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// The outer layer handles encryption, authentication and message
// boundaries.
// Helper Types
// Protobufs don't have fixed-length fields, so this is a hack.
message sha256_hash {
required fixed64 a = 1;
required fixed64 b = 2;
required fixed64 c = 3;
required fixed64 d = 4;
// Identifies a bitcoin output.
message bitcoin_output_id {
// This is the transaction ID.
required sha256_hash txid = 1;
// This is the output number.
required uint32 output = 2;
// A bitcoin output
message bitcoin_output {
required uint64 amount = 1;
required bytes script = 2;
// A signature to use for a transaction; DER encoded with sigtype at the end.
message bitcoin_signature {
required bytes der_then_sigtype = 1;
// All about an anchor transaction.
message anchor {
// 0 or more unspent inputs we want to use for anchor.
repeated bitcoin_output_id inputs = 1;
// Any change from anchor (in case we don't want to use them all)
optional bitcoin_output anchor_change = 2;
// How much transaction fee we'll pay in the anchor tx.
required uint64 fee = 8;
// How many confirmations on anchor before we'll use channel.
required uint32 min_confirms = 10;
// Packet Types
// Set channel params.
message open_channel {
// Seed which sets order we create outputs for all transactions.
required uint64 seed = 1;
// Relative locktime for outputs going to us.
oneof locktime {
uint32 locktime_seconds = 2;
uint32 locktime_blocks = 3;
// Hash seed for revoking commitment transactions.
required sha256_hash revocation_hash = 4;
// How to pay money to us.
required bytes script_to_me = 5;
// How much transaction fee we'll pay for commitment txs.
required uint64 commitment_fee = 6;
// The anchor transaction details.
required anchor anchor = 7;
// Supply signature for commitment tx
message open_commit_sig {
required bitcoin_signature sig = 1;
// Supply signature for anchor tx
message open_anchor_sig {
required bitcoin_signature sig = 1;
// Indicates we've seen transaction reach min-depth.
message open_complete {
// Block it went into.
optional sha256_hash blockid = 1;
// FIXME: add a merkle proof plus block headers here?
// Let's spend some money in the channel!
message update {
// Hash for which I will supply preimage to revoke this.
required sha256_hash revocation_hash = 1;
// Change in current payment to-me (implies reverse to-you).
required sint64 delta = 2;
// Signature for new commitment tx.
required bitcoin_signature sig = 3;
// Signature for old anchor (if any)
optional bitcoin_signature old_anchor_sig = 4;
// FIXME: optional HTLC ops.
// OK, I accept that update.
message update_accept {
// Signature for new commitment tx.
required bitcoin_signature sig = 1;
// Signature for old anchor (if any)
optional bitcoin_signature old_anchor_sig = 2;
// Hash preimage which revokes old commitment tx.
required sha256_hash revocation_preimage = 3;
// Complete the update.
message update_complete {
// Hash preimage which revokes old commitment tx.
required sha256_hash revocation_preimage = 1;
// Let's change the channel funding source.
message new_anchor {
// The new anchor: previous anchor 2x2 input assumed.
required anchor anchor = 1;
// That seems OK to me!
message new_anchor_ack {
required bitcoin_signature sig = 1;
// Here's my signature on the new anchor to complete it.
message new_anchor_accept {
required bitcoin_signature sig = 1;
// Complete the transfer to new anchor (both ends need to send this,
// once they're happy that it's reached their required depth).
message new_anchor_complete {
required sha256_hash revocation_preimage = 1;
// Begin cooperative close of channel.
message close_channel {
// This is our signature a new transaction which spends my current
// commitment tx output 0 (which is 2/2) to script_to_me.
required bitcoin_signature sig = 1;
// OK, here's my sig so you can broadcast it too.
message close_channel_complete {
// This is our signature a new transaction which spends your current
// commitment tx output 0 (which is 2/2) to your script_to_me.
required bitcoin_signature sig = 1;
// This means we're going to hang up; it's to help diagnose only!
message error {
optional string problem = 1;
// This is the union which defines all of them
message pkt {
oneof pkt {
// Opening
open_channel open = 201;
open_commit_sig open_commit_sig = 202;
open_anchor_sig open_anchor_sig = 203;
open_complete open_complete = 204;
// Updating (most common)
update update = 1;
update_accept update_accept = 2;
update_complete update_complete = 3;
// Topping up
new_anchor new_anchor = 301;
new_anchor_ack new_anchor_ack = 302;
new_anchor_accept new_anchor_accept = 303;
new_anchor_complete new_anchor_complete = 304;
// Closing
close_channel close = 401;
close_channel_complete close_complete = 402;
// Unexpected issue.
error error = 1000;