doc: language tidyups and a few minor refinements.
Some additional detail was warranted in several places, though the
listconfigs is better off simply referring to lightningd-config.
Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
Changelog-Fixed: doc: Many missing manual pages were completed
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ lightning-getinfo - Command to receive all information about the c-lightning nod
The \fBgetinfo\fRis a RPC command which is possible receive all node informations\.
The \fBgetinfo\fRgives a summary of the current running node\.
@ -26,38 +26,38 @@ On success, an object with the following information is returned:
\fIid\fR: A string that rappresents the public key of the node\. It will rappresent the node on the public network\.
\fIid\fR: A string that represents the public key of the node\. It will represents the node on the public network\.
\fIalias\fR: A string that rappresents the alias of the node, by default is calculate from the public key (node id)\.
\fIalias\fR: A string that represents the alias of the node, by default is calculate from the public key (node id)\. This is just for fun; the name can be anything and is not unique!
\fIcolor\fR: A string that rappresents the color of the node\.
\fIcolor\fR: A string that represents the preferred color of the node\.
\fInum_peers\fR: An integer that rappresents the number of peer connect to the node\.
\fInum_peers\fR: An integer that represents the number of peer connect to the node\.
\fInum_pending_channels\fR: An integer that rappresents the number of channel with pending status\.
\fInum_pending_channels\fR: An integer that represents the number of channel which are still awaiting opening confirmation\.
\fInum_active_channels\fR: A integer that rappresents the number of channel with the active status\.
\fInum_active_channels\fR: A integer that represents the number of channel which are currently open\.
\fInum_inactive_channels\fR: A integer that rappresents the number of channel with the inactive status\.
\fInum_inactive_channels\fR: A integer that represents the number of channel which are closing\.
\fIaddress\fR: An array that rappresents all addresses of the node, each object inside the array contains the following proprieties:.RS
\fIaddress\fR: An array that represents all published addresses of the node, each object inside the array contains the following proprieties:.RS
\fItype\fR: A string that rappresents the type of the address (ipv4 or ipv6)\.
\fItype\fR: A string that represents the type of the address (currently \fBipv4\fR, \fBipv6\fR, \fBtorv3\fR or \fBtorv4\fR)\.
\fIaddress\fR: A string that rappresents the value of the address\.
\fIaddress\fR: A string that represents the value of the address\.
\fIport\fR: An integer that rappresents the port where the node are listening with this address\.
\fIport\fR: An integer that represents the port where the node is listening with this address\.
\fIbinding\fR: An array that rappresents all addresses where the node is binded\. Each object contains the same object type of the address propriety above\.
\fIbinding\fR: An array that represents all addresses where the node is binded\. Each object contains the same object type of the address propriety above\.
\fIversion\fR: A string that rappresents the version of the node\.
\fIversion\fR: A string that represents the version of the node\.
\fIblockheight\fR: An integer that rappresents the blockchain height\.
\fIblockheight\fR: An integer that represents the blockchain height\.
\fInetwork\fR: A string that rappresents the type of network on the node are working (i\.e: bitcoin, testnet, regtest)\.
\fInetwork\fR: A string that represents the type of network on the node are working (e\.g: \fBbitcoin\fR, \fBtestnet\fR, or \fBregtest\fR)\.
@ -120,3 +120,4 @@ Vincenzo Palazzo \fI<\fR> wrote the initial versi
Main web site: \fI\fR
The **getinfo**is a RPC command which is possible receive all node informations.
The **getinfo**gives a summary of the current running node.
@ -27,21 +27,21 @@ RETURN VALUE
On success, an object with the following information is returned:
- *id*: A string that rappresents the public key of the node. It will rappresent the node on the public network.
- *alias*: A string that rappresents the alias of the node, by default is calculate from the public key (node id).
- *color*: A string that rappresents the color of the node.
- *num_peers*: An integer that rappresents the number of peer connect to the node.
- *num_pending_channels*: An integer that rappresents the number of channel with pending status.
- *num_active_channels*: A integer that rappresents the number of channel with the active status.
- *num_inactive_channels*: A integer that rappresents the number of channel with the inactive status.
- *address*: An array that rappresents all addresses of the node, each object inside the array contains the following proprieties:
- *type*: A string that rappresents the type of the address (ipv4 or ipv6).
- *address*: A string that rappresents the value of the address.
- *port*: An integer that rappresents the port where the node are listening with this address.
- *binding*: An array that rappresents all addresses where the node is binded. Each object contains the same object type of the address propriety above.
- *version*: A string that rappresents the version of the node.
- *blockheight*: An integer that rappresents the blockchain height.
- *network*: A string that rappresents the type of network on the node are working (i.e: bitcoin, testnet, regtest).
- *id*: A string that represents the public key of the node. It will represents the node on the public network.
- *alias*: A string that represents the alias of the node, by default is calculate from the public key (node id). This is just for fun; the name can be anything and is not unique!
