@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ struct uncommitted_channel {
struct funding_channel {
/* In lightningd->fundchannels while waiting for connectd reply. */
struct list_node list ;
struct command * cmd ; /* Which also owns us. */
struct wallet_tx wtx ;
u64 push_msat ;
@ -78,52 +75,6 @@ struct funding_channel {
struct uncommitted_channel * uc ;
} ;
static struct funding_channel * find_funding_channel ( struct lightningd * ld ,
const struct pubkey * id )
struct funding_channel * i ;
list_for_each ( & ld - > fundchannels , i , list ) {
if ( pubkey_eq ( & i - > peerid , id ) )
return i ;
return NULL ;
static void remove_funding_channel_from_list ( struct funding_channel * fc )
list_del_from ( & fc - > cmd - > ld - > fundchannels , & fc - > list ) ;
/* Opening failed: hand back to connectd (sending errpkt if not NULL) */
static void uncommitted_channel_to_connectd ( struct lightningd * ld ,
struct uncommitted_channel * uc ,
const struct crypto_state * cs ,
int peer_fd , int gossip_fd ,
const u8 * errorpkt ,
const char * fmt ,
. . . )
va_list ap ;
char * errstr ;
u8 * msg ;
va_start ( ap , fmt ) ;
errstr = tal_vfmt ( uc , fmt , ap ) ;
va_end ( ap ) ;
log_unusual ( uc - > log , " Opening channel: %s " , errstr ) ;
if ( uc - > fc )
command_fail ( uc - > fc - > cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " %s " , errstr ) ;
/* Hand back to connectd, (maybe) with an error packet to send. */
msg = towire_connectctl_hand_back_peer ( errstr , & uc - > peer - > id , cs ,
errorpkt ) ;
subd_send_msg ( ld - > connectd , take ( msg ) ) ;
subd_send_fd ( ld - > connectd , peer_fd ) ;
subd_send_fd ( ld - > connectd , gossip_fd ) ;
static void uncommitted_channel_disconnect ( struct uncommitted_channel * uc ,
const char * desc )
@ -150,27 +101,28 @@ void kill_uncommitted_channel(struct uncommitted_channel *uc,
void json_add_uncommitted_channel ( struct json_result * response ,
const struct uncommitted_channel * uc )
u64 msatoshi_total , our_msatoshi ;
if ( ! uc )
return ;
/* If we're chatting but no channel, that's shown by connected: True */
if ( ! uc - > fc )
return ;
json_object_start ( response , NULL ) ;
json_add_string ( response , " state " , " OPENINGD " ) ;
json_add_string ( response , " owner " , " lightning_openingd " ) ;
json_add_string ( response , " funder " ,
uc - > fc ? " LOCAL " : " REMOTE " ) ;
json_add_string ( response , " funding " , " LOCAL " ) ;
if ( uc - > transient_billboard ) {
json_array_start ( response , " status " ) ;
json_add_string ( response , NULL , uc - > transient_billboard ) ;
json_array_end ( response ) ;
if ( uc - > fc ) {
u64 msatoshi_total , our_msatoshi ;
msatoshi_total = uc - > fc - > wtx . amount * 1000 ;
our_msatoshi = msatoshi_total - uc - > fc - > push_msat ;
json_add_u64 ( response , " msatoshi_to_us " , our_msatoshi ) ;
json_add_u64 ( response , " msatoshi_total " , msatoshi_total ) ;
msatoshi_total = uc - > fc - > wtx . amount * 1000 ;
our_msatoshi = msatoshi_total - uc - > fc - > push_msat ;
json_add_u64 ( response , " msatoshi_to_us " , our_msatoshi ) ;
json_add_u64 ( response , " msatoshi_total " , msatoshi_total ) ;
json_object_end ( response ) ;
@ -486,7 +438,7 @@ static void opening_fundee_finished(struct subd *openingd,
/* This is a new channel_info.their_config, set its ID to 0 */
channel_info . their_config . id = 0 ;
if ( ! fromwire_opening_fundee_reply ( tmpctx , reply ,
if ( ! fromwire_opening_fundee ( tmpctx , reply ,
& channel_info . their_config ,
& remote_commit ,
& remote_commit_sig ,
@ -511,6 +463,29 @@ static void opening_fundee_finished(struct subd *openingd,
return ;
/* If we resumed chatting with them to send an error, this could
* happen : refuse to let them open another active channel .
