@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# include "wallet.h"
# include <ccan/array_size/array_size.h>
# include <ccan/cast/cast.h>
# include <ccan/cppmagic/cppmagic.h>
# include <ccan/mem/mem.h>
# include <ccan/str/hex/hex.h>
# include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
@ -43,20 +44,31 @@ static const char *sqlite3_column_str(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int iCol)
return cast_signed ( const char * , sqlite3_column_text ( stmt , iCol ) ) ;
# define SQL_PUBKEY "BINARY(33)"
# define SQL_PRIVKEY "BINARY(32)"
# define SQL_TXID "BINARY(32)"
# define SQL_RHASH "BINARY(32)"
# define SQL_SHA256 "BINARY(32)"
# define SQL_R "BINARY(32)"
# define SQL_U64(var) stringify(var)" BIGINT" /* Actually, an s64 */
# define SQL_U32(var) stringify(var)" INT"
# define SQL_BOOL(var) stringify(var)" BOOLEAN"
# define SQL_BLOB(var) stringify(var)" BLOB"
# define SQL_PUBKEY(var) stringify(var)" CHAR(33)"
# define SQL_PRIVKEY(var) stringify(var)" CHAR(32)"
# define SQL_SIGNATURE(var) stringify(var)" CHAR(64)"
# define SQL_TXID(var) stringify(var)" CHAR(32)"
# define SQL_RHASH(var) stringify(var)" CHAR(32)"
# define SQL_SHA256(var) stringify(var)" CHAR(32)"
# define SQL_R(var) stringify(var)" CHAR(32)"
# define SQL_STATENAME(var) stringify(var)" VARCHAR(44)"
/* 8 + 4 + (8 + 32) * (64 + 1) */
# define SHACHAIN_SIZE 2612
# define SQL_SHACHAIN "BINARY(2612)"
# define SQL_SHACHAIN(var) stringify(var)" CHAR (2612)"
/* FIXME: Should be fixed size. */
# define SQL_ROUTING(var) stringify(var)" BLOB"
# define SQL_FAIL(var) stringify(var)" BLOB"
# define TABLE(tablename, ...) \
" CREATE TABLE " # tablename " ( " CPPMAGIC_JOIN ( " , " , __VA_ARGS__ ) " ); "
static char * PRINTF_FMT ( 3 , 4 )
db_exec ( const tal_t * ctx ,
@ -254,7 +266,6 @@ static void load_peer_anchor(struct peer *peer)
const char * select ;
bool anchor_set = false ;
/* CREATE TABLE anchors (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", txid "SQL_TXID", idx INT, amount INT, ok_depth INT, min_depth INT, bool ours); */
select = tal_fmt ( ctx ,
" SELECT * FROM anchors WHERE peer = x'%s'; " ,
pubkey_to_hexstr ( ctx , peer - > dstate - > secpctx , peer - > id ) ) ;
@ -299,7 +310,6 @@ static void load_peer_visible_state(struct peer *peer)
const char * select ;
bool visible_set = false ;
/* "CREATE TABLE their_visible_state (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", offered_anchor BOOLEAN, commitkey "SQL_PUBKEY", finalkey "SQL_PUBKEY", locktime INT, mindepth INT, commit_fee_rate INT, next_revocation_hash "SQL_SHA256", PRIMARY KEY(peer)); */
select = tal_fmt ( ctx ,
" SELECT * FROM their_visible_state WHERE peer = x'%s'; " ,
pubkey_to_hexstr ( ctx , peer - > dstate - > secpctx , peer - > id ) ) ;
@ -507,7 +517,6 @@ static void load_peer_htlcs(struct peer *peer)
if ( sqlite3_column_count ( stmt ) ! = 11 )
fatal ( " load_peer_htlcs:step gave %i cols, not 11 " ,
sqlite3_column_count ( stmt ) ) ;
/* CREATE TABLE htlcs (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", id INT, state TEXT, msatoshis INT, expiry INT, rhash "SQL_RHASH", r "SQL_R", routing "SQL_ROUTING", src_peer "SQL_PUBKEY", src_id INT, fail BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(peer, id, state)); */
sha256_from_sql ( stmt , 5 , & rhash ) ;
hstate = htlc_state_from_name ( sqlite3_column_str ( stmt , 2 ) ) ;
@ -813,7 +822,6 @@ static void load_peer_closing(struct peer *peer)
fatal ( " load_peer_closing:step gave %s:%s " ,
sqlite3_errstr ( err ) , sqlite3_errmsg ( sql ) ) ;
/* CREATE TABLE closing (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", our_fee INTEGER, their_fee INTEGER, their_sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", our_script BLOB, their_script BLOB, shutdown_order INTEGER, closing_order INTEGER, sigs_in INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(peer)); */
