lightning-listpayments \- Protocol for querying payment status
The \fBlistpayments\fR RPC command gets the status of all \fIpay\fR and \fIsendpay\fR commands\&.
On success, an array of objects is returned\&. Each object contains an \fIid\fR (unique internal value assigned at creation), \fIpayment_hash\fR, \fIdestination\fR, \fImsatoshi\fR and \fItimestamp\fR (UNIX timestamp indicating when it was initiated), and a \fIstatus\fR which is one of \fIpending\fR (in progress), \fIcomplete\fR (successfully paid) or \fIfailed\fR\&.
Christian Decker <decker\&.christian@gmail\&.com> is mainly responsible\&.