Browse Source

db: Add more type-safe bindings to the interface

Signed-off-by: Christian Decker <>
Christian Decker 5 years ago
committed by Rusty Russell
  1. 174
  2. 29


@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ void db_bind_u64(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, u64 val)
stmt->bindings[pos].v.u64 = val;
void db_bind_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, u8 *val, size_t len)
void db_bind_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const u8 *val, size_t len)
assert(pos < tal_count(stmt->bindings));
stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_BLOB;
@ -1351,6 +1351,178 @@ void db_bind_text(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const char *val)
stmt->bindings[pos].len = strlen(val);
void db_bind_preimage(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct preimage *p)
db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, p->r, sizeof(struct preimage));
void db_bind_sha256(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct sha256 *s)
db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, s->u.u8, sizeof(struct sha256));
void db_bind_sha256d(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct sha256_double *s)
db_bind_sha256(stmt, pos, &s->sha);
void db_bind_secret(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct secret *s)
assert(sizeof(s->data) == 32);
db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, s->data, sizeof(s->data));
void db_bind_secret_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct secret *s)
size_t num = tal_count(s), elsize = sizeof(s->data);
u8 *ser = tal_arr(stmt, u8, num * elsize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
memcpy(ser + i * elsize, &s[i], elsize);
db_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, tal_count(ser));
void db_bind_txid(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct bitcoin_txid *t)
db_bind_sha256d(stmt, pos, &t->shad);
void db_bind_node_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct node_id *id)
db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, id->k, sizeof(id->k));
void db_bind_node_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const struct node_id *ids)
/* Copy into contiguous array: ARM will add padding to struct node_id! */
size_t n = tal_count(ids);
u8 *arr = tal_arr(stmt, u8, n * sizeof(ids[0].k));
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
memcpy(arr + sizeof(ids[i].k) * i,
db_bind_blob(stmt, col, arr, tal_count(arr));
void db_bind_pubkey(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct pubkey *pk)
u8 *der = tal_arr(stmt, u8, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN);
pubkey_to_der(der, pk);
db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, der, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN);
void db_bind_short_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const struct short_channel_id *id)
char *ser = short_channel_id_to_str(stmt, id);
db_bind_text(stmt, col, ser);
void db_bind_short_channel_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const struct short_channel_id *id)
u8 *ser = tal_arr(stmt, u8, 0);
size_t num = tal_count(id);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
towire_short_channel_id(&ser, &id[i]);
db_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, tal_count(ser));
void db_bind_signature(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig)
u8 *buf = tal_arr(stmt, u8, 64);
int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_compact(secp256k1_ctx,
buf, sig);
assert(ret == 1);
db_bind_blob(stmt, col, buf, 64);
void db_bind_timeabs(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct timeabs t)
u64 timestamp = t.ts.tv_nsec + (((u64) t.ts.tv_sec) * ((u64) NSEC_IN_SEC));
db_bind_u64(stmt, col, timestamp);
void db_bind_tx(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx)
u8 *ser = linearize_tx(stmt, tx);
db_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, tal_count(ser));
void db_bind_amount_msat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos,
const struct amount_msat *msat)
db_bind_u64(stmt, pos, msat->millisatoshis); /* Raw: low level function */
void db_bind_amount_sat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos,
const struct amount_sat *sat)
db_bind_u64(stmt, pos, sat->satoshis); /* Raw: low level function */
void db_bind_json_escape(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos,
const struct json_escape *esc)
db_bind_text(stmt, pos, esc->s);
void db_column_preimage(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
struct preimage *preimage)
const u8 *raw;
size_t size = sizeof(struct preimage);
assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size);
raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col);
memcpy(preimage, raw, size);
void db_column_amount_msat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
struct amount_msat *msat)
msat->millisatoshis = db_column_u64(stmt, col); /* Raw: low level function */
void db_column_amount_sat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct amount_sat *sat)
sat->satoshis = db_column_u64(stmt, col); /* Raw: low level function */
struct json_escape *db_column_json_escape(const tal_t *ctx,
struct db_stmt *stmt, int col)
return json_escape_string_(ctx, db_column_blob(stmt, col),
db_column_bytes(stmt, col));
void db_column_sha256(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct sha256 *sha)
const u8 *raw;
size_t size = sizeof(struct sha256);
assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size);
raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col);
memcpy(sha, raw, size);
void db_column_sha256d(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
struct sha256_double *shad)
const u8 *raw;
size_t size = sizeof(struct sha256_double);
assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size);
raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col);
memcpy(shad, raw, size);
bool db_exec_prepared_v2(struct db_stmt *stmt TAKES)
const char *expanded_sql;


@ -247,9 +247,32 @@ void db_close(struct db *db);
void db_bind_null(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos);
void db_bind_int(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, int val);
void db_bind_u64(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, u64 val);
void db_bind_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, u8 *val, size_t len);
void db_bind_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const u8 *val, size_t len);
void db_bind_text(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const char *val);
bool db_exec_prepared_v2(struct db_stmt *stmt TAKES);
void db_bind_preimage(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct preimage *p);
void db_bind_sha256(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct sha256 *s);
void db_bind_sha256d(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct sha256_double *s);
void db_bind_secret(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct secret *s);
void db_bind_secret_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct secret *s);
void db_bind_txid(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct bitcoin_txid *t);
void db_bind_node_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct node_id *ni);
void db_bind_node_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const struct node_id *ids);
void db_bind_pubkey(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct pubkey *p);
void db_bind_short_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const struct short_channel_id *id);
void db_bind_short_channel_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const struct short_channel_id *id);
void db_bind_signature(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig);
void db_bind_timeabs(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct timeabs t);
void db_bind_tx(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx);
void db_bind_amount_msat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos,
const struct amount_msat *msat);
void db_bind_amount_sat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos,
const struct amount_sat *sat);
void db_bind_json_escape(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos,
const struct json_escape *esc);
bool db_step(struct db_stmt *stmt);
u64 db_column_u64(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col);
@ -258,6 +281,8 @@ size_t db_column_bytes(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col);
int db_column_is_null(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col);
const void* db_column_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col);
const unsigned char *db_column_text(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col);
bool db_exec_prepared_v2(struct db_stmt *stmt TAKES);
bool db_query_prepared(struct db_stmt *stmt);
size_t db_count_changes(struct db_stmt *stmt);
