Browse Source

wallet: Implement loading of stored channels from DB

Ugliest code I've written in a while, but it seems to do the trick.
Christian Decker 7 years ago
committed by Rusty Russell
  1. 196
  2. 10


@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include <ccan/str/hex/hex.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lightningd/lightningd.h>
#include <lightningd/peer_control.h>
#include <lightningd/peer_htlcs.h>
@ -343,6 +345,200 @@ bool wallet_shachain_load(struct wallet *wallet, u64 id,
return true;
static bool sqlite3_column_short_channel_id(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col,
struct short_channel_id *dest)
const char *source = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col);
size_t sourcelen = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col);
return short_channel_id_from_str(source, sourcelen, dest);
static bool sqlite3_column_sig(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig)
u8 buf[64];
if (!sqlite3_column_hexval(stmt, col, buf, sizeof(buf)))
return false;
return secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_compact(secp256k1_ctx, sig, buf) == 1;
static bool sqlite3_column_pubkey(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, struct pubkey *dest)
if (!sqlite3_column_hexval(stmt, col, buf, sizeof(buf)))
return false;
return pubkey_from_der(buf, sizeof(buf), dest);
static u8 *sqlite3_column_varhexblob(tal_t *ctx, sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col)
const u8 *source = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col);
size_t sourcelen = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col);
return tal_hexdata(ctx, source, sourcelen);
static bool wallet_peer_load(struct wallet *w, const u64 id, struct peer *peer)
bool ok = true;
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = db_query(__func__, w->db, "SELECT id, node_id FROM peers WHERE id=%"PRIu64";", id);
if (!stmt || sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_ROW) {
return false;
peer->unique_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 0);
ok &= sqlite3_column_pubkey(stmt, 1, &peer->id);
return ok;
* wallet_stmt2channel - Helper to populate a wallet_channel from a sqlite3_stmt
* Returns true on success.
static bool wallet_stmt2channel(struct wallet *w, sqlite3_stmt *stmt,
struct wallet_channel *chan)
bool ok = true;
int col = 0;
struct channel_info *channel_info;
struct sha256_double temphash;
struct short_channel_id scid;
if (!chan->peer) {
chan->peer = talz(chan, struct peer);
chan->peer->unique_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
chan->peer_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
wallet_peer_load(w, chan->peer_id, chan->peer);
if (sqlite3_column_short_channel_id(stmt, col++, &scid)) {
chan->peer->scid = tal(chan->peer, struct short_channel_id);
*chan->peer->scid = scid;
} else {
chan->peer->scid = NULL;
/* TODO(cdecker) Load channel configs into chan */
col += 2;
chan->peer->state = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->funder = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->channel_flags = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->minimum_depth = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->next_index[LOCAL] = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->next_index[REMOTE] = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->num_revocations_received =
sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->next_htlc_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
if (sqlite3_column_hexval(stmt, col++, &temphash, sizeof(temphash))) {
chan->peer->funding_txid = tal(chan->peer, struct sha256_double);
*chan->peer->funding_txid = temphash;
} else {
chan->peer->funding_txid = NULL;
chan->peer->funding_outnum = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->funding_satoshi = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->remote_funding_locked =
sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++) != 0;
chan->peer->push_msat = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
if (sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col) != SQLITE_NULL) {
chan->peer->our_msatoshi = tal(chan->peer, u64);
*chan->peer->our_msatoshi = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col);
}else {
chan->peer->our_msatoshi = tal_free(chan->peer->our_msatoshi);
/* See if we have a valid commit_sig indicating the presence
* of channel_info */
if (sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col) != SQLITE_NULL) {
/* OK, so we have a valid sig, instantiate and/or fill
* in channel_info */
if (!chan->peer->channel_info)
chan->peer->channel_info = tal(chan->peer, struct channel_info);
channel_info = chan->peer->channel_info;
/* Populate channel_info */
ok &= sqlite3_column_sig(stmt, col++, &chan->peer->channel_info->commit_sig);
ok &= sqlite3_column_pubkey(stmt, col++, &chan->peer->channel_info->remote_fundingkey);
ok &= sqlite3_column_pubkey(stmt, col++, &channel_info->theirbase.revocation);
ok &= sqlite3_column_pubkey(stmt, col++, &channel_info->theirbase.payment);
ok &= sqlite3_column_pubkey(stmt, col++, &channel_info->theirbase.delayed_payment);
ok &= sqlite3_column_pubkey(stmt, col++, &channel_info->remote_per_commit);
ok &= sqlite3_column_pubkey(stmt, col++, &channel_info->old_remote_per_commit);
channel_info->feerate_per_kw = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
} else {
/* No channel_info, skip positions in the result */
col += 8;
/* Load shachain */
u64 shachain_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
ok &= wallet_shachain_load(w, shachain_id, &chan->peer->their_shachain);
/* Do we have a non-null remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey? */
if (sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col) != SQLITE_NULL) {
chan->peer->remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey = sqlite3_column_varhexblob(chan->peer, stmt, col++);
chan->peer->local_shutdown_idx = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
} else {
chan->peer->remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey = tal_free(chan->peer->remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey);
chan->peer->local_shutdown_idx = 0;
col += 2;
/* Do we have a last_sent_commit, if yes, populate */
if (sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col) != SQLITE_NULL) {
if (!chan->peer->last_sent_commit) {
chan->peer->last_sent_commit = tal(chan->peer, struct changed_htlc);
chan->peer->last_sent_commit->newstate = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
chan->peer->last_sent_commit->id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
} else {
chan->peer->last_sent_commit = tal_free(chan->peer->last_sent_commit);
col += 2;
assert(col == 32);
return ok;
bool wallet_channel_load(struct wallet *w, const u64 id,
struct wallet_channel *chan)
bool ok;
/* The explicit query that matches the columns and their order in
* wallet_stmt2channel. */
const char *channel_query =
"SELECT id, peer_id, short_channel_id, channel_config_local, "
"channel_config_remote, state, funder, channel_flags, "
"minimum_depth, "
"next_index_local, next_index_remote, num_revocations_received, "
"next_htlc_id, funding_tx_id, funding_tx_outnum, funding_satoshi, "
"funding_locked_remote, push_msatoshi, msatoshi_local, "
"commit_sig_remote, "
"fundingkey_remote, revocation_basepoint_remote, "
"payment_basepoint_remote, "
"delayed_payment_basepoint_remote, per_commit_remote, "
"old_per_commit_remote, feerate_per_kw, shachain_remote_id, "
"shutdown_scriptpubkey_remote, shutdown_keyidx_local, "
"last_sent_commit_state, last_sent_commit_id FROM channels WHERE "
"id=%" PRIu64 ";";
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = db_query(__func__, w->db, channel_query, id);
if (!stmt || sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_ROW) {
return false;
ok = wallet_stmt2channel(w, stmt, chan);
chan->id = id;
return ok;
* wallet_shachain_delete - Drop the shachain from the database


@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ struct wallet_shachain {
struct shachain chain;
/* A database backed peer struct. Like wallet_shachain, it is writethrough. */
/* TODO(cdecker) Separate peer from channel */
struct wallet_channel {
u64 id;
u64 peer_id;
struct peer *peer;
* wallet_new - Constructor for a new sqlite3 based wallet
@ -154,4 +162,6 @@ static inline bool wallet_shachain_get_hash(struct wallet *w,
bool wallet_shachain_load(struct wallet *wallet, u64 id,
struct wallet_shachain *chain);
bool wallet_channel_load(struct wallet *w, const u64 id,
struct wallet_channel *chan);
#endif /* WALLET_WALLET_H */
