@ -67,14 +67,10 @@ $(TARGET_DIR)/libsecp256k1.% $(TARGET_DIR)/libwallycore.%: $(TARGET_DIR)/libwall |
$(MAKE) -C $(TARGET_DIR)/libwally-core-build DESTDIR=$$(pwd)/$(TARGET_DIR) install-exec |
# Build libwally-core.
# PYTHON_VERSION is required to prevent configure from complaining about
# missing python2 binaries. These have been removed in newer distros and we
# shouldn't require them to be present either.
$(TARGET_DIR)/libwally-core-build/src/libwallycore.% $(TARGET_DIR)/libwally-core-build/src/secp256k1/libsecp256k1.%: $(LIBWALLY_HEADERS) $(LIBSECP_HEADERS) |
cd external/libwally-core && ./tools/autogen.sh |
cd external/libwally-core && git submodule init && git submodule update && ./tools/autogen.sh |
mkdir -p ${TARGET_DIR}/libwally-core-build |
cd ${TARGET_DIR}/libwally-core-build && PYTHON_VERSION=3 CFLAGS=-std=c99 ${TOP}/libwally-core/configure CC="$(CC)" --enable-static=yes $(CROSSCOMPILE_OPTS) --enable-module-recovery --enable-elements --enable-shared=no --prefix=/ --libdir=/ --enable-debug && $(MAKE) |
cd ${TARGET_DIR}/libwally-core-build && CFLAGS=-std=c99 ${TOP}/libwally-core/configure CC="$(CC)" --enable-static=yes $(CROSSCOMPILE_OPTS) --enable-module-recovery --enable-elements --enable-shared=no --prefix=/ --libdir=/ --enable-debug && $(MAKE) |
# If we tell Make that the above builds both, it runs it twice in
# parallel. So we lie :(