common: ok: OK yes: Yes no: No apply: Apply confirm: Confirm cancel: Cancel delete: Delete continue: Continue skipThisStep: Skip this step chooseWalletPlaceholder: Choose a wallet... currency: Currency selectAccount: Select an account selectAccountNoOption: 'No account matching "{{accountName}}"' selectCurrency: Choose a crypto asset selectCurrencyNoOption: 'No currency matching "{{currencyName}}"' selectExchange: Select an exchange selectExchangeNoOption: 'No exchange matching "{{exchangeName}}"' sortBy: Sort by search: Search save: Save password: Password editProfile: Edit profile lockApplication: Lock Ledger Live showMore: Show more max: Max next: Next back: Back retry: Retry stop: Stop close: Close eastern: Eastern western: Western lockScreen: title: Welcome back subTitle: description: Enter your password to continue inputPlaceholder: Type your password lostPassword: I lost my password sync: syncing: Synchronizing... upToDate: Up to date error: Synchronization error refresh: Refresh ago: Synced {{time}} error: load: Unable to load noResults: No results operation: type: IN: Received # conf: Received # unconf: Receiving... OUT: Sent # conf: Sent # unconf: Sending... time: day: Day week: Week month: Month year: Year since: day: since a day week: since a week month: since a month year: since a year sidebar: menu: Menu accounts: Accounts ({{count}}) manager: Manager exchange: Exchange account: balance: Balance receive: Receive lastOperations: Last operations emptyState: title: No funds yet? desc: Make sure the <1><0>{{currency}} app is installed to receive funds. # replace [cryptocurrency] and make it bold buttons: receiveFunds: Receive funds settings: title: Edit account advancedLogs: Advanced logs accountName: title: Account name desc: Describe this account. error: An account name is required. unit: title: Unit desc: Choose the unit to display. endpointConfig: title: Node desc: The API node to use error: Invalid endpoint dashboard: title: Portfolio emptyAccountTile: desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit createAccount: Create Account accounts: title: Accounts ({{count}}) greeting: morning: "Good morning" evening: "Good evening" afternoon: "Good afternoon" summary: "Here's the summary of your account." summary_plural: "Here's the summary of your {{count}} accounts." noAccounts: No accounts yet recentActivity: Recent activity totalBalance: Total balance accountsOrder: name: name balance: balance currentAddress: title: Current address for: Address for <1><0>{{accountName}} message: Your receive address has not been confirmed on your Ledger device. Verify the address for optimal security. deviceConnect: step1: choose: "We detected {{count}} connected devices, please select one:" connect: Connect and unlock your <1>Ledger device # remove key: <3>PIN code dashboard: test emptyState: sidebar: text: Press the + button to add an account to your portfolio. dashboard: title: 'Let’s set up your portfolio!' desc: Open the Manager to install apps on your device or add accounts if your device already has apps installed. buttons: addAccount: Add accounts installApp: Open Manager exchange: title: Exchange visitWebsite: Visit website coinhouse: 'Coinhouse is the trusted platform for individuals and institutional investors looking to analyze, acquire, sell and securely store cryptoassets.' changelly: 'Changelly is a popular instant cryptocurrency exchange with 100+ coins and tokens listed.' coinmama: 'Coinmama is a financial service that makes it fast, safe and fun to buy digital currency, anywhere in the world.' genuinecheck: modal: title: Genuine check addAccounts: title: Add accounts breadcrumb: informations: Choose asset connectDevice: Connect device import: Select accounts finish: Confirmation accountToImportSubtitle: Select existing accounts accountToImportSubtitle_plural: 'Select ({{count}}) existing accounts' selectAll: Select all unselectAll: Deselect all editName: Edit name newAccount: New account legacyAccount: '{{accountName}} (legacy)' noAccountToImport: All {{currencyName}} accounts found are already in your portfolio. success: Account successfully added to your portfolio. # success_plural: Accounts successfully added to your portfolio. createNewAccount: title: Create new account noOperationOnLastAccount: 'You have to receive funds on {{accountName}} before you can create a new account.' noAccountToCreate: No {{currencyName}} account was found to create. somethingWentWrong: Something went wrong during synchronization, please try again. cta: create: 'Add account' import: 'Add account' # Remove import_plural: 'Add accounts' operationDetails: title: Operation details account: Account date: Date status: Status confirmed: Confirmed notConfirmed: Not confirmed fees: Fees from: From to: To identifier: Transaction ID viewOperation: View in explorer showMore: Show {{recipients}} more showLess: Show less operationList: noMoreOperations: That's all! manager: tabs: apps: Apps device: My device apps: install: Install all: Apps installing: 'Installing {{app}}...' uninstalling: 'Uninstalling {{app}}...' installSuccess: '{{app}} is now installed on your device.' uninstallSuccess: '{{app}} has been uninstalled from your device.' alreadyInstalled: '{{app}} is already installed on your device.' help: Remove and reinstall to update apps firmware: installed: 'Firmware version {{version}}' update: Update firmware updateTitle: Firmware update continue: Continue update latest: 'Firmware version {{version}} is available.' disclaimerTitle: 'You are about to install the latest <1><0>firmware {{version}}' disclaimerAppDelete: Please note that all the apps installed on your device will be deleted. disclaimerAppReinstall: You will be able to re-install your apps after the firmware update title: Manager subtitle: Install apps or update your device. device: title: Connect your device desc: Follow the steps below to use the Manager cta: Connect my device errors: noDevice: No device is connected (TEMPLATE NEEDED) noDashboard: Navigate to the dashboard on your device (TEMPLATED NEEDED) noGenuine: Allow the Manager to continue (TEMPLATE NEEDED) receive: title: Receive funds steps: chooseAccount: title: Choose account label: Account connectDevice: title: Connect device withoutDevice: Receive without device confirmAddress: title: Confirm address action: Confirm address on device text: To receive funds, confirm the address on your device. support: Ledger Support error: title: Receive address