* FIXME : Perhaps we should not consider channels with errors to be
* active , however we don ' t store errors in the db so we could end
* up with multiple on restart . */
if ( peer_active_channel ( uc - > peer ) ) {
u8 * errmsg ;
struct peer * peer = uc - > peer ;
struct channel_id channel_id ;
derive_channel_id ( & channel_id , & funding_txid , funding_outnum ) ;
errmsg = towire_errorfmt ( tmpctx , & channel_id ,
" Already have active channel " ) ;
/* Won't free peer, since has active channel */
tal_free ( uc ) ;
/* Hand back to openingd. */
peer_start_openingd ( peer , & cs , fds [ 0 ] , fds [ 1 ] , errmsg ) ;
return ;
/* Consumes uc */
channel = wallet_commit_channel ( ld , uc ,
remote_commit ,
@ -551,18 +526,11 @@ static void opening_channel_errmsg(struct uncommitted_channel *uc,
const char * desc ,
const u8 * err_for_them )
if ( peer_fd = = - 1 ) {
uncommitted_channel_disconnect ( uc , desc ) ;
} else {
/* An error occurred (presumably negotiation fail). */
const char * errsrc = err_for_them ? " sent " : " received " ;
uncommitted_channel_to_connectd ( uc - > peer - > ld , uc ,
cs ,
peer_fd , gossip_fd ,
err_for_them ,
" %s ERROR %s " , errsrc , desc ) ;
if ( peer_fd ! = - 1 ) {
close ( peer_fd ) ;
close ( gossip_fd ) ;
uncommitted_channel_disconnect ( uc , desc ) ;
tal_free ( uc ) ;
@ -593,27 +561,15 @@ static void destroy_uncommitted_channel(struct uncommitted_channel *uc)
maybe_delete_peer ( uc - > peer ) ;
/* Returns NULL if there's already an opening or active channel for this peer */
static struct uncommitted_channel *
new_uncommitted_channel ( struct lightningd * ld ,
struct funding_channel * fc ,
const struct pubkey * peer_id ,
const struct wireaddr_internal * addr ,
const u8 * gfeatures , const u8 * lfeatures )
new_uncommitted_channel ( struct peer * peer )
struct lightningd * ld = peer - > ld ;
struct uncommitted_channel * uc = tal ( ld , struct uncommitted_channel ) ;
char * idname ;
/* We make a new peer if necessary. */
uc - > peer = peer_by_id ( ld , peer_id ) ;
if ( ! uc - > peer )
uc - > peer = new_peer ( ld , 0 , peer_id , addr , gfeatures , lfeatures ) ;
if ( uc - > peer - > uncommitted_channel )
return tal_free ( uc ) ;
if ( peer_active_channel ( uc - > peer ) )
return tal_free ( uc ) ;
uc - > peer = peer ;
assert ( ! peer - > uncommitted_channel ) ;
uc - > transient_billboard = NULL ;
uc - > dbid = wallet_get_channel_dbid ( ld - > wallet ) ;
@ -623,7 +579,7 @@ new_uncommitted_channel(struct lightningd *ld,
idname , uc - > dbid ) ;
tal_free ( idname ) ;
uc - > fc = fc ;
uc - > fc = NULL ;
uc - > our_config . id = 0 ;
get_channel_basepoints ( ld , & uc - > peer - > id , uc - > dbid ,
@ -679,238 +635,100 @@ static void channel_config(struct lightningd *ld,
ours - > channel_reserve_satoshis = - 1 ;
/* Peer has spontaneously exited from connectd due to open msg. Return
* NULL if we took over , otherwise hand back to connectd with this
* error .
