title: Send funds totalSpent: Total spent steps: amount: title: Informations selectAccountDebit: Select an account to debit recipientAddress: Recipient address amount: Amount max: Max fees: Fees advancedOptions: Advanced options useRBF: Use the RBF transaction message: Leave a message (140) rippleTag: Tag ethereumGasLimit: Gas limit connectDevice: title: Connect device verification: title: Verification warning: | You are about to validate a transaction. Be careful, we strongly recommand you to verify that the informations on your Ledger device are correct. body: Once you have checked everything is ok, you can validate securely the transaction on your device. confirmation: title: Confirmation success: title: Transaction successfully broadcasted text: | with the following transaction id: cta: View operation details error: title: Transaction error cta: Retry operation pending: title: Broadcasting transaction...