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docs: Update the repro-build docs to the new docker-based system

Changelog-Added: New reproducible build system now uses docker: try it at home with `doc/`!
Christian Decker 5 years ago
committed by Rusty Russell
  1. 289


@ -1,113 +1,260 @@
# Rusty's Unreliable Guide to The Terrible World of Reproducible Builds
# Reproducible builds for c-lightning
This document describes the steps involved to build c-lightning in a
reproducible way. Reproducible builds close the final gap in the lifecycle of
open-source projects by allowing maintainers to verify and certify that a
given binary was indeed produced by compiling an unmodified version of the
publicly available source. In particular the maintainer certifies that the
binary corresponds a) to the exact version of the and b) that no malicious
changes have been applied before or after the compilation.
c-lightning has provided a manifest of the binaries included in a release,
along with signatures from the maintainers since version 0.6.2.
The steps involved in creating reproducible builds are:
- Creation of a known environment in which to build the source code
- Removal of variance during the compilation (randomness, timestamps, etc)
- Packaging of binaries
- Creation of a manifest (`SHA256SUMS` file containing the crytographic
hashes of the binaries and packages)
- Signing of the manifest by maintainers and volunteers that have reproduced
the files in the manifest starting from the source.
The bulk of these operations is handled by the [``][script]
script, but some manual operations are required to setup the build
environment. Since a binary is built against platorm specific libraries we
also need to replicate the steps once for each OS distribution and
architecture, so the majority of this guide will describe how to set up those
starting from a minimal trusted base. This minimal trusted base in most cases
is the official installation medium from the OS provider.
Note: Since your signature certifies the integrity of the resulting binaries,
please familiarize youself with both the [``][script] script, as
well as with the setup instructions for the build environments before signing
# Build Environment Setup
The build environments are a set of docker images that are created directly
from the installation mediums and repositories from the OS provider. The
following sections describe how to create those images. Don't worry, you only
have to create each image once and can then reuse the images for future
## Base image creation
Depending on the distribution that we want to build for the instructions to
create a base image can vary. In the following sections we discuss the
specific instructions for each distribution, whereas the instructions are
identical again once we have the base image.
### Debian / Ubuntu and derivative OSs
For operating systems derived from Debian we can use the `debootstrap` tool to
build a minimal OS image, that can then be transformed into a docker
image. The packages for the minimal OS image are directly downloaded from the
installation repositories operated by the OS provider.
We cannot really use the `debian` and `ubuntu` images from the docker hub,
mainly because it'd be yet another trusted third party, but it is also
complicated by the fact that the images have some of the packages updated. The
latter means that if we disable the `updates` and `security` repositories for
`apt` we find ourselves in a situation where we can't install any additional
packages (wrongly updated packages depending on the versions not available in
the non-updated repos).
The following will create that base image:
sudo debootstrap bionic bionic
sudo tar -C bionic -c . | sudo docker import - bionic
1. The reproducible build system currently only supports Ubuntu 18.04.1.
2. It requires manual steps.
3. The input is a source zipfile, the output is a .tar.xz.
`bionic` in this case is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The following
table lists the codenames of distributions that we currently support:
## Step 1: Creating a Build Machine
| Distribution Version | Codename |
| Ubuntu 18.04 | bionic |
| Ubuntu 20.04 | focal |
Download the Ubuntu Desktop ISO image for 18.04.1. I got it from
Notice that you migh not have `debootstrap` manifests for versions newer than
your host OS. If one of the `debootstrap` command above complains about a
script not existing you might need to run `debootstrap` in a docker container
The `sha256sum` of this file should be
sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/build ubuntu:20.04 \
bash -c "apt update && apt-get install -y debootstrap && debootstrap focal /build/focal"
sudo tar -C focal -c . | sudo docker import - focal
Do a standard install, but make sure to *uncheck* 'Download updates
while installing Ubuntu' in the installer (or simply deprive it of a
network connection as I do below). I did the following to install under kvm:
Verify that the image corresponds to our expectation and is runnable:
qemu-img create ubuntu-18.04.01.raw 10G
kvm -m 2G -cdrom ~/Downloads/ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso ubuntu-18.04.01.raw -nic none
sudo docker run bionic cat /etc/lsb-release
Which should result in the following output for `bionic`:
You can choose a 'Minimal installation': it shouldn't matter.
