906 lines
35 KiB

"common": {
"labelYes": "Yes",
"labelNo": "No",
"never": "Never",
"apply": "Apply",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"getSupport": "Get support",
"delete": "Delete",
"launch": "Launch",
"continue": "Continue",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"help": "Help",
"skipThisStep": "Skip this step",
"needHelp": "需要帮助?",
"areYouSure": "是否确定?",
"selectAccount": "Select an account",
"selectAccountNoOption": "不存在与 \"{{accountName}}\" 匹配的账户",
"selectCurrency": "选择加密资产",
"selectCurrencyNoOption": "不存在加密资产 {{currencyName}}",
"selectExchange": "Select an exchange",
"selectExchangeNoOption": "不存在与 {{exchangeName}} 匹配的交易所",
"selectExchangeNoOptionAtAll": "未找到交易所",
"sortBy": "排序方式",
"search": "搜索",
"save": "Save",
"lock": "Lock",
"showMore": "Show more",
"max": "Max",
"back": "Back",
"reset": "Reset",
"retry": "Retry",
"stop": "Stop",
"close": "Close",
"eastern": "Eastern",
"western": "Western",
"reverify": "Re-verify",
"verify": "Verify",
"copy": "Copy",
"copyAddress": "Copy",
"copied": "已复制",
"addressCopied": "地址已复制",
"lockScreen": {
"title": "欢迎回来",
"subTitle": null,
"description": "Enter your password to continue",
"inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
"lostPassword": "I lost my password"
"sync": {
"syncing": "正在同步...",
"upToDate": "Synchronized",
"outdated": "Paused",
"error": "Synchronization error",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"ago": "Synchronized {{time}}"
"operation": {
"type": {
"IN": "已收到",
"OUT": "已发送"
"time": {
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"year": "Year",
"minute": "Minute",
"second": "Second",
"hour": "Hour",
"since": {
"day": "past day",
"week": "past week",
"month": "past month",
"year": "past year"
"sidebar": {
"menu": "Menu",
"accounts": "账户 ({{count}})",
"manager": "管理器",
"exchange": "Buy crypto",
"developer": "开发工具"
"account": {
"lastOperations": "Last operations",
"emptyState": {
"title": "还没有加密资产?",
"desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}</0></1> app is installed and start receiving",
"buttons": {
"receiveFunds": "接收"
"settings": {
"title": "编辑账户",
"advancedLogs": "高级日志",
"accountName": {
"title": "账户名称",
"desc": "Describe this account"
"unit": {
"title": "Unit",
"desc": "Choose the unit to display"
"endpointConfig": {
"title": "Node",
"desc": "The API node to use"
"dashboard": {
"title": "资产组合",
"emptyAccountTile": {
"desc": "Add accounts to manage more crypto assets",
"createAccount": "Add account"
"accounts": {
"title": "账户 ({{count}})"
"greeting": {
"morning": "Good morning",
"evening": "Good evening",
"afternoon": "Good afternoon"
"summary": "以下是您的账户概览",
"summary_plural": "以下是您 {{count}} 个账户的概览",
"recentActivity": "Last operations",
"totalBalance": "Total balance",
"accountsOrder": {
"name": "name",
"balance": "balance"
"currentAddress": {
"title": "Current address",
"for": "账户 <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1> 地址",
"messageIfUnverified": "Please verify that the {{currencyName}} address shown on your device matches the one on your computer",
"messageIfAccepted": "Address confirmed, please re-verify it if you copy/paste or scan the QR code.",
"messageIfSkipped": "Your {{currencyName}} address has not been confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for optimal security."
