# Ledger Live (desktop) [](https://circleci.com/gh/LedgerHQ/ledger-live-desktop) [](https://crowdin.com/project/ledger-wallet)
> Ledger Live is a new generation wallet desktop application providing a unique interface to maintain multiple cryptocurrencies for your Ledger Nano S / Blue. Manage your device, create accounts, receive and send cryptoassets, [...and many more](https://www.ledger.fr/2018/07/09/ledger-launches-ledger-live-the-all-in-one-companion-app-to-your-ledger-device/).
## Architecture
Ledger Live is an hybrid desktop application built with Electron, React, Redux, RxJS,.. and highly optimized with [ledger-core](https://github.com/LedgerHQ/lib-ledger-core) C++ library to deal with blockchains (sync, broadcast,..) via [ledger-core-node-bindings](https://github.com/LedgerHQ/lib-ledger-core-node-bindings). It communicates to Ledger hardware wallet devices (Nano S / Blue) to verify address and sign transactions with [ledgerjs](https://github.com/LedgerHQ/ledgerjs). Some logic is shared with [live-common](https://github.com/LedgerHQ/ledger-live-common).
### Coins
- supported by [ledger-core](https://github.com/LedgerHQ/lib-ledger-core) (C++) implementation: BTC BCH LTC DASH QTUM ZEC BTG STRAT DOGE DGB HSR KMD PIVX ZEN VTC PPC VIA XST POSW CLUB
- supported by JavaScript implementation: ETH, ETC, XRP
## Setup
### Requirements
- [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org) LTS
- [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) LTS
- [Python](https://www.python.org/) v2.7.10 (used by [node-gyp](https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp) to build native addons)
- You will also need a C++ compiler
### Optional
- In the application we use `Museo Sans` font. To include it in the app, you need to have a zip file `museosans.zip` which you should extract and place inside the `static/fonts/museosans` directory
## Install
# install dependencies
## Run
# launch the app
yarn start
## Build
# Build & package the whole app
# Creates a .dmg for Mac, .exe installer for Windows, or .AppImage for Linux
# Output files will be created in dist/ folder
yarn dist
**Note:** Use `yarn dist:dir` to speed up the process: it will skip the packaging step. Handy for debugging builds. You can also use `BUNDLE_ANALYZER=1 yarn dist:dir` to generate [webpack-bundle-analyzer](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/webpack-bundle-analyzer) report.
## Config (optional helpers)
### Environment variables
(you can use a .env or export environment variables)
DEV_TOOLS_MODE=bottom # devtools position Options: right, bottom, undocked, detach
## flags for development purpose
## constants
### Launch storybook
We use [storybook](https://storybook.js.org/) for UI development.
yarn storybook
### Run code quality checks
yarn lint # launch eslint
yarn prettier # launch prettier
yarn flow # launch flow
yarn test # launch unit tests
### Programmatically reset app files
# clear the dev electron user data directory
# it remove sqlite db, accounts, settings
# useful to start from a fresh state
yarn reset-files
## File structure
├── dist : output folder generate by the build
├── scripts : commands (for building, releasing,...)
├── src
│ ├── internals : code that run on the 'internal' thread.
│ ├── main : code that run on the 'main' thread.
│ ├── renderer : code that run on the 'renderer' thread
│ ├── components : all the React components
| └── modals : sub levels for the modals
│ ├── api : related to HTTP APIs
│ ├── bridge : an abstraction on top of blockchains apis (libcore / js impls)
│ ├── commands : an abstraction to run code over the internal thread
│ ├── icons : all the icons of our app, as React components.
│ ├── config : contains the constants,...
│ ├── helpers : generic folder for our business logic (might be reorganized in the future)
│ ├── middlewares : redux middlewares
│ ├── actions : redux actions
│ ├── reducers : redux reducers
│ ├── sentry : for our bug tracker
│ ├── stories : for storybook
│ ├── styles : theme
│ ├── logger.js : abstraction for all our console.log s
│ └── types : global flow types
├── static
│ ├── docs
│ ├── fonts
│ ├── i18n
│ ├── images
│ └── videos
├── webpack : build configuration
└── yarn.lock