## Builder image setup
Once the installation is over, it'll want to restart. Then make sure you
disable updates:
Once we have the clean base image we need to customize it to be able to build
c-lightning. This includes disabling the update repositories, downloading the
build dependencies and specifying the steps required to perform the build.
1. Left-click on the bottom left 9-dots menu
2. Type "update"
3. Click on the "Software & Up.." box icon.
4. Click on the "Updates" tab at the top of that app.
5. Uncheck "Important security updates", "Recommended updates" and
"Unsupported updates". You'll have to re-enter your password.
6. Hit "Close".
7. If asked, hit "Reload".
For this purpose we have a number of Dockerfiles in the
[`contrib/reprobuild`][repro-dir] directory that have the specific
instructions for each base image.
If you didn't have a network connection, you'll want to add one for
the next steps; for me, this meant powering off the build machine and restarting:
We can then build the builder image by calling `docker build` and passing it
the `Dockerfile`:
kvm -m 2G ubuntu-18.04.01.raw -nic user
sudo docker build -t cl-repro-bionic - < Dockerfile.bionic
And then ran `sudo apt-get update` after I'd logged in.
Since we pass the `Dockerfile` through `stdin` the build command will not
create a context, i.e., the current directory is not passed to `docker` and
it'll be independent of the currently checked out version. This also means
that you will be able to reuse the docker image for future builds, and don't
have to repeat this dance every time. Verifying the `Dockerfile` therefore is
sufficient to ensure that the resulting `cl-repro-<codename>` image is
## Step 2: Create the Source Zipfile
The dockerfiles assume that the base image has the codename as its image name.
Create the source zip that the Build Machine will need, using
./tools/ zipfile
For testing (ie. when you're not on a proper released version), you
can use --force-version=, --force-mtime= and even --force-unclean.
The will place a file into `release/`, eg. ``.
# Building using the builder image
### Example
Finally, after this rather lengthy setup we can perform the actual build. At
this point we have a container image that has been prepared to build
reproducibly. As you can see from the `Dockerfile` above we assume the source
git repository gets mounted as `/repo` in the docker container. The container
will clone the repository to an internal path, in order to keep the repository
clean, build the artifacts there, and then copy them back to
`/repo/release`. We can simply execute the following command inside the git
repository (remember to checkout the tag you are trying to build):
If you are on the git commit v0.7.0rc2 (1dcc4823507df177bf11ca60ab7da988205139b1):
$ sha256sum release/
3c980858024b8b429333e7ee5a545c499ac6c25d0f1d11bb45fafce00c99ebba release/
sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/repo -ti cl-repro-bionic
## Step 3: Put the Zipfile Onto The Build Machine
The last few lines of output also contain the `sha256sum` hashes of all
artifacts, so if you're just verifying the build those are the lines that are
of interest to you:
You can upload it somewhere and download it into the machine, or
various virtualization solutions or a USB stick for a physical machine.
ee83cf4948228ab1f644dbd9d28541fd8ef7c453a3fec90462b08371a8686df8 /repo/release/clightning-v0.9.0rc1-Ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz
94bd77f400c332ac7571532c9f85b141a266941057e8fe1bfa04f054918d8c33 /repo/release/
I simply started a server on my host, like so:
Repeat this step for each distribution and each architecture you wish to
sign. Once all the binaries are in the `release/` subdirectory we can sign the
cd release && python3 -m http.server --bind 8888
# (Co-)Signing the release manifest
Inside my KVM build machine I did:
The release captain is in charge of creating the manifest, whereas
contributors and interested bystanders may contribute their signatures to
further increase trust in the binaries.
