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Lightning transactions: from Zero to Hero

This article contains everything you need to understand Bitcoin/Lightning transactions. We ignore segwit subtleties and fields that aren't necessary for our global understanding.

Table of Contents

Bitcoin transactions

Transaction format

A Bitcoin transaction contains the following fields:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 634346,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "652cd2cc2b12ecc86e77ed067ae11815d6e6347e2ae40b8970a063880798787c",
      "vout": 2,
      "scriptSig": "<some satisfying data>",
      "sequence": 10
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.1893,
      "scriptPubKey": "OP_HASH160 69ef88bab45ccfaa49f8421fdb4ae39efb23ffb2 OP_EQUAL"
  • locktime can be used to impose an absolute timelock.
  • vin is the list of inputs that this transaction is spending: they match unspent outputs from previous transactions that have been included in blocks, and data that satisfies the spending conditions (scriptPubKey).
    • txid references the transaction containing the output we want to spend and vout is the index of that output in the transaction. It is computed as SHA256(SHA256(raw_tx)).
    • scriptSig contains data that satisfies the input's scriptPubKey.
    • sequence can be used to impose a relative timelock.
  • vout is the list of outputs that this transaction creates (unspent outputs until someone spends them by including them in a transaction's vin). scriptPubKey is a Bitcoin script that must be satisfied by the spender (usually a signature from a given public key, knowledge of the preimage of a hash, etc).

Sighash flags

One important and very useful subtlety of Bitcoin scripts is the sighash flags that can be used with the OP_CHECKSIG opcode (and variants of OP_CHECKSIG).

Let's imagine that we have a UTXO with the following scriptPubKey: <alice_pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG, indicating that Alice can spend that UTXO. Alice can create a new transaction that includes that UTXO in vin. In the input's scriptSig, she needs to provide a valid signature of this new transaction. In addition to the signature bytes, she appends one byte that specifies what parts of the transaction were signed (that's the sighash flags).

These sighash flags provide some flexibility for complex, multi-participants transactions. When some parts of the transaction are not signed, that means others participants can slightly update the transaction while keeping it valid, without requiring the signer to re-sign the changes.

The possible values for that sighash byte are:

  • SIGHASH_ALL (default): the whole transaction is signed, except input scripts (otherwise there's a chicken-and-egg problem). That means the signer doesn't want anyone to be able to modify the transaction after it has been signed.
  • SIGHASH_NONE: the outputs are not signed. That means the signer agrees to the chosen inputs (where bitcoins come from), but lets other participants freely change the outputs (where the bitcoins go).
  • SIGHASH_SINGLE: only the output that has the same index as the input containing the signature is signed. There is also a small subtlety on the inputs: their sequence field isn't signed. This means the signer agrees to the chosen inputs and a single output of his choice, but lets other participants modify the other outputs freely.
  • SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY: only the input containing the signature is signed, the other inputs are ignored and can be modified freely by other participants.

Note that obviously, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGHASH_NONE and SIGHASH_SINGLE are mutually exclusive. However SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY can be used in combination with SIGHASH_ALL, SIGHASH_NONE or SIGHASH_SINGLE.

Note that the combination SIGHASH_NONE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY is a dangerous footgun: you give away a UTXO but have no control whatsoever on where it will be sent.

There are proposals to add a flag that doesn't sign any of the inputs, relying only on script compatibility to ensure transaction validity. There are currently two variations around that idea:

Absolute locktime

Bitcoin makes it possible to restrict the future time at which a transaction becomes valid. Such timelocks can be expressed in block height or timestamp, but we'll only consider the block height version here.

A first possibility is to restrict this at the transaction level, by setting the locktime field. The transaction will then be considered invalid until the block height becomes greater than this locktime value. This may be useful if you want to share a signed transaction with someone, but don't want it to be included immediately in a block. Note that there is one exception to this rule: if all the inputs' sequence fields are set to 0xffffffff, the locktime check is disabled (for historical reasons).