- *color*: A string that represents the preferred color of the node.
- *num_peers*: An integer that represents the number of peer connect to the node.
- *num_pending_channels*: An integer that represents the number of channel which are still awaiting opening confirmation.
- *num_active_channels*: A integer that represents the number of channel which are currently open.
- *num_inactive_channels*: A integer that represents the number of channel which are closing.
- *address*: An array that represents all published addresses of the node, each object inside the array contains the following proprieties:
- *type*: A string that represents the type of the address (currently `ipv4`, `ipv6`, `torv3` or `torv4`).
- *address*: A string that represents the value of the address.
- *port*: An integer that represents the port where the node is listening with this address.
- *binding*: An array that represents all addresses where the node is binded. Each object contains the same object type of the address propriety above.
- *version*: A string that represents the version of the node.
- *blockheight*: An integer that represents the blockchain height.
- *network*: A string that represents the type of network on the node are working (e.g: `bitcoin`, `testnet`, or `regtest`).
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ lightning-listconfigs - Command to list all configuration options\.
The \fBlistconfigs\fRteh RPC command to list all configuration options, or with \fIconfig\fR, just that one\.
The \fBlistconfigs\fR RPC command to list all configuration options, or with \fIconfig\fR, just that one\.
@ -24,100 +24,29 @@ The \fBlistconfigs\fR teh RPC command to list all configuration options, or with
On success, an object with the following proprieties is returned:
On success, an object is returned with members reflecting the
corresponding \fBlightningd-config\fR(5) options which were specified in
the configuration file(s) and command line\.
Additional members include:
\fI# version\fR: A string that rappresents the version of node\.
\fIlightning-dir\fR: A string that rappresents the work dir of the node\.
\fInetwork\fR: A string that rappresents the network (e\.g: bitcoin)\.
\fIallow-deprecated-apis\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the deprecated api are avaible on the node\.
\fI# version\fR: A string that represents the version of node\.
\fIrpc-file\fR: A string that rappresent the location of the rpc file\.
\fIplugins\fR: A array that represents the non-important plugin registered\. Each object contains the following members:.RS
\fIplugins\fR: A array that rappresent the no important plugin registered\. Each object contains the following proprieties:.RS
\fIpath\fR: A string that represents the path of plugin\.
\fIpath\fR: A string that rappresent the path of plugin\.
\fIname\fR: A string that represents the name of plugin\.
\fIname\fR: A string that rappresent the name of plugin\.
\fIoptions\fR: A object that contains all options accepted from comand line, if the plugin accepted parameters from command line\.
\fIoptions\fR: A object that contains all options accepted from command line or configuration file, if the plugin has opitions
\fIimportant-plugins\fR: An array that rappresent all important pluging registered to the node\. Each object contains the same proprieties of \fIplugin\fR array\.
\fIdisable-plugin\fR: An array of string that rappresent the name of plugin disabled\.
\fIalways-use-proxy\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the node utilize always the proxy\.
\fIdaemon\fR: A boolean value is the node have the daemon propriety enabled\.
\fIwallet\fR: A string that rappresent the location of wallet with database url convention\.
\fIwumbo\fR: A boolean value that rappresent the value of wumbo propriety\.
\fIrgb\fR: A string that rappresent the color of the node\.
\fIalias\fR: A string that rappresent the alias of the node\.
\fIpid-file\fR: A string that rappresent the location of the pid file\.
\fIignore-fee-limits\fR: A boolean value that rappresent is the node ignore the fee limit\.
\fIwatchtime-blocks\fR: An integer that rappresent the watchtime of the blocks\.
\fImax-locktime-blocks\fR: A integer that rappresent that max locktime for blocks\.
\fIfunding-confirms\fR: An integer that rappresent the number of funding transaction confermation\.
\fIcommit-fee-min\fR: A integer that rappresent the minimum commit fee\.
\fIcommit-fee-max\fR: A integer that rappresent the maximum commit fee\.
\fIcltv-delta\fR: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv delta\.
\fIcltv-final\fR: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv final\.
\fIcommit-time\fR: An integer that rappresent the value of commit time\.
\fIfee-base\fR: A integer that rappresent the value of fee base\.
\fIrescan\fR: A integer that rappresent the number of block that the node must rescan before to run\.
\fIfee-per-satoshi\fR: An integer that rappresent the fee for satoshi\.
\fImax-concurrent-htlcs\fR: A integer that rappresent the number of HTLCs one channel can handle concurrently in each direction\.
\fImin-capacity-sat\fR: A integer that rappresent the minimal effective channel capacity in satoshi to accept for channel opening requests\.
\fIaddr\fR: A string that rappresent the address where the node are listen\.
\fIbind-addr\fR: A string that rappresent the address or UNIX domine socket where the node are listen\.
\fIannounce-addr\fR: A string that rappresent the address where the node is annunced\.
\fIoffline\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the node is offline\.