if ( sqlite3_column_count ( stmt ) ! = 9 )
fatal ( " load_peer_closing:step gave %i cols, not 9 " ,
sqlite3_column_count ( stmt ) ) ;
@ -999,7 +1007,6 @@ static void db_load_pay(struct lightningd_state *dstate)
fatal ( " db_load_pay:prepare gave %s:%s " ,
sqlite3_errstr ( err ) , sqlite3_errmsg ( dstate - > db - > sql ) ) ;
/* CREATE TABLE pay (rhash "SQL_RHASH", msatoshis INT, ids BLOB, htlc_peer "SQL_PUBKEY", htlc_id INT, r "SQL_R", fail BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(rhash)); */
while ( ( err = sqlite3_step ( stmt ) ) ! = SQLITE_DONE ) {
struct sha256 rhash ;
struct htlc * htlc ;
@ -1137,21 +1144,69 @@ void db_init(struct lightningd_state *dstate)
/* Set up tables. */
errmsg = db_exec ( dstate , dstate ,
" CREATE TABLE wallet (privkey " SQL_PRIVKEY " ); "
" CREATE TABLE pay (rhash " SQL_RHASH " , msatoshis INT, ids BLOB, htlc_peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , htlc_id INT, r " SQL_R " , fail BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(rhash)); "
" CREATE TABLE anchors (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , txid " SQL_TXID " , idx INT, amount INT, ok_depth INT, min_depth INT, bool ours, PRIMARY KEY(peer)); "
/* FIXME: state in primary key is overkill: just need side */
" CREATE TABLE htlcs (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , id INT, state TEXT, msatoshis INT, expiry INT, rhash " SQL_RHASH " , r " SQL_R " , routing " SQL_ROUTING " , src_peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , src_id INT, fail BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(peer, id, state)); "
" CREATE TABLE feechanges (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , state TEXT, fee_rate INT, PRIMARY KEY(peer,state)); "
" CREATE TABLE commit_info (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , side TEXT, commit_num INT, revocation_hash " SQL_SHA256 " , xmit_order INT, sig " SQL_SIGNATURE " , prev_revocation_hash " SQL_SHA256 " , PRIMARY KEY(peer, side)); "
" CREATE TABLE shachain (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , shachain BINARY(%zu), PRIMARY KEY(peer)); "
" CREATE TABLE their_visible_state (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , offered_anchor BOOLEAN, commitkey " SQL_PUBKEY " , finalkey " SQL_PUBKEY " , locktime INT, mindepth INT, commit_fee_rate INT, next_revocation_hash " SQL_SHA256 " , PRIMARY KEY(peer)); "
" CREATE TABLE their_commitments (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , txid " SQL_SHA256 " , INT commit_num, PRIMARY KEY(peer, txid)); "
" CREATE TABLE peer_secrets (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , commitkey " SQL_PRIVKEY " , finalkey " SQL_PRIVKEY " , revocation_seed " SQL_SHA256 " , PRIMARY KEY(peer)); "
" CREATE TABLE peer_address (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , addr BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(peer)); "
" CREATE TABLE closing (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , our_fee INTEGER, their_fee INTEGER, their_sig " SQL_SIGNATURE " , our_script BLOB, their_script BLOB, shutdown_order INTEGER, closing_order INTEGER, sigs_in INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(peer)); "
" CREATE TABLE peers (peer " SQL_PUBKEY " , state TEXT, offered_anchor BOOLEAN, our_feerate INT, PRIMARY KEY(peer)); " ,
sizeof ( struct shachain ) ) ;
TABLE ( wallet ,
SQL_PRIVKEY ( privkey ) )
TABLE ( pay ,
SQL_RHASH ( rhash ) , SQL_U64 ( msatoshis ) ,
SQL_BLOB ( ids ) , SQL_PUBKEY ( htlc_peer ) ,
SQL_U64 ( htlc_id ) , SQL_R ( r ) , SQL_FAIL ( fail ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(rhash) " )
TABLE ( anchors ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) ,