The release captain creates the manifest as follows:
cd release/
sha256sum *v0.9.0* > SHA256SUMS
gpg -sb --armor SHA256SUMS
## Step 4: Do the Build
Co-maintainers and contributors wishing to add their own signature verify that
the `SHA256SUMS` and `SHA256SUMS.asc` files created by the release captain
matches their binaries before also signing the manifest:
1. `unzip`
2. `cd clightning-v0.7.0rc2`
3. `tools/` (use the same `--force-mtime` if testing).
It will download the packages needed to build, check they're identitcal to the
versions we expect, install them then build the binaries and create a tar.xz file.
4. The output will be in that top-level directory.
cd release/
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc
sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS
cat SHA256SUMS | gpg -sb --armor >
### Example:
Then send the resulting `` file to the release captain so it can
be merged with the other signatures into `SHASUMS.asc`.
If you built from our example zipfile:
$ sha256sum clightning-v0.7.0rc2-Ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz
c9b4d9530b9b41456f460c58e3ffaa779cdc1c11fb9e3eaeea0f364b62de3d96 clightning-v0.7.0rc2-Ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz
# Verifying a reproducible build
You can verify the reproducible build in two ways:
## Step 5: Get the Built Result Off the Build Machine
- Repeating the entire reproducible build, making sure from scratch that the
binaries match. Just follow the instructions above for this.
- Verifying that the downloaded binaries match match the hashes in
`SHA256SUMS` and that the signatures in `SHA256SUMS.asc` are valid.
Again, there are many ways, but for my KVM settings the simplest was:
Assuming you have downloaded the binaries, the manifest and the signatures
into the same directory, you can verify the signatures with the following:
On the host:
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc
nc -l -p 8888 > clightning-v0.7.0rc2-Ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz
And you should see a list of messages like the following:
gpg: assuming signed data in 'SHA256SUMS'
gpg: Signature made Fr 08 Mai 2020 07:46:38 CEST
gpg: using RSA key 15EE8D6CAB0E7F0CF999BFCBD9200E6CD1ADB8F1
gpg: Good signature from "Rusty Russell <>" [full]
gpg: Signature made Fr 08 Mai 2020 12:30:10 CEST
gpg: using RSA key B7C4BE81184FC203D52C35C51416D83DC4F0E86D
gpg: Good signature from "Christian Decker <>" [ultimate]
gpg: Signature made Fr 08 Mai 2020 21:35:28 CEST
gpg: using RSA key 30DE693AE0DE9E37B3E7EB6BBFF0F67810C1EED1
gpg: Good signature from "Lisa Neigut <>" [full]
On the guest:
If there are any issues `gpg` will print `Bad signature`, it might be because
the signatures in `SHA256SUMS.asc` do not match the `SHA256SUMS` file, and
could be the result of a filename change. Do not continue using the binaries,
and contact the maintainers, if this is not the case, a failure here means
that the verification failed.
nc -q0 8888 < clightning-v0.7.0rc2-Ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz
Next we verify that the binaries match the ones in the manifest:
sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS
## Step 5: Tell the World
Producing output similar to the following:
sha256sum: clightning-v0.9.0-Fedora-28-amd64.tar.gz: No such file or directory
clightning-v0.9.0-Fedora-28-amd64.tar.gz: FAILED open or read
clightning-v0.9.0-Ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz: OK OK
sha256sum: WARNING: 1 listed file could not be read
You can find my example artifacts on
if you want to see why your build produced a different result from mine.
Notice that the two files we downloaded are marked as `OK`, but we're missing
one file. If you didn't download that file this is to be expected, and is
nothing to worry about. A failure to verify the hash would give a warning like
the following:
sha256sum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match
Happy hacking!
If both the signature verification and the manifest checksum verification
succeeded, then you have just successfully verified a reproducible build and,
assuming you trust the maintainers, are good to install and use the
binaries. Congratulations! 🎉🥳
