You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

191 lines
5.4 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include <bitcoin/psbt.h>
#include <ccan/cast/cast.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wally_psbt.h>
#include <wally_transaction.h>
#include <wire/wire.h>
#define MAKE_ROOM(arr, pos, num) \
memmove((arr) + (pos) + 1, (arr) + (pos), \
sizeof(*(arr)) * ((num) - ((pos) + 1)))
#define REMOVE_ELEM(arr, pos, num) \
memmove((arr) + (pos), (arr) + (pos) + 1, \
sizeof(*(arr)) * ((num) - ((pos) + 1)))
void psbt_destroy(struct wally_psbt *psbt)
struct wally_psbt *new_psbt(const tal_t *ctx, const struct wally_tx *wtx)
struct wally_psbt *psbt;
int wally_err;
u8 **scripts;
size_t *script_lens;
struct wally_tx_witness_stack **witnesses;
wally_err = wally_psbt_init_alloc(wtx->num_inputs, wtx->num_outputs, 0, &psbt);
assert(wally_err == WALLY_OK);
tal_add_destructor(psbt, psbt_destroy);
/* we can't have scripts on the psbt's global tx,
* so we erase them/stash them until after it's been populated */
scripts = tal_arr(NULL, u8 *, wtx->num_inputs);
script_lens = tal_arr(NULL, size_t, wtx->num_inputs);
witnesses = tal_arr(NULL, struct wally_tx_witness_stack *, wtx->num_inputs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < wtx->num_inputs; i++) {
scripts[i] = (u8 *)wtx->inputs[i].script;
wtx->inputs[i].script = NULL;
script_lens[i] = wtx->inputs[i].script_len;
wtx->inputs[i].script_len = 0;
witnesses[i] = wtx->inputs[i].witness;
wtx->inputs[i].witness = NULL;
wally_err = wally_psbt_set_global_tx(psbt, cast_const(struct wally_tx *, wtx));
assert(wally_err == WALLY_OK);
/* set the scripts + witnesses back */
for (size_t i = 0; i < wtx->num_inputs; i++) {
wtx->inputs[i].script = (unsigned char *)scripts[i];
wtx->inputs[i].script_len = script_lens[i];
wtx->inputs[i].witness = witnesses[i];
return tal_steal(ctx, psbt);
struct wally_psbt_input *psbt_add_input(struct wally_psbt *psbt,
struct wally_tx_input *input,
size_t insert_at)
struct wally_tx *tx;
struct wally_tx_input tmp_in;
tx = psbt->tx;
assert(insert_at <= tx->num_inputs);
wally_tx_add_input(tx, input);
tmp_in = tx->inputs[tx->num_inputs - 1];
MAKE_ROOM(tx->inputs, insert_at, tx->num_inputs);
tx->inputs[insert_at] = tmp_in;
if (psbt->inputs_allocation_len < tx->num_inputs) {
struct wally_psbt_input *p = tal_arr(psbt, struct wally_psbt_input, tx->num_inputs);
memcpy(p, psbt->inputs, sizeof(*psbt->inputs) * psbt->inputs_allocation_len);
psbt->inputs = p;
psbt->inputs_allocation_len = tx->num_inputs;
psbt->num_inputs += 1;
MAKE_ROOM(psbt->inputs, insert_at, psbt->num_inputs);
memset(&psbt->inputs[insert_at], 0, sizeof(psbt->inputs[insert_at]));
return &psbt->inputs[insert_at];
void psbt_rm_input(struct wally_psbt *psbt,
size_t remove_at)
assert(remove_at < psbt->tx->num_inputs);
wally_tx_remove_input(psbt->tx, remove_at);
REMOVE_ELEM(psbt->inputs, remove_at, psbt->num_inputs);
psbt->num_inputs -= 1;
struct wally_psbt_output *psbt_add_output(struct wally_psbt *psbt,
struct wally_tx_output *output,
size_t insert_at)
struct wally_tx *tx;
struct wally_tx_output tmp_out;
tx = psbt->tx;
assert(insert_at <= tx->num_outputs);
wally_tx_add_output(tx, output);
tmp_out = tx->outputs[tx->num_outputs - 1];
MAKE_ROOM(tx->outputs, insert_at, tx->num_outputs);
tx->outputs[insert_at] = tmp_out;
if (psbt->outputs_allocation_len < tx->num_outputs) {
struct wally_psbt_output *p = tal_arr(psbt, struct wally_psbt_output, tx->num_outputs);
memcpy(p, psbt->outputs, sizeof(*psbt->outputs) * psbt->outputs_allocation_len);
psbt->outputs = p;
psbt->outputs_allocation_len = tx->num_outputs;
psbt->num_outputs += 1;
MAKE_ROOM(psbt->outputs, insert_at, psbt->num_outputs);
memset(&psbt->outputs[insert_at], 0, sizeof(psbt->outputs[insert_at]));
return &psbt->outputs[insert_at];
void psbt_rm_output(struct wally_psbt *psbt,
size_t remove_at)
assert(remove_at < psbt->tx->num_outputs);
wally_tx_remove_output(psbt->tx, remove_at);
REMOVE_ELEM(psbt->outputs, remove_at, psbt->num_outputs);
psbt->num_outputs -= 1;
void towire_psbt(u8 **pptr, const struct wally_psbt *psbt)
/* Let's include the PSBT bytes */
size_t room = 1024 * 1000;
u8 *pbt_bytes = tal_arr(NULL, u8, room);
size_t bytes_written;
if (wally_psbt_to_bytes(psbt, pbt_bytes, room, &bytes_written) != WALLY_OK) {
/* something went wrong. bad libwally ?? */
towire_u32(pptr, bytes_written);
towire_u8_array(pptr, pbt_bytes, bytes_written);
struct wally_psbt *fromwire_psbt(const tal_t *ctx,
const u8 **cursor, size_t *max)
struct wally_psbt *psbt;
u32 psbt_byte_len;
const u8 *psbt_buf;
psbt_byte_len = fromwire_u32(cursor, max);
psbt_buf = fromwire(cursor, max, NULL, psbt_byte_len);
if (!psbt_buf)
return NULL;
if (wally_psbt_from_bytes(psbt_buf, psbt_byte_len, &psbt) != WALLY_OK)
return fromwire_fail(cursor, max);
/* We promised it would be owned by ctx: libwally uses a dummy owner */
tal_steal(ctx, psbt);
tal_add_destructor(psbt, psbt_destroy);
/* Re-marshall for sanity check! */
u8 *tmpbuf = tal_arr(NULL, u8, psbt_byte_len);
size_t written;
if (wally_psbt_to_bytes(psbt, tmpbuf, psbt_byte_len, &written) != WALLY_OK) {
return fromwire_fail(cursor, max);
return psbt;