Another possibility is to restrict this at the script level, by using the following script: <block_height> OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY. This is a more powerful mechanism: you can create a UTXO that can be redeemed by someone else, while preventing the recipient from redeeming it before the specified block_height.

Relative locktime

Bitcoin also makes it possible to restrict when a UTXO can be spent, relatively to when that UTXO was created. This is especially useful when you exchange signed transactions off-chain, but don't know when these transactions will be broadcast on-chain (and thus have no idea what block height would make sense to put in the locktime field).

This is done by using the sequence field on a transaction's inputs. When correctly set (according to the rules defined in BIP68), it ensures that the transaction becomes valid only n blocks after the output it spends has been included in a block. This may be useful if you want to share a signed transaction with someone, and that transaction spends from an unconfirmed transaction, and you want to ensure there is a specific delay between these two transactions confirm.

Another possibility is to restrict this at the script level, by using the following script: <n> OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY. This is a more powerful mechanism: you can create a UTXO that can be redeemed by someone else, while ensuring the recipient can only redeem it at least n blocks after the first transaction was confirmed.

Lightning transactions

Lightning transactions leverage the mechanisms explained in the above sections, so make sure you understood them all before reading on.

Bolt 3 also contains all the details about the transactions, but it's quite compact and can be hard to read for non-implementers. Hopefully this document helps fill in the gaps in that specification.


Here is the high-level view of all transactions used for a channel between A and B (note that we are B in this example, and when we say "us" in the following section we refer to B):

| funding tx |
      |        +-------------+
      +------->| commit tx B |
                  |  |  |  |  
                  |  |  |  | A's main output
                  |  |  |  +-----------------> to A
                  |  |  |
                  |  |  |                 +---> to B after relative delay
                  |  |  | B's main output |
                  |  |  +-----------------+
                  |  |                    |
                  |  |                    +---> to A with revocation key
                  |  |
                  |  |                                              +---> to B after relative delay
                  |  |                        +-----------------+   |
                  |  |                   +--->| HTLC-timeout tx |---+
                  |  | HTLC offered by B |    +-----------------+   |
                  |  +-------------------+      (after timeout)     +---> to A with revocation key
                  |                      |
                  |                      +---> to A with payment preimage
                  |                      |
                  |                      +---> to A with revocation key
                  |                                                     +---> to B after relative delay
                  |                            +-----------------+      |
                  |                    +------>| HTLC-success tx |------+
                  | HTLC received by B |       +-----------------+      |
                  +--------------------+     (with payment preimage)    +---> to A with revocation key
                                       +---> to A after timeout (absolute delay)
                                       +---> to A with revocation key


  • transactions are enclosed in boxes
  • incoming arrows represent inputs
  • outgoing arrows represent outputs
  • branching in an output (with a +) represents a branching condition in script (OP_IF)

A has a symmetric set of transactions, where A and B have been swapped (and amounts appropriately swapped as well). Participants are always able to generate the transaction that the other side holds (this is necessary to send them their signature).

NB: in the sample transactions below, we directly write the spending scripts in scriptPubKey for clarity (in real transactions they are P2WSH scripts).

Funding transaction

A channel always starts with a funding transaction. This one is very simple. It only has to create an output with the following scriptPubKey:

2 <pubkey1> <pubkey2> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG

We don't care about the inputs that are used, and whether other outputs are created. The structure of the funding transaction thus looks like:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "...": "..."
  "vout": [
      "value": 1.0,
      "scriptPubKey": "2 <pubkey1> <pubkey2> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG"

Commitment transaction

The commitment transaction contains the channel state, which consists of two parts: the balance of each participant and all the pending payments (HTLCs).

It has a single input, which is the funding transaction and uses SIGHASH_ALL. This ensures both participants agree on the exact details of the commitment transaction when they exchange signatures.

It sets locktime and sequence to values that allow spending it without delays (these fields are also used to hide some data in a very clever way we don't care about for this document).

