(state)) |
export const reverseCounterValueSelector = (state: State): CalculateCounterValue => |
makeReverseCounterValue(getPairHistory(state)) |
export default handleActions(handlers, state) |
// FIXME DEPRECATED approach. we will move to use calculateSelector everywhere.. it's just easier to process for now.
export const calculateCounterValueSelector = (state: State) => ( |
from: Currency, |
to: Currency, |
exchange: string, |
) => (value: number, date?: Date, disableRounding?: boolean): ?number => |
CounterValues.calculateSelector(state, { from, to, exchange, value, date, disableRounding }) |
export const reverseCounterValueSelector = (state: State) => ( |
from: Currency, |
to: Currency, |
exchange: string, |
) => (value: number, date?: Date, disableRounding?: boolean): ?number => |
CounterValues.reverseSelector(state, { from, to, exchange, value, date, disableRounding }) |
Reference in new issue