Make a standalone toolchain as per For c-lightning you must target an API level of 24 or higher.
Depending on your toolchain location and target arch source env variables such as:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/android/toolchain/bin
# Change depending on target device arch
export AR=$target_host-ar
export AS=$target_host-clang
export CC=$target_host-clang
export CXX=$target_host-clang++
export LD=$target_host-ld
export STRIP=$target_host-strip
Two makefile targets should not be cross-compiled so we specify a native CC:
make CC=clang clean ccan/tools/configurator/configurator
make clean -C ccan/ccan/cdump/tools && make CC=clang -C ccan/ccan/cdump/tools
Install the `qemu-user` package. This will allow you to properly configure the build for the target device environment. Build with:
BUILD=x86_64 HOST=arm-linux-androideabi make PIE=1 DEVELOPER=0 CONFIGURATOR_CC="arm-linux-androideabi-clang -static"