@ -976,30 +976,73 @@ def test_forward_pad_fees_and_cltv(node_factory, bitcoind):
assert only_one ( l3 . rpc . listinvoices ( ' test_forward_pad_fees_and_cltv ' ) [ ' invoices ' ] ) [ ' status ' ] == ' paid '
def test_forward_stats ( node_factory ) :
l1 , l2 , l3 = node_factory . line_graph ( 3 , announce = True )
def test_forward_stats ( node_factory , bitcoind ) :
""" Check that we track forwarded payments correctly.
inv = l3 . rpc . invoice ( 100000 , " first " , " desc " ) [ ' bolt11 ' ]
l1 . rpc . pay ( inv )
We wire up the network to have l1 as payment initiator , l2 as
forwarded ( the one we check ) and l3 - l5 as payment recipients . l3
accepts correctly , l4 refects ( because it doesn ' t know the payment
hash ) and l5 will keep the HTLC dangling by disconnecting .
inchan = l2 . rpc . listpeers ( l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' channels ' ] [ 0 ]
outchan = l2 . rpc . listpeers ( l3 . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' channels ' ] [ 0 ]
amount = 10 * * 4
l1 , l2 , l3 = node_factory . line_graph ( 3 , announce = False )
l4 = node_factory . get_node ( )
l5 = node_factory . get_node ( may_fail = True )
l2 . openchannel ( l4 , 10 * * 6 , announce = False )
l2 . openchannel ( l5 , 10 * * 6 , announce = True )
bitcoind . generate_block ( 5 )
def extract_stats ( c ) :
return { k : v for k , v in c . items ( ) if ' in_ ' in k or ' out_ ' in k }
wait_for ( lambda : len ( l1 . rpc . listchannels ( ) [ ' channels ' ] ) == 8 )
instats = extract_stats ( inchan )
outstats = extract_stats ( outchan )
payment_hash = l3 . rpc . invoice ( amount , " first " , " desc " ) [ ' payment_hash ' ]
route = l1 . rpc . getroute ( l3 . info [ ' id ' ] , amount , 1 ) [ ' route ' ]
l1 . rpc . sendpay ( route , payment_hash )
l1 . rpc . waitsendpay ( payment_hash )
# l4 rejects since it doesn't know the payment_hash
route = l1 . rpc . getroute ( l4 . info [ ' id ' ] , amount , 1 ) [ ' route ' ]
payment_hash = " F " * 64
with pytest . raises ( RpcError ) :
l1 . rpc . sendpay ( route , payment_hash )
l1 . rpc . waitsendpay ( payment_hash )
# l5 will hold the HTLC hostage and walk away
route = l1 . rpc . getroute ( l5 . info [ ' id ' ] , amount , 1 ) [ ' route ' ]
payment_hash = l5 . rpc . invoice ( amount , " first " , " desc " ) [ ' payment_hash ' ]
l1 . rpc . sendpay ( route , payment_hash )
# Wait for the HTLC to be added, then try to kill it to keep the
# HTLC pending. This is racy but there seems to be no good
# alternative
l5 . daemon . wait_for_log ( r ' RCVD_ADD_HTLC/SENT_ADD_HTLC ' )
l5 . daemon . wait_for_log ( r ' peer_out WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED ' )
l5 . daemon . kill ( )
print ( " Killed! " )
# Select all forwardings, ordered by htlc_id to ensure the order
# matches below
forwardings = l2 . db_query ( " SELECT *, in_msatoshi - out_msatoshi as fee "
" FROM forwarded_payments "
" ORDER BY in_htlc_id; " )
assert ( len ( forwardings ) == 3 )
states = [ f [ ' state ' ] for f in forwardings ]
assert ( states == [ 1 , 2 , 0 ] ) # settled, failed, offered
inchan = l2 . rpc . listpeers ( l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' channels ' ] [ 0 ]
outchan = l2 . rpc . listpeers ( l3 . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' channels ' ] [ 0 ]
# Check that we correctly account channel changes
assert instats [ ' in_payments_offered ' ] == 1
assert instats [ ' in_payments_fulfilled ' ] == 1
assert instats [ ' in_msatoshi_offered ' ] > = 100000
assert instats [ ' in_msatoshi_offered ' ] == instats [ ' in_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ]
assert inchan [ ' in_payments_offered ' ] == 3
assert inchan [ ' in_payments_fulfilled ' ] == 1
assert inchan [ ' in_msatoshi_offered ' ] > = 3 * amount
assert inchan [ ' in_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ] > = amount
assert outstats [ ' out_payments_offered ' ] == 1
assert outstats [ ' out_payments_fulfilled ' ] == 1
assert outstats [ ' out_msatoshi_offered ' ] > = 100000
assert outstats [ ' out_msatoshi_offered ' ] == outstats [ ' out_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ]
assert outchan [ ' out_payments_offered ' ] == 1
assert outchan [ ' out_payments_fulfilled ' ] == 1
assert outchan [ ' out_msatoshi_offered ' ] > = amount
assert outchan [ ' out_msatoshi_offered ' ] == outchan [ ' out_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ]
assert outstats [ ' out_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ] < instats [ ' in_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ]
assert outchan [ ' out_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ] < inchan [ ' in_msatoshi_fulfilled ' ]