from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403
import os
import signal
import unittest
with open('config.vars') as configfile:
config = dict([(line.rstrip().split('=', 1)) for line in configfile])
DEVELOPER = os.getenv("DEVELOPER", config['DEVELOPER']) == "1"
@unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs --dev-disconnect")
def test_stop_pending_fundchannel(node_factory, executor):
"""Stop the daemon while waiting for an accept_channel
This used to crash the node, since we were calling unreserve_utxo while
freeing the daemon, but that needs a DB transaction to be open.
l1 = node_factory.get_node()
l2 = node_factory.get_node()
l1.rpc.connect(l2.info['id'], 'localhost', l2.port)
# We want l2 to stop replying altogether, not disconnect
os.kill(l2.daemon.proc.pid, signal.SIGSTOP)
# The fundchannel call will not terminate so run it in a future
executor.submit(l1.fund_channel, l2, 10**6)
l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_OPEN_CHANNEL')
# Now allow l2 a clean shutdown
os.kill(l2.daemon.proc.pid, signal.SIGCONT)