Directly registering babel as it is was triggering cryptic errors, like:
Error: Reentrant preset detected trying to load "<path>/babel.config.js".
This module is not ignored and is trying to load itself while compiling
itself, leading to a dependency cycle.
This commits moves babel to the last version, so as it go > than 7-beta.55,
we have to get rid of stage-0 and replace it by corresponding specific
presets (I think we can clean a lot of things from here).
It also involve the `process.env.CLI` var, to use correct babel
transform on modules.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fix Pivx failing synchronization due to zero-knowledge protocol (closes#1089
- Fix Digibyte (and others) hanging transactions due to accounts with hundreds or thousands transactions, this fix affect all other cryptos encountering same issue ("Oops ! Time out error"),
- Remove ssl (for release version) and krb5 dependencies,
- Features:
- Optimistic update: once a transaction is broadcasted from libcore side, it is automatically submitted to local (sqlite) database.
This commit introduce a pretty big change on how app data files are
managed. Instead of having multiple `accounts.json`, `settings.json`,
`user.json`, `countervalues.json`, it now store everything in a single
`app.json`. And it does it in an *async* way, so it should prevent some
frame loss.
Migration will be seamless, and will keep `accounts.json` encryption if set.
So no user action is involved.
This changes comes also with some simplification on password handling
(e.g: no more need to store password hash).
/!\ Disclaimer
During development, I ran about a weird issue (~ 3 or 4 times) when my
data was simply "erased" in the file, so back to onboarding, no more settings,
etc. I suspect race/write condition, something with write-file-atomic, but I
didn't managed to reproduce, everytime I tried. Anyway, I feel not 100% confident
with it, so if you guys can test on your side, with your data (with encryption
key or not) it will help a lot!
- bugfix that if your log file reach 20Mb the exported log is not the correct one
- make the log files rotate to a gzip
- include APDU in logs
- blacklist some commands that was producing way too intensive logs
- don't log the redux action anymore. it's not that useful and way too verbose to log