u8 * peer_accept_channel ( const tal_t * ctx ,
struct lightningd * ld ,
const struct pubkey * peer_id ,
const struct wireaddr_internal * addr ,
const struct crypto_state * cs ,
const u8 * gfeatures , const u8 * lfeatures ,
int peer_fd , int gossip_fd ,
const struct channel_id * channel_id ,
const u8 * open_msg )
static unsigned int openingd_msg ( struct subd * openingd ,
const u8 * msg , const int * fds )
enum opening_wire_type t = fromwire_peektype ( msg ) ;
struct uncommitted_channel * uc = openingd - > channel ;
switch ( t ) {
if ( ! uc - > fc ) {
log_broken ( openingd - > log , " Unexpected FUNDER_REPLY %s " ,
tal_hex ( tmpctx , msg ) ) ;
tal_free ( openingd ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( tal_count ( fds ) ! = 2 )
return 2 ;
opening_funder_finished ( openingd , msg , fds , uc - > fc ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( tal_count ( fds ) ! = 2 )
return 2 ;
opening_fundee_finished ( openingd , msg , fds , uc ) ;
return 0 ;
/* We send these! */
break ;
log_broken ( openingd - > log , " Unexpected msg %s: %s " ,
opening_wire_type_name ( t ) , tal_hex ( tmpctx , msg ) ) ;
tal_free ( openingd ) ;
return 0 ;
void peer_start_openingd ( struct peer * peer ,
const struct crypto_state * cs ,
int peer_fd , int gossip_fd ,
const u8 * send_msg )
int hsmfd ;
u32 max_to_self_delay ;
u64 min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat ;
u8 * msg ;
struct uncommitted_channel * uc ;
int hsmfd ;
const u8 * msg ;
assert ( fromwire_peektype ( open_msg ) = = WIRE_OPEN_CHANNEL ) ;
assert ( ! peer - > uncommitted_channel ) ;
/* Fails if there's already one */
uc = new_uncommitted_channel ( ld , NULL , peer_id , addr ,
gfeatures , lfeatures ) ;
if ( ! uc )
return towire_errorfmt ( ctx , channel_id ,
" Multiple channels unsupported " ) ;
uc = peer - > uncommitted_channel = new_uncommitted_channel ( peer ) ;
hsmfd = hsm_get_client_fd ( ld , & uc - > peer - > id , uc - > dbid ,
hsmfd = hsm_get_client_fd ( peer - > ld , & uc - > peer - > id , uc - > dbid ,
uc - > openingd = new_channel_subd ( ld , " lightning_openingd " , uc , uc - > log ,
true , opening_wire_type_name , NULL ,
uc - > openingd = new_channel_subd ( peer - > ld ,
" lightning_openingd " ,
uc , uc - > log ,
true , opening_wire_type_name ,
openingd_msg ,
opening_channel_errmsg ,
opening_channel_set_billboard ,
take ( & peer_fd ) , take ( & gossip_fd ) ,
take ( & hsmfd ) , NULL ) ;
if ( ! uc - > openingd ) {
u8 * errpkt ;
char * errmsg ;
errmsg = tal_fmt ( uc , " INTERNAL ERROR: "
" Failed to subdaemon opening: %s " ,
strerror ( errno ) ) ;
errpkt = towire_errorfmt ( uc , channel_id , " %s " , errmsg ) ;
uncommitted_channel_to_connectd ( ld , uc ,
cs ,
peer_fd , gossip_fd ,
errpkt , " %s " , errmsg ) ;
tal_free ( uc ) ;
return NULL ;
uncommitted_channel_disconnect ( uc ,
tal_fmt ( tmpctx ,
" Running lightning_openingd: %s " ,
strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
return ;
channel_config ( peer - > ld , & uc - > our_config ,
& max_to_self_delay ,
& min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat ) ;
/* BOLT #2:
* The sender :
* - SHOULD set ` minimum_depth ` to a number of blocks it considers
* reasonable to avoid double - spending of the funding transaction .