When anything changes in the channel (new payments are added, pending payments are failed or fulfilled):

  • a new commitment transaction is created that replaces the previous one
  • participants exchange signatures for that new commitment transaction
  • participants reveal the revocation secret for the previous commitment transaction

The commitment transaction for a channel with capacity 1 BTC may look like:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 543210000,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": ...,
      "scriptSig": "0 <signature_for_pubkey1> <signature_for_pubkey2>",
      "sequence": 2500123456
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.5,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # to_local output
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          # or back to us after a relative delay (<to_self_delay>)
      "value": 0.3,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # to_remote output: goes back to the other channel participant immediately
      "value": 0.05,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # A pending HTLC (payment) sent by us
        OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          <remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
            # funds go back to us via a second-stage HTLC-timeout transaction (which contains an absolute delay)
            # NB: we also need the remote signature, which prevents us from unilaterally changing the HTLC-timeout transaction
            OP_DROP 2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
            # funds go to the remote node if it has the payment preimage.
            OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
      "value": 0.03,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # Another pending HTLC (payment) sent by us
        OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          <remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
            # funds go back to us via a second-stage HTLC-timeout transaction (which contains an absolute delay)
            # NB: we also need the remote signature, which prevents us from unilaterally changing the HTLC-timeout transaction
            OP_DROP 2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
            # funds go to the remote node if it has the payment preimage.
            OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
      "value": 0.08,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # A pending HTLC (payment) sent to us
        OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          <remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
            # funds go to us via a second-stage HTLC-success transaction once we have the payment preimage
            # NB: we also need the remote signature, which prevents us from unilaterally changing the HTLC-success transaction
            OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
            2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
            # funds go to the remote node after an absolute delay (timeout)
      "value": 0.04,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # Another pending HTLC (payment) sent to us
        OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          <remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
            # funds go to us via a second-stage HTLC-success transaction once we have the payment preimage
            # NB: we also need the remote signature, which prevents us from unilaterally changing the HTLC-success transaction
            OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
            2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
            # funds go to the remote node after an absolute delay (timeout)

A few important points to note:

  • there can be many incoming and outgoing pending payments (HTLCs) inside the commitment transaction
  • knowledge of the revocation key allows a participant to claim all the funds in the channel, so it's very important to make sure you don't publish an outdated commitment transaction
  • it's always better if it's the other side that publishes its commitment transaction: HTLCs can be directly fulfilled or timed out without the need for a second-stage transaction
  • these incentives ensure that you cooperatively close channels instead of publishing the commitment transaction: the only case where you should publish your commitment transaction is if the remote has become unresponsive or behaves maliciously

HTLC transactions

The HTLC transactions are second-stage transactions that spend HTLC outputs from your commitment transaction. They require SIGHASH_ALL signatures from both participants. This second stage is necessary to decouple the HTLC timeout (an absolute block height) from the relative timeout applied to local funds (to_self_delay); otherwise we wouldn't be able to fulfill or fail HTLCs before the to_self_delay period.

An HTLC-success transaction looks like:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": 42,
      "scriptSig": "0 <remotehtlcsig> <localhtlcsig> <payment_preimage>",
      "sequence": 0
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.04,
      "scriptPubKey": "
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          # or back to us after a relative delay (<to_self_delay>)

An HTLC-timeout transaction looks like:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": <cltv_expiry>,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": 42,
      "scriptSig": "0 <remotehtlcsig> <localhtlcsig> <>",
      "sequence": 0
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.04,
      "scriptPubKey": "
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          # or back to us after a relative delay (<to_self_delay>)

Once HTLC transactions are confirmed, their outputs can be spent simply with your (unilateral) signature, which allows you to send the funds back to your wallet whenever is convenient.

Closing transaction

You have probably noticed that using the commitment transaction and then HTLC transactions to transfer off-chain funds back on-chain is complex and expensive (this will cost quite a lot of on-chain transaction fees). This is meant to be the exceptional case where your peer isn't collaborating. The recommended way of closing a channel to transfer funds back on-chain is via a closing transaction that is built collaboratively.

