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title: Welcome to Ledger Live
title: Welcome to Ledger Live, the computer companion app to your Ledger device
title: Initialize your new Ledger device
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
title: Restore a Ledger device
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
title: I have already initialized my device
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
title: Do not have a Ledger device yet? Buy one
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
title: To get started, select your device
title: Ledger Nano S
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
title: Ledger Blue
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
title: Start initialization & choose your PIN code
step1: Connect the Ledger Nano S to your computer.
step2: Press both buttons simultaneously as instructed on the screen.
step3: Press the right button to select Configure as new device.
step4: Choose a PIN code between 4 and 8 digits long.
step1: Connect the Ledger Blue to your computer.
step2: Tap on Configure as new device.
step3: Choose a PIN code between 4 and 8 digits long.
note1: Choose your own PIN code. This code unlocks your device.
note2: An 8-digit PIN code offers an optimum level of security.
note3: Never use a device supplied with a PIN code and/or a 24-word recovery phrase.
title: Save your recovery phrase
desc: Your recovery phrase is formed by 24 words. They will be displayed only once.
step1: Press the right button to select the length of your recovery phrase. Press both buttons to confirm.
step2: Select the first letters of Word \#1 by pressing the right or left button. Press both buttons to confirm each letter.
step3: Select Word \#1 from the suggested words. Press both buttons to continue.
step4: Repeat the process until the last word.
title: Save your recovery phrase
desc: Your recovery phrase is formed by 24 words. They will be displayed only once.
step1: Copy the first word (Word \#1) in position 1 on the blank Recovery sheet.
step2: Press the right button to display Word \#2 and repeat the process until all 24 words are copied on the Recovery sheet.
step3: Confirm your recovery phrase press both buttons to validate each word displayed on the screen.
title: Save your recovery phrase
desc: Your recovery phrase is formed by 24 words. They will be displayed only once.
step1: Copy each word of the recovery phrase on the blank Recovery sheet. Make sure to copy the words in the same order.
step2: Tap NEXT to display the following words. Tap PREVIOUS to go back.
step3: Enter the requested words to confirm your recovery phrase.
note1: Carefully secure your 24 words out of sight.
note2: Ledger does not keep any backup of your 24 words.
note3: Make sure you are the sole holder of the 24-word recovery phrase.
note4: Never use a device supplied with a recovery phrase and/or a PIN code.
title: Final security check
desc: Your Ledger Nano S should now display Your device is now ready. Before getting started, please confirm that
title: Did you choose your PIN code by yourself?
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor
title: Did you save your recovery phrase by yourself?
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor
title: Check if your Ledger device is genuine
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor
isGenuinePassed: Your Nano S is genuine
genuineCheck: Genuine check
contactSupport: Contact Support
title: Something is wrong with your Ledger Nano S
desc: A problem occurred with your Ledger Nano S. Contact Ledger Support to get assistance or go back to the security check.
title: Something is wrong with your Ledger Blue
desc: A problem occurred with your Ledger Blue. Contact Ledger Support to get assistance or go back to the security check.
title: Choose a password to securely access Ledger Live
desc: Use uppercase, lowercase, special characters (#, @, !, ?) and numbers for a stronger password.
title: Help Ledger to improve its products and services
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor ipsum amet
title: Share analytics
desc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data.
title: Terms and Conditions
desc: Please accept terms and conditions to proceed
title: Sentry Logs
desc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data.
title: This is the title of the screen. 1 line is the maximum
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor ipsum amet
openAppButton: Open app
followUsLabel: Follow us to stay updated