@ -128,45 +128,42 @@ $ lightningd --network=testnet
To Build on FreeBSD
OS version: FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE or above
Get dependencies:
c-lightning is in the FreeBSD ports, so install it as any other port
(dependencies are handled automatically):
# pkg install -y \
autoconf automake bash gettext git gmp gmake libtool \
python python3 sqlite3 libsodium py36-mako py36-pip
# pip install mrkd
# pkg install c-lightning
If you don't have Bitcoin installed locally you'll need to install that
as well :
for a binary, pre-compiled package. If you want to compile locally and
fiddle with compile time options:
# pkg install -y bitcoin-daemon bitcoin-utils
# cd /usr/ports/net-p2p/c-lightning & & make install
Clone lightning :
mrkd is required to build man pages from markdown files (not done by the port) :
$ git clone https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning.git
$ cd lightning
# cd /usr/ports/devel/py-pip & & make install
$ pip install --user mrkd
Build lightning:
See `/usr/ports/net-p2p/c-lightning/Makefile` for instructions on how to
build from an arbitrary git commit, instead of the latest release tag.
**Note**: Make sure you've set an utf-8 locale, e.g.
`export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8` , otherwise manpage installation may fail.
$ ./configure
$ gmake
$ gmake install
Running lightning:
**Note**: Edit your `/usr/local/etc/bitcoin.conf` to include
`rpcuser=<foo>` and `rpcpassword=<bar>` first, you may also need to
include `testnet=1`
Configure bitcoind, if not already: add `rpcuser=<foo>` and `rpcpassword=<bar>`
to `/usr/local/etc/bitcoin.conf` , maybe also `testnet=1` .
Configure lightningd: copy `/usr/local/etc/lightningd-bitcoin.conf.sample` to
`/usr/local/etc/lightningd-bitcoin.conf` and edit according to your needs.
# service bitcoind start
$ ./lightningd/lightningd &
$ ./cli/lightning-cli help
# service lightningd start
# lightning-cli --rpc-file /var/db/c-lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc --lightning-dir=/var/db/c-lightning help
To Build on NixOS