When one of the channel participants initiates a channel close, the channel stops accepting new payments. Both sides wait and settle pending payments (either fulfill or fail) to remove all HTLC outputs from the commitment transaction. Once there are only 2 outputs remaining (one for each participant, representing its latest balance in the channel), participants exchange adresses to send the funds to (which removes the relative to_self_delay, allowing channel funds to be spent immediately and unilaterally on-chain).

The resulting closing transaction looks like:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": 42,
      "scriptSig": "0 <signature_for_pubkey1> <signature_for_pubkey2>",
      "sequence": 0xFFFFFFFF
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.4,
      "scriptPubKey": "an address provided by A"
      "value": 0.6,
      "scriptPubKey": "an address provided by B"

The closing transaction spends directly from the funding transaction, hiding all the complexity of the commitment transaction and HTLC transactions. The resulting on-chain footprint of the channel looks like:

| funding tx |
       |          +------------+
       +--------->| closing tx |
                        | |
                        | |
                        | +-----> A's output
                        +-------> B's output

NB: the sequence is set to 0xFFFFFFFF to ensure all timelocks are disabled.

Lightning transactions with anchor outputs

The transactions format we've just described works great if the following assumptions hold:

  1. nodes are receiving (on-chain) blocks without too much delay
  2. published transactions are quickly included in blocks

But what happens if your peer becomes unresponsive and suddenly on-chain fees rise tremendously? Because the commitment transaction and HTLC transactions require signatures from both participants, you are unable to raise the fee; your transaction will only be confirmed once on-chain fees go back to lower levels. Our second condition doesn't hold true anymore and this can be a real issue since HTLCs timeout at a specific, absolute block height.

You need to be able to increase the fee of your commitment transaction and HTLC transactions to incentivize miners to include them in a block. Bitcoin provides two mechanisms for that, that we will explain below: replace-by-fee (RBF) and child-pays-for-parent (CPFP).

RBF allows the spender to increase fees; CPFP allows the recipient to increase fees.

Replace by fee

RBF lets you replace a mempool transaction. But replacing transactions has a cost for the network because the new version of the transaction needs to propagate to the whole network. In order to avoid creating an easy DoS attack vector, RBF imposes strict restrictions on the new version of the transaction, detailed in BIP 125.

These rules have quite subtle consequences so it's worth reading the BIP in details. The gist of it is that the new transaction must pay strictly more fees than the whole unconfirmed "package" it replaces (otherwise miners would have no incentive to favor this new transaction).

RBF can also be explicitly disabled at the transaction level by setting the sequence of all inputs to 0xFFFFFFFF.

Child pays for parent

CPFP lets you attach a child transaction to an unconfirmed transaction. By paying a big fee on the child transaction, you can incentivize miners to include both the parent and the child transactions in a block, speeding up the confirmation of the parent transaction.

If the child transaction still doesn't pay enough fees to get the transactions confirmed quickly (for example because the fees kept rising), the combination of RBF and CPFP can help you unblock the situation. You can use RBF on your child transaction (or on the parent if you're able to, but usually you won't be able to produce the signatures to replace the parent transaction), or use CPFP by appending yet another child to the chain of unconfirmed transactions.

|                     +---------------+                      |
|   +---------+       | some other tx |                      |
|   | some tx |       +---------------+                      |
|   +---------+                                              |
|                                                            |
| +---------+            +-----------+                       |
| | tx with |----------->| child tx1 |                       |
| | low fee |----+       +-----------+                       |
| +---------+    |       +-----------+       +-----------+   |
|                +------>| child tx2 |------>| child tx3 |   |
|                        +-----------+       +-----------+   |

There is however a limit on the chain of unconfirmed transactions you'll be able to add to the mempool. Once that limit is reached, the only options to speed up confirmation are:

  • wait for some of the transactions to be evicted from the mempool (then you can re-submit them with a higher fee): this can take a while
  • RBF one of the transactions: because of the RBF rules, this may be very costly (the fee increase you will need to provide may be non-negligible)
  • leverage the CPFP carve-out rule: this is a special rule that was added especially to unblock that scenario, which allows you to add a last additional child transaction, but only if its only parent is the first unconfirmed transaction. This means the first unconfirmed transaction needs to have an output available for that purpose.
 mempool: the chain txA -> txB -> txC has the maximum allowed size
|                     +---------------+                      |
|   +---------+       | some other tx |                      |
|   | some tx |       +---------------+                      |
|   +---------+                                              |
|                                                            |
| +---------+      +-----------+      +-----------+          |
| |   txA   |----->| child txB |----->| child txC |          |
| | low fee |      +-----------+      +-----------+          |
| +---------+                                                |

 the carve-out rule allows us to bypass the size limit and add the child txD
|                     +---------------+                      |
|   +---------+       | some other tx |                      |
|   | some tx |       +---------------+                      |
|   +---------+                                              |
|                                                            |
| +---------+      +-----------+      +-----------+          |
| |   txA   |----->| child txB |----->| child txC |          |
| | low fee |--+   +-----------+      +-----------+          |
| +---------+  |   +-----------+                             |
|              +-->| child txD |                             |
|                  +-----------+                             |

NB: when using CPFP, the child transaction you are adding must be valid (miners must be able to potentially include it in the next block). If your child transaction has an absolute or relative timelock set in the future, it will be rejected. In particular, if your child transaction has a relative timelock on a parent transaction that is still in the mempool, you cannot use it for CPFP.

Bumping Lightning transactions

As we've seen previously, there are 5 types of transactions in Lightning:

  • funding transaction
  • commitment transaction
  • htlc-success
  • htlc-timeout
  • closing transaction

At a high-level, this table summarizes which can be RBF-ed or CPFP-ed unilaterally:

Transaction RBF CPFP
funding ✔️* ✔️
commitment ✔️*
closing ✔️

The funding transaction can be RBF-ed (since it's created completely unilaterally), but this will invalidate its transaction id so you'll need to start a new channel creation flow, which is quite cumbersome. It's most of the time a better idea to use CPFP if you want to make your funding tx confirm faster.

The commitment transaction can be CPFP-ed, but only by the remote node (via its main output, the revocation key or an HTLC output for which it has the preimage). All other outputs use relative timelocks, so they cannot be used for CPFP.

None of the transactions can be unilaterally RBF-ed because they need signatures from both sides.

This is quite inconvenient if you've been forced to broadcast your commitment transaction because the remote node was unresponsive and it's stuck in the mempool. It would be nice to be able to make it confirm faster, and this has been an area of active research.

Anchor outputs

The anchor outputs proposal addresses these shortcomings by leveraging the CPFP carve-out rule and a better use of sighash flags.

At a high-level, it consists of four main changes:

  1. Update HTLC transactions to use SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY. This lets you RBF your HTLC transactions by adding new inputs/outputs to raise the fees.
  2. Add new outputs (called anchor outputs) to the commitment transaction specifically for CPFP carve-out. This lets you do CPFP on a commitment transaction that's stuck in the mempool.
  3. Add a relative timelock of 1 block to all outputs of the commitment transaction except the new anchor outputs. This ensures only these two outputs can be used for the CPFP carve-out; all other outputs cannot be used for CPFP, they have to wait for the commitment transaction to be confirmed before they can be spent.
  4. Set the HTLC transactions fees to 0: this protects against a fee siphoning attack described here.

Let's focus on the first point. An HTLC-success transaction now looks like:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": 42,
      "scriptSig": "0 <remotehtlcsig> <localhtlcsig> <payment_preimage>",
      "sequence": 1
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.04,
      "scriptPubKey": "
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          # or back to us after a relative delay (<to_self_delay>)

The only difference with the current format is the sequence set to 1 (instead of 0) and that the remote signature uses SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY (but the local signature MUST use SIGHASH_ALL to prevent others from malleating the transaction after you broadcast it). This lets you replace the transaction with the following, without invalidating the signatures:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": 42,
      "scriptSig": "0 <remotehtlcsig> <localhtlcsig> <payment_preimage>",
      "sequence": 1
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": ...,
      "scriptSig": "...",
      "sequence": ...
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.04,
      "scriptPubKey": "
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          # or back to us after a relative delay (<to_self_delay>)
      "value": ...,
      "scriptPubKey": "..."

