@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
int fd, i, off; |
const char *method; |
char *cmd, *resp, *idstr, *rpc_filename; |
char *result_end; |
struct sockaddr_un addr; |
jsmntok_t *toks; |
const jsmntok_t *result, *error, *id; |
char *lightning_dir; |
const tal_t *ctx = tal(NULL, char); |
size_t num_opens, num_closes; |
bool valid; |
jsmn_parser parser; |
jsmnerr_t parserr; |
err_set_progname(argv[0]); |
jsmn_init(&parser); |
opt_set_alloc(opt_allocfn, tal_reallocfn, tal_freefn); |
configdir_register_opts(ctx, &lightning_dir, &rpc_filename); |
@ -117,43 +117,41 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
if (!write_all(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd))) |
err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Writing command"); |
resp = tal_arr(cmd, char, 100); |
/* Start with 1000 characters, 100 tokens. */ |
resp = tal_arr(ctx, char, 1000); |
toks = tal_arr(ctx, jsmntok_t, 100); |
off = 0; |
num_opens = num_closes = 0; |
while ((i = read(fd, resp + off, tal_count(resp) - 1 - off)) > 0) { |
resp[off + i] = '\0'; |
num_opens += strcount(resp + off, "{"); |
num_closes += strcount(resp + off, "}"); |
parserr = 0; |
while (parserr <= 0) { |
/* Read more if parser says, or we have 0 tokens. */ |
if (parserr == 0 || parserr == JSMN_ERROR_PART) { |
i = read(fd, resp + off, tal_count(resp) - 1 - off); |
if (i <= 0) |
"reading response"); |
off += i; |
if (off == tal_count(resp) - 1) |
tal_resize(&resp, tal_count(resp) * 2); |
/* parsing huge outputs is slow: do quick check first. */ |
if (num_opens == num_closes) |
break; |
} |
if (i < 0) |
err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "reading response"); |
/* NUL terminate */ |
resp[off] = '\0'; |
/* Parsing huge results is too slow, so hack fastpath common case */ |
result_end = tal_fmt(ctx, ", \"error\" : null, \"id\" : \"%s\" }\n", |
idstr); |
if (strstarts(resp, "{ \"result\" : ") && strends(resp, result_end)) { |
/* Result is OK, so dump it */ |
resp += strlen("{ \"result\" : "); |
printf("%.*s\n", (int)(strlen(resp) - strlen(result_end)), resp); |
tal_free(ctx); |
return 0; |
} |
toks = json_parse_input(resp, off, &valid); |
if (!toks || !valid) |
/* (Continue) parsing */ |
parserr = jsmn_parse(&parser, resp, off, toks, tal_count(toks)); |
switch (parserr) { |
"Malformed response '%s'", resp); |
/* Need more tokens, double it */ |
tal_resize(&toks, tal_count(toks) * 2); |
break; |
/* Need more data: make room if necessary */ |
if (off == tal_count(resp) - 1) |
tal_resize(&resp, tal_count(resp) * 2); |
break; |
} |
} |
if (toks->type != JSMN_OBJECT) |