rejected text: Please try again or request Ledger Support assistance when in doubt. receiveFunds: title: Receive funds label: Amount (optional) send: title: Send funds totalSpent: Total steps: amount: title: Create payment selectAccountDebit: Select an account to debit recipientAddress: Recipient address # can't control the tooltip! amount: Amount max: Max fees: Fees advancedOptions: Advanced options useRBF: Use the RBF transaction. message: Leave a message (140) rippleTag: Tag ethereumGasLimit: Gas limit unitPerByte: '{{unit}} per byte' feePerByte: Fees per byte connectDevice: title: Connect device verification: title: Verification warning: | Carefully verify the transaction details displayed one by one on your device before you proceed. # blue # nano body: Press the right button to confirm the transaction. confirmation: title: Confirmation success: title: Transaction sent text: | The transaction has been signed and sent to the network. Your account balance will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction. It has the following Transaction ID: cta: View operation details error: title: Transaction canceled cta: Retry pending: title: Broadcasting transaction... releaseNotes: title: Release notes version: Version {{versionNb}} settings: title: Settings tabs: display: Display currencies: Currencies profile: Profile about: Help display: desc: language: Language languageDesc: Choose the language to display. counterValue: Base currency counterValueDesc: Choose the currency to display next to your balance and operations. An exchange is used (via BTC pair). region: Region regionDesc: Choose the region in which you’re located to set the application’s time zone. stock: Regional market indicator stockDesc: Choose Western to display an increase in market value in blue. Choose Eastern to display an increase in market value in red. currencies: desc: Select a cryptocurrency to edit its settings. exchange: Rate provider ({{ticker}}) exchangeDesc: Choose the provider of the base currency exchange rates (via BTC). confirmationsToSpend: Number of confirmations required to spend confirmationsToSpendDesc: Set the number of confirmations required for your funds to be spendable. # A higher number of confirmations decreases the probability that a transaction is rejected. confirmationsNb: Number of confirmations confirmationsNbDesc: Set the number of blocks a transaction needs to be included in to consider it as confirmed. # A higher number of confirmations increases the certainty that a transaction cannot be reversed. transactionsFees: Default transaction fees transactionsFeesDesc: Select your default transaction fees. The higher the fee, the quicker the transaction will be processed. explorer: Blockchain explorer explorerDesc: Choose which explorer is used to look up the operation details in the blockchain. profile: desc: password: Data encryption passwordDesc: Enhance your privacy. Set a password to encrypt Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses. changePassword: Change password sync: Synchronize accounts syncDesc: Resynchronize your accounts with the network. export: Export logs exportDesc: Exporting Ledger Live logs may be necessary for troubleshooting purposes. softResetTitle: Clear cache softResetDesc: Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain. softReset: Clear hardResetTitle: Reset Ledger Live hardResetDesc: Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your profile, accounts, transaction history and settings. The private keys that manage your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device. hardReset: Reset developerMode: Developer mode developerModeDesc: Show developer apps in the Manager and enable testnet currencies. analytics: Analytics analyticsDesc: Enable analytics of anonymous data to help Ledger improve the user experience. This includes the operating system, language, firmware versions and the number of added accounts. reportErrors: Usage and diagnostics reportErrorsDesc: Share anonymous usage and diagnostics data to help improve Ledger products, services and security features. about: desc: version: Ledger Live version releaseNotesBtn: Show release notes # Close button instead of continue. faq: Ledger Support faqDesc: A problem? Learn about Ledger Live, Ledger devices, supported crypto assets and apps. contactUs: Contact us contactUsDesc: Need help? Request assistance from Ledger Support by email or chat. terms: --- Terms and Privacy policy --- termsDesc: --- Check with Legal --- hardResetModal: title: Reset Ledger Live desc: Resetting will erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your profile, accounts, transaction history and application settings. The keys to access your crypto assets in the blockchain remain secure on your Ledger device. softResetModal: title: Clear cache subTitle: Are you sure? desc: Clearing the Ledger Live cache forces network resynchronization. removeAccountModal: title: Remove account subTitle: Are you sure? desc: The account will no longer be included in your portfolio. Accounts can always be re-added. exportLogs: title: Export logs desc: Exporting Ledger Live logs may be necessary for troubleshooting purposes. btn: Export password: warning_0: Warning 0 warning_1: Warning 1 warning_2: Warning 2 warning_3: Warning 3 warning_4: Warning 4 errorMessageIncorrectPassword: The password you entered is incorrect. errorMessageNotMatchingPassword: Passwords don't match. inputFields: newPassword: label: Password placeholder: confirmPassword: label: Confirm password placeholder: currentPassword: label: Current password placeholder: changePassword: title: Data encryption subTitle: Change your password desc: Make sure to remember your password. Losing your password requires resetting Ledger Live and re-adding accounts. setPassword: title: Enable data encryption subTitle: Set a password desc: Make sure to remember your password. Losing your password requires resetting Ledger Live and re-adding accounts. disablePassword: title: Disable data encryption desc: Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, balances, transactions and public addresses. update: newVersionReady: A new update is available. relaunch: Update now crash: oops: Oops, something went wrong uselessText: You may try again by restarting Ledger Live. Please export your logs and contact Ledger Support if the problem persists. restart: Restart reset: Reset createTicket: Ledger Support showDetails: Show details showError: Show error