By attaching an input of amount N and an output of amount M, you are adding N-M fees to the transaction (you can of course attach multiple inputs/outputs). This lets you arbitrarily raise the fees and ensure the HTLC transaction gets confirmed in time.

The second and third points change the format of the commitment transaction to:

  "version": 2,
  "locktime": 543210000,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "...",
      "vout": ...,
      "scriptSig": "0 <signature_for_pubkey1> <signature_for_pubkey2>",
      "sequence": 2500123456
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.5,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # to_local output
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          # or back to us after a relative delay (<to_self_delay>)
      "value": 0.3,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # to_remote output: goes back to the other channel participant after 1 block
      "value": 0.00000330,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # our anchor output: used by us to bump the fee with CPFP
          # after a relative timelock of 16 blocks, anyone can claim this tiny amount
      "value": 0.00000330,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # remote anchor output: used by them to bump the fee with CPFP
          # after a relative timelock of 16 blocks, anyone can claim this tiny amount
      "value": 0.05,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # A pending HTLC (payment) sent by us
        OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          <remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
            # funds go back to us via a second-stage HTLC-timeout transaction (which contains an absolute delay)
            # NB: we also need the remote signature, which prevents us from unilaterally changing the HTLC-timeout transaction
            OP_DROP 2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
            # funds go to the remote node if it has the payment preimage.
            OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
          # add a 1-block delay to prevent this output from being used for CPFP
      "value": 0.08,
      "scriptPubKey": "
        # A pending HTLC (payment) sent to us
        OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
          # funds go to anyone who has the revocation key
          <remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
            # funds go to us via a second-stage HTLC-success transaction once we have the payment preimage
            # NB: we also need the remote signature, which prevents us from unilaterally changing the HTLC-success transaction
            OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
            2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
            # funds go to the remote node after an absolute delay (timeout)
          # add a 1-block delay to prevent this output from being used for CPFP

If you squint really hard, you'll see that the change in the output scripts is only the addition of 1 OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY to the outputs that were previously spendable without any delay.

This ensures that each party has exactly one output that can be used for CPFP: the newly added anchors. This way whatever a malicious participant may do to prevent the commitment transaction from confirming in time, they can only do it by adding child transactions to their own anchor, and the honest participant always has an opportunity to leverage the CPFP carve-out rule to bump the fee at least once.

The anchor outputs have a relative timelock branch that allows anyone to spend them. The reason for this is that we want to be nice to the Bitcoin layer and avoid creating many tiny UTXOs that would bloat the UTXO set. By letting anyone spend them, there's a chance they will be consolidated when fees are low.

The overall transaction graph now looks like:

| funding tx |
      |        +-------------------+
      +------->|    commit tx B    |
                  |  |  |  |  |  |  
                  |  |  |  |  |  | A's main output
                  |  |  |  |  |  +-----------------> to A after a 1-block relative delay
                  |  |  |  |  |
                  |  |  |  |  |                 +---> to B after relative delay
                  |  |  |  |  | B's main output |
                  |  |  |  |  +-----------------+
                  |  |  |  |                    |
                  |  |  |  |                    +---> to A with revocation key
                  |  |  |  |
                  |  |  |  | A's anchor output
                  |  |  |  +--------------------> to A immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                  |  |  |
                  |  |  | B's anchor output
                  |  |  +-----------------------> to B immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                  |  |
                  |  |     (B's RBF inputs) ---+
                  |  |                         |                                    +---> to B after relative delay
                  |  |                         +---->+-----------------+            |
                  |  |                   +---------->| HTLC-timeout tx |------------+
                  |  | HTLC offered by B |           +-----------------+            |
                  |  +-------------------+      (after timeout + 1-block delay)     +---> to A with revocation key
                  |                      |
                  |                      +---> to A with payment preimage after a 1-block relative delay
                  |                      |
                  |                      +---> to A with revocation key
                  |        (B's RBF inputs) ---+
                  |                            |                                        +---> to B after relative delay
                  |                            +---->+-----------------+                |
                  |                    +------------>| HTLC-success tx |----------------+
                  | HTLC received by B |             +-----------------+                |
                  +--------------------+     (with payment preimage + 1-block delay)    +---> to A with revocation key
                                       +---> to A after timeout (absolute delay + 1-block relative delay)
                                       +---> to A with revocation key

RBF Pinning

While the anchor outputs proposal solves the issue of a slow-to-confirm commitment transaction, it doesn't solve other issues related to transaction pinning and may even provide more attack surface to steal HTLC outputs.

