@ -261,22 +261,22 @@ check-makefile: check-daemon-makefile |
@if [ x"$(CCANDIR)/config.h `find $(CCANDIR)/ccan -name '*.h' | grep -v /test/ | LC_ALL=C sort | tr '\n' ' '`" != x"$(CCAN_HEADERS) " ]; then echo CCAN_HEADERS incorrect; exit 1; fi |
# Any mention of BOLT# must be followed by an exact quote, modulo whitepace.
bolt-check/%: % bolt-precheck check-bolt |
@[ ! -d .tmp.lightningrfc ] || ./check-bolt .tmp.lightningrfc $< |
bolt-check/%: % bolt-precheck tools/check-bolt |
@[ ! -d .tmp.lightningrfc ] || tools/check-bolt .tmp.lightningrfc $< |
bolt-precheck: |
@rm -rf .tmp.lightningrfc; if [ ! -d $(BOLTDIR) ]; then echo Not checking BOLT references: BOLTDIR $(BOLTDIR) does not exist >&2; exit 0; fi; set -e; if [ -n "$(BOLTVERSION)" ]; then git clone -q -b $(BOLTVERSION) $(BOLTDIR) .tmp.lightningrfc; else cp -a $(BOLTDIR) .tmp.lightningrfc; fi |
check-source-bolt: $(CORE_SRC:%=bolt-check/%) $(CORE_TX_SRC:%=bolt-check/%) $(CORE_PROTOBUF_SRC:%=bolt-check/%) $(CORE_HEADERS:%=bolt-check/%) $(TEST_PROGRAMS:%=bolt-check/%.c) |
check-bolt: check-bolt.o $(CCAN_OBJS) |
tools/check-bolt: tools/check-bolt.o $(CCAN_OBJS) |
check-bolt.o: $(CCAN_HEADERS) |
tools/check-bolt.o: $(CCAN_HEADERS) |
check-whitespace/%: % |
@if grep -Hn '[ ]$$' $<; then echo Extraneous whitespace found >&2; exit 1; fi |
check-whitespace: check-whitespace/Makefile check-whitespace/check-bolt.c $(CORE_SRC:%=check-whitespace/%) $(CORE_TX_SRC:%=check-whitespace/%) $(CORE_PROTOBUF_SRC:%=check-whitespace/%) $(CORE_HEADERS:%=check-whitespace/%) |
check-whitespace: check-whitespace/Makefile check-whitespace/tools/check-bolt.c $(CORE_SRC:%=check-whitespace/%) $(CORE_TX_SRC:%=check-whitespace/%) $(CORE_PROTOBUF_SRC:%=check-whitespace/%) $(CORE_HEADERS:%=check-whitespace/%) |
check-source: check-makefile check-source-bolt check-whitespace \ |
$(CORE_SRC:%=check-src-include-order/%) \
@ -375,6 +375,7 @@ clean: daemon-clean wire-clean |
$(RM) bitcoin/*.o *.o $(PROGRAMS:=.o) $(CCAN_OBJS) |
$(RM) ccan/config.h gen_*.h |
$(RM) ccan/ccan/cdump/tools/cdump-enumstr.o |
$(RM) check-bolt tools/check-bolt tools/*.o |
find . -name '*gcda' -delete |
find . -name '*gcno' -delete |