SQL_TXID ( txid ) , SQL_U32 ( idx ) , SQL_U64 ( amount ) ,
SQL_U32 ( ok_depth ) , SQL_U32 ( min_depth ) ,
SQL_BOOL ( ours ) )
/* FIXME: state in key is overkill: just need side */
TABLE ( htlcs ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_U64 ( id ) ,
SQL_STATENAME ( state ) , SQL_U64 ( msatoshis ) ,
SQL_U32 ( expiry ) , SQL_RHASH ( rhash ) , SQL_R ( r ) ,
SQL_ROUTING ( routing ) , SQL_PUBKEY ( src_peer ) ,
SQL_U64 ( src_id ) , SQL_BLOB ( fail ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer, id, state) " )
TABLE ( feechanges ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_STATENAME ( state ) ,
SQL_U32 ( fee_rate ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer,state) " )
TABLE ( commit_info ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_U32 ( side ) ,
SQL_U64 ( commit_num ) , SQL_SHA256 ( revocation_hash ) ,
SQL_U64 ( xmit_order ) , SQL_SIGNATURE ( sig ) ,
SQL_SHA256 ( prev_revocation_hash ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer, side) " )
TABLE ( shachain ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_SHACHAIN ( shachain ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer) " )
TABLE ( their_visible_state ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_BOOL ( offered_anchor ) ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( commitkey ) , SQL_PUBKEY ( finalkey ) ,
SQL_U32 ( locktime ) , SQL_U32 ( mindepth ) ,
SQL_U32 ( commit_fee_rate ) ,
SQL_SHA256 ( next_revocation_hash ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer) " )
TABLE ( their_commitments ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_SHA256 ( txid ) ,
SQL_U64 ( commit_num ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer, txid) " )
TABLE ( peer_secrets ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_PRIVKEY ( commitkey ) ,
SQL_PRIVKEY ( finalkey ) ,
SQL_SHA256 ( revocation_seed ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer) " )
TABLE ( peer_address ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_BLOB ( addr ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer) " )
TABLE ( closing ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_U64 ( our_fee ) ,
SQL_U64 ( their_fee ) , SQL_SIGNATURE ( their_sig ) ,
SQL_BLOB ( our_script ) , SQL_BLOB ( their_script ) ,
SQL_U64 ( shutdown_order ) , SQL_U64 ( closing_order ) ,
SQL_U64 ( sigs_in ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer) " )
TABLE ( peers ,
SQL_PUBKEY ( peer ) , SQL_STATENAME ( state ) ,
SQL_BOOL ( offered_anchor ) , SQL_U32 ( our_feerate ) ,
" PRIMARY KEY(peer) " ) ) ;
if ( errmsg ) {
unlink ( DB_FILE ) ;
@ -1220,7 +1275,6 @@ out:
bool db_set_visible_state ( struct peer * peer )
/* "CREATE TABLE their_visible_state (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", offered_anchor BOOLEAN, commitkey "SQL_PUBKEY", finalkey "SQL_PUBKEY", locktime INT, mindepth INT, commit_fee_rate INT, next_revocation_hash "SQL_SHA256", PRIMARY KEY(peer));" */
const char * errmsg , * ctx = tal ( peer , char ) ;
const char * peerid = pubkey_to_hexstr ( ctx , peer - > dstate - > secpctx , peer - > id ) ;
@ -1410,7 +1464,6 @@ bool db_new_feechange(struct peer *peer, const struct feechange *feechange)
log_debug ( peer - > log , " %s(%s) " , __func__ , peerid ) ;
assert ( peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
/* "CREATE TABLE feechanges (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", state TEXT, fee_rate INT, PRIMARY KEY(peer,state));" */
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate ,
" INSERT INTO feechanges VALUES "
" (x'%s', '%s', % " PRIu64 " ); " ,
@ -1543,7 +1596,6 @@ bool db_new_commit_info(struct peer *peer, enum side side,
ci = peer - > remote . commit ;