This mail thread details these issues and starts the discussion around alternative proposals.

The simplest incarnation of the attack works as follows:

  • The attacker (Mallory) sets up two channels with her target (Alice): Mallory -> Alice -> Mallory
  • Mallory then proceeds to send a payment to herself via these two channels
  • When she receives the HTLC, she stops responding and waits for the timeout, forcing Alice to publish her commitment transaction that contains an htlc-offered output
  • Mallory will then publish a transaction to claim that htlc output (revealing the preimage), with a low fee and RBF disabled
  • If Mallory's transaction gets into miners mempools before Alice's htlc-timeout transaction, Alice won't be able to claim the funds back because she can't replace Mallory's transaction
  • If Alice isn't able to retrieve the preimage (because her own mempool contains her htlc-timeout transaction), she will have to let the upstream htlc expire. When Mallory's transaction eventually gets mined, Alice will have paid the htlc amount downstream but not received the corresponding amount upstream

Note that this attack is hard to carry out in practice: ensuring your transaction gets in more mempools than your target's transaction without revealing the preimage to your target is a non trivial task. But the anchor outputs proposal makes it slightly simpler than before. Without the 1-block relative delay, Alice was able to broadcast the commitment transaction and her htlc-timeout transaction together: this gave her a head-start to get her htlc-timeout in nodes' mempools before Mallory. With anchor outputs she has to wait for the commitment transaction to be confirmed before she is able to broadcast the htlc-timeout; she doesn't have a head-start anymore.

The main reason this attack is possible is because Mallory has no constraints on how she can spend htlc outputs in Alice's commitment transaction. The linked email thread proposes to make this more symmetric, by only allowing Mallory to spend htlc outputs via a pre-signed transaction that requires signatures from both participants, and adding anchor outputs to HTLC transactions.

Alternative proposal

Let's summarize our requirements and detail a proposal that combines ideas from the two previous sections.

Let's define the following constants (configurable by implementations):

received htlc expiry                                offered htlc expiry
        |                                                     |
        |                                                     |
        v                                                     v
            fulfill_safety_delta                 N

When we broadcast our commitment transaction, we need to handle the following cases:

  • Offered HTLC times out: in that case, we want to ensure that either:
    • our HTLC-timeout tx confirms in less than N blocks
    • or we learn the HTLC preimage before N blocks
  • Received HTLC should be fulfilled, but times out in less than fulfill_safety_delta. We want to ensure that our HTLC-success tx confirms (prevent remote from spending it via the timeout branch)

In case the remote participant broadcasts their commitment transaction, we want to ensure that:

  • If we have the preimage for a received HTLC (offered in their commitment) before the timeout, we're able to claim the output (prevent remote from spending it via their HTLC-timeout tx)
  • If an offered HTLC times out (received in their commitment), we must either:
    • claim the HTLC output in less than N blocks
    • or learn the HTLC preimage before N blocks

The current transaction format lets us easily handle the second case (when the remote broadcasts their commitment transaction), but not the first one.

In order to leverage the CPFP carve-out rule on HTLC transactions, we need to be able to confirm the commitment transaction quickly. That means we need the commitment transaction to have two anchors and all other outputs with a 1-block relative timelock.

The HTLC-timeout transaction can use SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY for the remote signature, which lets us RBF it. The HTLC-success transaction however must use SIGHASH_ALL and leverage anchor outputs to bump the fees with CPFP. A new transaction is necessary when the remote claims an HTLC output by providing the preimage: we call it Remote-HTLC-success transaction. It must use SIGHASH_ALL and have an output for each participant to allow CPFP carve-out. No additional transaction seems required for claiming the timeout branch of a received HTLC.