"deviceConnect": {
"step1": "Connect and unlock your <1>Ledger device</1>",
"step2": "Navigate to the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}</0></1> app on your device",
"step3": "Allow <1><0>Ledger Manager</0></1> on your device"
"emptyState": {
"sidebar": {
"text": "Click this button to add accounts to the Portfolio"
"dashboard": {
"title": "Install apps or add accounts",
"desc": "Open the Manager to install apps or add accounts if your Ledger device already has apps installed",
"buttons": {
"addAccount": "添加账户",
"installApp": "打开管理器"
"exchange": {
"title": "Buy crypto",
"desc": "Try a few services we've selected",
"visitWebsite": "访问网站",
"coinhouse": "对于寻求分析、获得、销售和安全存储加密资产的个人和机构投资者而言,Coinhouse 是一个值得信赖的平台。",
"changelly": "Changelly 是一个备受欢迎的即时加密资产交易所,上线了 100 多种钱币和代币。",
"coinmama": "Coinmama 是一家金融服务机构,让您在世界各地都能快速、安全且愉快地购买数字资产。",
"simplex": "Simplex 是一家欧盟许可的金融机构,提供无欺诈的信用卡支付解决方案。",
"paybis": "使用 PayBis 信用卡可安全而轻松地购买比特币,其服务遍及美国、加拿大、德国、俄罗斯和沙特阿拉伯。",
"luno": "Luno 让购买、存储比特币和以太币等加密货币和了解相关知识变得安全而简单。",
"shapeshift": "ShapeShift 是一个在线市场,用户可在此购买和销售数字资产,可快速且安全地在世界各地买卖数字资产,既没有冗长的注册过程,也没有交易对手风险,更不会产生摩擦。",
"genesis": "Genesis 是一家机构交易公司,提供数字货币流动性和借贷服务,包括比特币、比特币现金、以太币、以太坊经典、莱特币和 XRP。",
"kyberSwap": "Fast, simple and secure token swap platform. Powered by Kyber Network's on-chain liquidity protocol.",
"thorSwap": "ThorSwap is an instant, safe and fair crypto asset market powered by decentralized atomic swap technologies. It is the most convenient way to start trading, no registration or KYC for small amount transactions.",
"changeNow": "ChangeNOW is one of the leading custody-free instant exchange services"
"genuinecheck": {
"modal": {
"title": "正版查验"
"addAccounts": {
"title": "添加账户",
"breadcrumb": {
"informations": "加密资产",
"connectDevice": "设备",
"import": "账户",
"finish": "确认"
"connectDevice": {
"desc": "Follow the steps below to add <1><0>{{currencyName}}</0></1> accounts"
"accountAlreadyImportedSubtitle": "账户已在 ({{count}}) 资产组合中",
"accountToImportSubtitle": "添加现有账户",
"accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "添加现有账户",
"selectAll": "全选 ({{count}})",
"unselectAll": "取消全选 ({{count}})",
"newAccount": "新建账户",
"legacyAccount": "{{accountName}} (legacy)",
"legacyUnsplitAccount": "{{accountName}} (legacy) (unsplit)",
"unsplitAccount": "{{accountName}} (unsplit)",
"noAccountToImport": "没有要添加的现有 {{currencyName}} 账户",
"success": "Account successfully added",
"success_plural": "Accounts successfully added",
"successDescription": "Add more accounts or return to Portfolio",
"successDescription_plural": "Add more accounts or return to Portfolio",
"createNewAccount": {
"title": "Add new account",
"noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received on your <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1> account",
"noAccountToCreate": "未找到要创建的 <1><0>{{currencyName}}</0></1> 账户"
"cta": {
"addMore": "添加更多",
"add": "添加账户",
"add_plural": "添加账户"
"operationDetails": {
"title": "操作详情",
"account": "账户",
"date": "日期",
"status": "状态",
"confirmed": "已确认",
"notConfirmed": "未确认",
"fees": "费用",
"noFees": "无费用",
"from": "自",
"to": "至",
"identifier": "交易 ID",
"viewOperation": "在区块链浏览器中查看",
"showMore": "显示更多 {{recipients}}",
"showLess": "Show less"
"operationList": {
"noMoreOperations": "以上"
"manager": {
"yourDeviceIsGenuine": "您的设备为正版",
"apps": {
"install": "Install",
"all": "App catalog",
"installing": "Installing {{app}}...",
"uninstalling": "Uninstalling {{app}}...",
"installSuccess": "Successfully installed {{app}}",
"uninstallSuccess": "{{app}} uninstalled",
"help": "检查您的设备,查看已安装了哪些应用程序"
"firmware": {
"installed": "Firmware version {{version}}",
"titleNano": "Ledger Nano S",
"titleBlue": "Ledger Blue",
"update": "Update",
"latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
"disclaimerTitle": "您即将安装<1><0>固件版本 {{version}}</0></1>",
"disclaimerAppDelete": "在更新后,您设备上安装的应用程序必须进行重新安装。",
"disclaimerAppReinstall": "这不会影响您在区块链中的加密资产。"
"modal": {
"steps": {
"updateMCU": "Firmware update",
"osu": "Installing OSU...",
"flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
"flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
"firmware": "Firmware updating...",
"flash": "Flashing your device..."
"confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
"confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Press the right button and enter your PIN code to confirm",
"identifier": "Identifier",
"mcuTitle": "正在更新 MCU",
"mcuFirst": "从设备上断开 USB 数据线连接",
"mcuSecond": "重新连接 USB 接口时,按住左键,直到显示处理屏幕",
"mcuPin": "如在设备上显示了要求,则请输入您的 pin 码以完成该过程",
"successTitle": "固件已更新",
"successText": "您可在设备上重新安装应用程序"
"title": "管理器",
"subtitle": "Install or uninstall apps on your device",
"device": {
"title": "连接设备",
"desc": "按照以下步骤打开管理器",
"cta": "Connect my device"
"receive": {
"title": "接收",
"steps": {
"chooseAccount": {
"title": "账户",
"label": "信贷账户"
"connectDevice": {
"title": "Device",
"withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
"confirmAddress": {
"title": "Verification",
"action": "Verify address on device",
"text": "Please verify that the {{currencyName}} address shown on your device matches the one on your computer",
"support": "Contact us"
"receiveFunds": {
"title": "接收"
"send": {
"title": "发送",
"totalSpent": "总借额",
"steps": {
"amount": {
"title": "详情",
"selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
"recipientAddress": "收件人地址",
"amount": "金额",
"fees": "网络费用",
"advancedOptions": "高级选项",
"useRBF": "使用费用替代法交易",
"message": "留言(140 字)",
"rippleTag": "标签",
"ethereumGasLimit": "Gas 上限",
"unitPerByte": "{{unit}} 每字节"
"connectDevice": {
"title": "设备"
"verification": {
"title": "验证",
"warning": "Please verify all transaction details on your device",
"body": "Confirm the transaction on your device to send it"
"confirmation": {
"title": "确认",
"success": {
"title": "交易已发送",
"text": "Your account balance will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
"cta": "View details"
"pending": {
"title": "正在传送交易信息…"
"releaseNotes": {
"title": "发行说明",
"version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
"settings": {
"title": "设置",
"tabs": {
"display": "通用",
"export": "Export accounts",
"currencies": "货币",
"help": "帮助",
"about": "关于"
"export": {
"desc": "Import accounts on your Ledger Live Mobile app",
"button": "Export",
"modal": {
"button": "Done",
"title": "Scan to export to mobile",
"listTitle": "To import accounts on your Ledger Live Mobile app:",
"step1": "Tap the <1><0>+</0></1> button in Accounts",
"step2": "Tap <1><0>Import desktop accounts</0></1>",
"step3": "Scan until the loader hits 100%"
"display": {
"desc": "Configure general Ledger Live settings.",
"language": "显示语言",
"languageDesc": "设置 Ledger Live 中显示的语言。",
"counterValue": "Countervalue",
"counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
"exchange": "汇率提供商",
"exchangeDesc": "Provides the exchange rate from Bitcoin to {{fiat}}, used to estimate the value of your crypto assets (crypto asset → BTC → {{fiat}}).",
"region": "地区",
"regionDesc": "Choose your region, used to set Ledger Live's time zone.",
"stock": "地区市场指示器",
"stockDesc": "Choose Western to display an increase in market value in blue or Eastern to display it in red."