uc - > minimum_depth = ld - > config . anchor_confirms ;
channel_config ( ld , & uc - > our_config ,
& max_to_self_delay ,
& min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat ) ;
uc - > minimum_depth = peer - > ld - > config . anchor_confirms ;
msg = towire_opening_init ( uc , get_chainparams ( ld ) - > index ,
msg = towire_opening_init ( NULL , get_chainparams ( peer - > ld ) - > index ,
& uc - > our_config ,
max_to_self_delay ,
min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat ,
cs , & uc - > local_basepoints ,
& uc - > local_funding_pubkey ) ;
& uc - > local_funding_pubkey ,
uc - > minimum_depth ,
feerate_min ( peer - > ld ) , feerate_max ( peer - > ld ) ,
send_msg ) ;
subd_send_msg ( uc - > openingd , take ( msg ) ) ;
msg = towire_opening_fundee ( uc , uc - > minimum_depth ,
feerate_min ( ld ) , feerate_max ( ld ) ,
open_msg ) ;
subd_req ( uc , uc - > openingd , take ( msg ) , - 1 , 2 ,
opening_fundee_finished , uc ) ;
return NULL ;
static void peer_offer_channel ( struct lightningd * ld ,
struct funding_channel * fc ,
const struct wireaddr_internal * addr ,
const struct crypto_state * cs ,
const u8 * gfeatures , const u8 * lfeatures ,
int peer_fd , int gossip_fd )
u8 * msg ;
u32 max_to_self_delay ;
u64 min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat ;
int hsmfd ;
/* Remove from list, it's not pending any more. */
list_del_from ( & ld - > fundchannels , & fc - > list ) ;
tal_del_destructor ( fc , remove_funding_channel_from_list ) ;
fc - > uc = new_uncommitted_channel ( ld , fc , & fc - > peerid , addr ,
gfeatures , lfeatures ) ;
/* We asked to release this peer, but another raced in? Corner case,
* close this is easiest . */
if ( ! fc - > uc ) {
command_fail ( fc - > cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Peer already active " ) ;
close ( peer_fd ) ;
close ( gossip_fd ) ;
return ;
/* Channel now owns fc; if it dies, we free fc. */
tal_steal ( fc - > uc , fc ) ;
hsmfd = hsm_get_client_fd ( ld , & fc - > uc - > peer - > id , fc - > uc - > dbid ,
fc - > uc - > openingd = new_channel_subd ( ld ,
" lightning_openingd " ,
fc - > uc , fc - > uc - > log ,
true , opening_wire_type_name , NULL ,
opening_channel_errmsg ,
opening_channel_set_billboard ,
take ( & peer_fd ) , take ( & gossip_fd ) ,
take ( & hsmfd ) ,
NULL ) ;
if ( ! fc - > uc - > openingd ) {
/* We don't send them an error packet: for them, nothing
* happened ! */
uncommitted_channel_to_connectd ( ld , fc - > uc , NULL ,
peer_fd , gossip_fd ,
" Failed to launch openingd: %s " ,
strerror ( errno ) ) ;
tal_free ( fc - > uc ) ;
return ;
channel_config ( ld , & fc - > uc - > our_config ,
& max_to_self_delay ,
& min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat ) ;
msg = towire_opening_init ( fc ,
get_chainparams ( ld ) - > index ,
& fc - > uc - > our_config ,
max_to_self_delay ,
min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat ,
cs , & fc - > uc - > local_basepoints ,
& fc - > uc - > local_funding_pubkey ) ;
subd_send_msg ( fc - > uc - > openingd , take ( msg ) ) ;
msg = towire_opening_funder ( fc , fc - > wtx . amount ,
fc - > push_msat ,
get_feerate ( ld - > topology , FEERATE_NORMAL ) ,
fc - > wtx . change , fc - > wtx . change_key_index ,
fc - > channel_flags ,
fc - > wtx . utxos ,
ld - > wallet - > bip32_base ) ;
subd_req ( fc , fc - > uc - > openingd ,
take ( msg ) , - 1 , 2 , opening_funder_finished , fc ) ;
/* Peer has been released from connectd. Start opening. */
static void connectd_peer_released ( struct subd * connectd ,
const u8 * resp ,
const int * fds ,
struct funding_channel * fc )
struct lightningd * ld = connectd - > ld ;
struct crypto_state cs ;
u8 * gfeatures , * lfeatures ;
struct wireaddr_internal addr ;
struct channel * c ;
struct uncommitted_channel * uc ;
/* handle_opening_channel might have already taken care of this. */
if ( fc - > uc )
return ;
c = active_channel_by_id ( ld , & fc - > peerid , & uc ) ;
if ( ! fromwire_connectctl_release_peer_reply ( fc , resp , & addr , & cs ,
& gfeatures , & lfeatures ) ) {
if ( ! fromwire_connectctl_release_peer_replyfail ( resp ) ) {