The trick to protect against a malicious participant that broadcasts a low-fee HTLC-success or Remote-HTLC-success transaction is that we can always blindly do a CPFP carve-out on them; we know their txid (because they use SIGHASH_ALL) so if we observe that our HTLC-timeout (or our claim of the timeout branch of a received HTLC) doesn't confirm, we can try to broadcast a transaction that spends our (potential) anchor output on the success transaction. The goal is to make it confirm quickly if it exists so that we learn the preimage and can adapt our upstream behavior in time.

| funding tx |
      |        +-------------------+
      +------->|    commit tx B    |
                  |  |  |  |  |  |  
                  |  |  |  |  |  | A's main output
                  |  |  |  |  |  +-----------------> to A after a 1-block relative delay
                  |  |  |  |  |
                  |  |  |  |  |                 +---> to B after relative delay
                  |  |  |  |  | B's main output |
                  |  |  |  |  +-----------------+
                  |  |  |  |                    |
                  |  |  |  |                    +---> to A with revocation key
                  |  |  |  |
                  |  |  |  | A's anchor output
                  |  |  |  +--------------------> to A immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                  |  |  |
                  |  |  | B's anchor output
                  |  |  +-----------------------> to B immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                  |  |
                  |  |     (B's RBF inputs) ---+
                  |  |                         |                                    +---> to B after relative delay
                  |  |                         +---->+-----------------+            |
                  |  |                   +---------->| HTLC-timeout tx |------------+
                  |  | HTLC offered by B |           +-----------------+            |
                  |  +-------------------+      (after timeout + 1-block delay)     +---> to A with revocation key
                  |                      |
                  |                      |           +------------------------+
                  |                      +---------->| Remote-HTLC-success tx |
                  |                      |           +------------------------+
                  |                      |     (with payment preimage + 1-block delay)
                  |                      |                      |  |
                  |                      |                      |  | A's output
                  |                      |                      |  +-----------------> to A immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                  |                      |                      |
                  |                      |                      | B's anchor output
                  |                      |                      +--------------------> to B immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                  |                      |
                  |                      +---> to A with revocation key
                  |                                  +-----------------+
                  |                    +------------>| HTLC-success tx |
                  | HTLC received by B |             +-----------------+
                  +--------------------+     (with payment preimage + 1-block delay)
                                       |                   |  |  |                     +---> to A with revocation key
                                       |                   |  |  | B's output          |
                                       |                   |  |  +---------------------+---> to B after relative delay
                                       |                   |  |
                                       |                   |  | A's anchor output
                                       |                   |  +--------------------> to A immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                                       |                   |
                                       |                   | B's anchor output
                                       |                   +-----------------------> to B immediately (or anyone after 16-block relative delay)
                                       +---> to A after timeout (absolute delay + 1-block relative delay)
                                       +---> to A with revocation key


  • This raises quite significantly the minimum HTLC value that is economical to enforce on-chain, which is quite sad, and it makes the transactions more complex/costly
  • The blind CPFP carve-out is a one shot, so you'll likely need to pay a lot of fees for it to work which still makes you lose money in case an attacker targets you (but the money goes to miners, not to the attacker - unless he is the miner). It's potentially hard to estimate what fee you should put into that blind CPFP carve-out because you have no idea what the current fee of the success transaction package is (if the attacker created a long chain of unconfirmed transactions)
  • If we take a step back, the only attack we need to protect against is an attacker pinning a preimage transaction while preventing us from learning that preimage for at least N blocks. If we have:
    • a high enough cltv_expiry_delta (and thus a high enough N value)
    • off-chain preimage broadcast
    • LN hubs (or any party commercially investing in running a lightning node) participating in various mining pools to help discover preimages
    • decent mitigations for eclipse attacks
    • then the official anchor outputs proposal should be safe enough?