// CREATE TABLE commit_info (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", side TEXT, commit_num INT, revocation_hash "SQL_SHA256", xmit_order INT, sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", prev_revocation_hash "SQL_SHA256", PRIMARY KEY(peer, side));
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " UPDATE commit_info SET commit_num=% " PRIu64 " , revocation_hash=x'%s', sig=%s, xmit_order=% " PRIi64 " , prev_revocation_hash=%s WHERE peer=x'%s' AND side='%s'; " ,
ci - > commit_num ,
tal_hexstr ( ctx , & ci - > revocation_hash ,
@ -1568,7 +1620,6 @@ bool db_remove_their_prev_revocation_hash(struct peer *peer)
assert ( peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
// CREATE TABLE commit_info (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", side TEXT, commit_num INT, revocation_hash "SQL_SHA256", xmit_order INT, sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", prev_revocation_hash "SQL_SHA256", PRIMARY KEY(peer, side));
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " UPDATE commit_info SET prev_revocation_hash=NULL WHERE peer=x'%s' AND side='REMOTE' and prev_revocation_hash IS NOT NULL; " ,
peerid ) ;
if ( errmsg )
@ -1586,7 +1637,6 @@ bool db_save_shachain(struct peer *peer)
log_debug ( peer - > log , " %s(%s) " , __func__ , peerid ) ;
assert ( peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
// "CREATE TABLE shachain (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", shachain BINARY(%zu), PRIMARY KEY(peer));"
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " UPDATE shachain SET shachain=x'%s' WHERE peer=x'%s'; " ,
linearize_shachain ( ctx , & peer - > their_preimages ) ,
peerid ) ;
@ -1606,7 +1656,6 @@ bool db_add_commit_map(struct peer *peer,
commit_num ) ;
assert ( peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
// "CREATE TABLE their_commitments (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", txid "SQL_SHA256", INT commit_num, PRIMARY KEY(peer, txid));"
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " INSERT INTO their_commitments VALUES (x'%s', x'%s', % " PRIu64 " ); " ,
peerid ,
tal_hexstr ( ctx , txid , sizeof ( * txid ) ) ,
@ -1672,7 +1721,6 @@ bool db_begin_shutdown(struct peer *peer)
log_debug ( peer - > log , " %s(%s) " , __func__ , peerid ) ;
assert ( peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
// "CREATE TABLE closing (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", our_fee INTEGER, their_fee INTEGER, their_sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", our_script BLOB, their_script BLOB, shutdown_order INTEGER, closing_order INTEGER, sigs_in INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(peer));"
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " INSERT INTO closing VALUES (x'%s', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0); " ,
peerid ) ;
if ( errmsg )
@ -1689,7 +1737,6 @@ bool db_set_our_closing_script(struct peer *peer)
log_debug ( peer - > log , " %s(%s) " , __func__ , peerid ) ;
assert ( peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
// "CREATE TABLE closing (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", our_fee INTEGER, their_fee INTEGER, their_sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", our_script BLOB, their_script BLOB, shutdown_order INTEGER, closing_order INTEGER, sigs_in INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(peer));"
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " UPDATE closing SET our_script=x'%s',shutdown_order=% " PRIu64 " WHERE peer=x'%s'; " ,
tal_hexstr ( ctx , peer - > closing . our_script ,
tal_count ( peer - > closing . our_script ) ) ,
@ -1709,7 +1756,6 @@ bool db_set_their_closing_script(struct peer *peer)
log_debug ( peer - > log , " %s(%s) " , __func__ , peerid ) ;
assert ( ! peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
