common: ok: Okay cancel: Cancel chooseWalletPlaceholder: Choose a wallet... currency: Currency language: en: English fr: French orderAccounts: name: Alphabetic balance: Balance type: Cryptocurrency sidebar: menu: Menu accounts: Accounts device: connected: Connected notConnected: Not connected dashboard: title: Dashboard greetings: 'Good morning, {{name}}.' summary: here is the summary of your account summary_plural: 'here is the summary of your {{count}} accounts' noAccounts: no accounts recentActivity: Recent activity send: title: Send receive: title: Receive addAccount: title: Add account import: placeholder: 'Account {{index}}' settings: title: Settings tabs: display: Display money: Money material: Material app: App (beta) tools: Tools blockchain: Blockchain profile: Profile display: language: Language orderAccounts: Order accounts profile: protectWithPassword: Protect local data with a password password: Password SelectAccount: placeholder: Select an account AccountPage: balance: Balance receive: Receive lastOperations: Last operations update: newVersionReady: A new version is ready to be installed. relaunch: Re-launch app now IsUnlocked: password: Password sendModal: Amount: Amount Summary: Summary SecureValidation: Secure validation Confirmation: Confirmation time: day: Day week: Week month: Month year: Year global: sortBy: Sort by search: Search save: Save transactionsList: date: Date account: Account address: Address amount: Amount from: From to: To mainDropdown: editProfile: Edit profile lockApplication: Lock application