  "generic": {
    "title": "{{message}}",
    "description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact us."
  "AccountNameRequired": {
    "title": "An account name is required",
    "description": "Please provide with an account name"
  "BtcUnmatchedApp": {
    "title": "That's the wrong app",
    "description": "Open the ‘{{managerAppName}}’ app on your device"
  "DeviceNotGenuine": {
    "title": "Possibly not genuine",
    "description": "Request Ledger Support assistance."
  "DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
    "title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
    "description": null
  "DeviceSocketFail": {
    "title": "Oops, try again",
    "description": "Some connection failed, so please try again."
  "DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
    "title": "Oops, try again",
    "description": "Some connection failed, so please try again."
  "DeviceSocketNoHandler": {
    "title": "Oops, try again",
    "description": "Some connection failed, so please try again."
  "DisconnectedDevice": {
    "title": "Oops, device was disconnected",
    "description": "The connection to the device was lost, so please try again."
  "EnpointConfig": {
    "title": "Invalid endpoint",
    "description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
  "FeeEstimationFailed": {
    "title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
    "description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
  "HardResetFail": {
    "title": "Oops, could not reset",
    "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
  "LatestMCUInstalledError": {
    "title": "Oops, nothing to update",
    "description": "Needlessly tried to update the device microcontroller. Contact Ledger Support if there's a problem with your device."
  "LedgerAPIError": {
    "title": "Sorry, try again (API HTTP {{status}})",
    "description": "Interacting with Ledger's API server went wrong. Please retry."
  "LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
    "title": "Oops, {{message}}",
    "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
  "LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
    "title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
    "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support."
  "ManagerAPIsFail": {
    "title": "Oops, Manager services unavailable.",
    "description": "Please check the network status."
  "ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
    "title": "Oops, that's already installed.",
    "description": "Check your device to see which apps are already installed."
  "ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
    "title": "Bitcoin app required",
    "description": "Install the Bitcoin app before installing this app."
  "ManagerDeviceLocked": {
    "title": "Please unlock your device",
    "description": "Your device was locked. Please unlock it."
  "ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
    "title": "Sorry, insufficient device storage",
    "description": "Uninstall some apps to increase available storage and try again."
  "ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
    "title": "Sorry, Bitcoin is required",
    "description": "First uninstall apps that depend on Bitcoin."
  "NetworkDown": {
    "title": "Oops, internet seems down",
    "description": "Please check your internet connection."
  "NoAddressesFound": {
    "title": "Sorry, no accounts found",
    "description": "Something went wrong with address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support."
  "NotEnoughBalance": {
    "title": "Oops, not enough balance",
    "description": "Make sure the account to debit has sufficient balance"
  "PasswordsDontMatch": {
    "title": "Passwords don't match",
    "description": "Please try again"
  "PasswordIncorrect": {
    "title": "The password you entered is incorrect",
    "description": "Please try again"
  "SelectExchangesLoadError": {
    "title": "Unable to load",
    "description": "Can't load the exchanges"
  "TimeoutError": {
    "title": "Oops, a time out occurred",
    "description": "It took too long for the server to respond."
  "TransportError": {
    "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device.",
    "description": "{{message}}"
  "TransportStatusError": {
    "title": "Something went wrong. Please reconnect your device.",
    "description": "{{message}}"
  "UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
    "title": "Firmware update refused on device",
    "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
  "UserRefusedOnDevice": {
    "title": "Transaction refused on device",
    "description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support in case of doubt."
  "UserRefusedAddress": {
    "title": "Receive address rejected",
    "description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support"
  "WebsocketConnectionError": {
    "title": "Sorry, try again (websocket error).",
    "description": null
  "WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
    "title": "Sorry, try again (websocket failed).",
    "description": null
  "WrongDeviceForAccount": {
    "title": "Oops, wrong device for ‘{{accountName}}’.",
    "description": "The connected device is not associated with the account you selected. Please connect the right device."
  "DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
    "title": "Open Manager to update this App",
    "description": "The app verification is not supported"
  "InvalidAddress": {
    "title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"