// "CREATE TABLE closing (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", our_fee INTEGER, their_fee INTEGER, their_sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", our_script BLOB, their_script BLOB, shutdown_order INTEGER, closing_order INTEGER, sigs_in INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(peer));"
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " UPDATE closing SET their_script=x'%s' WHERE peer=x'%s'; " ,
tal_hexstr ( ctx , peer - > closing . their_script ,
tal_count ( peer - > closing . their_script ) ) ,
@ -1729,7 +1775,6 @@ bool db_update_our_closing(struct peer *peer)
log_debug ( peer - > log , " %s(%s) " , __func__ , peerid ) ;
// "CREATE TABLE closing (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", our_fee INTEGER, their_fee INTEGER, their_sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", our_script BLOB, their_script BLOB, shutdown_order INTEGER, closing_order INTEGER, sigs_in INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(peer));"
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " UPDATE closing SET our_fee=% " PRIu64 " , closing_order=% " PRIi64 " WHERE peer=x'%s'; " ,
peer - > closing . our_fee ,
peer - > closing . closing_order ,
@ -1748,7 +1793,6 @@ bool db_update_their_closing(struct peer *peer)
log_debug ( peer - > log , " %s(%s) " , __func__ , peerid ) ;
assert ( ! peer - > dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
// "CREATE TABLE closing (peer "SQL_PUBKEY", our_fee INTEGER, their_fee INTEGER, their_sig "SQL_SIGNATURE", our_script BLOB, their_script BLOB, shutdown_order INTEGER, closing_order INTEGER, sigs_in INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(peer));"
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , peer - > dstate , " UPDATE closing SET their_fee=% " PRIu64 " , their_sig=x'%s', sigs_in=%u WHERE peer=x'%s'; " ,
peer - > closing . their_fee ,
tal_hexstr ( ctx , peer - > closing . their_sig ,
@ -1773,7 +1817,6 @@ bool db_new_pay_command(struct lightningd_state *dstate,
log_add_struct ( dstate - > base_log , " (%s) " , struct sha256 , rhash ) ;
assert ( ! dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
/* CREATE TABLE pay (rhash "SQL_RHASH", msatoshis INT, ids BLOB, htlc_peer "SQL_PUBKEY", htlc_id INT, r "SQL_R", fail BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(rhash)); */
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , dstate , " INSERT INTO pay VALUES (x'%s', % " PRIu64 " , x'%s', x'%s', % " PRIu64 " , NULL, NULL); " ,
tal_hexstr ( ctx , rhash , sizeof ( * rhash ) ) ,
msatoshis ,
@ -1798,7 +1841,6 @@ bool db_replace_pay_command(struct lightningd_state *dstate,
log_add_struct ( dstate - > base_log , " (%s) " , struct sha256 , rhash ) ;
assert ( ! dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
/* CREATE TABLE pay (rhash "SQL_RHASH", msatoshis INT, ids BLOB, htlc_peer "SQL_PUBKEY", htlc_id INT, r "SQL_R", fail BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(rhash)); */
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , dstate , " UPDATE pay SET msatoshis=% " PRIu64 " , ids=x'%s', htlc_peer=x'%s', htlc_id=% " PRIu64 " , r=NULL, fail=NULL WHERE rhash=x'%s'; " ,
msatoshis ,
pubkeys_to_hex ( ctx , dstate - > secpctx , ids ) ,
@ -1820,7 +1862,6 @@ bool db_complete_pay_command(struct lightningd_state *dstate,
log_add_struct ( dstate - > base_log , " (%s) " , struct sha256 , & htlc - > rhash ) ;
assert ( dstate - > db - > in_transaction ) ;
/* CREATE TABLE pay (rhash "SQL_RHASH", msatoshis INT, ids BLOB, htlc_peer "SQL_PUBKEY", htlc_id INT, r "SQL_R", fail BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(rhash)); */
if ( htlc - > r )
errmsg = db_exec ( ctx , dstate ,
" UPDATE pay SET r=x'%s', htlc_peer=NULL WHERE rhash=x'%s'; " ,