"currencies": {
"desc": "选择一种加密资产以编辑其设置。",
"exchange": "汇率提供商 ({{ticker}} → BTC)",
"exchangeDesc": "Choose the provider of the exchange rate from {{currencyName}} to Bitcoin, used to estimate the value of your crypto assets ({{currencyName}} → BTC → {{fiat}}).",
"confirmationsNb": "确认数量",
"confirmationsNbDesc": "设置要标记为已确认的交易的网络确认数量。"
"profile": {
"password": "密码锁",
"passwordDesc": "Set a password to prevent unauthorized access to Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
"passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
"passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live after inactivity.",
"changePassword": "更改密码",
"softResetTitle": "清除缓存",
"softResetDesc": "清除 Ledger Live 缓存,以强制与区块链重新同步。",
"softReset": "清除",
"hardResetTitle": "重置 Ledger Live",
"hardResetDesc": "清除计算机上存储的所有 Ledger Live 数据,包括您的账户、交易历史记录和设置。",
"hardReset": "重置",
"developerMode": "开发者模式",
"developerModeDesc": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager.",
"analytics": "分析",
"analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger understand how to improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc.), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and version of apps, app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, Ledger device type and firmware.",
"reportErrors": "Bug reports",
"reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger fix bugs.",
"launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
"launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up as new or restore a Ledger device. Accounts and settings are kept."
"about": {
"desc": "App information, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy."
"help": {
"desc": "Learn more about Ledger Live or get help.",
"version": "版本",
"releaseNotesBtn": "详情",
"faq": "Ledger 支持人员",
"faqDesc": "A problem? Get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
"terms": "Terms of Use",
"termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy",
"privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use it."
"hardResetModal": {
"title": "重置 Ledger Live",
"desc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction history and settings? The private keys providing access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
"softResetModal": {
"title": "清除缓存",
"desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys providing access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
"resetFallbackModal": {
"title": "需要用户操作",
"part1": "无法删除缓存文件夹。请手动删除文件夹:",
"part2": "点击“打开”文件夹按钮,",
"part3": "应用程序将会关闭,然后手动删除 \"sqlite\" 文件夹。",
"part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
"part5": "这样即可正常重启应用程序。"
"removeAccountModal": {
"title": "删除账户",
"desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Accounts can always be re-added."
"openUserDataDirectory": {
"title": "查看用户数据",
"desc": "查看存储在您的计算机上的用户数据,包括您的账户、缓存和设置。",
"btn": "查看"
"repairDevice": {
"title": "Repair your Ledger device",
"desc": "If you encountered some issue while updating your device and cannot resume the update process, you can try this option to repair your device.",
"button": "Repair"
"exportLogs": {
"title": "导出记录",
"desc": "故障排除可能需要导出 Ledger Live 记录。",
"btn": "导出"
"password": {
"inputFields": {
"newPassword": {
"label": "新建密码"
"confirmPassword": {
"label": "确认密码"
"currentPassword": {
"label": "当前密码"
"changePassword": {
"title": "密码锁",
"subTitle": "更改您的密码"
"setPassword": {
"title": "Password lock",
"subTitle": "设置密码",
"desc": "确保记住您的密码。如丢失密码,则需要重置 Ledger Live 和重新添加账户。"
"disablePassword": {
"title": "禁用密码锁",
"desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
"update": {
"newVersionReady": "新更新可用",
"relaunch": "立即更新"
"crash": {
"oops": "糟糕,出错了",
"uselessText": "您可以重启 Ledger Live 再试一次。如果问题仍然存在,请导出您的记录并联系 Ledger 支持人员。",
"restart": "重启",
"support": "联系客服",
