@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class TailableProc(object):
self . proc = None
self . outputDir = outputDir
self . logsearch_start = 0
def start ( self ) :
""" Start the underlying process and start monitoring it.
@ -58,17 +58,28 @@ class TailableProc(object):
self . thread . start ( )
self . running = True
def stop ( self ) :
def stop ( self , timeout = 10 ) :
if self . outputDir :
logpath = os . path . join ( self . outputDir , ' log ' )
with open ( logpath , ' w ' ) as f :
for l in self . logs :
f . write ( l + ' \n ' )
self . proc . terminate ( )
self . proc . kill ( )
# Now give it some time to react to the signal
rc = self . proc . wait ( timeout )
if rc is None :
self . proc . kill ( )
self . proc . wait ( )
self . thread . join ( )
if failed :
raise ( ValueError ( " Process ' {} ' did not cleanly shutdown " . format ( self . proc . pid ) ) )
return self . proc . returncode
def tail ( self ) :
""" Tail the stdout of the process and remember it.
@ -175,7 +186,7 @@ class BitcoinD(TailableProc):
def __init__ ( self , bitcoin_dir = " /tmp/bitcoind-test " , rpcport = 18332 ) :
TailableProc . __init__ ( self , bitcoin_dir )
self . bitcoin_dir = bitcoin_dir
self . rpcport = rpcport
self . prefix = ' bitcoind '
@ -231,12 +242,14 @@ class LightningD(TailableProc):
self . wait_for_log ( " Creating IPv6 listener on port " )
logging . info ( " LightningD started " )
def stop ( self ) :
# If it's already crashing, wait a bit for log dump.
if os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( self . lightning_dir , ' crash.log ' ) ) :
time . sleep ( 2 )
TailableProc . stop ( self )
logging . info ( " LightningD stopped " )
def wait ( self , timeout = 10 ) :
""" Wait for the daemon to stop for up to timeout seconds
Returns the returncode of the process , None if the process did
not return before the timeout triggers .
self . proc . wait ( timeout )
return self . proc . returncode
class LightningNode ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , daemon , rpc , btc , executor ) :
@ -262,7 +275,7 @@ class LightningNode(object):
t = threading . Thread ( target = call_connect )
t . daemon = True
t . start ( )
def wait_connected ( ) :
# Up to 10 seconds to get tx into mempool.
start_time = time . time ( )
@ -316,3 +329,24 @@ class LightningNode(object):
on cleanup """
self . known_fail = True
def stop ( self , timeout = 10 ) :
""" Attempt to do a clean shutdown, but kill if it hangs
# Tell the daemon to stop
try :
# May fail if the process already died
self . rpc . stop ( )
except :
rc = self . daemon . wait ( timeout )
# If it did not stop be more insistent
if rc is None :
rc = self . daemon . stop ( )
if rc != 0 :
raise ValueError ( " Node did not exit cleanly, rc= {} " . format ( rc ) )
else :
return rc