\fIautolisten\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the autolisten is enabled\.
\fIproxy\fR: A string that rappresent the proxy address\.
\fIdisable-dns\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the dns is disabled\.
\fIenable-autotor-v2-mode\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the Tor v2 is enabled\.
\fIencrypted-hsm\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the wallet is encrypted\.
\fIrpc-file-mode\fR: A string that rappresent the value rpc-file-mode\.
\fIlog-level\fR: A string that rappresent the level of log\.
\fIlog-prefix\fR: A string that rappresent the log prefix\.i
\fIimportant-plugins\fR: An array that represents all important plugins registered to the node\. Each object contains the same members as the \fIplugin\fR array\.
@ -229,9 +158,10 @@ Vincenzo Palazzo \fI<\fR> wrote the initial versi
The **listconfigs**teh RPC command to list all configuration options, or with *config*, just that one.
The **listconfigs** RPC command to list all configuration options, or with *config*, just that one.
@ -27,53 +27,18 @@ EXAMPLE JSON REQUEST
On success, an object with the following proprieties is returned:
- *# version*: A string that rappresents the version of node.
- *lightning-dir*: A string that rappresents the work dir of the node.
- *network*: A string that rappresents the network (e.g: bitcoin).
- *allow-deprecated-apis*: A boolean value that rappresent if the deprecated api are avaible on the node.
- *rpc-file*: A string that rappresent the location of the rpc file.
- *plugins*: A array that rappresent the no important plugin registered. Each object contains the following proprieties:
- *path*: A string that rappresent the path of plugin.
- *name*: A string that rappresent the name of plugin.
- *options*: A object that contains all options accepted from comand line, if the plugin accepted parameters from command line.
- *important-plugins*: An array that rappresent all important pluging registered to the node. Each object contains the same proprieties of *plugin* array.
- *disable-plugin*: An array of string that rappresent the name of plugin disabled.
- *always-use-proxy*: A boolean value that rappresent if the node utilize always the proxy.
- *daemon*: A boolean value is the node have the daemon propriety enabled.
- *wallet*: A string that rappresent the location of wallet with database url convention.
- *wumbo*: A boolean value that rappresent the value of wumbo propriety.
- *rgb*: A string that rappresent the color of the node.
- *alias*: A string that rappresent the alias of the node.
- *pid-file*: A string that rappresent the location of the pid file.
- *ignore-fee-limits*: A boolean value that rappresent is the node ignore the fee limit.
- *watchtime-blocks*: An integer that rappresent the watchtime of the blocks.
- *max-locktime-blocks*: A integer that rappresent that max locktime for blocks.
- *funding-confirms*: An integer that rappresent the number of funding transaction confermation.
- *commit-fee-min*: A integer that rappresent the minimum commit fee.
- *commit-fee-max*: A integer that rappresent the maximum commit fee.
- *cltv-delta*: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv delta.
- *cltv-final*: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv final.
- *commit-time*: An integer that rappresent the value of commit time.
- *fee-base*: A integer that rappresent the value of fee base.
- *rescan*: A integer that rappresent the number of block that the node must rescan before to run.
- *fee-per-satoshi*: An integer that rappresent the fee for satoshi.
- *max-concurrent-htlcs*: A integer that rappresent the number of HTLCs one channel can handle concurrently in each direction.
- *min-capacity-sat*: A integer that rappresent the minimal effective channel capacity in satoshi to accept for channel opening requests.
- *addr*: A string that rappresent the address where the node are listen.
- *bind-addr*: A string that rappresent the address or UNIX domine socket where the node are listen.
- *announce-addr*: A string that rappresent the address where the node is annunced.
- *offline*: A boolean value that rappresent if the node is offline.
- *autolisten*: A boolean value that rappresent if the autolisten is enabled.
- *proxy*: A string that rappresent the proxy address.
- *disable-dns*: A boolean value that rappresent if the dns is disabled.
- *enable-autotor-v2-mode*: A boolean value that rappresent if the Tor v2 is enabled.
- *encrypted-hsm*: A boolean value that rappresent if the wallet is encrypted.
- *rpc-file-mode*: A string that rappresent the value rpc-file-mode.
- *log-level*: A string that rappresent the level of log.
- *log-prefix*: A string that rappresent the log prefix.i
On success, an object is returned with members reflecting the
corresponding lightningd-config(5) options which were specified in
the configuration file(s) and command line.
Additional members include:
- *# version*: A string that represents the version of node.
- *plugins*: A array that represents the non-important plugin registered. Each object contains the following members:
- *path*: A string that represents the path of plugin.
- *name*: A string that represents the name of plugin.
- *options*: A object that contains all options accepted from command line or configuration file, if the plugin has opitions
- *important-plugins*: An array that represents all important plugins registered to the node. Each object contains the same members as the *plugin* array.
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
@ -183,7 +148,7 @@ Vincenzo Palazzo <<>> wrote the initial version o