"github": "GitHub"
"disclaimerModal": {
"title": "安全交易",
"desc_1": "发送和接收加密资产之前,请务必了解相关知识,以便做出知情决策。加密资产并不稳定,价格也可能上下起伏。请认真评估您的交易目标和您愿意承担的财务风险。",
"desc_2": "请注意,Ledger 不提供财务、税务或法律建议。您应自行做出这些决定,或咨询可靠的专家。",
"cta": "明白了"
"language": {
"system": "使用系统语言",
"en": "英语",
"fr": "法语",
"es": "Spanish",
"ko": "Korean",
"zh": "Simplified Chinese",
"ja": "Japanese",
"ru": "Russian"
"onboarding": {
"breadcrumb": {
"selectDevice": "设备选择",
"selectPIN": "PIN 码",
"writeSeed": "恢复短语",
"setPassword": "密码锁",
"analytics": "错误和分析"
"start": {
"title": "欢迎使用 Ledger Live",
"startBtn": "入门指南"
"init": {
"title": "开始使用您的 Ledger 设备",
"newDevice": {
"title": "Initialize as new device"
"restoreDevice": {
"title": "Restore device from recovery phrase"
"initializedDevice": {
"title": "Use an initialized device"
"noDevice": {
"title": "Don't have a Ledger device?",
"buyNew": {
"title": "购买 Ledger 设备"
"trackOrder": {
"title": "跟踪您的订单"
"learnMore": {
"title": "了解 Ledger"
"selectDevice": {
"title": "选择您的设备",
"ledgerNanoCard": {
"title": "Ledger Nano S"
"ledgerBlueCard": {
"title": "Ledger Blue"
"selectPIN": {
"disclaimer": {
"note1": "Always choose your own PIN code.",
"note2": "Use 8 digits for optimal security.",
"note3": "Never use a device supplied with a PIN code or a recovery phrase."
"initialize": {
"title": "选择您的 PIN 码",
"instructions": {
"nano": {
"step1": "Connect the Ledger Nano S to your computer. Press both buttons to begin.",
"step2": "Press the right button to select <1><0>Configure as new device?</0></1>.",
"step3": "Press the left or right button to select a digit. Press both buttons to validate.",
"step4": "Select ✓ to confirm your PIN code. Select ⬅ to erase a digit."
"blue": {
"step1": "将 Ledger Blue 连接到您的计算机。",
"step2": "Tap on <1><0>Configure as new device</0></1>.",
"step3": "Choose a PIN code of 4 to 8 digits."
"restore": {
"title": "选择您的 PIN 码",
"instructions": {
"nano": {
"step1": "Connect the Ledger Nano S to your computer. Press both buttons to begin.",
"step2": "Press the left button to cancel <1><0>Initialize as new device?</0></1>. Then press the right button to select <3><0>Restore configuration?</0></3>.",
"step3": "Press the left or right button to select a digit. Press both buttons to validate.",
"step4": "Select ✓ to confirm your PIN code. Select ⬅ to erase a digit."
"blue": {
"step1": "将 Ledger Blue 连接到您的计算机。",
"step2": "轻击<1><0>恢复配置</0></1>。",
"step3": "Choose a PIN code of 4 to 8 digits."
"writeSeed": {
"initialize": {
"title": "保存您的恢复短语",
"desc": "Your device will display a 24-word recovery phrase to back up your private keys",
"nano": {
"step1": "Write <1><0>Word #1</0></1> in position 1 on a blank Recovery sheet.",
"step2": "Press the right button to continue and write down all 24 words.",
"step3": "Confirm your recovery phrase: select and validate each word by pressing both buttons."
"blue": {
"step1": "Write down each word on a blank Recovery sheet while keeping the order.",
"step2": "Tap <1><0>Next</0></1> and write down all words until the <3><0>Confirmation</0></3> screen appears.",
"step3": "Enter each word to confirm your recovery phrase."
"restore": {
"title": "输入您的恢复短语",
"desc": "Enter the recovery phrase saved on your Recovery sheet",
"nano": {
"step1": "Choose the length of your recovery phrase.",
"step2": "Enter the first letters of <1><0>Word #1</0></1> until suggested words appear.",
"step3": "Choose <1><0>Word #1</0></1> from the suggested words by pressing both buttons.",
"step4": "重复该过程,直至最后一个字。"
"blue": {
"step1": "选择您的恢复短语的长度。",
"step2": "Type the first word of your recovery phrase. Tap the word when it appears.",
"step3": "重复该过程,直至最后一个字。"
"disclaimer": {
"note1": "请仔细将您的 24 字恢复短语保存在安全的地方。",
"note2": "确保不要将您的恢复短语告知任何人。",
"note3": "Ledger 不会保留您恢复短语的任何备份。",
"note4": "Never use a device supplied with a PIN code or a recovery phrase."