fatal ( " Connect daemon gave invalid reply %s " ,
tal_hex ( connectd , resp ) ) ;
if ( uc )
command_fail ( fc - > cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Peer already OPENING " ) ;
else if ( c )
command_fail ( fc - > cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Peer already %s " ,
channel_state_name ( c ) ) ;
command_fail ( fc - > cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Peer not connected " ) ;
return ;
assert ( tal_count ( fds ) = = 2 ) ;
/* Connectd should guarantee peer is unique: we would have killed any
* old connection when it was told us peer reconnected . */
assert ( ! c ) ;
assert ( ! uc ) ;
/* OK, offer peer a channel. */
peer_offer_channel ( ld , fc , & addr , & cs ,
gfeatures , lfeatures ,
fds [ 0 ] , fds [ 1 ] ) ;
/* We can race: we're trying to get connectd to release peer just as it
* reconnects . If that ' s happened , treat it as if it were
* released . */
bool handle_opening_channel ( struct lightningd * ld ,
const struct pubkey * id ,
const struct wireaddr_internal * addr ,
const struct crypto_state * cs ,
const u8 * gfeatures , const u8 * lfeatures ,
int peer_fd , int gossip_fd )
struct funding_channel * fc = find_funding_channel ( ld , id ) ;
if ( ! fc )
return false ;
peer_offer_channel ( ld , fc , addr , cs , gfeatures , lfeatures ,
peer_fd , gossip_fd ) ;
return true ;
@ -919,8 +737,11 @@ bool handle_opening_channel(struct lightningd *ld,
static void json_fund_channel ( struct command * cmd ,
const char * buffer , const jsmntok_t * params )
const jsmntok_t * desttok , * sattok ;
const jsmntok_t * sattok ;
struct funding_channel * fc = tal ( cmd , struct funding_channel ) ;
struct pubkey id ;
struct peer * peer ;
struct channel * channel ;
u32 feerate_per_kw = get_feerate ( cmd - > ld - > topology , FEERATE_NORMAL ) ;
u8 * msg ;
@ -928,17 +749,34 @@ static void json_fund_channel(struct command *cmd,
fc - > uc = NULL ;
wtx_init ( cmd , & fc - > wtx ) ;
if ( ! param ( fc - > cmd , buffer , params ,
p_req ( " id " , json_tok_tok , & desttok ) ,
p_req ( " id " , json_tok_pubkey , & i d) ,
p_req ( " satoshi " , json_tok_tok , & sattok ) ,
NULL ) )
return ;
if ( ! json_tok_wtx ( & fc - > wtx , buffer , sattok , MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHI ) )
return ;
if ( ! pubkey_from_hexstr ( buffer + desttok - > start ,
desttok - > end - desttok - > start ,
& fc - > peerid ) ) {
command_fail ( cmd , JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS , " Could not parse id " ) ;
peer = peer_by_id ( cmd - > ld , & id ) ;
if ( ! peer ) {
command_fail ( cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Unknown peer " ) ;
return ;
channel = peer_active_channel ( peer ) ;
if ( channel ) {
command_fail ( cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Peer already %s " ,
channel_state_name ( channel ) ) ;
return ;
if ( ! peer - > uncommitted_channel ) {
command_fail ( cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Peer not connected " ) ;
return ;
if ( peer - > uncommitted_channel - > fc ) {
command_fail ( cmd , LIGHTNINGD , " Already funding channel " ) ;
return ;
@ -952,11 +790,23 @@ static void json_fund_channel(struct command *cmd,
assert ( fc - > wtx . amount < = MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHI ) ;
list_add ( & cmd - > ld - > fundchannels , & fc - > list ) ;
tal_add_destructor ( fc , remove_funding_channel_from_list ) ;
peer - > uncommitted_channel - > fc = tal_steal ( peer - > uncommitted_channel , fc ) ;
fc - > uc = peer - > uncommitted_channel ;
msg = towire_opening_funder ( NULL ,
fc - > wtx . amount ,
fc - > push_msat ,
get_feerate ( cmd - > ld - > topology ,
fc - > wtx . change ,
fc - > wtx . change_key_index ,
fc - > channel_flags ,
fc - > wtx . utxos ,
cmd - > ld - > wallet - > bip32_base ) ;
msg = towire_connectctl_release_peer ( cmd , & fc - > peerid ) ;
subd_req ( fc , cmd - > ld - > connectd , msg , - 1 , 2 , connectd_peer_released , fc ) ;
/* Openingd will either succeed, or fail, or tell us the other side
* funded first . */
subd_send_msg ( peer - > uncommitted_channel - > openingd , take ( msg ) ) ;
command_still_pending ( cmd ) ;