@ -2167,3 +2167,74 @@ static void presplit_cb(void *d, struct payment *p)
REGISTER_PAYMENT_MODIFIER ( presplit , void * , NULL , presplit_cb ) ;
REGISTER_PAYMENT_MODIFIER ( presplit , void * , NULL , presplit_cb ) ;
* Adaptive splitter - - Split payment if we can ' t get it through .
* The adaptive splitter splits the amount of a failed payment in half , with
* + / - 10 % randomness , and then starts two attempts , one for either side of
* the split . The goal is to find two smaller routes , that still adhere to our
* constraints , but that can complete the payment .
static void adaptive_splitter_cb ( void * d , struct payment * p )
struct payment * root = payment_root ( p ) ;
if ( p - > step = = PAYMENT_STEP_ONION_PAYLOAD ) {
/* We need to tell the last hop the total we're going to
* send . Presplit disables amount fuzzing , so we should always
* get the exact value through . */
size_t lastidx = tal_count ( p - > createonion_request - > hops ) - 1 ;
struct createonion_hop * hop = & p - > createonion_request - > hops [ lastidx ] ;
if ( hop - > style = = ROUTE_HOP_TLV ) {
struct tlv_field * * fields = & hop - > tlv_payload - > fields ;
tlvstream_set_tlv_payload_data (
fields , root - > payment_secret ,
root - > amount . millisatoshis ) ; /* Raw: onion payload */
} else if ( p - > step = = PAYMENT_STEP_FAILED & & ! p - > abort ) {
if ( amount_msat_greater ( p - > amount , MPP_ADAPTIVE_LOWER_LIMIT ) ) {
struct payment * a , * b ;
/* Random number in the range [90%, 110%] */
double rand = pseudorand_double ( ) * 0.2 + 0.9 ;
u64 mid = p - > amount . millisatoshis / 2 * rand ; /* Raw: multiplication */
bool ok ;
a = payment_new ( p , NULL , p , p - > modifiers ) ;
b = payment_new ( p , NULL , p , p - > modifiers ) ;
a - > amount . millisatoshis = mid ; /* Raw: split. */
b - > amount . millisatoshis - = mid ; /* Raw: split. */
/* Adjust constraints since we don't want to double our
* fee allowance when we split . */
a - > constraints . fee_budget . millisatoshis * = ( double ) a - > amount . millisatoshis / ( double ) p - > amount . millisatoshis ; /* Raw: msat division. */
ok = amount_msat_sub ( & b - > constraints . fee_budget ,
p - > constraints . fee_budget ,
a - > constraints . fee_budget ) ;
/* Should not fail, mid is less than 55% of original
* amount . fee_budget_a < = 55 % of fee_budget_p ( parent
* of the new payments ) . */
assert ( ok ) ;
payment_start ( a ) ;
payment_start ( b ) ;
p - > step = PAYMENT_STEP_SPLIT ;
} else {
plugin_log ( p - > plugin , LOG_INFORM ,
" Lower limit of adaptive splitter reached "
" (%s < %s), not splitting further. " ,
type_to_string ( tmpctx , struct amount_msat ,
& p - > amount ) ,
type_to_string ( tmpctx , struct amount_msat ,
payment_continue ( p ) ;
REGISTER_PAYMENT_MODIFIER ( adaptive_splitter , void * , NULL ,
adaptive_splitter_cb ) ;