"genuineCheck": {
"title": "安全检查表",
"descGeneric": "继续之前,请完成安全检查表",
"descRestore": "Before getting started, please confirm:",
"step1": {
"title": "您是否自行选择了您的 PIN 码?"
"step2": {
"title": "您是否自行保存了您的恢复短语?"
"step3": {
"title": "您的 Ledger 设备是否为正版?"
"isGenuinePassed": "您的设备为正版",
"buttons": {
"genuineCheck": "立即检查",
"contactSupport": "联系我们"
"errorPage": {
"title": {
"pinFailed": "没有选择您自己的 PIN 码?",
"recoveryPhraseFailed": "Didn't save your recovery phrase by yourself?",
"isGenuineFail": "糟糕,您的设备似乎不是正版…"
"desc": {
"pinFailed": "Never use a device supplied with a PIN code. Please contact us when in doubt.",
"recoveryPhraseFailed": "Only save a recovery phrase that was displayed on your device and to you alone. Please contact us when in doubt.",
"isGenuineFail": "您的设备未通过连接到 Ledger 安全服务器所需的真伪测试。请联系 Ledger 客服以获取帮助。"
"setPassword": {
"title": "密码锁(可选)",
"desc": "Set a password to prevent unauthorized access to Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, transactions and public addresses",
"disclaimer": {
"note1": "确保记住您的密码。勿告知他人。",
"note2": "如丢失密码,则需要重置 Ledger Live 和重新添加账户。",
"note3": "重置 Ledger Live 不会影响您的加密资产。"
"analytics": {
"title": "Bugs and analytics",
"desc": "Share anonymized data to help improve Ledger security products and services",
"shareAnalytics": {
"title": "Analytics",
"desc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger understand how to improve user experience.",
"mandatoryContextual": {
"item1": "Clicks",
"item2": "In-app page visits",
"item3": "Redirection to webpage",
"item4": "Actions: send, receive, lock, etc.",
"item5": "End of page scroll",
"item6": "App (un)installation and version",
"item7": "Number of accounts, crypto assets and operations",
"item8": "整体和页面会话持续时间",
"item9": "Ledger device type and firmware"
"sentryLogs": {
"title": "Bug reports",
"desc": "自动发送报告,帮助 Ledger 修复 bug。"
"technicalData": {
"title": "Technical data*",
"desc": "Ledger will automatically collect fully anonymized technical data to help improve user experience.",
"mandatoryText": "* 强制性",
"mandatoryContextual": {
"title": "技术数据",
"item1": "匿名唯一应用程序 ID",
"item2": "Ledger Live version, language and region",
"item3": "OS version, language and region"
"terms": {
"title": "Terms *",
"desc": "By continuing, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the <1>Terms of Use</1> and <3>Privacy Policy</3>."
"finish": {
"title": "您的设备已准备就绪!",
"desc": "Install some apps on your device and access the Portfolio",
"openAppButton": "打开 Ledger Live"
"errors": {
"generic": {
"title": "{{message}}",
"description": "出错了。请重试或联系我们。"
"AccountNameRequired": {
"title": "账户名为必填",
"description": "请提供账户名"
"BtcUnmatchedApp": {
"title": "应用程序错误",
"description": "打开您的设备上的‘{{managerAppName}}’应用程序"
"DeviceNotGenuine": {
"title": "可能不是正版",
"description": "Request Ledger Support assistance"
"DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
"title": "抱歉,请再试一次(正版-关闭)",
"description": null
"DeviceSocketFail": {
"title": "Oops, connection failed",
"description": "Please try again"
"DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
"title": "Oops, connection failed",
"description": "Please try again"
"DeviceSocketNoHandler": {
"title": "Oops, connection failed",
"description": "Please try again"
"DisconnectedDevice": {
"title": "Oops, device connection lost",
"description": "Please try again"
"EnpointConfig": {
"title": "端点无效",
"description": "请提供有效端点"
"FeeEstimationFailed": {
"title": "抱歉,费用估算失败",
"description": "尝试设置自定义费用(状态:{{status}})"
"HardResetFail": {
"title": "糟糕,无法重置",
"description": "Please try again or contact us when in doubt"
"LatestMCUInstalledError": {
"title": "糟糕,没有更新",
"description": "Needlessly tried to update the device microcontroller. Please contact Ledger Support if there's a problem with your device."
"LedgerAPIError": {
"title": "抱歉,请再试一次 (API HTTP {{status}})",
"description": "Please retry. Interacting with Ledger's API server went wrong."
"LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
"title": "糟糕,{{message}}",
"description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
"LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
"title": "抱歉,{{currencyName}} 服务不可用",
"description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
"ManagerAPIsFail": {
"title": "Oops, Manager services unavailable",
"description": "Please check the network status"
"ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
"title": "Oops, that's already installed",
"description": "Check your device to see which apps are already installed"
"ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
"title": "需要安装比特币和以太币应用程序",
"description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first"
"ManagerDeviceLocked": {
"title": "请解锁您的设备",
"description": "Your device was locked, please unlock it"
"ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
"title": "抱歉,剩余存储空间不足",
"description": "Uninstall some apps to make space. This will not affect your crypto assets."
"ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
"title": "抱歉,需要安装此应用程序",
"description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
"NetworkDown": {
"title": "糟糕,网络似乎已断开",
"description": "Please check your internet connection"
"NoAddressesFound": {
"title": "抱歉,未找到账户",
"description": "Something went wrong with address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
"NotEnoughBalance": {
"title": "糟糕,余额不足",
"description": "确保借记账户有足够余额"
"NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
"title": "收件人地址无效。请至少发送 {{minimalAmount}} 次进行激活"
"PasswordsDontMatch": {
"title": "密码不匹配",
"description": "请再试一次"
"PasswordIncorrect": {
"title": "您输入的密码有误",
"description": "请再试一次"
"SelectExchangesLoadError": {
"title": "无法加载",
"description": "Please try again later"
"TimeoutError": {
"title": "糟糕,已超时",
"description": "It took too long for the server to respond, please retry"
"TimeoutTagged": {
"title": "糟糕,已超时 ({{tag}})",
"description": "It took too long for the server to respond"
"TransportError": {
"title": "Something went wrong, please reconnect your device",
"description": "{{message}}"
"TransportStatusError": {
"title": "Something went wrong, please reconnect your device",
"description": "{{message}}"
"UnexpectedBootloader": {
"title": "Opps, your device should not be in Bootloader mode",
"description": "Please restart your device or contact us"
"UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
"title": "设备上的固件更新被拒",
"description": "请重试或联系 Ledger 支持人员"
"UserRefusedOnDevice": {
"title": "设备上的交易被拒绝",
"description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support in case of doubt"
"UserRefusedAddress": {
"title": "接收地址被拒",
"description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support when in doubt"
"UpdateYourApp": {
"title": "需要更新应用程序",
"description": "在管理器中卸载并重新安装 {{managerAppName}} 应用程序"
"WebsocketConnectionError": {
"title": "Sorry, try again (websocket error)",
"description": null
"WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
"title": "Sorry, try again (websocket failed)",
"description": null
"WrongDeviceForAccount": {
"title": "Wrong device or passphrase for ‘{{accountName}}’",
"description": "Please use the device or passphrase for the selected account"
"DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
"title": "App update required",
"description": "Open Manager to update the app"
"InvalidAddress": {
"title": "此 {{currencyName}} 地址无效"
"CantOpenDevice": {
"title": "糟糕,无法连接到设备",
"description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact us if the problem persists."
"ETHAddressNonEIP": {
"title": "自动验证不可用:请仔细验证地址",
"description": null
"CantScanQRCode": {
"title": "无法扫描此二维码:此地址不支持自动验证"
"FeeNotLoaded": {
"title": "Couldn’t load fee rates, please set manual fees"